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1、.Book 6Unit 2 Poem Part IConversion of part of speech词性转换:1. poetry n. U 诗(总称);诗意 poem n.C 诗;韵文poet n. C 诗人 poetic adj. 诗歌的 poetically adv. 有诗意地;用韵文2. rhyme n. C, U & vi. & vt. 韵;(使)押韵 rhythm n. C, U 节奏;韵律rhythmic adj. 有节奏的;有规律的 rhythmically adv. 有节奏地3. convey vt. 传达;运送;转让 conveyance n. U, C 运输;转让4.

2、 emotion n. C 情感;情绪;感情 emotional adj. 情绪的;情感的emotionally adv. 在情绪/情感上 emotionless adj. 没有情感的5. nursery n. C 托儿所 nurse n. C & vt. 护士;保姆;护理 nursing n. U 看护;养育6. repetition n. U, C 重复;反复;重复发生的事 repeat vt. & vi. 重复;复述repetitive adj. 重复的;反复的 repetitively adv. 重复地;反复地7. contradictory adj. 引起矛盾的;反驳的 contra

3、dict vt. 与相矛盾;与抵触 contradiction n. C, U 矛盾;反驳8. flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺/柔软的 flexibly adv. 灵活地;柔软地 flexibility n. U (有)弹性;灵活9. tease vi. & vt. & n. 取笑;戏弄;招惹 teaser n. C 戏弄者;招惹者 10. salty adj. 含盐的;咸的 salt n. U 盐11. droop vi. 低垂;凋萎 drooping adj. 下垂的= droopy adj. 12. dread vi. & vt. & n. 害怕;畏惧 dreadfu

4、l adj. 可怕的 dreadfully adv. 可怕地13. endless adj. 无穷的;无止境的 endlessly adv. 不断地;无穷尽地 end n. C & vi. & vt. 结束;末端;终止14. minimum n. C 最低限度;最少量;最小数minimize vt. 将减少到最少 minimal adj. 最小的;最小限度的15. translation n. C, U 翻译;译文 translate vt. & vi. 翻译;解释;转换 translator n. C 翻译者/员16. eventually adv. 最后;终于 eventual adj.

5、最后的;结局的17. await vt. 等待;期待 wait vi. 等待;等候18. transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造 transformation n. C, U 转化;转换;改革 transformer n. C 变压器19. revolve vi. & vt. (使)旋转 revolving adj. 旋转的20. sorrow n. C, U 悲伤;悲痛;懊悔 sorrowful adj. 悲伤的 sorrowfully adv. 悲伤地21. librarian n. C 图书馆馆长;图书馆管理员 library n. C 图书馆;藏书室22. appro

6、priate adj. 适当的;正当的 appropriately adv. 适当地appropriateness n. U 适当 inappropriate adj. 不适当的23. exchange n. C 交换;交流;互换;兑换(外币) vt. & vi. 交换;调换;兑换(外币)exchangeable adj. 可交换的;可兑换的24. bride n. C 新娘 bridegroom n. C 新郎25. championship n. C, U 冠军称号 champion n. C 冠军26. darkness n. U 黑暗;漆黑 dark adj. 黑暗的;黑色的 n. U

7、 黑暗;黄昏 darken vt. 使变黑27. warmth n. U 暖和;温暖 warm adj. 暖和的;温暖的;热烈的 vi. & vt. (使)暖和warmly adv. 暖和地;热烈地28. scholarship n. C 奖学金 U 学问;学术成就 scholar n. C 学者 school n. C 学校29. pianist n. C 钢琴家;钢琴演奏者 piano n. C 钢琴 30. violinist n. C 小提琴演奏者 violin n. C 小提琴31. load n. C 负担;负荷物 vt. & vi. 装载;使负担 loader n. C 装货的人

8、;装货设备loading n. U 装载 download vt. 下载 upload vt. 上传Part II Language points1. Others try to convey certain emotions. convey vt. 传达/表达(思想/感情等);运送(某人/某物) convey ones emotions/feelings to sb.向某人表达情感传情convey ones apologies/thanks to sb. 向某人表达歉意/谢意convey a message to sb. = leave a message for sb. 给某人捎个口信 c

9、onvey + how/what 表达某人多么 convey sb./sth. to sp. 把运送到某地Translate the following into English: 1) 假如你看到詹姆斯,一定代我向他表示谢意。If you see James, do convey my thanks to him.2) 我向他表达我对他的帮助是多么的感激。I conveyed to him how grateful I was for his help.3)这些货物通常是用船运到香港的。The goods are usually conveyed to Hong Kong by sea. 4

10、) 金属可以导电。Metal can convey electricity. 2. The language is concrete but imaginative concrete adj. 具体的;有形的 n. U 混凝土【同义词】specific 【反义词】abstract 抽象的concrete objects/evidence/facts实物/具体证据/具体事实 concrete proposals明确的建议 a concrete floor/path水泥地板/路 in the concrete 具体地;实际上【反义词】in the abstract 抽象地(说)Fill in th

11、e blanks with “concrete/specific/abstract”:1) The money is to be used for specific purposes. 2) They think she killed her husband, but theyve no concrete evidence. = specific 3) Happiness is a kind of abstract concept while a happy couple are concrete persons. 4) In the abstract, your plan will do,

12、but in the concrete, it is against the law of nature. 抽象地说你的计划行得通,但实际上它与自然规律相悖。3. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory. contradictory adj. 引起矛盾的;反驳的 contradiction n. C, U 矛盾;反驳be contradictory to 与相矛盾;与相反 contradict oneself 自相矛盾Put the following into Chinese:1) I keep getting con

13、tradictory advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it. 2) What hes said is contradictory to the existing facts. 3) He kept contradicting himself when we were arguing - I think he was a bit confused. 4) How dare you contradict (me)! 4. List poems have a flexible li

14、ne length and repeated flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 flexibly adv. 灵活地;柔软地 flexibility n. U (有)弹性;灵活Fill in the blanks with the above words1) My schedule is flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.flexible 2) The advantage of this system is its flexibility. 3) Todays schedule of e

15、vents is organized flexibly so that you can decide what to do. 5. If we hadnt taken it easy take it easy = take things easy放松;别紧张;从容 Put the following into Chinese: 1) Fatty, take it easy. Your son is old enough to take care of himself. dont be worried 2) There is still 30 minutes left, take it easy

16、.ime 3) No one could take things easier than I do. 6. If we hadnt run out of energy (sb.) run out of sth. = (sb.) use up sth. 用完某物 (sth.) run out = (sth.) be used up/be run out of某物用完 Transform each sentence into English in three ways:1) 他忍无可忍。patience a) His patience has run out. b) His patience ha

17、s been run out of/used up. c) He has run out of/used up his patience.2)我的香烟抽完了。cigarette a) I have run out of my cigarettes.b) My cigarettes have run out. c) My cigarettes have been used up/run out of.7. a poem (which is) made up of five lines. make up (of) = form (多用于被动句)构成;组成 be made up of 由构成/组成c

18、onsist of (不能用被动语态)组成;含有 form vt. & vi. (可用被动语态)组成;形成 make up组成;创造;编造;弥补(工作/学习/休息等);补(考);化妆 make up for弥补(损失/失去的时间) be made of由做成(材料的质不变) be made from/out of由做成(材料的质已变) be made into = be formed into被做成(质变或不变)Fill in the blanks with the above: 1) Nine players make up a team. 2) Are all animal bodies

19、made up of cells? 3) His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea. 4) I have to make up the test I missed last week. 5) No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.8. Teasing, shouting, laughing tease vi. & vt. 取笑;戏弄;招惹 n. C 戏弄;爱开玩笑的人 teaser n. C 戏弄者;爱开玩笑的人tease sb. about sth. =

20、play jokes on sb. about sth. 就某事取笑某人 Put the following into English:1) 我只是开开玩笑而已,并没有故意使你伤心。I was only teasing, I didnt mean to upset you.2) 不要拿他的体重来开玩笑,太冷酷了。Dont tease him about his weight its cruel.3) 约翰,不要捉弄人了,让你妹妹静一静。John, dont be such a tease/teaser - leave your sister alone! 9. The two haiku po

21、ems above are translations from Japanese. translation n.U翻译 C译文;译本 translator n. C (笔头)翻译员interpret vi. & vt. (口头)翻译;解释 interpreter n. C (口头)翻译员be translated from从/由翻译过来的 translate (from) sth. into 把某种语言译成translate sth. as把译作/认为是 Translate the following into Chinese:1) The poems dont translate well.

22、 2) She works for the UN, translating (from) English into French. 3) Its time you should translate your beliefs into actions. 4) He whispered something which I translated as agreement. 10. A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. branch n. C 树枝;支流;部门;(学科)分科 vi. (道路)分岔;(树木)分枝 Put the following

23、into Chinese:1) The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun. 2) The branch of the river flows into the sea. 3) All branches of the government are having to cut costs.4) English is a branch of the Germanic(日尔曼语的) family of languages. 5) The trees branch (out) over the river. 11. Did yo

24、u know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry Tang poems from China in particular? in particular (作状语,置于被修饰词之后)尤其;特别地something/anything in particular (作后置定语)特别的/专挑的particular adj. 特别的;独特的;详细的 n. C, U 细节(常用复数);详细particularly adv. (置于被修饰词之前)特别地;独特地especially = specially adv. (置于被

25、修饰词之前)特别地;专门地Fill in the blanks with the above: 1) It was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in particular. 2) Are you looking for anything in particular?3) I didnt particularly want to go, but I had to. (= especially/specially)4) The school was set up especially for workers children. (= speci

26、ally)5) Theres a form for you to write down all your particulars. 12. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. a) with+宾语+宾补语的结构:with + n. + to do/doing/done/adj./adv./prep. (由于)有 Choose the best answer:1) With so many problems

27、_, I cant go on my holiday. CA. dealt with B. to be dealt with C. to deal withD. dealing with 2) With great many people _, she felt a bit nervous. B A. presentedB. present C. to presentD. presenting 3) He went to bed early with his report _. B A. finishingB. finished C. to finishD. to be finished4)

28、The speaker spoke vividly with children _ attentively. DA. to listenB. listened C. being listeningD. listening b) eventually adv. 最后;终于【辨析】eventually/lastly/finally/in the end/at last*lastly不可以指经过很长时间后才发生某事,但和finally一样常用来指列举最后一个动作、事例或观点。*eventually/finally/in the end三者都可指经过很长时间才发生某事。*eventually/in t

29、he end两者都可指某事的结果或结局。*eventually/at last/in the end三者都可指经过许多考虑、努力或问题之后才发生某事。Fill in the blanks with the above:1) When she eventually turned up, the food was cold. (= finally, 不用in the end,它不能置于动词之前)2) Eventually, after midnight, I arrived at the hotel. (= At last/In the end)3) Lastly, could I ask all

30、 of you to keep this information secret?(= Finally, 此处表示举例或陈述中的最后一项)4) Eventually we decided to cancel the trip as a result of the storm. (= in the end, 这里表示结局或结果)13. Never looking back, transformed into stone.transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造;变换 transform sth. into = change/turn sth. into 把变成 【辨析】transf

31、orm/change/reform*transform强调完全改变人或物的外形或特征,是书面用语。*change则指人或物的某些方面的变化或改变,是一般用语。*reform则强调制度、组织、技术、方法等的改变。Fill in the blanks with the above: 1) The new haircut completely transformed her appearance. 2) Water can transform a desert into an oasis(绿洲). (= change/turn into)3) Fatherhood transformed him i

32、nto a more responsible person. (= changed/turned into)4) Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.14. sorrow p11sorrow n. U悲伤;悲痛;懊悔 C伤心事 vi. 感到悲痛/懊悔 share sorrows and joys同甘共苦 in sorrow 伤心/悲痛地to ones sorrow 令某人伤心的是 feel sorrow over/at sth. = sorrow over/at sth. 对感到悲痛/懊悔express sorrow at/over/for

33、 sth. 对表示懊悔/遗憾Put the following into English: 1) 她对丈夫的死感到极度悲伤。She felt (deep) sorrow over/at the death of her husband. (= sorrow over/at ) 2)几年来她为失去的儿子感到非常悲伤。For years she sorrowed over/at the loss of her son. 3) 他对他所做的表示懊悔/遗憾。He expressed sorrow over/at/for what he had done.15. Match the beginning

34、of each sentence with the appropriate ending. p13appropriate adj. 适当的;适合的;正当的 【反义词】inappropriate adj. 不适当的 be appropriate to/for对适合Put the following into Chinese: 1) Is this film appropriate for small children? 2) Write in a style appropriate to your subjects. 3) A long dress is appropriate for a fo

35、rmal wedding. 16. If there had not been an exchange programme p13exchange n. C 交换;交流;互换;兑换(外币) vt. & vi. 交换;调换;兑换(外币)an exchange programme 交换程序 an exchange student 交换生in exchange for sth. 以作交换;与交换 exchange sth. for sth. 以换取exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) They w

36、ere given food and shelter in exchange for work. 2) I exchanged those trousers for a larger size. 3) I took his watch in exchange for my camera. 4) We exchange gifts with each other after the party. 17. he would not have found a sponsor. p13 sponsor n. C 赞助人;主办者;倡议者 vt. 发起;举办;倡议;赞助sponsor sb. for mo

37、ney 赞助某人钱 sponsor sb. for sth. 为而赞助某人Put the following into Chinese:1) Were looking for sponsors for our project. 2) Marx was the sponsor of communism. 3) Ill sponsor you for ten pounds. 4) Will you sponsor me for a project Im carrying out?你为我正在搞的项目捐款好吗?18. I think try out his way too some time. p15

38、try out测试;试验;考验 try sth. out测试/试用某物 try out for a match 参加选拔赛 try on a coat试穿上衣 try for sth.试图得到/争取 Fill in the blanks with the above:1) Try on the shoes to see if they fit. 2) Are you going to try for that job in the company? 3) You should have tried out the car before you bought it . 4) He is tryi

39、ng out for the college football team.19. Slowly the blackbird lets out a cry. p16let out发出(声音);放走(人或物);泄露(秘密) let off 放(鞭炮);使爆炸;放过(某人)let on 泄露(秘密) leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 U2B5Fill in the blanks with the above:1) Seeing the snake, she let out a scream suddenly. 2) Dont let on that I told you. (= let out

40、) 3) We never let out how we found out. (= let on) 4) He left out two words in the sentence.5) He let the air out of the balloon. 20. Slowly the old man carries his load. p16load n. C (尤指沉重的)负担;负荷物 vi. & vt.装载;使负荷 carry/bear a load (of) 挑起(的)担子 load A into/onto B = load B with A 把装到之上(sth.) be loade

41、d with sth. 装上/含有(某物) (sb.) be loaded down with sth. 被给重担;负起(重任) Put the following into English:1) 那老人在挑着一担木柴。The old man was carrying/bearing a load of sticks. 2)他们正在把一袋袋的米装上卡车。They are loading (the) bags of rice onto the lorry. (= loading the lorry with (the) bags of rice)3) 大多数的快餐都含有脂肪。Most fast foods are loaded with fat.4) 她一辈子一直承担养家的责任。Shes been loaded down with family responsibilities all her life. 精品


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