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1、最新 七年级英语下册完形填空基础测试题经典1一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项( A、B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I still remember that day. I was waiting to get some 1 for shopping in a bank. Among the crowd, I noticed a little boy 2 some sunglasses in one hand and a big bag in other.The boy was about 10 years old.

2、 He was walking around the people inside the bank and askedthem to buy his sunglasses. But 3 would buy any from him. He tried from one person to another. From the look on his face, I knew he would not 4 anyway.Now, I decided to have a talk with him. I went up and asked, Do you go to school? He nodde

3、d(点) his head. Then I continued, Why do you5sunglasses? He said nothing. I gavehim ¥ 20 and said that I was not in6of the sunglasses but he could keep the money. Tomy surprise, his face changed a lot, which is still in my memory today. I didnt know7tosay next. Then he answered, You buy sunglasses or

4、 you8back the money. I dont needyour pity. I felt very9for what I did, and I told him that I would buy two pairs.I took these sunglasses home and asked myself, Did such a young boy need to do it for his self-respect (自尊) ? He could easily take the ¥ 20 and left. But he chose to sell his sunglasses a

5、ndget the money not because of others10. I will remember this lesson forever.1. A. bagsB. booksC. moneyD. information2. A. carryB. carryingC. carriedD. carries3. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody4. A. give out B. give away C. give back D. give up5.A. sendB. sellC. buyD. give6.A. dangerB.

6、 timeC. needD. trouble7.A. howB. whenC. whereD. what8.A. takeB. giveC. bringD. send9.A. worriedB. happyC. adviceD. sorry10. A. jokeB. pityC. payD. delight【答案】 ( 1) C;( 2) B;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) B;( 6) C;( 7) D;( 8) A;( 9)D;( 10) B;【解析】 【分析】主要讲了作者在银行遇见一个卖太阳镜的小男孩,出于同情,作者给小男孩钱但是没要太阳镜,小男孩告诉作者不买眼镜就收回钱,作者明白

7、了小男孩也有自尊。( 1)句意:我正在银行里等待取购物的一些钱。A.包; B.书; C.钱; D.信息。根据常识可知在银行里是取钱,故选C。( 2)句意:我注意到一个小男孩一个手里拿着一些太阳镜。notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事,故选B。( 3)句意:但是没人将从他那买太阳镜。A.没人; B.有人; C.每个人; D.任何人。根据前句可知小男孩让人买太阳镜,但是没人买,故选A。( 4)句意:我知道他不将放弃。A.分 ; B. 送; C. ; D.放弃。根据前句He triedfrom one person to another. 他 了一个又一个人,所以他没有放

8、弃,故 D。( 5)句意: 什么你 太阳 ? A. 送; B. ; C. ; D. 。根据全文可知小男孩是 太阳 ,故 B。( 6)句意:我 他20 美元,并且 我不需要太阳 。A.危 ;B. ;C.需要; D.麻 。in need of需要,故 C。( 7)句意:我不知道接下来 什么。 A.怎 ; B.当 候; C.哪里; D.什么。 what to say 什么,故 D。( 8)句意:你可以 太阳 ,否 你把 收起来。A. 走;B. ;C. 来; D. 送。 takesth. back把 .收起来,故 A。( 9)句意:我 我做的感到抱歉。A.担心的; B.高 的; C.建 ; D.抱歉。

9、 feel sorry for. 感到抱歉,故 D。( 10)句意:但是他 太阳 不是因 他人的怜 。A.玩笑; B.怜 ; C.花 ; D.高 。根据全文可知小男孩不需要他人的怜 同情,故 B。【点 】考 完形填空,首先通 一遍文章,跳 缺失的 ,再根据上下文来判断所缺 的含 ,最后 行区 , 出正确的那一 。2完形填空Daniel is one of my friends. Last week he got an award because he1the police catch arobber ( 劫犯) .Daniel was on his way home from a party

10、that evening. It was2and there were notmany people on the bus. He sat in the3row on the bus. He found a man in front of him alittle strange. The man wore a pair of dark glasses.4people wear dark glasses in theevening.5Daniel was very curious(好奇的) . Was he a blind man (盲人) ?Soon hefound himself wrong

11、. The man could6everything. Daniel7see what the manwas like. So be walkedto the frontof the bus. Hetook a close lookat the man when he waswalking8him. Daniel was surprised. The man was the robber he saw in the newspaper.He was wanted(被通 ) by the police.Daniel got off the bus at the next bus stop and

12、 called the police. The police came soon and9the bus. Then they caught the robber.Everybody says Daniel is a( n)10boy. Do you think so?1.A. askedB. helpedC. sawD. called2.A. lateB. coldC. earlyD. busy3.A. frontB. behindC. leftD. back4.A. FewB. ManyC. SomeD. All5.A. SoB. BecauseC. AndD. But6.A. seeB.

13、 lookC. listenD. hear7.A. shouldnt B. shouldC. couldD. couldnt8.A. fromB. pastC. through D. across9. A. putB. stopped C. visitedD. walked10. A. carelessB. funnyC. braveD. important【答案】 ( 1) B;( 2) A;( 3) D;( 4) A;( 5)A;( 6) A;( 7) D;( 8) B;( 9)B;( 10)C;【解析】 【分析】大意:本文讲述 Daniel 上周在公交车上发现一位戴墨镜的男子,此男子的行

14、为可疑, Daniel 走近男子时发现男子正是公安通缉的抢劫犯,立即报警,及时抓获犯罪人的英雄事迹。( 1)句意:上周他因为帮助警察抓抢劫犯而获了奖A.问; B.帮助; C.看见; D.叫。由于获了奖,应该是帮助了警察而获得奖,故选B。( 2)句意:那天很晚,公交车车上人不多。A.较晚的; B.冷的; C.较早的; D.忙碌的。由于车上人少,应该是时间较晚,故选A。( 3)句意:他坐在公交车的后排。A.前面; B.后面; C.左边; D.后面的。由下句,他看见他前面的人有些陌生,可知他应该在后排,后排,用back row ,故选 D。( 4)句意:晚上几乎没人戴黑眼镜。A.几乎没有; B.许多

15、; C.一些; D.所有的。根据常识可知,晚上应该没什么人会戴黑眼镜,用few ,几乎没有,故选 A。( 5)句意:因此 Daniel 感到很好奇。 A.因此; B.因为; C.和; D.但是。前后句是因果关系,后句为结果状语从句,用so,因此,引导,故选 A。( 6)句意:那个男人可以看见所有的东西。A. 看见; B.看,瞧;C.听; D.听到。根据everything ,和 wear dark glasses可知,挖空处应填“看见 ”, look 看,不及物动词,不能接宾语,故排除,see,看见,及物动词,后接宾语,故选A。( 7)句意: Daniel 不可能看见那个男人长什么样子。A.不

16、应该; B.应该; C.能,可以; D.不能,不可以。由于那个男人戴着墨镜,Daniel 不可能看清楚男人的长相,故选D。( 8)句意:当他从他身边经过时能近距离的看见那个男人。A.来自,从;B.经过; C.通过; D.穿过。从旁边经过,用pass,移动介词,故选B。( 9)句意:警察很快到了并停止的公交车。A.放; B.停; C.看望,参观;D.步行。由于车上有警察要通缉的嫌疑犯,所以警察会要求公交车停下来,用stop ,停止,故选B。( 10)句意:大家都知道Daniel 是一个勇敢的男孩。A.粗心; B.滑稽的,有趣的;C.勇敢的; D.重要的。协助公安破案,可知Daniel 应该是一个

17、勇敢的男孩,故选C。【点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。3完形填空Welcome to Beijing Zoo! There1many animals in the zoo. Lets see the koalas first.Koalas are2Australia. They are quiet,3and cute. Children like them very much.The kangaroos are also from4.They are quiet

18、and interesting,5they are notfriendly.The giraffes come from Africa. They have a6neck (脖子) . They like to eat leaves.The lions are also from Africa. They are a little7, so many people dont like8.Wealso have pandas. They are from China. They are very cute and friendly, but they are very shy. Soplease

19、 be9.You can also see many other animals in the zoo. Have10here! Just come and see!1.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is2.A. atB. fromC. inD. with3.A. friendly B. successfulC. uglyD. difficult4.A. CanadaB. Australian C. America D. Australia5.A. orB. butC. andD. so6.A. shortB. bigC. longD. small7.A. smartB. cle

20、verC. niceD. scary8.A. itB. youC. usD. them9.A. busyB. cleanC. quietD. new10. A. musicB. funC. dinnerD. food【答案】( 1) C;( 2 )B;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) B;( 6) C;( 7) D;( 8) D;( 9)C;( 10)B;【解析】 【分析】本文主要向我 介 了北京 物园里面各种各 的 物,及它 的 地和各自的特征等。( 1)考 辨析。句意:在 物园里有很多 物。是there be句型,主 many animals是复数形式,所以用are,故 C。( 2)考

21、 介 辨析。句意:考拉来自澳大利 。我 知道考拉生活在澳大利 ,befrom ,来自于 ,故 B。( 3)考 形容 辨析。句意:它 是安静的、友好的、可 的。A. friendly友好的;B.successful成功的;C. ugly丑陋的;D. difficult困 的。此 是形容 小 物的,根据Children like them very much.可知它 很友好,故 A。( 4)考 名 辨析。句意:袋鼠也来自澳大利 。根据Koalas are from Australia. 和Thekangaroos arealso 可知袋鼠也来自澳大利 。A. Canada 加拿大; B. Aust

22、ralian澳大利 人; C. America 美国; D. Australia 澳大利 。根据故 D。( 5)考 辨析。句意:它 安静、有趣但是它 不是友好的。A. or 或者; B. but 但是; C. and 和; D. so 所以。前面 安静有趣,后面 不友好, 两句之 是 折关系;故选 B。( 6)考 形容 辨析。句意:它 有 脖子。根据常 可知 鹿是 脖子。A. short 矮的; B. big 大的; C. long 的; D. small 小的。故 C。( 7)考 形容 辨析。句意:它 有点 人恐怖,因此很多人不喜 它 。smart 明的; B. clever 明的; C.

23、nice 美好的; D. scary 恐怖的。根据下文Many people dont like很多人不喜 ,推 句意是它 有一点恐怖的;故 D。( 8)考 代 辨析。句意:它 有点 人恐怖,因此很多人不喜 它 。it 它; B. you你、你 ; C. us 我 ; D. them 他 。根据The lions are also from Africa.可知此 指 子是复数,故用them 指代前文的lions;故 D。( 9)考 形容 辨析。句意:它 很可 并且友好,但是它 非常害羞。因此 安静。A.busy 忙碌的; B. clean 干净的; C. quiet 安静的; D. new 新

24、的。根据They are very cute andfriendly , but they very shy他们非常可爱和友好,但他们非常害羞。可知它们很安静;故选C。( 10)考查名词辨析。句意:这里玩得很高兴!过来看看吧!A. music 音乐;B. fun乐趣; C. dinner 晚饭; D. food 食物。 have fun 玩得高兴,固定短语,故选B。【点评】此题考查完型填空。做完形填空题的基本步骤是:先通览全文,掌握文章大意;然后再根据文章的语境特点从词语搭配、习惯用法、上下文的逻辑关系以及一般的生活常识等方面进行分析,从而选出既合语法又合语境的答案。4先通读下面的短文,掌握其

25、大意,然后从A、 B、 C、 D 四个答案中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。On a small farm in Mexico, there are no schools. A1is the school. The2of thebus is the teacher. Its a school bus, but it doesnt take the children to school. It just goes round3place to place,and sometimesit comes to this farm. The bus willstay here forthree4. The

26、 farmers5it a school on wheels(车轮) . Every time when the bus comes, thefarmers will come, running to it,6and dancing. They warmly welcome the school bus.When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the small children. In theafternoon, the7children come to have their lessons becau

27、se they must work in themorning. At night , the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to8too.9the farmers hope that some day they can have a10school on their farm!1.A. houseB. boatC. farmD. bus2.A. driverB. fatherC. friendD. farmer3.A. withB. byC. fromD. behind4.A. months B. minutes C. years

28、D. hours5.A. soundB. callC. showD. hear6.A. singB. singingC. to sing D. sings7.A. biggerB. smallerC. littleD. more8.A. workB. studyC. buyD. drive9. A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. When10. A. kindB. reallyC. realD. friendly【答案】( 1) D;( 2) A;( 3) C;( 4) A;( 5) B;( 6) B;( 7) A;( 8) B;( 9)A;( 10) C;【解析】 【分析】短文大意:

29、本文叙述了在墨西哥有一个流 的公交 学校,一 公交 就是一所学校,司机就是老 。它是 常从一地方到另一个地方移 ,每当来到 上大家都 烈 迎它。 上的孩子和孩子的父母都来公交 学校学 。( 1)句意:一 公交 就是学校。A. house 房子B. boat 船C. farm农场D. bus 公交 ,根据后文Its a school bus ,可知 是一所公交学校,故 D。( 2)句意:公交 的司机就是老 。A. driver司机B. father父 ; C. friend朋友;D.farmer 民,根据of the bus is the teacher 可知是公交 司机,故 A。( 3)句意:

30、它只是从一个地方 到另一个地方,有 会来到 个 。with和 一起;by 在 旁 ; from 从; behind 在 后; from to,从某地到某地,故 C。( 4)句意:公交 会在 呆三个月。A. months 月B. minutes 分 C. years年D. hours小 , 合后文When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the smallchildren. In the afternoon, the bigger children come to have their lessons bec

31、ause they must work in the morning. At night ,the fathers and mothers come to school. 早上、下午、晚上教不同的学生, B、 D 太短 ;又根据上文It just goes round from placeto place,andsometimes it comes to this farm 可知 也不会太 ,尤其推 是3 年,故 A。( 5)句意: 民 称它 上的学校。A. sound 听起来B. call 称 ,叫做C. show 表 、展示D. hear 听到, 是人 它起的名字,所以人 称它 上的学校。

32、故 B。( 6)句意:每当公共汽 来的 候, 民 就会来,跑向它,唱歌跳舞。 and 表并列,将此空与dancing 并列,所以形式要保持一致, 在分 作伴随状 ,故 B。( 7)句意:在下午,大点的孩子去上 ,因 他 上午必 干活。A. bigger 更大的B.smaller 更小的C. little 小的,没有多少的D. more 更多的上文提到in themorning,theteacherteaches the small children ,此 与 the smallchildren 作比 ,所以是大一点的孩子,故 A。( 8)句意:他 也想学 。A. work 工作B. 学 stu

33、dy C. buy 买 D. drive开 ,根据 At night , the fathers and mothers come to school.可知此 是大人 也想学 ,故 B。( 9)句意: 民 多么希望有一天他 的 上能有一所真正的学校啊!根据 点符号 ! ,可知 是个感 句,所以 B、D , how + 形容 +主 / what ( a/an ) +形容 +名词+主 ,故 A。( 10)句意: 民 多么希望有一天他 的 上能有一所真正的学校啊!A. kind 好的,善良的,形容 B. really真正地,副 C. real真的,形容 D. friendly友好的,形容 , sch

34、ool 前缺少一个定 ,用形容 ,根据上文内容可知 不是一个真正的学校,可知他 希望有一所真的学校,故 C。【点 】此 考 完形填空。在通 全文,了解大意的基 上开始答 。答 要根据短文的内容和要求, 合短文的主 思想, 空缺句子作合乎 的推理。要弄清空缺 句的确切含义,并对每一个空白的四个选项进行认真分析,反复推敲。空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,不可出现意义断层或说东道西的情况,还要综合运用学过的知识,从语法、词语固定搭配、词形变化及逻辑推理和生活常识等角度考虑,有把握的答案一锤定音,把握性不大的可以先初定答案,做好符号,以便于下一步检查和推敲。5完形填空Do you like

35、 animals? There are a lot of animals in the1. They are pandas, koalas, tigers,lions, dolphins, penguins, elephants and so on. I think dolphins are very2. They are kindof3. When Im free, I4watching them. They can5fast (快) and jumpvery high (高) . They can6with a ball. They can7 “” up and“ walk ” on th

36、ewater. They are very8to people. If you fall into(掉进) the water and9swim,they may come up and10you. Do you like them?1.A. home B. shopC. libraryD. zoo2.A. scaryB. interesting C. boringD. ugly3.A. smart B. shyC. uglyD. lazy4.A. runB. wantC. haveD. like5.A. swimB. runC. jumpD. walk6.A. liveB. playC. g

37、oD. speak7.A. stand B. sitC. goD. walk8.A. clever B. friendlyC. funnyD. cute9.A. canB. cantC. doesnt D. are10. A. helpB. visitC. meetD. eat【答案】 ( 1) D;( 2) B;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) A;( 6) B;( 7) A;( 8) B;( 9)B;( 10)A;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了动物中的海豚的特点。(1)考查名词词义。句意:动物园里有动物。A. 家, B. 商店, C. 图书馆, D. 动物园。根据语境,故选

38、 D。( 2)考查形容词。根据上下文意思可判断,这里用意为“有趣的 ”形容词interesting ,故选B。(3)考查形容词。句意:它们有点聪明伶俐。A. 聪明伶俐的, B. 害羞的, C. 丑的, D. 懒惰的,根据下文可知海豚是聪明的,故选A。( 4)考查动词。句意:当我有空的时候,我喜欢看它们。A. 跑, B. 想要, C. 有, D. 喜欢,根据语境可知是喜欢做某事,like doing sth. ,故选 D。( 5)考查动词。句意:它们游泳很快,跳得很高。根据常识可知海豚游泳很快,游泳:swim, 故选 A。(6)考查动词。句意:它们可以玩球。玩:play, 根据语境可知答案,故选

39、B。(7)考查动词。句意:它们能在水中“站立 ”和 “走路 ”。 A. 站, B. 坐, C. 去, D. 走, standup: 起立,故选 A。(8)考查形容词。句意:它们对人们非常友好。根据后文If you fall into(掉进) the waterand9swim, they may come up and10you.可知它们对人们很友好,friendly,故选 B。( 9)考查情态动词。句意:如果你掉进水里,不能游泳,它们可能靠近帮助你。根据语境可知不能游泳才会需要帮助, cant :不能,故选 B。( 10)考查动词。句意:如果你掉进水里,不能游泳,它们可能靠近帮助你。根据语境可知它们会帮助人类,故选 A。【点评】考查词汇短语句式等在语境中的运用,首先通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据语境、语法、上下文、逻辑推理斟酌字句选出正确答案,最后通读全文,确保通顺、完整。6完形填空A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bittired, so they took a1on the bench (长椅) . When the daughter saw an old man sellingapples, she as


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