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1、中考英语完形填空专项练习综合经典一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Black was a wealthy businessman, but he was not1with his life. He always triedhis best to make more money for his company. He did not sleep well and his food did not agreewith him. The situation lasted for

2、some time. Finally, after a number of sleepless nights, he2to see his doctor.The doctor advised a change of surrounding (环境) . Go abroad, he said.But Im not good at foreign languages, said Mr. Black.It doesnt matter, said the doctor. It wont hurt you if you talk3. Go on a trip. Takeplenty of exercis

3、e. Try to4your weight. Avoid eating rich food. Mr.Black wenttoSwitzerland.HedidnotknowFrenchorGerman,andhadto5himself through gestures (手势) . He took part in a physical training course. The instructor(指导者)6him shake his head, swing his arms, stretch his neck and bend his knees.He had to lie on the g

4、round and raise his right and left legs in turn.7some time hismuscles (肌肉)grew hard and firm. He almost put aside his financial(金融)worries and8forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to9trees and birds.He ateand sleptwell.Finallyhereturnedhome.Butunfortunately( 不 幸 地 )his10 did not

5、 last long. Soon he was a normal businessman again, worried about his wealth, his savings, his success in a competitive society, and things in general.1.A. goodB. interestedC. satisfied2.A. decidedB. refusedC. suggested3.A. too much B. a little lessC. a little more4.A. addB. increaseC. lose5.A. expr

6、essB. sayC. talk6.A. forcedB. askedC. made7.A. WhileB. AfterC. Past8.A. nearlyB. neverC. not9.A. thinkB. avoidC. notice10. A. worriesB. improvementC. friendship【答案】( 1)C;( 2 )A;( 3) B;( 4) C;( 5) A;( 6) C;( 7)B;( 8) A;( 9)C;( 10)B;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:布莱克先生是个富有的商人,但他的生活并不尽如人意。他总是尽力为公司赚更多的钱。他睡得不好,吃的也不合他的胃口。

7、这种情况持续了一段时间。最后,经过几个不眠之夜,他去看医生。医生建议他出国旅游,让他换一个环境,可他说不懂外语,医生说没关系,于是他就去了出行了,结果身体强壮了,什么病也没有了。但是十年之后又回到了老样子了。( 1)句意:但是,他对他的生活不满意,A 好的; B.感兴趣的;C.满意的, be satisfiedwith , 感到 意,固定搭配,故答案是C。( 2)句意:他决定去看医生。A.决定; B.拒 ; C.建 ,根据下文的叙述可知他去看医生了,所以本句 的意思是决定去看医生,故答案是A。( 3)句意:如果你 的少一点没没关系,不会 害你。 A.太多; B.一点;前文可知他不不擅 外 ,医

8、生安慰她 一点也没关系,不会 害到你,故答案是C.多一点,根据B。( 4)句意:尽力去减肥。 A.添加; B.增 ; C.失去, lose ones weight 固定短 ,故答案是C。( 5)句意:他不懂法 和德 ,他必 通 手 表达他自己。A.表达; B. ; C. ,根据 境可知他是通 手 跟 人交流,表达自己的想法的,故答案是A。( 6)句意:指 者 他 , 臂、伸脖子、屈膝。A. 迫; B.要求; C.使, make sb do sth使某人做某事,固定搭配,故答案是C。( 7)句意: 了一段 之后,他的肌肉又 又硬。A.当 候; B.在 之后; C.经 ,根据his muscles

9、 (肌肉) grew hard and firm可知 种效果是 一段 之后得来的,故答案是B。( 8)句意:她几乎把金融担 放在了一 ,几乎忘 了 更多 的重要性。A.几乎,差不多; B.从不; C.不,根据He almost put aside his financial(金融) worries可知他几乎忘 了 更多 的重要性,故答案是A。( 9)句意:他开始注意 和 。A. ; B.避免; C.注意到,根据前文的叙述可知,他已 不再想着 的事了,多以开始关心起 和 了,故答案是C。( 10)句意:它的改 不有保持多久。A.担 ; B.改 ; C.友 ,根据Soon he was anorm

10、al businessman again可知,它的改 没有持 多久,故答案是B。【点 】考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先要跳 空格通 文章掌握其大意,然后 文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素。最后通 一遍 。2根据短文内容,从各 所 的四个 中 一个最佳答案。I stood in my grandmothersfront yard withmy son. He had a bottle of soapy water and aplastic loop(圈) . You knowthe type.You dip (浸)theloop in the bottle,pulli

11、t1and blow it to make bubbles (气泡) .My son dipped and dipped and blew and blew, but2to blow bubbles. He handed methe bottle and loop and asked me, Daddy,3you make bubbles? I hadnt blown bubblesfor years. I am a chemist by education. All my knowledge is4when it comes to trying toblow bubbles from a l

12、oop filled with soapy water. I had no more success than my son.After several tries5the loop of soapy water, I gently( 地) breathed on it. Myson cried with joy as a big beautiful bubble6and moved slowly in the air. He grabbed(抓住) the loop, dipped and blew. No bubbles. I7explained to him, Son, you cant

13、blow so hard; you must ever so gently breathe on the loop to make bubbles. He followed my8and blew gently. This time he made a big beautiful bubble, then9There are some things that you can get with force,10there are other things that onlycome with the gentleness of a soft breath. The closer somethin

14、g is to higher spirit, the more it islike bubbles; it cant be forced.1.A. downB. offC. outD. along2.A. triedB. learnedC. managed D. failed3.A. mayB. canC. mustD. should4.A. uselessB. wideC. helpfulD. basic5.A. inB. upC. onD. into6.A. worked out B. tried outC. set outD. came out7.A. happilyB. angrily

15、C. patientlyD. sadly8.A. planB. suggestion C. orderD. rule9.A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. the others10. A. butB. andC. unlessD. if【答案】( 1) C;( 2) D;( 3)B;( 4) A;( 5) C;( 6)D;( 7) C;( 8) B;( 9)A;( 10) A;【解析】 【分析】大意:本文 述爸爸会吹气泡,但是儿子怎么吹也出不出的故事, 个故事告 了我 有些 西可以用蛮力得到,但是有些 西需要用温柔的呼吸才能 来。( 1)句意:你把圈房 瓶子里,把

16、它抽出吹它会 成气泡。A.向下; B.离开; C.出 ; D.沿着。根据常 可知,把塑料圈放 肥皂水里,拿出来吹会 生泡,pull out拉出,抽出,故 C。( 2)句意:我的儿子浸了又浸吹,但是没有吹成气泡。A.累的; B.学 ; C.完成; D.失 。根据but 和 I hadnt blown bubbles ,可知前后句是 折关系,可知他 是没有吹成气泡, fail to do sth 没做成某事,此 用failed ,符合 意,故 D。( 3)句意:他 我瓶子和圈, 我,“爸爸,你会制造气泡 ?A.可能,可以;B.可以,能; C.必 ; D. 。此 是表示 求,用can,可以,能,符合

17、 意,故 B。( 4)句意:当涉及到 从充 肥皂水的循 中吹泡泡 ,我所有的知 都是没有用的。当 A.无用的; B. 的; C.有用的; D.基 的。由于他 了很久,用尽自己的一切 法,但是都是没有用,此 用unless,符合 意,故 A。( 5)句意: 了几次肥皂水之后,我 地 它吹了口气。A.在,在 里面; B.向上; C.在上面; D. 入。根据 on the loop to make bubbles,可知 在肥皂水圈上面 了几次,然后在吹,故 C。( 6)句意:当一个漂亮的气泡出 并慢慢在空中移 的 候我儿子高 地哭了。A. 解出,想出; B. ; C.派遣; D.出版,出 。由于儿子

18、高 ,可知 是吹出了气泡,故 D。( 7)句意:我耐心地向他解 ,“儿子,你不能有力吹; 了制成气泡,你甚至必 很 轻地在圈上吹。 ”A.高兴地; B.生气地; C.耐心地; D.伤心地。根据常识可知,应该是耐心地教,故选 C。( 8)句意:他遵照我的建议,轻轻得吹。A.计划; B.建议; C.命令,订购; D.规则。根据上句可知,他遵照爸爸的建议,故选B。( 9)句意:这次他制造了一个漂亮大气泡,然后,又一个。A.(三者或三者以上的)另一个,又一个;B.两者中的另一个;C.其他的; D.剩余的人 / 物。根据常识可知,气泡是吹成一个一个的,此处表示泛指,一个气泡,用another ,又一个,

19、表示在原基础上又吹了一个,故选A。( 10)句意:有些东西你可以用力气得到,但是还有其他的东西,只有轻轻的呼吸才能带来。 A.但是; B.和; C.除非; D.如果。前后句是转折关系,故选A。【点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。3 阅读下面一篇短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。My name is Paul. I was a1boy. One morning, I woke up and realized I

20、 was not2.I decided to do something to put my name in the Guinness Book of World Records.3my dream, I thought of something I could do. First, I tied my arm around my backand wanted to be the person who4the farthest with one arm. But as soon as I got inthe water, I sank (下沉) .Then, I stuffed 165in my

21、 mouth and tried to be the person who put the most cookiesin his mouth. However, when cookie went in, I got sick.Finally,6a Friday evening, I ran to the bathroom and filled up the tub(浴盆) withwater.I decided to be the person who took the worlds longest bath. It was a perfect idea7all that I had to d

22、o was to sit there. The first three hours was great. I drank soda and ate potatochips,8in the water so long made me look like I was 80. But I was determined.An hour later, my brother shouted outside the bathroom that the record for the longest bath inthe world was9than a month! Feeling10, I got out.

23、Maybe I will never be in the Guinness Book of World Records. But thats OK. I am still special.1.A. 16 years old B. 16-years-old C. 16-year-old2.A. goodB. famousC. interesting3.A. To achieve B. To putC. To act4.A. swamB. runC. jumped5.A. cakesB. candiesC. cookies6.A. onB. inC. at7.A. untilB. becauseC

24、. if8.A. WalkingB. BeingC. Making9. A. lessB. fewerC. more10. A. onB. upC. down【答案】( 1)C;( 2) B;( 3) A;( 4) A;( 5) C;( 6) A;( 7) B;( 8) B;( 9)C;( 10)C;【解析】 【分析】短文大意:文章 了Paul 想出名, 尽心思去做一些事情, 果都失 了,情 低落,自我安慰到:即使我不出名,我也是特 的我。( 1)考 复合形容 辨析。句意:我是一个year old 表示 16 的,复合形容 ,故 16 的男孩。C。boy名 ,前面加形容 ,16( 2)考 形容

25、 辨析。句意:一天早上,我醒来 自己并不有名。good 好的; famous著名的; interesting 有趣的;根据后面的 I decided to do something to put my name in the Guinness Book of World Records 。我决定做点什么把我的名字列入吉尼斯世界 。可知作者想出名,故 B。( 3)考 辨析。句意: 了 我的梦想,我想到了我能做的事。放下; act 行 ;根据my dream , I thought of something I could do.achieve ; put可知是 梦想,故 A。( 4)考 辨析。句

26、意:首先,我把胳膊 在背上,想成 一只胳膊游泳最 的人。swim 游泳; run 跑步; jump 跳;根据后面的 But as soon as I got in the water,I sank 但我一下水就沉了,可知是在水里游泳,故 A。( 5)考 名 辨析。句意:然后,我把 干塞 嘴里, 成 把最多的 干放 嘴里的人。 cake 蛋糕; candy 糖果; cookie 干,根据后面的when cookie wentin 可知是吃 干。故 C。( 6)考 介 辨析。句意:最后,在一个星期五的晚上。在具体到某一天晚上用on,故选 A。( 7)考 辨析。句意: 是一个完美的主意,因 我所要做

27、的就是坐在那里。until直到 候; because 因 ; if 如果,前后表示因果,故 B。( 8)考 辨析。句意:在水里呆了 么久,我看起来像80 。 walk步行; be 是;make 制作,此 表示状 ,故 B。( 9)考 形容 辨析。句意:世界上洗澡 最 的 是一个多月!less 少于; fewer更少; more 更多;根据 the record for the longest bath in the world可知是一个多月, morethan 多月,故 C。( 10)考 形容 辨析。句意:情 低落,我出去了。on 在 上; up 高; down 低;根据前面三次 ,都失 ,可

28、知是情 低落。故 C。【点 】此 考 完形填空。通 全文,了解大意,仔 推敲,初定答案,再次通 全文, 定最佳答案。然后再次 短文,核 答案。4完形填空Every timewe go intoa museum, we are oftentold, Donttouch that!The Please TouchMuseum in Philadelphia is1the opposite. Here we are encouraged to2everything.My first visit to the museum was one year ago. I was3to visit the mu

29、seum as soon asMum told me its name.4told me that I could climb and jump, and touch everything in themuseum.This place is more like a5than a museum. It gives kids the chance to learn6play.I loved this place a lot and had to be pulled away by the arm when we were ready to7.Each exhibit is a hands-on(

30、亲自实践的) experience. I8enjoyed the very large watertable and grocery store (食品杂货店) . I had so much fun that 1 didnt even9I waslearning.The only problem is that this place gets crowded very quickly on weekends,10you needto get there early if you dont want to be immersed in(浸没于) the sea of people.1.A. n

31、everB. justC. evenD. also2.A. touchB. showC. noticeD. bring3.A. afraidB. braveC. excitedD. lucky4.A. HeB. SheC. YouD. They5.A. bookstore B. hospitalC. playground D. school6.A. throughB. behindC. withoutD. except7.A. startB. learnC. playD. leave8.A. actuallyB. especiallyC. nearlyD. probably9.A. imagi

32、neB. forgetC. guessD. realise10. A. soB. although C. asD. because【答案】( 1)B;( 2) A;( 3) C;( 4) B;( 5) C;( 6) A;( 7) D;( 8) B;( 9)D;( 10) A;【解析】 【分析】大意:本文讲述参观费城的所闻所感。费城博物馆和其它地方不同,在博物馆里可以爬跳,而且还能触摸博物馆里一切事物,在这里孩子们可以通过玩获得学习的机会,作者在这玩得很高兴。( 1)句意:在费城请触摸刚好是相反的意思。A.从不,永不;B.仅仅;C.曾经;D.也。前后进行对比,用just突出强调opposite

33、,故选B。( 2)句意:这里鼓励我们触摸所有的东西。A.触摸,触动;B.展示;C.注意;D.带来。根据 Please Touch,可知费城鼓励大家触摸一切,故选A。( 3)句意:妈妈一告诉我它的名字我就很兴奋。A.害怕的;B.勇敢的;C.感到兴奋的;D.幸运的。由于可以在博物 里触摸一切,所以听到要去博物 很 ,故 C。( 4)句意:他告 我在博物 里可以爬跳,而且 可以触摸所有的 西。A.他; B.她; C.你; D.他 。此 用she 代替 Mum ,故 B。( 5)句意: 个地方与其它 比更像一个操 。A. 店; B.医院; C.操 ; D.学校。在 个地方可以可以玩,所有更像一个操 ,

34、故 C。( 6)句意:它通 玩 孩子 学 的机会。 A.通 ; B.在 后面; C.没有; D.除了。引 方式状 ,用 through ,通 ,故 A。( 7)句意:我很喜 个地并且准 离开的 候我 不得不被拉着胳膊开 离开。A. 开始; B.学 ; C.玩; D.离开。根据pulled away ,可知是准 开 离开,故 D。( 8)句意:我特 喜 那个很大的水桌子和食品 店。A. 上; B.尤其,特 ;C.几乎; D.可能。此 特 喜 ,用especially,特 ,故 B。( 9)句意:我玩得很高 以至于我甚至没有 到我正在学 。A.想象; B.忘 ; C.猜 ; D. , 到。由于自己

35、一心享受博物 自己 来的 趣,而没有意 到在 已 学到了 西,故 D。( 10)句意:唯一的 就是 个地方周末很快人潮 ,因此如果你不想浸没于人海中,你需要早点到达那里。A.因此; B. 然; C.如同,作 ; D.因 。前后句是因果关系,用 so,因此,故 A。【点 】考 完型填空,考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先跳 空格通 全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素,最后通 一遍 答案。5完形填空Miss Chan, our class teacher, is my favorite teacher. We are going to1this school and

36、Iwill miss her very much.Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we2questions in class. She explains to us verycarefully. She is also3because she cares much about us. She often says to us. Tell meimmediately if you feel unhappy. Share your4with me and do not just try to solve it byyourself. Miss Clran i

37、s very generous (慷慨的) . One day, she gave each of us a book, Three Days toSee, and told5We should read more. She once chose our monitor as the most helpfulstudent, and gave him a set of stationery(文具) as a6. When she is free, she7helps us with our studies and weve made great progress.Not only do all

38、 of us like Miss Chan, but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all ofus are8. She always says she thinks herself very9to be the teacher of my class. Infact, Miss Chan is themost thoughtful (体 的) teacherI have ever met. She always thinksabout our feelings. I hope I will go to a high scho

39、ol with10as good as Miss Chan.1.A. leaveB. KnowC. meetD. choose2.A. spellB. TrainC. askD. remember3.A. surprised B. humorous C. strangeD. kind4.A. chanceB. problemC. advantageD. skill5.A. themB. youC. usD. him6.A. giftB. markC. smileD. joke7.A. seldomB. oftenC. neverD. hardly8.A. difficultB. careles

40、sC. unableD. excellent9.A. luckyB. sillyC. angryD. worried10. A. starsB. touristsC. teachersD. scientists【答案】( 1) A;( 2) C;( 3) D;( 4) B;( 5) C;( 6) A;( 7) B;( 8) D;( 9)A;( 10) C;【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了作者喜欢的老师。( 1)句意:我们要离开这所学校,我会非常想念她。A 离开,B 知道,C 遇见,D 选择,根据 I will miss her very much 可知思念一个人是因为她要离开了 ,故选 A。( 2)句意: 每当我们在课堂上提问时。 A 拼读, B 训练, C 问, D 记得,根据explains tous very carefully可知解释的前提是有人提问, 故选C。( 3)句意:她很好,因为她非常关心我们。A 惊讶的, B 幽默的, C 奇怪的, D 友善的,根据 because she cares much about us可知关心我们证明她很友善, 故选 D。( 4)句意:与我分享你的问题,不要试图独自解决。A 机会, B 问题, C


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