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1、【英语】八年级英语上册语法填空专题剖析与专题同步训练(含答案)1一、八年级英语上册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填 3 个单词)。Hi, boys and girls! My name is Jim. I am a _ ( report ) of our school newspaper. Therewas a great talent show in our school hall. Many teachers and students went to watch it. There were fifteen _

2、( act) . I thought Linda was the best act. She is a pretty good pianoplayer._is the best one of the music club. She played some beautiful music. The nicemusic mademe _ comfortableandI lostmyselfinit. Steve and his dog were_ ( fun ) .Theysangacutesongtogether,Whentheysang,Icouldnt_ laughing. Vera was

3、 _ (creative ) act for sure. She played the guitar upsidedown. But I thought Dennis was the; _. He was terribleand kept dropping the balls_ he played carefully! The best performers were the math teachers. They _ anice song. They sang pretty well, and they were really the loudest, too. Everyone had a

4、 good time there.【答案】reporter ;acts; She; feel ;the funniest ; stop/ help ; the most creative; worst ;although/ though; sang【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了学校礼堂的一场很棒的才艺表演。( 1)句意:嗨,孩子们!我叫吉姆。我是我们校报的记者。不定冠词a 后是名词单数,report 是动词, reporter 是名词,故填reporter 。( 2)句意: 有十五个表演。基数词fifteen 后是名词复数,act 是可数名词,故填acts。( 3)句意:她是音乐俱乐部中最好的一

5、个。此处用人称代词主格she 指代Linda,故填She。( 4)句意:美妙的音乐让我感到舒适,我沉浸其中。comfortable 是感觉到舒服,feel 是动词,感觉,故填make sb do,故此处是动词原形,feel。( 5)句意:史蒂夫和他的狗最有趣。根据上文有十五个表演,可知是最高级比较范围,were系动词后是形容词,fun是名词,funny是形容词,最高级前有the定冠词,故填thefunniest 。( 6)句意:做某事,故填当他们唱歌时,我禁不住笑出来。stop/ help 。cant stop/helpdoing,固定搭配,禁不住( 7)句意:较范围, was维拉肯定是个最有

6、创造力的演员。根据上文有十五个表演,可知是最高级比系动词后是形容词,creative 是多音节形容词,最高级前有the most ,故填the most creative。( 8)句意: 但我认为丹尼斯是糟糕的。根据 the 定冠词,可知是最高级比较范围, was 系动词后是形容词,根据 He was terrible 可知很糟糕是最差的意思, worst ,最差的,故填worst 。( 9)句意:尽管他玩得很小心,开始他很糟糕,不停地掉球!根据kept droppingtheballs 不停地掉球和he played carefully管, although/ though ,是连词,故填他

7、玩得很小心,可知此处表示让步关系,故是连词尽although/ though 。( 10)句意:他们唱了一首好歌。某事过去用一般过去时,sing a song,唱歌, sing 的过去式是 sang,故填 sang。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,词性,最高级,连词搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填 3 个单词)。My husband and I were planning how to spend the weekend with our daughters. Our girlsjumped in and told us_

8、they wanted to do. We want to go to the butterfly (蝴蝶)museum, said Ariella and Eliana.As soon as we _ ( walk)into the main area of the museum, we saw many_ ( kind) of beautiful butterflies. They all flapped(摆动)their colorful wings.My girls _ ( run ) around playing happily. I knew it was right _(deci

9、de ) tocome to the museum. They were having so much fun.I turned to our museum tour guide (导游) and asked, How _ do butterflies live?A very short time, less than one month, she said.What can butterflies do in such a short time? I asked.The guide stopped, looked at me, and said They make the world _ b

10、eautifulthanbefore.Wow, I said, I never thought about butterflies like that. Thank you.After we said goodbye, I couldnt stop _( think ) about the guides words. She wasright. We all have_ ( anything ) to show to the world with the time we have. When wemake the best use of our time _ can make a differ

11、ence.Like a butterfly, you have your own way of making the world a little better for everyone.Live like a butterfly.【答案】what; walked; kinds; ran; to decide ; long; more ; thinking ; something ; we【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要叙述夫妇带女儿们参观蝴蝶博物馆,理解蝴蝶的寿命只有不足一个月引发的思考。告诉就像一只蝴蝶,有自己的方式让世界对每个人都好一点。( 1)考查宾语从句的关联词。句意:我们的姑娘

12、们跳了进来告诉我们她们想干什么。tell告诉,及物动词,后接宾语从句。且do 是及物动词,要接宾语,要用关联词what 。故答案为: what 。(2)考查一般过去时。句意:我们一走进博物馆的主要区域,就看到了许多美丽的蝴蝶。由句子结构可知,引导词as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,主句谓语动词saw,可知用一般过去时。从句要用一般过去时,walk的过去式walked,故答案为:walked。( 3)考查考查名词复数。句意:我们一走进博物馆的主要区域,就看到了许多美丽的蝴蝶。空格前有many 许多的,形容词,后接可数名词复数。kind 种类,可数名词。要用复数 kinds。故答案为: k

13、inds 。(4)考查一般过去时。句意:我的女儿们快乐地到处跑着玩。根据句子结构可知缺少谓语动词。由下文谓语动词knew ,可知用一般过去时, run 的过去式 ran,答案为: ran。(5)考查不定式做主语。句意:我知道决定来博物馆是对的。由句子结构可知,不定式短语做真正主语,放在句末。it 作形式主语。要用不定式to decide ,故答案为: to decide 。(6)考查疑问词。句意:蝴蝶能活多久?根据下文A very short time, less than one month,可知上文询问多长时间,要用how long 。空格前有 how ,故答案为: long 。(7 )考

14、查形容词比较级。句意:他们让世界比以前更美丽了。make 使,让,使役动词。make +宾语 +宾补(形容词),固定搭配。根据空格后有比较连词than ,要用比较级。beautiful 的比较级 more beautiful 。空格后有 beautiful ,要用 more ,故答案为: more 。( 8)考查固定搭配。句意:我们道别后,我不能停止思考导游的话。根据下文She wasright. We all have 9( anything ) to show to the world with the time we have.可知作者没有停止思考导游的话,想到我们人类应该怎样做。要用s

15、top doing sth. 停止做某事,固定搭配。故答案为:thinking 。( 9 )考查复合不定代词。句意:随着时间的推移,我们都有一些东西要向世界展示。anything用于否定句和疑问句;something用于肯定句。有句子结构可知是肯定句,要用something ,故答案为:something 。( 10)考查人称代词。句意:当我们充分利用我们的时间时,我们就能有所作为。由句子结构可知, when 引导的时间状语从句,主句缺少主语。且与从句的主语相同,要用 we ,故答案为: we。【点评】考查语法填空。主要涉及的名词、过去时、不定式、代词等。3阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的

16、词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填 3 个单词)。Summer was coming and it was getting hotter. Mrs, King got _early one morning andwent to the market after she _( have) breakfast. She knew that everything was cheapthere before eight oclock. She wanted to buy many _ ( vegetable) for her family.Suddenly she saw there wer

17、e a _ of people around a farmer. She hurried there and foundthat he was selling some beef.How _ does it cost? a woman asked.Two dollars a kilo.Oh, how cheap it is!Mrs. King said to herself. John _( like) beef very much. Idbetter buy some here,When she got _ with five kilos of beef, her son was happy

18、 but her husband got angry.What a silly woman! said Mr. King. How shall we keep it fresh in such hot weather?Your aunt is very rich, said Mrs. King. Why not go and borrow some money_ her?Then well be able to buy a fridge.Mr. King agreed and they began to teach their five year-old son what _( say) wh

19、enthey were at his aunts house.John, Mr. King said, how can we keep the beef fresh?Thats easy, the boy said_ ( happy) . By eating it!【答案】up ; had;vegetables; group/lot/number ; much ; likes; home ; from ; to say;happily【解析】 【分析】主要 了金夫人吃 早 去市 蔬菜, 一个 民正在 便宜牛肉,于是 了一些,金先生想从姑姑那接 冰箱来保存牛肉,John 可以通 吃了牛肉来保存。

20、( 1)句意:一天早上金夫人起得早。get op 起床,固定搭配,故填up 。( 2)句意:在她吃了早 后金夫人去了市 。 是一般 去 ,所以have 用 had,故填 had。( 3)句意:她想 她的家人 多蔬菜。 vegetable 蔬菜,可数名 , many 修 可数名 复数,所以用复数 vegetables。( 4 )句意:突然,她看 在一个 民附近有一群/ 多人。a groupof一群 . , alot/number of 多 .,固定搭配,故填group/ lot/ number 。( 5)句意:它多少 ?提 价格用how much ,故填 much 。( 6)句意:John非常喜

21、 牛肉。 是一般 在 ,主 是 数John,所以buy用 三式 buys,故填 buys。( 7)句意:当她 着 5 千克牛肉回家 ,她的儿子是高 的,但是她的丈夫是生气的。get home到家,固定搭配,故填home。( 8)句意: 什么不去从她那借一些 呢?borrow.from从 借 ,固定搭配,故填from 。( 9)句意:金先生同意了,他 开始教他 5 的儿子当在姑姑家 什么。特殊疑 词+to do 不定式,固定搭配,故填to say。( 10)句意:男孩高 地 。副 修 ,said是 ,所以用形容 happy的副 happily ,高 地,故填happily 。【点 】考 法填空,

22、考 在 篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先 一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短 及 境。4 下面短文,按照句子 构的 法性和上下文 的要求,在空格 填入一个适当的 或使用括号中 的正确形式填空。(每空不多于3 个 )The Internet is very important in our life. But do you know about_( it ) history ?The Internetcant work withoutcomputers.Enid invented ( 明)the _ ( one)computer in 1946. But it was large and

23、 heavy. It was as large as_ room. In the 1960s, the_( scientist ) started to study the Internet. At that time, only the army ( ) could use it_ ( save) , send and receive information .In the 1970s, the Internet came_ offices, banks, hospitals and so on. Computers were still very expensive _ theIntern

24、et was difficult to use. _people couldnt use it at that time. In the 1990s, scientistsmade it into use and it soon _( become ) popular. Today it is easy to get online and millions of people use the Internet in China every day. Sending e-mails is more and morepopular among people. The Internet is bec

25、oming one of the_ ( important ) parts ofpeoples life.The Internet really makes our life happy, easy and colorful.【答案】its; first ; a; scientists; to save; into ; and; Most ; became; most important【解析】 【分析】主要 了因特网的 史。( 1)句意:但是你知道它的 史 ?history是名 ,前面用形容 性物主代 修 ,it的形容 性物主代 是its,故填 its。( 2)句意: Enid 在 1964

26、 年 明了第一个 算机。the+ 序数 , one 的序数 是first ,故填 first 。( 3)句意:它和一个房子那 大。room 是 数,以 音音素开 ,所以用a,故填 a。( 4 )句意:科学家 开始研究因特网。根据句意可知是多个科学家,所以用复数scientists,故填scientists。( 5)句意: 可以用它保存、 送和接受信息。use sth. to do sth.用 .做某事,故填 to save。( 6)句意:因特网 入 公室 . 行和医院等等。 come into 入,故填 into 。( 7)句意: 算机仍然是非常昂 的,并且因特网是 用的。根据句意可知表示 承

27、,所以用 and,故填 and。( 8)句意:在那 大部分人不能用它。most people大部分人,故填Most 。( 9)句意:它很快 得受 迎。made 是 去式,所以become 也用 去式became,故填became。( 10)句意:因特网正在成 人 生活中最重要的部分。one of+the+ 形容 最高 +可数名 复数,最 之一, important 的最高 是the most important ,故填 most important 。【点 】考 法填空,考 在 篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后 文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考 句型、搭配、 境等,最后通 一遍 。5 下面短

28、文,按照句子 构的 法和上下文 的要求,在空格 填入一个适当的 ,或用括号中 的正确形式填空。When Esther left school at the age of sixteen, her aunt Flory gave her 500 dollars. Most of Esthers friends decided to go to college, _, Esther used the money to start business (生意) . She bought fruits, _ ( sugar) and some jars (罐子)and began making the

29、jam.She sold the jam for 5 dollars a jar _ her friends and soon she got 1000 dollars.At first, her parents didnt want Esther to spend her time making jam. They thought that she should get further education. And they _ ( hope ) that one day she would be a teacher_ a doctor.But Esther had _ own idea.

30、She kept on making jam. After a few months, she started_( sell) it to supermarkets. Then she began to make orange juice and sold it to someschools. It sold very _ ( good) . Two years later, he business got very large. She was sobusy that she had to make someone _(work ) for her. When her parents saw

31、 shebecame _ ( success) , they changed their mind. They thought their daughter did a rightthing to do.【答案】However; sugar; to; hoped ;or ; to sell; her; well; work; successful【解析】 【分析】主要讲了Esther 是怎样成功的。( 1)句意:然而,Esther 用钱做生意。根据Most of Esthers friends decided to go to college可知大部分朋友决定去上大学,而Esther 决定做生

32、意,所以前后表示转折,所以用however ,故填 However 。( 2)句意:她买了水果、糖和一些罐子。sugar 是不可数名词,所以用sugar,故填sugar。( 3)句意:她把果酱一罐子5 美元卖给她的朋友。sell sth. tosb.把某物卖给某人,故填to。( 4)句意:他们希望一天她将成为一名老师或者医生。时态是一般过去时,所以hope用过去式 hoped ;成为一名老师或者医生,表示选择,所以用or,故填 hoped, or 。( 5)句意:但是 Esther 有自己的想法。 ones own 某人自己的,主语是 Esther,所以 ones 用形容词修物主代词 her,

33、故填 her 。( 6)句意:她开始把它卖给超市。start to do sth.开始去做另一件事情,故填to sell 。( 7)句意:它卖得非常好。副词修饰实义动词,sold是实义动词,所以good用副词well ,故填well 。( 8)句意:她是如此忙碌以至于她不得不让人为她工作。所以用 work ,故填 work 。make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,( 9)句意:当她的父母看见她成功时,他们改变了他们的想法。became是系动词,意思是变得,后面用形容词,success 的形容词是successful,故填 successful。【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运

34、用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。6阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式(最多限填三个单词)填空。Talent shows are getting more and more popular. Now there are many _( kind) oftalent shows in China. Many people make their _( dream) come true by joining them._ example, Li Xiaojiao, _ English t

35、eacher from Chongqing, joined Chinese DreamShow. She is _ (talent ) in music. She sings _ ( well) than any other teacherin her school and is good at _( sing) English songs . She is also outgoing. Her showmade a lot of people like her. At last, she got the _( one) prize . At the same time, thisshow a

36、lso changed _ ( she) life. She is successful not only because shes got great talent,but also she works hard. I believe everyone can be successful as _as you work hard.【答案】 kinds; dreams; For; an;talented ;better ; singing; first ; her; long【解析】 【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了中国的才艺节目。( 1)句意:现在在中国有很多种才艺节目。形容词many 后接可数

37、名词复数。故答案为kinds。(2)句意:很多人通过参加节目实现了自己的梦想。根据主语many people 可知,应用复数。故答案为 dreams 。(3)句意:例如。固定短语for example 表例如。故答案为for 。( 4)句意:李晓娇,一个来自重庆的英语老师。teacher为单数且为第一次出现,前面需要不定冠词; English 为元音音素开头。故答案为an。( 5)句意:她在音乐上有天赋。固定搭配betalentedin sth. 在某事上有天赋。故答案为talented 。( 6)句意:她在学校里比任何老师都唱得好。根据比较连词than 可知,此处应用副词well 的比较级

38、better 。故答案为 better 。( 7 )句意:她擅长唱英文歌。固定搭配begood atdoing sth. 擅长做某事。故答案为singing。( 8)句意:最后,她得了一等奖。定冠词 the 后接序数词, one 的序数词是 first ,第一。故答案为 first 。(9)句意:同时,这个节目也改变了她的生活。形容词性物主代词修饰名词,she的形容词性物主代词为her。故答案为her 。(10)句意:只要你努力,我相信每个人都会成功。固定搭配as long as 只要。故答案为long。【点评】考查语法填空。答题时首先跳过空格通读文章掌握文章大意,然后细读文章仔细斟酌答案,注

39、意考虑句型、时态等因素,填写单词的正确形式。7阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格中填入一个适当的内容(一个单词)或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。Im a fan of movies. There are quite a few _( cinema ) in my town. But I am new intownand dontknowthemclearly. So my friendsgive me some information_(choose ) a good one.Speaker 1: Im Linda. The City Theater has the

40、newest movies and _( comfortable )seats. The prices of the tickets are also fair(合理的) ._, it isnt open on Tuesday andSpeaker 2: Im Daniel. The Tianhe Cinema is the most modern cinema _ the biggestscreens. But the service isnt so good and people cant bring food or drinks into the cinema. They can onl

41、y buy them inside the cinema. So I hardly _ ( watch ) movies there before.Speaker 3: Im Eric. The Star Cinema is my favorite. One of the main reasons _( be)that it has the funniestmovies and the seats are very comfortable.Its open every day and_ you go thereon Monday and Wednesday morning, you willfind the tickets are halfprice. It also provides (提供) free water and its big hall can hold(容纳) two hundred peopleat a time. Of course, the


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