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1、八年级英语下册任务型阅读单元检测(附答案)一、八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习(含答案解析)1任务型阅读CIm Sarah I had little passion (激情) in my life before But what happened the other day changed my mind It was then that I learned how important it is to have a passion in life That day I went home in Mums car When Mum stopped at a red light , someon

2、e on the sideoftheroadcaughtmyeye Itwas amandressed inrags ( 衣 衫 褴 褛 ) He washomeless That didnt interest me ,because I had seen many people like him before Thosepeople usually looked unhappy and hopeless But this man was different in some way He was not sitting alone with a sad look Instead(相反), he

3、 had a radio in his hand and was dancing happily to the music The radio seemedto be the most precious (珍贵的) thing he had Mum , why does that man have a radio although hes homeless?I asked Maybe he bought it ,she answered But why didnt he use the money to buy food or clothes?He paid for something tha

4、t he didntneed Well,Sarah,sometimes food and clothes arent the most important That man must love music so much that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes I soonknew that happiness is the key to life Since men I am always thinking of what is truly important in lifeA home , a meal, clothesthese

5、 things are only part of the life What we often forget is that we all need a light on a dark day We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going 根据材料内容完成下列任务。( 1) How did Sarah go home that day?( 2) What was the homeless man doing when Sarah saw him?( 3)判断: Sarah had

6、 a talk with the homeless man ( 4)判断: Sarah wanted her mum to buy a radio for the homeless mall ( 5) What can we learn from the passage?D. Happiness is more important than anything else in life【答案】 (1) By car( 2) Dancing happily to the radio music ( 3) 0( 4) 0( 5) D【解析】 【分析】本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了快

7、乐是我们生活中最重要的东西。( 1)细节理解题,根据第二段 That day I went home in Mums car可知那天萨拉坐车回家,故填 By car( 2)细节理解题,根据第三段 Instead(相反), he had a radio in his hand and was dancing happily to the music 可知当萨拉看见他的时候,那个无家可归的人正在快乐的跳舞,故填Dancing happily to the radio music ( 3)细节理解题,通读全文可知萨拉没有和那个无家可归的人交谈,因此错误。( 4)细节理解题,根据第三段Instead(

8、相反), he had a radio in his hand and was dancinghappily to the music 可知那个无家可归的人有收音机,因此错误。( 5)推理判断题,根据最后一段We all need a passion which gives a person the happinessthey need to keep going 可知快乐是每个人生命之中最重要的东西,故选D。【点评】这篇短文内容比较简单,理解不难。各小题与上下文联系比较紧密,答题中一定要注意联系上下文。答完后多读几遍,看看是否符合逻辑,适当修改。2阅读短文,根据上下文意思,将方框中的句子(A

9、E)还原到短文中适当位置。Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. _We dont always want people around. _ We will feel lonely if we never have a friend.Friends sometimes dont get on well. Most of the time they will make up and be

10、come friends again. When friends move away, we feel very sad. _Then we call them or write to them.We can even see them again someday. _Its surprising to find out how much we like newpeople when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who do

11、nt.Why? It could be that they are happier. _ Or it could be just knowing that someone cares.If someone cares about you, youll take better care of yourself.A. Of course, we can also make new friends.B. We miss them very much.C. Being happy helps you stay healthy.D. It doesnt mean they dont like each

12、other.E. However, sometimes we need to be alone.【答案】E; D; B;A;C【解析】 【分析】文章大意:这篇短文主要描述了我们的朋友问题,告诉我们朋友在我们的生活中必不可少。A. Of course, we can also make new friends. 当然,我们也可以交新朋友。B. We miss them very much. 我们非常想念他们。C. Being happy helps you stay healthy.快乐有助于你保持健康。D. It doesnt mean they dont like each other. 这

13、并不意味着他们不喜欢对方。E. However, sometimes we need to be alone. 然而,有时我们需要独处。( 1)根据上文 We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 我们都喜欢和人亲近。很高兴有一个朋友能和你聊天、笑、做事情。和下文 Wedontalwayswantpeoplearound. 我们不总是希望有人在身边。选项E However,sometimes we need to be alone.然而

14、,有时我们需要独处。起到承上启下的作用。故选E。( 2)根据上文We dontalways wantpeople around. 我们不总是希望有人在身边。选项D这并不意味着他们不喜欢对方。可知是对上文的补充说明。故选D。( 3)根据下文 Then we call them or write to them. We can even see them again someday. 可知当朋友搬走只有想念时才会这样做打电话、写信和相约见面。故选B。( 4)根据下文 Its surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get

15、 to know them. 可知是开始交新朋友。故选 A。( 5)根据上文 Theres more good news for people who have friends. They live longer thanpeople who dont. Why? It could be that they are happier.他们比没有朋友的人活得更长。为什么?可能是他们更快乐。可知有朋友就快乐,有快乐,就健康,就长寿。选项文(有朋友的好处)的总结。故选C。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根

16、据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。C 是对上3下面文章中有五段话需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A 一 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Cats can bring illness.B. Keeping a cat is good for you.C. You should let your cat inside.D. Going outside is bad for cats, too.E. The birds are fewer and fewer in America.F. Cats kill many birds and s

17、mall animals every year._Many kinds of birds live in the United States, but the number of the birds is becoming smaller every year. One of the leading reasons is the growing number of pet cats. By keeping your pet cats in your home, you can help give birds a better possible chance to live._Of the 90

18、 million pet cats in this country, about two-thirds are allowed to go outside. It is said that these cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year, as well as billions of small animals such as rabbits and field mice._They can also bring illness to the animals that live in peoples yard, and furth

19、er weakening thehealth of the natural populations._Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife, its also bad for the catsthemselves. Outdoor cats can get sick very easily. They are in danger from traffic and attacks(攻击) from other animals. In fact , outdoor cats usually do

20、nt live past the age of five , whileindoor cats often live to be 17 or older._Keep your pet cat inside! If you raise a young cat ,its your duty to let it play inside.【答案】E; F; A; D; C【解析】 【分析】短文大意:养猫有很多不好的地方,作者给了几点关于养猫的建议,如猫能带来疾病,应该让猫呆在家里,猫会杀死鸟儿和小动物等。A. Cats can bring illness.猫能够带来疾病。B. Keeping a ca

21、t is good for you.养猫对你有好处。C. You should let your cat inside.你应该让你的猫待在里面。D. Going outside is bad for cats, too. 外出对猫有坏处。E. The birds are fewer and fewer in America.在美国鸟儿越来越少。F. Cats kill many birds and small animals every year.每年猫能够杀死很多鸟和小的动物。( 1)根据文章提到的but the numberof the birdsis becomingsmallereve

22、ryyear可知,鸟儿越来越少,标题为鸟儿越来越少,故选E。( 2)根据文章提到的 It is said that these cats kill hundreds of millions of birds eachyear 可知, 文段的标题为猫杀死很多鸟和动物,故选F。( 3)根据文章提到的They can also bring illness to the animals that live in peoplesyard 可知,文段的标题为猫能够带来疾病,故选A。( 4)根据文段提到的Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for

23、birds andwildlife 可知,文段的标题为外出对猫不好,故选D。( 5)根据文段提到的Keep your pet cat inside可知,文段的标题为你应该让你的猫呆在家里,故选C 。【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,熟悉段落大意,概括中心思想,选出正确标题,即可。4暑假即将来临,你会如何充实度过每一天 ? 以下有 5 条建议,请从 A 一 E 中选择它们相应的标题。A.Try an instrumentB. GreenideasC.A family tripD. SuperpartyE. To be a collector( 1) Everyone should

24、 protect our earth. Choose a green project, and try to save water orelectricity (电) at home. You should keep the habit from now on.( 2) Summer is the best time to hold an indoor party. Invite your best friends to your home.( 3) Pick up one of your favorite instruments, such as guitar or violin, and

25、take a music classduring the summer. Your classmates may be surprised when the new semester comes.( 4) What do you like most? Stamps, photos, matches, toys? No matter what you like, collect itfrom now on. It records your youth and can be a big treasure(财富) in the future.( 5) Plan a trip with your pa

26、rents. You can find information on the Internet first and choose thebest place. The beach is one of the coolest places to visit as it gives you sunshine and sandcastles (沙堡) .【答案】 ( 1) B(2) D(3) A(4) E(5) C【解析】 【分析】短文大意:暑假来临,文章介绍了5 种如果过暑假的建议,包括学一种乐器,做一个环保的人,去旅行,晚餐聚会和做一个搜集者。A. Try an instrument尝试一种乐器

27、B. Green ideas环保的想法。C. A family trip一个家庭旅行D. Super party晚餐聚会E. To be a collector做一个搜集者( 1)根据文段提到的 Everyone should protect our earth 可知,文段的标题是环保的想法,故选 B 。( 2)根据文段提到的会,故选 D 。Inviteyour best friends toyour home可知,文段的标题是晚餐聚( 3)根据文段提到的一种乐器,故选A。Pick up one of your favorite instruments可知, 文段的标题是尝试( 4)根据文段提

28、到的No matter what you like, collect it from now on可知,文段的标题是做一个搜集者,故选E。( 5)根据文段提到的故选 C 。Plan a trip with your parents.可知, 文段的标题为一个家庭旅行,【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,熟悉选项,为每个文段选出正确的标题,即可。5任务型阅读A little octopus (章鱼)called Oliver lived in the deep sea. He felt bored and upset. He sat onthe floor watching pret

29、ty fish swimming in and out of rocks. How happy they are! Why am I sodifferent? Oliver said to himself sadly.You are an octopus, Oliver. Thats special. The sweet voice of Cherub, a beautiful purpleangelfish(神仙鱼) , always made Oliver feel better. Oliver looked up at the purple angelfish and smiled. C

30、herub suggested, Lets play hide-and-seek. They were having so much fun that they didnt realize they had swum far from home. Suddenly, Cherub saw a large shark swimming above them. It was Big White. the biggest, scariest shark in the sea, she shouted to Oliver.Cherub looked at Big -White hopelessly.(

31、 A)An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed(喷射) a very dark cloud of black water to the sharks eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.Are you OK? asks Oliver. Cherub laughed happily, That was the most interesting trip ever! You saved me just now, Oliver. (B)有你做我的朋友我真幸运 !Olivers f

32、ace turned red. I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situations, Oliver said. That is what I tried totell you, Cherub smiled.(1)根据短文内容判断正误。In the beginning, Oliver laughed when he saw pretty fish swimming around him.(2)回答问题:How did Cherub feel when she saw the big shark?She felt _.(3)完

33、成( A)处句子的同义词,每空一词。Oliver_up with an idea.(4)将( B)处的句子翻译成英语。I am lucky to _ you as my friend.【答案】 ( 1) 0( 2) afraid/scared/hopeless( 3) came( 4) have【解析】 【分析】 篇短文主要 述了一只章 和一只神仙 从 口下脱 的故事,告 我 在一些情况下,我 每个人都会有自己的 。( 1)根据 He felt bored and upset. He sat on the floor watching pretty fish swimming in and o

34、ut of rocks 他看着漂亮的 在岩石里游来游去,感 无聊和不安,可知一开始,当奥利弗看到漂亮的 在他身 游来游去 ,他笑了是 的,故答案是 。( 2)根据 Cherub looked at Big -White hopelessly切 布 望地看着大白 ,可知他感到害怕, 望,故答案是afraid/scared/hopeless 。( 3)根据 An idea came to Oliver ,可知 奥利弗想出了一个主意, come up with an idea ,想出个主意, 述 去用一般 去 ,故答案是came( 4)根据 有你做我的朋友我真幸运,可知 have,有, be luc

35、ky to do ,固定搭配,做某事很幸运,故答案是have。【点 】考 任 型 ,关 在看懂文章,然后根据 目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的 言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案 ,要完全理解句子,根据同 ,句型 的方式找到可以替 文章中的 ,短 或者句子的 。6 先 下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的五个 中。 适当的句子 原到原文中,使短文意思通 、 构完整。Learning to play an instrument can be one of the most exciting ways to spend your free time. There are many diff

36、erent kinds of instruments to choose from: guitar, piano, violin There is always one thats right for you. The following may help you make it.Make a choice ( ) .First, you need to choose an instrument that you would like to learn to play._ This maybe the kind of music that you also enjoy listening to

37、.Get your instrument.When you finish choosing your instrument,you need to buy it. _ Some schools willlend students instruments. Or you can buy a second-hand instrument and its usually much cheaper.Get ready to learn.After you get your instrument, you should then make a learning plan. You can have pe

38、rsonal (个人的) lessons with a music teacher or go to a music school. _Play for others.After you learned to play a song for some time, you should start playing for others. _Then you can try to play for larger groups of people.Keep going._ Keep learning as much as you can and practice often. As you lear

39、n more, you will getbetter and better.A. You can also choose to learn on your own.B. If it is very expensive, you can borrow one.C. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.D. To become a good musician, you have to keep playing.E. You could also think about the kind of music youd like

40、to play.【答案】E; B; A; C; D【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章开篇提到业余时间学习音乐的好处,然后陈述了如何学好音乐,包括选择乐器,准备学习,为他人弹奏。A. You can also choose to learn on your own.你也可以选择自学。B. If it is very expensive, you can borrow one.如果它很贵,你可以借一个。C. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.和你的家人或朋友开始是一个好主意。D. To become a good music

41、ian, you have to keep playing.为了成为一个好的音乐家,你不得不保持练习。E. You could also think about the kind of music youd like to play你能够思考你想玩的那种音乐。( 1)根据下文意思:这种音乐可能是你喜欢的类型,可知空缺的意义是选择你喜欢的音乐,故选 E 。( 2)根据下意思:提到学校会借给学生器材,可知空缺的意义是借器材,故选B。( 3)根据上文意思:提到如何学习音乐,可知空缺的意义是可以自学,故选A。( 4 )根据上文意思:提到为他人演奏,可知空缺的意义为家人或朋友开始演奏,故选C。( 5)根

42、据下文意思:为了学好音乐,必须坚持练习,可知空缺的意义为坚持训练,填入D。【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,然后熟悉选项,结合段落意义,给出空缺最适合的语句,选出正确选项,即可。7根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)。Canada is a big country with a large area, but it has a small population. It lies in North America with oceans around it in three directions except in the south, where the United Stat

43、es is. The Great Lakes are between Canada and the United States. There are many lakes and islands in the coastal areas. Canadians care about the environment very much. The government and the people in Canada try their best to protect the environment. So in Canada, the air is fresh, the water is clean, and the sky is blue. Many tourists like to travel in Canada and live there for some time to relax themselves.The climate in Canada is different from area to area. It


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