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1、阅读理解日常生活类易错大盘点(word)一、英语阅读理解日常生活类(含答案详细解析)1根据短文内容,判断句子正误。Dear Dr. Manners,My close friend seldom says please. She will say Can you get me that bag? or Move it over there! I have told her a lot of times that it is polite to use please and thank you, but she hardly remembers. I feel that she is orderi

2、ng me around without please, and I always get angry.We have been close friends for over 10 years. It seems that I cant stand it any more. What should I do? Can you help me?Sincerely,HawkinsDear Ms Hawkins,When your friend docs not use polite words, it seems that she is ordering you to do something.S

3、o you have right(权利)to hate her behavior.Ask her why she doesnt use please or thank you. Explain to her that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, you dont need to do anything for her because she doesnt seem kind or pleasant when she asks you to.Maybe your friend was not taught how to use please or

4、 thank you in the normal conversation. So you can try to teach her that. Remember it is difficult to find another close friend if you lose one.Best regards,Dr. Manners( 1) Ms Hawkins doesnt know how to use please or thank you.( 2) Ms Hawkins got to know her friend more than ten years ago.( 3) Dr. Ma

5、nners thinks Ms Hawkins has right to hate her friends behavior.( 4) Maybe Ms Hawkins friend doesnt know the right way of talking in the normalconversation.( 5) Dr. Manners advises Ms Hawkins to break up (绝交) with her friend.【答案】 ( 1) 0( 2) 1( 3) 1( 4) 1( 5) 0【解析】 【分析】文章大意:主要讲述了霍金斯女士对医生讲了她对于朋友的一些不礼貌行

6、为的烦恼,并请求帮助。( 1)根据第一封信的内容中的“ Myclose friend seldom says please以及.“”haveI told her alot of times that it is polite to use please and thank you 可,but知是sheMshardly. remembers.Hawkins 的朋友不知道如何使用“ please和”“ thank you而不”是 Ms. Hawkins ,故选错误。( 2)根据第一封信的内容中的“ We have been close friends for over 10 years 可知。十多

7、年”前,霍金斯认识了她的朋友。故选正确。( 3)根据第二封信的内容中的“ it seems that she ordering you to do something. So you haveright (权利)to hate her behavior. 可”知礼仪博士认为霍金斯女士有权讨厌她朋友的行为。故选正确。( 4)根据第二封信的内容中的“ Your friend was probably never taught how to use please or thankyou in normal conversation. 可知”也许霍金斯女士的朋友在正常的谈话中不知道正确的说话方式。故选

8、正确。( 5)根据第二封信的内容中的 “ Remember it is difficult to find another close friend if you lose one. ”知可 Dr. Manners 并没有建议 Ms. Hawkins 和她的朋友绝交。故选错误。【点评】考查理解判断题。审读题目,找出相关的依据。读懂短文内容再读题目,把握每一个待判定句子的含义,通过寻读法在原文中找出每一个问题相关的段落与词句,然后依据短文内容对试题所给出的句子进行是非判断。2阅读理解Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal and ended up doing

9、 lots of research on how to achieve it? As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less. That is because when you learned a new concept (概念) . You found that there was a lot more to know about it.Usually, people think they need to get more and more information before trying a new idea

10、. There is nothing wrong with learning a lot, but when you let learning get in the way of doing, you will never get going.One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions. Dont be afraid of not being perfect and just take the first step. You

11、will go further than those who are still in preparation. Its good to be prepared, but over-preparation in trying to reach a goal wont get you results. The knowledge and skills that you will need will be picked up along the way.If a baby wants to learn how to walk, it doesnt do it by just sitting the

12、re and thinking about how to walk. The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking. Sure it mayfall, but with every fall, it learns what is working and what is not and adjusts (调整) to it. By doing this over and over, it will finally learn to walk. This is the method you shoul

13、d use when you want to achieve your goals as well. It works.Learning more is great but if all youre doing is learning and not taking action, its time tochange that. Just take the first step.(1) When you learned something new, you found there wasto know about it.A. lessB. nothingC. everythingD. more(

14、 2) Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. People need to learn a lot before trying a new idea.B. One of the best ways to learn is to take action.C. Learning has nothing to do with doing.D. Over-preparation is not good for reaching a goal.(3) A baby shouldwhen it wants to learn how to walk.A.

15、 get up and start walkingB. sit there and think about how to walkC. learn from its parentsD. read books about how to walk(4) We can usually read the passage in.A. a storybookB. a newspaperC. an advertisementD. a guidebook(5) The purpose of the passage is.A. to tell us how to learn moreB. to tell us

16、how to be successfulC. to talk about the importance of doingD. to talk about the importance of learning【答案】 ( 1) D(2) C(3) A(4) B(5) C【解析】 【分析】本文告诉我们一个道理,最后的学习方法是从行为结果中去学习。( 1)细节题。根据 As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less.随着你学得越来越多。看来你知道的越来越少了,可知 当你学到新东西时你发现有更多的东西要知道, 故选 D。(

17、2)细节题。根据 One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from theresults that you get from those actions学习的最好方法之一是采取行动,从这些行动中获得的结果中学习,可知学习与做无关是错的, 故选 C。( 3)细节题。根据The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and startwalking 可知,当婴儿想学会走路时,就应该站起来开始走,故选A。( 4)推理题。根据本文是告诉我们一个道理,故会在报纸上看到

18、这篇文章,故选B。( 5)主旨题。本文告诉我们一个道理,最后的学习方法是从行为结果中去学习,故本文是谈论做的重要性 ,故选 C。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题四种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息,主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。3阅读理解The Greens got a rather unhappy surprise when they tried to fly from Cardiff to Lanzarote last weekend. Because of a had mistake at the airli

19、ne check-in desk, the Greens got on the wrong flight (航班) and ended up in Ankara. So how did the mix-up happen ?It was five o clock on Sunday morning when Charlie and Kate Green arrived at Cardiff airport with their nine-year-old daughter Tina. They checked in properly for their fight to Lanzarote,

20、butthe check-in attendant (服务员) made a mistake with their boarding passes and also sent them to the wrong boarding gate. Unluckily, it was so curly and the Greens were feeling so tired that they didnt notice any thing wrong. What was worse, there werent any announcements inthe boarding gate area.Whe

21、n the Greens finally got on the plane, Charlie and Kate Green fell asleep at once, thoughthere were interesting films, magazines, newspapers and music for them to choose to spend the boring time. Little Tina took out a history book about Rome and read. Two hours later, she fell asleep too. They didn

22、t wake up until six hours later, when the plane was landing. Suddenly, theflight attendant said. Welcome to Ankara!The Greens couldnt believe itand little Tina wasquite unhappy, The family had to get off the plane and then pay 10 for a tourist visa(签证) . Inthe end, they decided to get back home, liv

23、ing at 5:00 p.m. on the same day.(1) Where did the Greens plan to spend their weekend ?A. In Cardiff.B. In Lanzarote.C. In Rome.D. In Ankara.(2) What did little Tina do first on the plane?A. She saw a film.B. She went to sleep.C. She listened to music.D. She read a history book.(3) How did the Green

24、s feel when they arrived in Ankara ?A. Bored.B. Excited.C. Interested.D. Surprised.(4) Whats the best title for the text?A. What a Wrong I.B. A Trip to Ankara.C. The Greens Trip.D. How long a Trip.【答案】 ( 1) B(2) D(3) D(4) B【解析】 【分析】大意:本文介绍格林一家上周末试图飞往兰萨罗特时,由于在航空公司登记处出了一个错误,他们上错了航班,最后在安卡拉降落的故事。( 1)细节理

25、解题。根据第一句The Greens got a rather unhappy surprise when they tried tofly from Cardiff to Lanzarote last weekend.上周末,格林一家试图从加的夫飞往兰扎罗特时,他们得到了一个相当不愉快的惊喜。可知,他们去 兰扎罗特 , 故选 B。( 2)细节理解题。根据第三段中Little Tina took out a history book about Rome and read. 小蒂娜拿出一本关于罗马的历史书读了起来。可知,她读一本历史书,故选D。( 3)细节理解题。根据第三段中 The Gree

26、ns couldnt believe it ,格林一家简直不敢相信。可知,他们感觉很 吃惊 ,故选 D。( 4)主旨大意题。 本文主要讲述格林一家上周末试图飞往兰萨罗特时,由于在航空公司登记处出了一个错误,他们上错了航班,最后在安卡拉降落,故安卡拉之旅符合标题,故选 B。【点评】考查阅读理解能力,细节题和主旨题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中寻找答案。主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。4阅读理解The human body is a machine that can raise lots of interesting questions. Why, for example,

27、areyawns (呵欠) contagious (传染的) ? Whats up with ice-cream headaches? Here are answers to these and other questions about our bodies.Why do I get a headache when I eat ice cream too quickly?Scientists arent exactly sure what causes the brain freeze when we eat ice cream or other super cold foods too q

28、uickly, though some believe its the result of changed blood .flow in the nervous system. Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat and then relax to let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache. You can improve an ice-cream headache by rapidly rubb

29、ing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warmup things.What causes my stomach to make a low continuous noise when Im hungry?Actually, your stomach makes noise whether youre hungry or full; you just hear it more clearlywhen youre hungry. Think of your digestive tract (消化道) as a really lo

30、ng tube lined with smooth muscle tissue. These muscles move food, fluids and gas through your digestive tract._. It can make you feel embarrassed (尴尬的) but is nothing to worry about.Why do I blush when Im embarrassed?When youre embarrassed, your brain releases a shot of adrenaline (肾上腺素) , whichmake

31、s your heart race and blood vessels become larger in size. All this happens to increase bloodflow and oxygen delivery throughout the body in a fight-or-flight reaction(对抗反应). Thereare a lot of tiny blood vessels in your face, which turn noticeably redder from this sudden rush of blood. As for the ac

32、tual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.Why are yawns contagious?Have you ever yawned in front of someone, only to have them yawn right back? Its a common thing, but researchers dont have a good explanation for it. They do, however, know this happens only with hu

33、mans and chimpanzees (黑猩猩) . A bigger question puzzling scientists is why we yawn at all. It used to be thought that yawning showed that oxygen to the brain was not enough, but thats just a myth. A growing body of research now shows that yawning is natures way of keeping our brains cool.( 1) What is

34、 the meaning of the underlined word tighten?A. 变松B变.紧C变.短D变.长( 2) Which of the following sentences can be filled in the blank?( 3) Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. There is no way for you to improve an ice-cream headache.B. Researchers have found out the actual function of blushing.C. Yo

35、ur stomach makes noise only when you are hungry.D. Researchers dont have a good explanation for why yawns are contagious.( 4) What is the best title of the passage? A. Some Interesting FactsB. Our Strange BodyC. Some Useful DiscoveriesD. Our Amazing Feelings【答案】 ( 1) B( 2) A( 3) D( 4) B【解析】 【分析】文章大意

36、:本文主要介绍提供一些问题和答案来说明人体是一台能提出许多有趣问题的机器。( 1)词义猜测题。根据Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat andthen relax to let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache然后放松,让血液流动起来;这种突然的血液流动是导致头痛的原因。你可以通过快速地将舌头摩擦到口腔顶部来帮助热身来改善冰淇淋头痛。由relax,放松,动词,可知放松让血液流动,推知阻止血液流动的应

37、该是变紧,因此tighten 的意思是变紧,故选B。( 2)细节理解题。根据上文 These muscles move food, fluids and gas through your digestivetract. 把你的消化道想象成一条很长的管道,内衬着平滑肌组织。这些肌肉通过消化道输送食物、液体和气体。可已推知这些肌肉通过消化道输送食物、液体和气体。就会在胃里产生声音。故选A。( 3)判断正误题。根据 You can improve an ice-cream headache by rapidly rubbing yourtongue across the roof of your m

38、outh to help warm up things.你可以通过快速地将舌头摩擦到口腔顶部来帮助热身来改善冰淇淋头痛。可知选项A 不符合文章内容,故排除A; As forthe actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.至于脸红的实际作用,研究人员仍在努力找出其中之一。可知选项B 不符合文章内容,故排除B; you justhear it more clearly when yourehungry. 当你饿了的时候,你只会更清楚地听到声音。可知选项 C 不符合文章内容,故排除C

39、; Its a common thing, but researchers dont have a goodexplanation for it.这是一件很平常的事情,但研究人员对此没有很好的解释。可知选项D 符合文章内容,故选D。(4)标题判断题。根据文章大意本文主要介绍提供一些问题和答案来说明人体是一台能提出许多有趣问题的机器。只有选项B,才能揭示文章的大意,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,首先通读全文,了解全文大意,其次分析问题,抓住关键词,在文中寻找相关信息,确定答案,最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。5阅读理解This is the school timetable of Class On

40、e, Grade Three, SunshineSchool on Monday.8:00-Technology In this lesson, students learn how tosurf the Internet safely and10:00effectively.am10:00-Drama During this lesson, students will have the chance to act out roles with other11;00students.am11:00-PaintingStudents learn how to use watercolors pr

41、operly. If the weather is good, the11:45lesson may take place outdoors.amLUNCH1:00-2:00Science(Biology or chemistry ) Students can choose which class to attend. Inpmbiologythis week, students will learn about the bones in humans. In chemistry, thesubject is How explosions happen.2:00-3:45SPORTSpm2:0

42、0pmTheory(理论) Students learn about the skills used in a certain sport. We see realaction from past games on videos.3:00pmPracticeStudents will play a short match lasting 45 minutes. This week, the sportsare soccer( the boys) and volleyball (for girls ) .HomeworkTechnology- the teacher will give stud

43、ents websites to look up( about 20 minutes )Drama- students have to learn a part for the next lesson( 30-60 minutes )Biology/chemistry- students have to write a report of the lesson( about 40 minutes )( 1) What time does the drama lesson begin?A. At 8:00 am.B. At 10:00 am.C. At 1:00 pm.D. At 2:00 pm

44、.( 2) How long does the science homework take?( 3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the timetable?A. Students always take their painting lessons outsides.B. Boy students will play a short soccer match this week.C. Students will use skills in real games in the theory lesson.D. Students lea

45、rn how to fix computers in the technology lesson.【答案】 ( 1) B( 2) D( 3) B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:主要介绍阳光学校三年级一班的周一上课时间表。( 1)细节理解题。根据 10:00-11;00 am: Drama During this lesson, students will have thechance to act out roles with other students. 可知戏剧在这节课将在上午 10: 00 开始,故选B。( 2)细节理解题。根据 Science ( Biology or chemistry ) Students have to write a r


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