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1、【英语】阅读理解(人生百味)单元测试题( 含答案 )(1)一、九年级中考英语阅读理解(人生百味)(含答案详细解析)1阅读理解The following are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg.They are based on his experience of building a company from the ground up, leading New YorkCity as mayor(市长) , and so on.Take RisksLife is too short to

2、 spend your time avoiding failure.In 1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, most people advised me not todo it. But one person said,“ If you can imagine yourself giving a concession(败选)spe

3、ech, thenwhy not go for it?” That was the best advice I received, and I followed it.In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail and you must have the courage to go for it anyway.Make your own luckLuck plays a part in success. The harder you work, the luckier you get.Whatever you choose to

4、 do, even if its not the job of your dreams, always work hard at it. Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.Never stop learningThe most powerful word in English language is“ why” . There is nothing so powerful as an open,inquiring mind (探

5、究精神) . Whatever field you choose for starting a business be a lifelong student.Give backYou are responsible for your success and failure, but you only succeed if you share the reward with others.My first donation was a $ 5 check to my alma mater(母校) . And while the checks (支票)may be bigger today, th

6、ey come with the same spirit.You dont have to be wealthy to give back. You can give back by giving your time and talents.(1) In this passage, Michael Bloomberg is the name of a.A. newspaperB. placeC. companyD. person( 2) What did the writer do at the age of 59?A. Lost his job.B. Ran for mayor.C. Bui

7、lt a company.D. Became a teacher.(3) From the passage, we can infer that the writer.A. is a young mayorB. seldom cares about othersC. is lucky all the timeD. is a hard-working man( 4) Which of the following isnt mentioned in the tips?A. Failure is the mother of success.B. Its never too old to learn.

8、C. Money is everything.D. Luck comes from hard work.(5) In which of the following columns(栏目) can you find the article?A. Family LifeB. Interesting StoriesC. Experience SharingD. Adventures【答案】 (1) D(2) B(3) D(4) C(5) C【解析】 【分析】文章大意:短文介绍了成功的商人迈克尔布隆伯格获取成功的一些秘诀。包括勇于承担风险;创造出自己的运气;学习永不放弃;要回报社会等等。(1 )细节推

9、断题,根据短文的第一段中出现的句子 “They are based on his experience ”可知,这里的 his 指的是 Michael Bloomberg 这个人。故选 D。(2)细节理解题,根据Take Risks的第二段中的句子“1981,at the age of 39, I lost my job.The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, 可知,” 2001 年作者刚好 59 岁,打算精选市

10、长,故选 B。(3)推理判断题,由Take Risks/Make your own luck中的内容 “Be the first person at work inthe morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.可知,作者是一个勤奋”的人。故选D。(4)细节理解题,通过排除法,A 选项在 Take Risks 的首段提到; B 项在 Take Risks的第二段和第三段可知;D 项由 Make your own luck 的第二段可得出。故C 没有提及。故选C。(5)推理判断题。整篇文章是作者给大家分享

11、个人经验,所以C 选项最佳。故选C。【点评】在做细节理解题时,解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而常常可采取“带着问题找答案 ”的方法先从问题中抓住关键性词语。然后以此为线索,寻找答案。推理判断题,对付这类题时我们不仅要弄懂文章字面的意思,更重要的是要知道文章潜在的含义,和作者所给的提示。同时要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作合理的猜测和推论。2阅读理解Many years ago, I was a very shy girl at my school. I couldnt forget the way I had frozen infront of the class. My hands had

12、shaken so badly that I couldntread my notes. My voice hadbecome softer even to silence. Mr. Roberts had kindly stopped me,“ Masha, I know youre shy,but you worked hard on this project. If I give you another chance tomorrow, can you find yourcourage?I had nodded. I had kept my head down, hoping that

13、the school day would end soon. When Igot home that day, I could see an inviting light from the kitchen windows. Momma was backing.When Momma backed, I always watched and chatted with her. She said it was my company thatmade her baked goods taste so sweet.Momma studied my face as I came into the kitc

14、hen.“ Whats wrong, Masha?” Tears shone inmy eyes. I let the whole story out. Momma was silent for a moment. Then she said,“ Let me showyou something.” I followed Momma to her bedroom and carefully took out a blue ribbon that said“ First Place” from it.“ I started the school year as the shyest girl o

15、n the speech team, but I ended the year as theblue ribbon winner. I won it for public speaking. It wasnt easyI was not sure of myself at all. Iworked hard, and mostly I faced my fears. You just need to find your courage.”That was the second time someone had told me that. I followed Momma back to the

16、 kitchen.What was it that made me so afraid? Soon Mommas sweet cake rose in the pans, and the smellof it comforted me as I wondered where I would find my courage. Momma put a thick piece infront of me.“ Theres nothing better for heartache than Mommas love baked in a cake.”I raised a forkful of warm

17、cake to my mouth. All the fear in the world could not take away Mommas love. I felt safe in Mommas kitchen. It was warm from the bottom of the heart.The next day I walked to the front of the classroom to give my presentation again. As I faced the class, I remember the ribbon and the smell of Mommas

18、kitchen and then took a deep breath and began to speak with confidence. Finally I succeeded.( 1) Why was Masha unhappy that day?A. She was not good with her classmates.B. Her teacher criticized her.C. She didnt perform well in front of the class.D. She failed in an exam.( 2) How many times had peopl

19、e told Masha she need find courage?A. OnceB. TwiceC. Third timesD. Many times( 3) _ help Masha find her courage.A. Mommas blue ribbonB. Mommas cakeC. Mr. RobertsD. Mommas love( 4) Whats the best title of this passage?A. My mother and IC. My shynessB. I found my courage againD. The blue ribbon and th

20、e cake made by Momma【答案】 ( 1) C(2) B(3) D(4) B【解析】 【分析】这篇文章主要讲述了一个害羞的小女孩在一个报告会上很紧张,表现得很不好,在妈妈的帮助和鼓舞下被母爱感受,最终找到了面对困难的勇气,在第二次挑战中取得了成功。(1) C 推断题。由 I couldnt forget the way I had frozen in front of the class. My hands had shaken so badly that I couldnt read my notes. My voice had become softer even to s

21、ilence. 可知她在报告会中及其紧张,像被冻住了一样,双手颤抖甚至说不出话。显而易见,她在报告会上表现得不好。由I had kept my head down, hoping that the school day would end soon.Tears shone in my eyes. I let the whole story out.她低着头,希望这一天赶紧过去,回家后还哭了告诉了妈妈整件事。由此可见她是因为在课堂上表现不好而不开心。故选C。(2) B 细节理解题。由第一段老师说的can you findyour courage 和第四段妈妈说的Youjust need to f

22、indyour courage. 可以看出共有两次。由第四段That was thesecond timesomeone had told me that.也可以看出共有两次。故选B。( 3) D 推断题。由 Theres nothing better for heartache than Mommas love baked in a cake.All the fear in the world could not take away Mommas love. 可知她认为治疗心病最有效的是蛋糕背后蕴含着的母爱,母爱能够战胜所以恐惧。所以很明显帮助她找到勇气的是母爱而不是蛋糕或者其他东西,故选D

23、。(4) B 主旨大意题。文章多次提到了勇气第一段can you find your courage ?第四段You justneed to find your courage.the smell of it comforted me as I wondered whereI would find mycourage 由此可见,找到勇气是文章的一条主线,引出了妈妈,是母爱让她找到了勇气,升华了主题。用其他题目都不能很好地概括文章,没有画龙点睛的效果,故选B。【点评】这是一篇记叙文,同时里面也有作者的一些观点。文章以一个害羞的小女孩找到了勇气为为线索,证明了母爱的伟大,升华了主题。做题时应该兼顾

24、全文,从全文中推断出答案,而不能只看一句话,要通观全文。主旨大意题要能够看到作者要表达的内在意思,不能只看到文章的字面意思。3阅读理解You never said “ Im leaving In Life” I loved you dearlyYou never said“ goodbye ” In death I love you stillYou were gone before I knew it In my heart you hold a placeAnd only God knew why That no one could ever fillThere are no words

25、to tell you It broke my heart to lose youJust what I feel inside But you didnt go aloneThe shock, the hurt, the anger For part of me went with youMight gradually subside (平息) The day God took you homeThousands of times Ill need you Things will never be the sameThousands of times Ill cry And although

26、 it hurts so badIf Love alone could have saved you I will smile whenever I hear your nameYou never would have died And take pride you were my dadIn death I love you stillIn my heart you hold a place,That no one could ever fillIt broke my heart to lose you,But you didnt go aloneFor part of me went wi

27、th you,The day God took you home.Things will never be the sameAnd although it hurts so badI will smile whenever I hear your nameAnd take pride you were my dad.( 1) The text is probably a ( an) _A. ad.B. notice(2) The writer writes the text to_.C. poemD. storyA. GodB. peaceC. lifeD. father( 3) From t

28、he text, we can know the writer is_.A. sadB. angryC. happyD. surprised【答案】 (1) C( 2) D( 3) A【解析】 【分析】文章大意:这是作者怀念去世的父亲的一首诗。( 1)根据体裁格式可判断这是一首诗歌,故选C。( 2)根据 And take pride you were my dad. 故选 D。(3)根据这是作者怀念去世的父亲的一首诗。和It broke my heart to lose you, 故选 A。【点评】对阅读理解能力的测试是英语考试中必不可少的测试项目,主要考查学生对于不同体裁或不同题材语言材料的

29、理解能力,以及通过材料的阅读,对材料中信息的捕获能力。首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意。因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以, 速读 全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料。其次,细读题材,各个击破。掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。4阅读下面材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Daniel Olin was 11 years old when his parents moved to Canada. He liked his new school and made fri

30、ends there, but then things at home started to change. His mum and dad began to argue and the arguments got worse and worse until one day, Daniels mum left. With his father workinglong hours, Daniel felt very lonely and very unhappy. He wanted to escape, to run away. And thats what he did.Very early

31、 one terribly cold morning when the snow was deep on the ground, he packed a bag with some clothes, some chocolate and a map of Canada and set off to a forest. He ran and ran until he could hardly breathe. His feet were heavy with the snow but he still walked on through deep snow, not even watching

32、where he was going.Then, disaster struck. A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel fell to the ground. He had broken the bone. He was very cold and was starting to feel tired, but he knew that if he fell asleep in the snow, he would certainly die from the cold.A tree shook ahead. Fr

33、om within the branches, a pair of yellow eyes watched Daniel. The pumahad been following him. A puma is a large wild cat with claws that couldtear. Daniel into pieces.But instead of moving in for the kill, the puma walked up to Daniel and lay across his chest, arms and legs. Daniel was too frightene

34、d to move, but soon the warmth of the animal reached Danieland he began to feel better. From time to time, the puma pressed hismuzzle against Daniel androcked his head gently. Clearly, the puma knew that Daniel must not fall asleep. This animalshould have been a real danger to Daniel and yet the boy

35、 began to feel safe.They remained like that for several hours until Daniel and the puma heard voices. Therescueteam had found them.(1) Daniel ran away from home because _.A. he had a big argument with his fatherB. he wanted to learn to be independentC. he didnt get enough care from his parentsD. his

36、 parents were always arguing at home(2) What was thedisaster?A. Daniel lost his way in the forest.B. The heavy snow blocked the way.C. Daniel fell down and got hurt.D. A puma wanted to attack Daniel.( 3) Why didnt Daniel notice the rock that caused him to fall?( 4) What is the best title for the sto

37、ry?A. Puma in dangerB. A caring pumaC. Rescue of a boyD. A homeless boy【答案】 (1) C( 2) C( 3) Because the rock was hidden by the deep snow.( 4) B【解析】 【分析】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲Daniel 因得不到父母的关心而离家出走了,在路上因绊到一块雪地里的石头而摔伤不能行走,是一只美洲狮给他温暖照顾他,直到救援队发现了他们。(1)细节理解题。根据第一段“Daniels mum left. With his father working long hours

38、, Danielfelt very lonely and very unhappy. He wanted to escape, to run away.可知, Daniel 的妈妈离”开了,随着爸爸长时间的工作,(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Daniel 觉得非常孤独不开心。他想要逃跑。故选C。“A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel fellto the ground. He had broken the bone.可知,一”块深藏在雪地里的石头绊倒了他的脚,他摔倒在地上,骨折了。故选C。(3)理解简答题。根据第三段“

39、A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel felltotheground. 可”知,一块深藏在雪地里的石头绊倒了他的脚,他摔倒在地上。故填Because the rock was hidden by the deep snow 。( 4)标题概括题。通读全文可知,在 Daniel 摔倒在雪地里不能行走时,是一只美洲狮在照顾他。故选 B。【点评】阅读理解的答案都在文中,因此,做好阅读理解的要领:1.明确题意,顺藤摸瓜;按照要求,寻找答案来源;3.找准关键词,明白其中暗示作用;4.多读课文,正确使用排除法。2.5请阅读下面短

40、文,从每小段所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。Im writing this article in China, far away from my home in the United States. You might wonder what I do to remember my mom on Mothers Day. Well, I certainly call her to say Happy Mothers Day and promise that I will visit home soon.I still remember the first time I for

41、get Mothers Day. When I finally figured it out, I asked, Why does mom get a special holiday? Why isnt there a Childrens Day for us?My mom explained, in that way that only moms seem to be able in explain, Because every day is Childrens Day!I knew that I had messed up. I thought about all the time and

42、 love my mom had given me. I thought about the food she had made, the toys she had brought and the long hours she had spent with me. There might not be a perfect mom, but there is moms love, which can fixanything. After that day, for 364 days, I was looking forward to the next Mothers Day.That was t

43、he first year l forgot Mothers Day. It was also the last year I forgot.Are you struggling to consider what to do for your mom on Mothers Day?Common things are to write a message that thanks for the love she has given you, send her a card or buy her a gift. But the most important thing is - DONT FORG

44、ET!( 1) How does the writer celebrate Mothers Day this year?A. He calls his mom.B. He send his mom a card.C. He visits home to see his mom.( 2) What might the underlined phrase figure out means?( 3) Why did the writer begin to expect Mothers Day?( 4) What is the purpose of the passage?( 5) Which is

45、the best title for the passage?A. An Interesting TalkB. An Important DayC. An Expensive Gift【答案】 ( 1) A(2) A(3) C(4) C(5) B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:母爱的伟大的,我们要时刻记着,尤其是当母亲节到来的时候,给她一身问候,或者一张贺卡表达你对母亲的关爱,千万不要忘了。( 1)细节理解题,根据Well, l certainly call her to say“ Happy可Mothers知,作者Day给妈妈打电话祝贺。故答案是A。( 2)词义猜测题,由第二段段意可知,作者忘记母亲节了,后来_后,我对妈妈发问。将选项带进去可知,填“弄清楚 ”最合适。故答案是A。( 3)细节理解题,根据expect Mothers Day 可以定位到After that day


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