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1、【英语】阅读理解(人生百味)综合测试(含答案)(word) 1一、九年级中考英语阅读理解(人生百味)(含答案详细解析)1阅读理解After giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness hadkept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him, so I agreed.Duringthe nine-mi

2、le drive to his home,I found outsomethingaboutMatthew.He hadmusculardystrophy (肌肉萎缩症) .Whenhe was born,the doctortold his parents that hewould not live to see five, and then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he wasthirteen.He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal powerlifter,and

3、 I knew aboutovercoming (克服) difficulties and going for my dreams.I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask,“ Why me?” Hespoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Clearly, he knew whathe wastalking about. He didnt mention that his classmates had ma

4、de funof him because he wasdifferent. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weight with me. When we finished talking, I pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around hisneck. I toldhim he was more of a winnerand knew more about success and overcom

5、ingdifficulties than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back tome. He said,“ You are a champion. You won that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics andwin my own medal, I will show it to you.”Last summer I received a letter from Matthews parents telling me

6、 that Matthew had passedaway. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:Dear Rick,My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want tolet you know that the doctors tell me that I dont have long to live any more, but I still smile a

7、s much as I can.I told you someday that I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I will never get to do that. However, I know Im a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for lo

8、ving me.Your friend,Matthew(1) The underlined part in Paragraph 3“Why me?” probably means.A. Why do you come to see me?B. Why do I have to stay at home?C. Why does the disease fall on me?D. Why give a gold medal to me?(2) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Matthew knew cl

9、early about his illness.B. Matthew once got his own gold medal.C. Matthew thanked Rick for his kindness.D. Matthew lived happily and brightly all his life.(3) Rick wrote the passage with the purpose of.A. expressing his pity to all the disabled childrenB. telling an experience of meeting a disabled

10、childC. describing his unusual friendship with a disabled childD. showing his admiration towards the disabled child【答案】 ( 1) C( 2) B( 3) D【解析】 【分析】作者作为奥运冠军被邀请去见一个患肌肉萎缩症的孩子,这个孩子很积极乐观,认为自己能够获得奥运冠军。他用他的乐观诠释了生命的价值。说明他虽然残疾,不能得到奥运冠军,但是他的意志品质坚强,是个真正的冠军。(1) C 细节推理题。根据后面的句子“Hespoke about winning and succeedi

11、ng and going forhis dreams. 说”明他只是谈论了获胜以及成功的梦想,从来没有抱怨为什么是他患了这样的疾病,为什么是他如此的不幸,故C 正确。(2) B 细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“I told you someday that I was going to the Olympicsand win a gold medal, but I know now I will never get to do that.可知,马修并没有获得”过自己的金牌。故答案B 错误。(3) D 主旨大意题。本文主要向大家介绍了一个身残志坚、积极乐观的小男孩。作者很钦佩 Matthew 的那

12、种身残志坚、积极与病魔作斗争的精神,故答案为D。2阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。BIt was July 17th of 2017. The little helpless girl, who had trouble walking, was going out into the wide world. In June 2016, I got the idea that I was going to America as an exchange student. With tears in my eyes, I said goodbye to my

13、family.After I finally arrived at the airport in Burlington, Vermont. I was welcomed by my host family.They didnt know much about my disability. “ I hobble a little, but I dont see it as a problem. think its the will that decides what you can and cannot do, and the disability doesnt matter!Before I

14、went to the US, I knew I was going to miss home. But I went! Why? Ive been a fighterever since I decided not to give up my breath when I was born! My mother wrote my host mom an e-mail and told her about my hard birth so they would understand. I remember clearly after she finished reading it, she ca

15、me into the room, gave me a big hug and said,My host family supported me so much during the year. In school, small notes were sent out to all my teachers, by e-mail, to tell them about my disability. Everything worked greatly.By the end of my year, exchange students were asked to talk about our year

16、s. I spoke in front ofabout 100 people! I was extremely proud of my “ speech ”The. followingday some teachersstopped me and said,“ Your speech was the best one.”My year in Vermont was the best thing Ive done sofar! I proved I AM A FIGHTER and thatNOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!( 1) How did the author go to t

17、he US?A. By busB. By carC. By boatD. By plane( 2) What did the writers mom tell the host mom in the email?A. The writers familyB. The writers daily lifeC. The writers birthD. The writers disability( 3) How did the writer feel about her speech?A. ExcitedB. SadC. ProudD. Unsatisfied( 4) What can we kn

18、ow from the passage?A. The writer enjoyed her exchange life.B. The writer was not happy with her host family.C. Only the writer made a speech in front of about 100 people. D. The writer joined the army and became a fighter. 【答案】 ( 1) D( 2) C( 3) C( 4) A【解析】 【分析】本文通过作者作为一名交换生的经历谈论对人生的感悟:只要努力,一切皆有可能。细

19、节理解。根据第二段 After I finally arrived at the airport in Burlington, Vermont 可知作者是乘飞机去的美国,故选。细节理解。根据My mother wrote my host mom an e-mail and told her about my hard birthso they would understand 可知作者的母亲在邮件中告诉她的寄宿家庭的妈妈她出生的时候难产。故选。细节理解。根据倒数第二段I was extremely proud of my可知“作者speech对她的演”讲.很自豪,故选C。“ You are a

20、 figh推理判断。根据最后一段My year in Vermont was the best thing Ive done so far!可知作者认为在佛蒙特的一年是最好的,所以选A。【点评】这是一篇人生感悟的文章,通过自己作为一名交换生的经历感悟人生。题目设计较为简单,可以通过题目在文章中定位找到正确答案。3阅读理解When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness and I had a carefree childhood inFrance.One day, on my way home from school, a

21、 truck ran over me and my legs were cut off. As I laythere bleeding, I suddenly realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without legs. How depressed I was at that moment! But then I realized that depression wouldnt get my legs back. So I decided not to waste my life feeling depressed.

22、When my parents arrived at the hospital, theystood there quietly, looked so shocked and sad. I told them, “ Ive already accepted the fact. Now you also have to get used to this. ”Ever since then, I often see my friends getting worried about little things: their bus comes late;they get bad grades on

23、a test. But I just enjoy life.I am lucky to realize that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you have lost, and that the keyto happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesnt it? So why are manypeople unhappy?People often think happiness is based on what they achieve.“ My

24、whole life would improve if Ihad a new car.” But when you get the car and what happens? For a whole weekyou are walkingon air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.Happiness is not a happening; its a state of mind. Even though you have the whole world and youll still be unsatisfied. And you have

25、relatively (相对地) little but feel full of joy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of enjoying and taking pleasure in what you already have.( 1) After the accident, the author didnt feel depressed anymore because_.A. the doctors could help him get his legs back.B. he must comfort his parents at th

26、at time.C. he knew depression made no difference to him.D. he was just a childish and forgettable kid.( 2) In the authors opinion, the main cause of most peoples unhappiness is they_.A. dont want to achieve more for future.B. pay so much and get so little.C. always compare with others.D. pay so much

27、 attention to what they have lost.( 3) In paragraph 5, when the man gets the car he had expected_.A. he will choose to walk on foot for a week.B. the car will bring a lasting happiness to him.C. he will find the car is no help for him at allD. he will go back to be unhappy after a few days( 4) The a

28、uthor wants to tell us _.A. how one person enjoys a life without legsB. we should forget the loss and the gains in lifeC. happiness is just a state of mindD. our life will be improved if we fight for our dreams.【答案】 ( 1) C( 2) D( 3) D( 4) C【解析】 【分析】本文主要 述了作者在 11 因一 失去了双腿,但他却并没有因此消沉,而是意 到真正幸福的生活源自懂得

29、足,不能 在意那些已失去的。(1) 理解 。由文章第二段“But then I realized that depression wouldntget my legsback. So I decided not to waste my life feeling depressed.可知作者意 到沮 ”并不能挽回自己的双腿,所以再不沮 ,C 沮 作者没有帮助作用,符合原文,故 C。(2) 理解 。由文章第三段内容和第四段“it is a waste of energy to focus on whatyou have lost, and that the key to happiness is

30、to take pleasure in what you have.”可知作者 普通人不幸福的原因是太在意那些失去的 西,D 符合, A,B,C 文中均没有提到。故 D。(3) 理解 。文章第五段“But when you get the car and what happens? For a wholeweek you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.可知当一个人有了一” 新 , 开始确 很开心,但 一段 仍旧会像从前 不开心,A,C 文中没有提到,B 说法 ,故 D。( 4)主旨大意 。 A,一个无腿的

31、人如何 好生活,断章取 ,本文只是以作者失去双腿引入; B,我 忘 生活中的得失,与文意不符,作者 的是不要太在意失去的 物,珍惜我 已 有的;C,幸福是一种思想上的状 ,由文中最后一段“Happiness is not ahappening; its a state of mind.可知,作者” 幸福来源于我 自己的意 ,要学会 思 ,用相 的眼光 待生活,符合文意;D, 梦而 ,提升生活品 ,文章大意不符。故 C。【点 】本文是一篇 叙 理文章,要 懂文章大意,理解作者想要表达的思想,申清 目,比 。4 理解Kathy could still remember the night she

32、had to leave her home in Hungary. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible. She quickly filled a bag with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her treasure a beautiful silk scarf.Kathy and her best friend, Monica, had asked their parents

33、to buy them matching scarves. Theyeach would wear the scarves as a symbol of their friendship. Kathy had no idea that she was going to America that night and would not be returning.Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear

34、to her first job interview for good luck. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, Dont worry, Grandma, nothings going to happen to your scarf. Youll see. It is going to bring both of us luck today, And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the

35、 interview.That afternoon Eliza left the interview, feeling sure that she had got the job. So she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she was sitting at her table, she felt someone looking at her. Sitting next to her was an old woman, who could not take her eyes away from herIm sorry,

36、do I know you ? Eliza asked.Im sorry, dear, but you make me think of someone I once knew, the old woman replied. My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one youre wearing around your neck. Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard storie

37、s of hergrandmothers best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this be Monica, her grandmothers childhood friend ?Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman.My names Monica, dear, I lived in Hungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I was fourteen ye

38、ars old. Ive been living here in California ever since, said the old woman.ELiza could not believe her ears( 1) Kathy and her family left their country because_.A. Kathy found a job in the USAB. Kathy would study in CaliforniaC. they had no friends in EuropeD. they wanted to get away from the war( 2

39、) From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6, we can infer that Eliza felt _.A. surprisedB. thankfulC. sorryD. nervous(3) What would Eliza most probably do after the dinner?A. She gave the silk scarf to Monica.B. She went for another job interview.C. She showed Monica around California.D. She took

40、Monica to meet her grandmother.(4) The best title for this passage can be.A. A Gift from ParentsB. A Scarf of LuckC. A Successful InterviewD. A Story in the War【答案】 ( 1) D(2) A(3) D(4) B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要 述了一 分 多年的老朋友在一个偶然的情况下凭借一条 巾重逢的故事。( 1) 理解 。根据第一段中 It was the beginning of World War II and her f

41、amily had to leave their country as soon as possible.可知,那是第二次世界大 的开始,她的家人不得不尽快离开他 的国家。故 D。( 2)推理判断 。由划 句 Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. 可知, Eliza 认真地听着,张大了眼睛与嘴巴。因此Eliza 此时的心情是感到惊讶(surprised )的。故选A。( 3)推理判断题。由全文可知,Eliza 遇见的 Monica 就是祖母Kathy 小时候最好的朋友,而祖母已经很多年没有见到Monica ,但

42、至今仍保存着象征她们友谊的围巾。说明Kathy 十分希望能再见到Monica 。因此 Eliza会把 Monica 带回家见祖母。故选D。( 4)主旨大意题。由第三段倒数第二句It is going to bring both of us luck today可知,今天它(围巾)会给“我们 ”俩都带来好运。又由下文可知,Eliza 戴上围巾后,不仅面试十分顺利而且还遇见了祖母Kathy 多年未见的好友Monica ,而Monica 也一直注意着这条象征她和 Kathy 友谊的围巾。故选B。【点评】本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断

43、出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。5阅读理解I have a neighbour we callHappy I have never seen her angry at anything and never heardher say a bad word to anyone or about anyone Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden They spent many happy hourstogether working on it Most of the neighbours watched in

44、terestingly as Ben doubled the size oftheir garden As the cost of food climbed faster than Bens beans, we all wished we also hadsuch a large garden As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market , Happy could be seenpicking beans in her back yard Last month , Happy and Ben invited most of the nei

45、ghbours over for an all-day food fest(聚会) We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning We didnt know whatwas about to take place By 9: 00a m, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, cabbages,carrots and pumpkins By 10:00a m, there was lots of laughter We shared a lot ofstories By 5: 00p m, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beerAfter dinner ,


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