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1、句子结构常见错误句子结构常见错误Sentence Structure Problems英语句子就是受严格的语法规则制约的,在写作中如果违背这些规则,那么写出的句子就会使人无法理解,或引起歧义。要想避免发生这些情况 ,在写作时就必须处理好句子结构方面的几个问题。我们对常犯的写作错误进行了归纳。残缺句、接排句、误置修饰语与悬垂修饰语就是句子结构中最常见的错误。我将对这些问题逐一进行分析,以帮助大家弄清写作中出现这些问题的原因,并掌握纠正错误的方法残缺句 (Sentence Fragments)所谓残缺句 ,顾名思义 ,就就是指不能独立成句的一个不完整的句子片断。尽管残缺句在形式上像句子一样就是以大

2、写字母开头,并在结尾处带有标点,然而在逻辑上并不能单独表达一个完整的意思 ,仅就是一组词而已。请瞧下列句子:FragmentWondering what his son was going to do.Revised SentenceMr.Smith had been wondering what his son wasgoing to do.FragmentSome errors in writing are serious.For example,fragments and run on sentences.Revised SentencesSome errors in writing a

3、re serious,for example,fragments and run on sentences.ORSome errors in writing are serious,among which arefragments and run-on sentences虽然句子的残缺以各种形式出现 ,但最常见的形式就是被分隔开的从句与以各种形式拆开的短语 ,如句号错误 (period fault) 。FragmentsHaving driven across the desert.We enjoyed the cool weather. He enjoys flowers and shrub

4、s.Which help screen his yard fromthe street.Revised SentencesHaving driven across the desert, we enjoyed the cool weather. He enjoys flowers and shrubs,which help screen his yard from the street.0RHe enjoys flowers and shrubs.They help screen his yard from the street.在写作中要经常检查句子的残缺问题,特别要注意那些以从属连词或短语

5、等开头的句子 ,这些词都就是 “危险词 ”。要确定以这些词开始的每个从句 ,都应附属于一个独立的句子。避免残缺句的最好办法就是注意区别句子与句子的一部分。我们知道句子的最基本特点就是在语法与逻辑上就是一个完整的意义表达单位。它至少具有一个主语与谓语。动词的非限定形式不能在句中作为谓语单独使用 ,除非就是在如 Where to go tonight? 简短的问句中。因此在写句子时要特别注意。改写残缺句主要有以下两种方法:句子结构常见错误1 将句中用的句号变成逗号,或把分隔开的短语或从句同它所属的句子合并成一个能表达完整意思的句子。例如:FragmentsSince there is a lack

6、 of interest.There is a great lack of information.You should make a determined effort to avoid sentence fragments.Because they are considered serious mistakes in writing.I look forward to holidays.For example, Thanksgiving andChristmas.Revised SentencesSince there is a lack of interest,there is a gr

7、eat lack of information 、 You should make a determined effort to avoid sentence fragments because they are considered serious mistakes in writing. I look forward to holidays,for example,Thanksgiving andChristmas.2)把残缺句扩展到主句中 ,或通过添加或减少某些成分。把残缺改写为独立、完整的句子。例如 :FragmentsI am interested only in the prope

8、rties of citrus fruit.Such aslemons,oranges,and grapefruit.Having no money and being lonely in the big city、It was difficult to decide 、 which choice to make.To return to school or to accept the job.Revised SentencesI am interested only in the properties of citrus fruit 、 Examples are lemons,oranges

9、,and grapefruit.Having no money and being lonely in the big city,the womencommitted suicide.It was difficult to decide whether to return to school or to accept the job.Directions:Try to revise the following fragments in one or more than one way.1.Because some students have part-time jobs in addition

10、 to going to school2.The table was covered with fresh vegetables.Such as lettuce, carrots,spinach,and squash.3.Joe tries to call home once a week.To be in touch with his family4、He made a point of entering each misspelled word in a notebook 、 Which he kept for that purpose 、5、It was a wonderful week

11、 、 Fishing and swimming every day and dancing every night 、Revised sentences1.Because some students have part-time jobs in addition to full-time class work,they have very little free time.2.The table was covered with fresh vegetables such as lettuce,carrots, spinach and squash.句子结构常见错误3.Joe tries to

12、 call home once a week to keep in touch with his family.4.He made a point of entering each misspelled word in a notebook, which he kept for that purpose.5.It was a wonderful week.We went fishing and swimming every day and dancing every night.OR:It was a wonderful week.We fished and swam every day an

13、d danced every night.2.接排句 (Run-on Sentence)所谓接排句就就是两个或更多的句子混合交织在一起,而没有正确的标点符号标明它们之间关系的句子。这样的句子,意思含混不清,使读者不能理解各部分之间的关系。接排句有两种形式:一就是融合句 (fused sentence),即在句子之间没有标点符号与句间连接词;另一种更为常见的形式就是逗号连接(comma splice), 即没有并列连词 ,只用逗号代替分号与句号 ,把两个完整的意思连接起来、请瞧例句 :Fused Sentences1、 The girls scored higher in math the bo

14、ys scored higher in verbal skills. 2、 Gestures are a means of communication for everyone they areessential for the hearing-impaired. Comma Splices1、 Education is an elusive word, it often means different things to different people.2、 Hikers would especially enjoy a vacation at Yellowstone NationalPa

15、rk,the park consists of two million acres ofbackcountry.改正接排句的基本方法可根据句子之间的不同关系分为以下5 种1、用句号分隔。当长句或两个句子之间的关系不就是很密切或毫无关系时 ,可使用这种方法。例如:Revised SentencesThe girls scored higher in math.The boys scored higher in verbal skills.Gestures are a means of communication for everyone.Theyare essential for the hea

16、ring-impaired.Education is an elusive word.It often means different things to different people.Hikers would especially enjoy a vacation at Yellowstone National Park.The park consists of two million acres of backcountry2 用分号隔开。用分号连接两个独立的分句时在意义与语法结构上比起使用句号时Revised Sentences,它们之间的关系,关系较紧密。The girls sco

17、red higher in math;the boys scored higher inverbal skills.Gestures are a means of communication for everyone;theyare essential for the hearingimpaired.Education is an elusive word;it often means different thingsto different people.句子结构常见错误Hikers would especially enjoy a vacation at Yellowstone Natio

18、nal Park;the park consists of two million acres of backcountry.3 使用并列连词连接。当接排的句子之间关系紧密 ,容易辨别且合乎逻辑时 ,可以借助并列连词来连接 ,通常在这些连词前要加上逗号。Revised SentencesThe girls scored higher in math,and but the boys scoredhigher in verbal skills.Gestures are a means of communication for everyone,butthey are essential for

19、the hearing impaired.Education is an elusive word,for it often means differentthings to different people.Yellowstone National Park consists of two million acres ofbackcountry,and hikers would especially enjoy a vacationthere.4 使用连接副词连接。根据作者的意图与句子的需要。接排的句子可以使用连接副词来连接。这时 ,句子之间要用分号。在连接副词的后面还要加逗号 ,但就是一般

20、在单音节的连词后不加逗号。如 so,yet。thus 等、Revised SentencesThe girls scored higher in math;however,the boys scored higher in verbal skills.Gestures are a means of communication for everyone; neverthe1ess, they are essential for the hearing-impaired.Education is an elusive word; indeed, it often means differentth

21、ings to different people.Yellowstone National Park consists of two million acres of backcountry; therefore, hikers would especially enjoy a vacation there.5、使用从属连词、关系副词或关系代词连接、句子从逻辑上或意义上从属于另一个句子时改写成复合句。当可以判断出一个, 可以将此接排句Revised SentencesThe girls scored higher in math,while the boys scored higherin v

22、erbal skills.Although gestures are a means of communication for everyone, they are essential for the hearing-impaired.The power failure caused a blackout which created a lot ofproblems.Hikers would especially enjoy a vacation at Yellowstone National Park,which consists of two million acres of backco

23、untry Directions: Revise the following run-on sentences1 Women no longer need to move into the traditionally male professions they have already opened most of the doors to desirable career paths.句子结构常见错误2.I called for a reservation at a famous restaurant in town,all thetables were taken before the D

24、ragon Boat Festival.3.Eric was late to work he ran all the way.Revised sentences1.Women no longer need to move into the traditionally maleprofessions,for they have already opened most of the doorsto desirable career paths.OR:Women no longer need to move into the traditionally maleprofessions;they ha

25、ve already opened most of the doors todesirable career paths.OR:Women no longer need to move into the traditionally maleprofessions.They have already opened most of the doors todesirable career paths.OR:Because women have already opened most of the doors todesirable career paths,they no longer need

26、to move into thetraditionally male professions.2.I called for a reservation at a famous restaurant in town.All the tables were taken before the Dragon Boat Festival.OR:I called for a reservation at a famous restaurant in town,butall the tables were taken before the Dragon Boat Festival.OR:I called f

27、or a reservation at a famous restaurant in town;however,all the tables were taken before the Dragon BoatFestival.OR:I called for a reservation at a famous restaurant in town;allthe tables were taken before the Dragon Boat Festival.OR:Although I called for a reservation at a famous restaurant intown,

28、all the tables were taken before the Dragon Boat Festival.3.Eric was late to work,so he ran all the way.or:Eric ran all the way;otherwise,he could have been late towork.or:Because Eric was late to work,he ran all the way.or:Eric ran all the way because he was late to work.or:Eric was late to work al

29、though he ran all the way.Directions: Identify and correct serious errors(such as fragmentsfused sentences and comma splices)in each of the following.1.Without telling anyone,even her sister,Mary,going to thepark,meeting her friends.2.The physics problems were just impossible,they took all day to do

30、3.That the course was so hard we all studied day and night, with noone getting an A or a B.4.I knocked on at the door when the lady came I gave her most in-gratiating smile.5.Why do you ask what concern is it of yours?6.Getting married is easy,staying married is a different matter 、句子结构常见错误7.Michell

31、e tried each of the appetizers on the table.And then foundthat,when the dinner arrived,her appetite had gone8.She didn t know what to say to his announcement,she was not ata complete loss for words,either.Revised sentences1.Without telling anyone,not even her sister,Mary went to thepark to meet her

32、friends.2.The physics problems were just impossible;therefore,they tookall day to do.3.The course was so hard that we all studied day and night,with noone getting an A or a B.4.I knocked on at the door.When the lady came,I gave her mostingratiating smile.5.Why do you ask? What concern is it of yours

33、?6.Getting married is easy;staying married is a different matter.OR:Getting married is easy,but staying married is a differentmatter.OR:Although getting married is easy,staying married is adifferent matter.7.Michelle tried each of the appetizers on the table.Shethen found that,when the dinner arrive

34、d,her appetite had gone.8.She didn t know what to say to his announcement,nor was she ata complete loss for words,either、OR:She was neither ready with a responsenor at a complete loss for words.3、 误置修饰语 (Misplaced Modifiers)在写作中 ,为了使句子生动与更具有吸引力,常常需要添加修饰语。按照英语构句规则,充当定语或状语的词、短语或从句必须尽可能地靠近所修饰的成分。如果忽视了这

35、个规则,在修饰语与其所修饰的中心词之间不恰当地夹进了其她成分,就可能造成句子意思混淆,产生歧义。请瞧下面句子:Misplaced ModifiersHe sold the old car to the man with leather seats.Please give the book to the boy with the blue cover.That cat belongs to my neighbor with five kittens.Revised SentencesHe sold the old car with leather seats to the man.Please

36、give the book with the blue cover to the boy.That cat with five kittens belongs to my neighbor.如果一个修饰语既可以修饰其前面的词也可修饰其后面的词这样的修饰语称为歧义修饰语(squinting modifier) 。歧义修饰语会使读者对其修饰目的感到困惑不解。所以,应该把易产,生歧义的修饰语放在它所惟一修饰的词的前面。例如:The equipment without the accessories sold the best.(Differ-ent types of equipment were a

37、vailable,some with and some句子结构常见错误without the accessories.)The equipment sold the best without the accessories.(One type of equipment was available,and the accessories were optional.)Squinting ModifiersWe agreed on the next day to make the adjustments Students who practice writing often will benefi

38、t.Revised SentencesWe agreed to make the adjustments on the next day(We agreed that on the next day we would make the adjustments)-OrOn the next day,we agreed to make the adjustments.(On the next day,we agreed that we would make the adjust-ments.)Students who often practice writing will benefit.Stud

39、ents who practice writing will often benefit.所以 ,在写作中我们要特别注意副词的位置 ,要把它们放在使读者对句子的意义更清楚的地方。请分析下面这个句子:He only suggested three rules for us to follow.除非我们在这里确实就是指“He only suggested them;he didntinsist on them. ”,否则 only 这个词就应放在它所修饰的词前面:He suggested only three rules for US to follow.要注意句子会随着only 位置的改变而改变

40、其意义。Directions:Identify the misplaced word or words in each sentence.Then rewrite the sentences and make the meaning clear.1.Our team didn t even score .once2 、 She is teaching a seminar this term on market economy at the Osaka International University 、3.The city almost spent twenty million dollars

41、 on the new stadium4.Tony bought an old car from a crooked dealer with a faultytransmission.5.The suburbs nearly had five inches of rain.6.We could see the football stadium driving across the bridge.7.I almost had a dozen job interviews after I sent out my resume8.There were strong calls for an imme

42、diate ceasefire in the UNSecurity Council9、 The exchange students we met for coffee occasionally questioned usabout our latest slang 、10、 I put the chair in the middle of the room that I had recently purchasedRevised sentences1.Our team didnt score even once、2.This term she is teaching a seminar on

43、market economy at theOsaka International University.3.The city spent almost twenty million dollars on the new stadium.、句子 构常 4.Tony bought an old car with a faulty transmission from a crookeddealer.5.The suburbs had nearly five inches of rain、6.Driving across the bridge,we could see the football stadium7.I had almost a dozen job interviews after I sent out my resume、8.There were strong calls in the UN Security Council for an immediate ceasefire.9.The exchange students we occasionally met for coffee questionedus about our latest slang.OR:The exchange students we met for co


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