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1、pets3口试自我介绍自我介绍篇一:Pets3级口语自己总结 Pets3级 口 语 1、进入考场时,出于礼貌,进门时先敲门,询问能否进入,“May I come in”/ “What do your parents do”/ You know that recently the earthquakes and ground-sea had taken place in Japan. Id like you to describe your view on it, 你首先得先做些肯定关心时事的回答,再叙述一下最近发生在日本的地震和海啸的事实,然后就这种环境问题做些个人观点的阐述 1) Yes,

2、I care it very much, I often watch news on the TV or the net, I think this is essential to everyone of us because the current affairs keep us informed of the situations of the nation and the word at large. 2) This month the affairs deepest impressed me is the great earthquakes in Japan. The earthqua

3、ke introduced into the ground-sea which destroyed the dwellers beside the sea and at least 6000 people have died and over 10 thousand people have lost. I am sure this number will be up in the future, but the worst thing is not this, the leak of the nuclear that caused by the earthquake must be the b

4、iggest mischance in Japan, because it will be harmful for the environmental and peoples health even past several years, I really desired that the government will make out laws to avoid the nuclear productions because we have only one earth, if we didnt care of it, we will be destroyed by ourselves.

5、7、另一面,老师也会就当前的环境趋势问些问题,就如环境污染(废气,污染物排放,塑料袋的使用,农田化学药物和肥料的使用,)和资源浪费以及环境破坏(乱涂乱画,乱扔果皮。)以及环境问题(温室效应,地震,泥石流),和动物保护让你发表你自己的观点,你都可用到下面的句子(第三章,第四章,第十一章) 1)Environmental problems have become an increasing concern in our society. / Someone still ignorant of the environmental protection. / More and more people

6、have realized the environmental problem and the importance of the environmental protection. / Such environmental pollution is included air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution, and white pollution. They are not only destroyed the environment, destroyed the balance of the ecological(生态平衡), but

7、 also harmful for our health, harmful for our civilization and our culture. 2) Because we have only one planet to live on, and the environment source is noenewable(自造词,非可再生 的),So if we are not care of it, and ignorant of it, we will be punished by the nature. Just as the earthquake, the debris flow(

8、泥石流), the greenhouse effect(温室效应),the snowstorm, the typhoon(10 force), and the ground-sea, the water loss and soil erosion(水土流失),and the balance of the wildlife have been destroyed. Among which the nuclear pollution must be the worst pollution, these disaster(灾难) had destroyed the earth and made it

9、 unable for the human and other species to live on. So for our own benefit, lets protect our own planet together. 3) Accompany with the development of our society, the environment protection has become more and more important,we should pay more attention on it. 4) Because more and more forests had c

10、ut down, the topsoil which conta much more useful element had been flow out, and the plant based on it would not able to live, so the ecological balance had been destroyed. 5) We are not the only master of the earth, there are too many kinds of animals and plants on the earth, and their lives are cl

11、osely connect with each other, even one smallest species(物种) destroyed by the human activities, it will affected every member of the species on the earth. 8、还有一个很重要的考试点是关于我们身体的健康问题,随着生活的富裕,越来越多的身体疾病也随之而出,所以加强锻炼,平衡饮食,以及有规律的作息和一颗愉悦的心情是保持身体健康的关键。对方面的问题还会涉及到减肥,当然这方面是利弊各半,所以你可以参考一下下面的句子(第五章,第十二章) 1) The

12、wealth and the health Nowadays, because of the development of our society, more and more people have earned more and more money through less work, people didnt need work hard as before, and our level of lives have raised day by day. But there are some unthinkable troubles happened, there is somethin

13、g wrong with our body. We can easy to earn money, but while we earn it, we had lost our healthy. 2) The key to keep health is include several aspects, just like: keep exercise, /do the morning exercise, the balanced diet, the organized(有规律的) work and rest.(作息) but the most useful way is to keep a pl

14、eased heart, just as the words “1laugh makes you 10 years younger ”. the pleased heart will also make us become a hopeful person, and help us to gain more and more successes in the future. 3) Dieting had becoming a popular things , nowadays more and more people have received it and to control their

15、diet so that they can keep their weight and their health, but most dieter are girls, among them, there are someone who didnt need dieting. They do it just want to keep a jimpness figure(苗条的体型) . But if we blinded to have diet, it will be harmful for our health。 9、还有一类题型是关于大学生的,包括大学生的学_态度,大学间做兼职,大学生沉

16、浸在网络中,假期的计划,以及关于大学毕业后的打算,和去西北地区支教。涉及面也是相当广,可以参考一下下面的句子(第九章,第十五章,第十七章) 1)If you cant control yourself, there will be no one can help you, He must be a mediocre person(庸人) if he wait for others training or helping. So in the university, we must be studied by ourselves. 2) There are many types of part-

17、time jobs while you are in school. The part-time jobs give you a chance to apply the knowledge you have learned in school, and more or less you can also earn some money for your study, it can be also eich your university life, but there still have some shortages such as it waste you more time, and m

18、ake you so tired that you can not study well, it can also divert your attention(分心) on study. 3)Today more and more students in the college have buy himself a computer, in the beginning their purpose is to use it for their study, but after their fresh time on it, they begin to use it to play games,

19、even fall into it, I think this is a bad habit, and we must give it up, or else our study will be affected. 4) I am very like the vacation, we often go out during our vacation,/ I often find me a job, so that I can lighten(减轻) our parents heavy burden. 5) Do you know the purpose I study English, yes

20、, I want to go abroad. I really want to travel to other Country and live for a few days, I think that can improve my spoken and listening English, and went to other Country can also enlarge my sight, and adjust my opinions of lives, anyhow, I really desired to travel around the word with my sister.

21、10、还有一类题型是关于社会关系与社会中存在的一些问题,譬如“年龄的代沟”“母亲在家中的地位”(第 二章)多年在一起的邻居竟然互不相识(第十四章),网上购物的虚假和网络交友的危险(第八章,第十三章)服务态度的不好,父母孩子的方式(第十三章,第二章) 1)One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. Parents always want their children to live in the same a

22、rea with them, and have the same job they had, to marry the people that they know. But young people always want to live and study in a great distance from them home, and do the job differently from the parents, marry people their parents didnt known. 2) Mother should have their own choice to choose

23、whether they should find a job or to be a housewives. 3)The neighbors live together for a long time but they didnt know each other, this kind of story happens everywhere. In the modern world, most people live in the apartments, they close their door after their work and didnt go out while they are i

24、n home. 4) Nowadays the computer have become more and more popular, it makes our life so interesting and brought us much more convinence, while we enjoy the convience that the internet give us, there still have some danger on the net, just like the crime on the net, because the things on the net alw

25、ays not ture 11、关于对利比亚动乱,咱国家出动海陆空去营救,体现了国家强盛带给我们的利益带来了保障,时间问题 随便写两句有点参考 In these days, we know the most effectable thing is the great withdraw in Libia, our government sent out airplane, and hired other countries oil tanker(租用油轮) to save the our civilizes who resort(滞留) in the Libia, it is improve t

26、o the nations that our country had been developed 08年9月14日真题 Part A Questions: Could you tell us something about your family Do you enjoy it What do you think of living together with your parents What do you enjoy most about your work or school Do you have any future plans 1、I am working in a sports

27、 company as a training and development executive. My job duty covers three parts: Organizing orientation; providing general training for staff such as communication skills and schedule management, the last is to carry out some projects to create a warmer and better working environment. 篇二:PETS2自我介绍

28、great! what about you fine! what about you could you give me your mark-sheet please could you tell me your name, please are you ? you are ,arent you how much is the ticketcandidate a, here is something about the play. answer candidate bs questions using the on your card.whywhywhat is it aboutwhy b:

29、its windy.a: whats the weather like in china (麻烦你递给我你的记分卡?) May Ihave your name? (我能知道你的名字吗?) My name is, and this is she/he will onlylisten to us. (我是,这位是,他/她只负责听我们说话。)三句话次序可能会颠倒,但不妨碍大家听懂意思。你须将口试计分卡交给专事评分的老师,然后老师会确认一下计分卡上的信息。随后口试考试正式开始。 口试过程中 (1)与口试教师或同伴对话时要保持目光接触,保持自然恰当的表情、手势和形体动作。 (2)作为考生,你应该积极主动

30、,多讲话,切忌一语不发地等着,问一句才答一句(当然也不要说起来没完没了)。对于一般疑问句的问题不要只答“Yes”、“No”,要把句子说完整,把一般疑问句改换成肯定句式,并适当加以简要的解释,不一定非要等到口试教师追问“why”时,再说话。 (3)在Part B部分要特别注意两点: 一:是口试教师是不参与讨论的,互动交际在你和另一位考生之间进行,你应该与他她互相问答、讨论和交换看法,说话的时候应该面对的是他她而不是口试教师;二:是你和另一位考生都是来参加考试的,在讨论发言中应保持基本的机会均等。由于是临时组成的搭档,你与对方的英语水平可能会不同,如果他她为了显示自己的水平、获得高分而不停地说,你

31、可以寻找机会,使用得体的交际语言打断同伴的发言,如“Im sorry, but I have tointerrupt” “Excuse me,I have to stop you” “Sorry,Ithink.。”。当然,如果你的同伴比较沉默,你可以用某些特定的语句启发你的同伴开口发言,这样才是良好的交流。这类语句有“This ismy point of view.What do you think” “Do you agree with me” “Thats mypoint.Whats your opinion”等。 (4)考试中应选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来说,否则可能会由于缺乏恰当的词汇而

32、给自己造成麻烦。比如说如果需要回答或描述电视节目或者体育运动方面的问题或图片,选择一种比较容易表述的电视节目或体育运动要比选择你真正喜欢而描述难度比较大的节目或运动现实得多。 (5)回答问题或描述图片内容时要切题,不要说与题目内容无关、意义不大的话。 (6)考试过程当中,面部表情要与口中所说的内容相符合,该严肃的时候严肃、该活泼的时候活泼,否则就会很生硬。 口试结束之后 口试结束后,你应当用英语分别向两位口试教师道谢和告别,给他们留下一个完整的好印象。 年PETS3公共英语考试口试内容预测 发表时间:-03-18 编辑:lyn 来源: 编者按:年PETS3公共英语考试口试内容预测 自我介绍 I

33、 am a primary school teacher.I teach my pupils how to use computer.My work allows students to learn more knowledge of computer.And students and I play together every day.But my job is very busy.And I always worry about subject achievement of my students I teach. 周末活动 At the weekend or holiday,I alwa

34、ys go on a tour. I think each journey can improve myself in all aspects. 未来计划 I will improve my teaching skill,which is my future plan.Thus I will be able to let many students learn more knowledge from me. 关于独自住还是和父母住 I think children can live with their parents.The parents can help their children w

35、hen we meet with any difficulties. 口试: 1.看图(小女孩骑在疲惫的爸爸背上) We can see from the picture that a girl is playing happily on her tired fathers back under the cruel sunlight. I think this phenomenon is associated with familys education. At present, Our parents seriously dote on their child just due to onl

36、y one child. Its incorrect to dote on the child like the father. Respecting the older and caring about each other is crucial character to the child. Our parents should educate their child from trifles. 2.书店买书 We can see from the pictures that the child goes to bookstore and says in surprise :”so man

37、y reference books”. What the child says has revealed/shown the current stuation of education. The reference books are sold everywhere from the bookstore to the school. It is abnormal that the students pay more attention to the reference books but neglect the main textbooks. I suggest that declining

38、some reference book is necessary for our students to correctly study knowledge. 3. 孩子要买NIKE 鞋 We can see from the pictures that the young boy wants his mother to buy NIKE shoes for him, which reflects the trend of comparison between the children. Being lack of adequate funds, the children entirely depend on their parents.On the other hand , currently, the main task of the children is to study. The children should learn to remain economical in life. pets3口试自我介绍


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