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1、.1 Greetings Meeting a Guest Tour guide Li Ming is at the airport to meet Mr. and Mrs. Taylor from the United States.Li Ming: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Taylor from the States?Mr. Taylor: Yes, I am.Li Ming: Oh, Mr. Taylor, welcome to Beijing. I am Li Ming, your local guide from China Comfort Travel

2、Service.Mr. Taylor: Hello, Li. Thank you for coming to meet us. This is my wife, Judy.Li Ming: Nice to meet you.Mrs. Taylor: Nice to meet you, too.Li Ming: Did you have a pleasant flight?Mrs. Taylor: Yes, very; pleasant.Li Ming: Have you got your luggage?Mr. Taylor: Yes, everything is here.Li Ming:

3、Our car is parked outside. Shall we go now?Mr. Taylor: OK. Lets go.Li Ming: Can I give you a hand?Mr, Taylor: Oh, no, thank you. Judy and I can manage.Wang Gang: Oh, Mr. Brown. Welcome to Shanghai .Im Wang Gang, your local guide.Mr. Brown: Glad to meet you, Wang.Wang Gang: Glad to meet you too, Mr.

4、Brown. How was your trip?Mr. Brown: Fine. We had a very pleasant trip.Wang Gang: How many pieces of luggage do you have?Mr. Brown: 32 altogether. And here are the luggage checks.Wang Gang: Good. Ill ask the red cap to take care of them.Wang Gang: Is everybody here now? Our bus is outside.Mr. Brown:

5、Oh, let me see. Yes, everyone is here.Wang Gang: Shall we go now?2 Group check-in 团队入住 Scene 1 (A: Local guide; B:Tour leader; C:Receptionist)C: Good evening! Welcome to our hotel.A: Good evening! Id like to have two suites, five singles and four twins.C: Have you made a reservation?A:Yes. Weve book

6、ed them for our tour group from the Unite States. Im from China International Travel Service and the group code is ZJCITS-A0509024 with 17 passengers.C: Im sorry, but I dont see your reservation here.A: Im sure we have made a reservation. I reconfirmed it before I came. Could you check again or cont

7、act the Sales Department?精品.C: All right. Let me check again. Ah, yes, here it is. Two suites, five singles and four twins for CITS.B: Any problem?A: No, everything is all right.B: Are the rooms ready?C: Yes, they are. But can I have your passports, please?B: Sure. Here you are.C: Thank you. Would y

8、ou please fill in these registration forms?B: The forms are finished. Shall we have the keys to our rooms?C: Here are the keys. Have a good stay in our hotel.B: Thank you. We will.Scene 2 (A: Guide; B: Tour leader; C: Receptionist)A: Mr. Smith, lets first make sure of the rooming. Weve booked 11 twi

9、ns for 22 people according to the name list you sent us. Is that O.K.?B: Well, thank you. But one of the tour members, thats number 8 on the name list, insists on having a single room. Is it possible to split one twin room into two singles? A: I see. Let me talk with the receptionist about it. (To t

10、he receptionist) Hello, Im the local guide of the Inter Pacific Tour.C: Just a moment, sir. Let me check the list. Yes, we are holding 11 twins for two nights for you.A: Thats right. But there is a change. Can we have 10 twins and 2 singles instead?C: Yes, we do have single rooms at the moment. But

11、youll have to pay for the other single. A: I see. Whats the room rate? C: The rate is $50 per night. You will stay for two nights.B: O.K. Here is $100.C: Thank you. May I see your group visa, please?B: Yes, sure. Here you are.C: Thank you. Here are the registration forms. Please help your client fil

12、l them out. And here are the keys. I hope you will enjoy your stay at our hotel.B: Thank you. We will.Scene 3 Walk-in check-in 无预订散客入住 ( A: Guide; B: Receptionist; C: Tourist)A: Excuse me. Im from CYTS(China Youth Travel Service) Zhejiang. My guests Allan and his wife have just arrived with their tw

13、o children.B: Welcome to our hotel. Have you made a reservation?A: No. Could I have two adjacent rooms with twin beds?B: Let me see sorry, we dont have any adjacent rooms left. Would you like to have two double rooms? One of them faces the beautiful West Lake.A: Allan, whats your idea?C: Can I have

14、two double rooms facing the lake?B: No, Im sorry. Its high season. Lots of tourists are flooding into our city, so its difficult to get rooms facing the lake in our hotel without reservations.精品.C: Okay, Ill take the two rooms youve offered.B: Would you please fill in this registration form? C: Cert

15、ainly. By the way, Id like to confirm the room charge.B: Yes. The rate is 420 yuan for each.C: What is the check-out time?A: The check-out time is 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m.C: And what are the service hours for the coffee shop? Wed like to get a bit to eat.B: Its open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Here

16、 are your room keys. Have a nice stay.3 Setting BillsTour guide: Mr. Davis, shall we go to check out now?Guest: Yes. Is my bill ready?Tour guide: Yes, I think so. Do you have any charges for this morning?Guest: No, none at all.Tour guide: That will be easy. ( To the cashier ) Hello, Miss. Mr. Davis

17、would like to settle his bill now. His room number is 607 .Cashier: Yes, a moment please. Here you are.Guest : Which of these is my bill?Cashier: Oh, Im sorry, sir. I forgot to explain that to you. This one here is an allowance slip. You see, we made a mistake in your bill and overcharged you $20. S

18、o we had to write an allowance slip and deduct $20 from your bill.Guest: I see. So this is the bill then?Cashier: Yes, thats right. The total figure you have to pay is down at the bottom, on the right.Guest: The figure seems all right.Cashier: How do you wish to pay your bill, sir?Guest: By credit c

19、ard.Cashier: Thats no problem. If you let me have your card, Ill get the sales voucher for your signature. We hope you have a good flight.Guest: Thank you.Cashier: Here you are, sir.Guest: Thank you.Tour guide: Well, Mr. Davis. Do you have everything with you?Guest: Yes, one suitcase and a carry-on

20、bag. I think that is all.Tour guide: OK, shall we go now? The car is waiting for us outside.Guest: Yes, lets go.4 Discussing the ltineraryMr. Smith is a tour escort. His group has just checked in at the hotel. Wu Ming is the local guide.Mr. Smith: It seems everything is OK. Shall we start discussing

21、 the itinerary?Wu Ming: Oh, yes. Have you got anything special in mind that you would like to see?Mr. Smith: I think you know your city better than I do. To tell you the truth, my tour members are not at all happy about the travel arrangements for this 精品.China tour. You know we only have three days

22、 in Beijing. In such a short time, how can we possibly visit a city like Beijing that has so many world-famous places of interest?Wu Ming: Dont be upset, Mr. Smith. I promise Ill make the best use of the time and try to let you see as many places as possible.Mr. Smith: Thank you, Mr. Wu. Its really

23、very considerate of you.Wu Ming: This is the tentative itinerary Ive worked out. Would you please go over the details?Mr. Smith: Sure. ( Going over the itinerary. ) Dont you think it would be better to visit Chairman Maos Memorial Hall on Sunday rather than on a weekday?Wu Ming: Why is that? It is v

24、ery crowded on Sunday.Mr. Smith: Thats exactly what I mean. Wed like to see how the Chinese people pay homage to this great man.Wu Ming: If we go on Sunday, we will spend several hours waiting in line. We will have to cancel the other destination we have planned.Mr. Smith: I dont see what the proble

25、m would be with seeing Chairman Maos Memorial Hall and the other places we talk about all on the same day.Wu Ming: I dont think you realize how many people will be visiting Chairman Maos Memorial Hall on Sunday and how long it will take us to go through these sites.Mr. Smith: We would really like to

26、 see it on Sunday.Wu Ming: Whatever you prefer.Mr. Smith: Here ( pointing to the itinerary ), why dont we visit a few more places of interest before lunch, and find a fast-food restaurant instead of this fancy Dragon Restaurant?Wu Ming: Ive thought about that. There is a fast-food restaurant, McDona

27、lds, right on Wangfujing Street, a very popular shopping area and a pedestrian street as well. We could stop there for lunch. Some of the tour members may enjoy walking along the street.Mr. Smith: Im sure all the tour members would like that. What time do you want us to check out and leave for the a

28、irport?Wu Ming: 11 oclock.Mr. Smith: But that is almost the rush hour. I think wed better make it 10:30, in case we get caught in traffic.Wu Ming: You are very thoughtful. I can see you are a very experienced escort. We should prepare for the worst. By the way, can I take the group to a couple of so

29、uvenir shops while sightseeing?Mr. Smith: Please pick out just one. Youd better not spend too much time on shopping, because its not part of our schedule.Wu Ming: Ill remember that. Do I take it then that were agreed?Mr. Smith: Yes, I think so. Im quite happy with the itinerary. Everything seems to

30、be in order.Wu Ming: Good. Well, lets call it a day then, shall we? Im sure youve a lot to get started. This is my cell phone number ( pointing at the itinerary ). Dont hesitate to get in touch with me, will you, if you run into any problems?Mr. Smith: Certainly.精品.Dialogue I In the Dining HallTour

31、guide: We have a table reservation at 7:30, and would like to confirm it, please.Waiter : Whats your name, please?Tour guide: My name is Delson. Im in charge of an American group.Waiter : Yes, there are 26 of you. Would you like to have the Continental Breakfast?Tour guide: No, wed like to have a Cl

32、ub Breakfast. May I have a look at the menu, because Id like to order now it possible?Waiter : Good. Here you are.Tour guide: Lets see. Wed like the No. 3.Waiter : How would you like your eggs?Tour guide: Sunny-side up with ham for everybody but two.Waiter : All right. What about the other two peopl

33、e? Do they want anything special?Tour guide: Yes, they dont care for eggs. Theyd like French toast instead. Would that be possible?Waiter : Noproblem. Now let me show you your table. Would you like to have dinner at the same hour tomorrow?Tour guide: No, Id like to make it 7:30.Waiter : We are going

34、 to have a couple more groups tomorrow night, but Ill manage.At the Silk Fabric CounterLater in the afternoon in a shopping center, Wang Ping helps Bridget Shell choose a real silk shirt at the silk fabric counter.Saleslady: Good afternoon, madam. Are you being served? Bridget Shell: Good afternoon. Im looking for a silk shirt for myhusband. Would you show me some, please?Saleslady: Certainly. We have a wide selection of silk shirts here.But what size, please?Bridget Shell: Large.Saleslady: How do you like these?Bridget Shell: Oh, how nice! 如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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