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1、中考英语宾语从句各地方试卷集合汇编一、初中英语宾语从句1 Excuse me, could you tell me _?There is a supermarket over there. You can get some there.A how I can find a supermarketBwhere the supermarket isC where I can buy some fruitD Where can I buy some fruit【答案】 C【解析】试题分析:句意:-打扰了,你能告诉我,我能在哪里买到水果?-那边有一个超市。在那你能买到一些水果。分析:考查宾语从句的用法

2、,宾语从句用陈述语顺,第四项不符合。结合答语,介绍了能买到水果的地方,因此是问买到水果的地方,第三项符合语境。故选C考点:考查宾语从句的用法。2Excuse me, could you tell me _? Sorry, sir. I wasn t there at that time.A how did the accident happenBhow the accident happenedC how does the accident happenD how the accident happens【答案】 B【解析】宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除A、 C,看语境可知,发生在过去,用过去时

3、态,选择B。3-The light in the professor s lab was still on at 11:00 o? clock. Do you know-maybe at midnight again.A how long has he workedBwhy does he stay up so lateC if he is busy studyingD when he stopped working【答案】 D【解析】【详解】句意 “-教授实验室的灯仍然亮着,你知道他什么时候停止工作吗?-可能再一次到半夜”。本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除A 和 B;且根据may

4、be at midnight again 可知,应问 “他何时停止工作”,故选 D。4-Excuse me, I wonder _ I can pay for the new shoes?-You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝) .A whetherB whenC howD why【答案】C【解析】【详解】Bwhere you will go D how you will go句意:打扰一下,我想知道我怎样才能买这双新鞋?您可以使用微信或支付宝支付。考查宾语从句的引导词。 A. whether 是否; B. when 什么时候; C. how 怎样

5、、; D. why 为什么。根据答语 You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝) .可以推断,设空处是询问方式的,结合选项可知 C 选项符合题意,故答案选 C。5What else did Tina ask you about the trip to Nanjing?She asked me _.A who was the guide of the tripB when they will visit the Presidential PalaceC how long would they stay at Nanjing MuseumD if she

6、can go to Nanjing University alone on the second day 【答案】 A【解析】试题分析:句意为: -关于南京之行蒂娜还问了你什么事? -她问我谁是旅行的导游。根据语境可知,这是一个宾语从句,应用陈述句语序。由于是询问过去发生的事实,应用一般过去时,结合选项可知应选A。考点:考查宾语从句的用法。6 Excuse me, could you tell me? There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.A where the bank isBhow I can get to t

7、he bankC if theres a bank near hereD where I can exchange money【答案】 D【解析】句意: 打扰了,你能告诉我在哪里我可以兑换钱币吗?在二楼有一个银行。你可以在那里做到。where the bank is银行在哪里;how I can get to the bank我如何到达那个银行;if theres a bank near here 这附近有银行吗?where I can exchange money 我在哪里可以兑换钱币。根据There is a bank on the second floor. You can make i

8、t there. 可知此处表示在银行那里可以做到的事,应是在那里兑换钱币,故选D。7Lily, have you decided _ for traveling this summer?Not yet. Maybe some cities in the north. A where will you go C how will you go【答案】 B【解析】句意: 莉莉,你决定今年夏天去哪儿旅行了吗? 还没有。也许北方的一些城市。考查宾语从句。本句是宾语从句,疑问词引导的宾语从句需用陈述语序,可排除AC 选项。根据答语Maybe some cities in the north ,说的是地点

9、,可知需用where 引导,故选B。8I have no ideathe meeting room yesterday afternoon.Jack, I guess.A who cleansB who cleanedC why he cleaned【答案】 B【解析】【详解】句意 “我不知道昨天下午谁清扫了会议室。-我猜是杰克 ”。根据 Jack, I guess可知,应问 “谁清扫了教室 ”,问人,用 who,排除 C。且根据 yesterday afternoon 可知,用一般过去时,故选 B。9-Would you please tell me _ ? - Bus No.301 wil

10、l take you there.A who will we go with to Shandong TheaterC when they left for the Shandong Museum【答案】 DBwhat can we see in Quancheng Park D how we can get to Bon-Garden【解析】【详解】句意: 请你告诉我怎样到达Bon-Garden? 301 路公共汽车会带你去那儿。根据下文Bus No.301 will take you there.意,故选D。可知上文是说怎样到达,用how引导,排除ABC,根据题10 Mike was no

11、t listening carefully, so he failed to hear.A what the teacher saidBhow the teacher saidC what did the teacher sayD how did the teacher say【答案】 A【解析】【详解】本题考查:宾语从句。选项分析:what the teacher said 是宾语从句,做hear 的宾语,须用陈述语序。综合分析前后句,可知此处填what the teacher said 最合适,完整句意为:Mikewas not listening carefully, so he fai

12、led to hear what the teacher said .迈克没有认真听讲,所以他没能听到老师在说什么。正确答案为:A11 Many kids in China are crazy about the Western culture. But I still cant understand to us Chinese.A what does Christmas meanC what mean Christmas does【答案】 DBwhat Christmas does meanD what Christmas means我以前见过她。但我不知道她叫什么名字。 t know_.B

13、what does she look like D what is she【解析】【详解】句意:中国的很多孩子都对西方文化着迷。但我还是不明白圣诞节对我们中国人意味着什么。这里是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除AB, C 语序不正确的。根据题意,故选D。12 Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you. A who was the letter from C who the letter is fromThanks. I wondered.Bwho was from the letterD who the letter was from【答案】 D【解析】【详解】句意:

14、嗨 ,布鲁斯。这是给你的一封信。谢谢。我想知道这封信是谁寄来的。考查宾语从句。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,AB 两项都是疑问句语序,可排除。主句I wondered是一般过去时,从句需用一般过去时,可排除C项;根据句意结构和语境,可知选D。13 Does Jenny live here?Yes. But I dont know_.A which room does she live inB in which room lives sheC which room she lives inD in which room does she live【答案】 C【解析】试题分析:句意:-詹妮是住在这里吗?

15、-但是我不知道住在哪个房间?因为这里应该是个宾语从句,而宾语从句应该使用陈述句语序。A , D 都是问句的语序(does 在主语 she 的前面), B 语顺更是不符,动词出现在主语的前面。只有C 是陈述句语序,所以选C。考点:考查宾语从句。14 -Do you know our head teacher over there?-I have seen her before. But I don A what her name is C where she is【答案】 A【解析】【详解】句意: 你认识那边的班主任吗?A.她叫什么; B.她长什么样; C.她在哪里; D.她是什么?根据句意可知

16、,此句是宾语从句,从句要用陈述语序,故排除 B 和 D;此空的意思是 .她叫什么名字?故排除 C,故选 A。15 Father s Day is coming. I m thinking about _.A what present I gave himBwhere shall we have a big mealC how I will give him a surpriseD if I planned a party for him【答案】【解析】C试题分析:句意:父亲节就要到来了。我在考虑我怎样给他一个惊喜。此题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句的语序。根据句意,应选C。考点:考查宾语从句。

17、16 -Could you please tell me _?-Its next to the Peoples Bank of China. A where is Wang Ruofei Square C where was Wang Ruofei Square 【答案】 BBwhere Wang Ruofei Square is D where Wang Ruofei Square was【解析】【详解】句意: -你能告诉我王若飞广场在哪里吗?-在中国人民银行旁边。考查宾语从句。根据下文 Its next to the Peoples Bank of China. 是一般现在时,可知表达现在

18、的事情,可知此句时态是一般现在时。C 和 D 是一般过去时,故排除;宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,A 是疑问句语序, B 是陈述语序;故选B。【点睛】本题考查宾语从句这一语法,做这类题时,要从三方面考虑:一、选准连接词(引导词); 二、当连接词不作从句的主语时,连接词后紧跟从句的主语+谓语(注意主谓一致等); 三、若主句是过去时,从句要改为相对应的过去的某种时态;四、需用陈述语序。17 I didnt know.A when would the train arriveBwhere could I get the bookC what has been doneD who left the mes

19、sage【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意:我不知道谁留的言。根据句意可知,这里考查的是宾语从句,从句中应该使用陈述语序,故A 和 B 不对;这个题干中谓语动词部分didn t know使用的是一般过去时态,故宾语从句中也应该用过去时态,故C 不对,它是现在完成时。故选D。考点:考查宾语从句。18 Jane, could you tell me _ the beautiful kite? Oh, I bought it in a shop near the park.A where you boughtC where did you buyBwhere will you buyD where

20、you will buy【答案】 A【解析】【 解】句意: ,你能告 我你在哪 的漂亮的 筝 ?哦,我在公园附近的一个商店 的它。本 考 的是 从句,根据 从句的 序是 述 序,可排除B 和C,答句中的Ibought可知, 用的是一般 去 ,故答案 A。【点睛】 从句的三要素:1、引 ( that 、 if/whether 、特殊疑 );2、 序: 述 序(主 + ); 3、 (主 从需、主 从 、客普 ),例如 目中的答句是bought可推知 从句中的 也是一般 去 , 序也要用 述 序,即可 出正确答案。19 Do you know _, Jack? Because she missed

21、her parents and went to see them.A why Ann flew to EnglandBwhy does Ann fly to EnglandC why Ann flies to EnglandD why did Ann fly to England【答案】 A【解析】【 解】句意: 你知道安 什么 往英国了 ,杰克?因 她想她的父母了,她想去看望他 。根据句子 构可知,本 考 从句。 从句的 构是引 述句 序,即:主 ,所以排除B/ D,再根据答 中的missed 可知, 用 去 ,所以 A。【点睛】 从句的考 中引 的确定要根据上下句句意来确定,然后引 后要加

22、 述句,即主 其他,本 根据答 中的because 确定引 why 之后,要知道后接 述句 序,再根据 的判断可知, A。20 一 Do you knowfor vacation?一 Next month.A when Mr. Cooper will leaveB when Mr. Cooper leftC when will Mr. Cooper leaveD when did Mr. Cooper leave【答案】 A【解析】 分析:句意:-你知道 Mr Cooper 什么 候去度假 ?-下个月。此 考 从句, 从句要用 述句 序。根据句意及 状 , 用一般将来 ,故 A。考点:考查宾语

23、从句。21 I want to know _ on WeChat (微信) every day.About half an hour.A how long do you spendB how long you spendC how soon do you spendD how soon you spend【答案】 B【解析】句意:-我想知道你每天花在微信上多长时间。-大约半个小时。A. how long do you spend你花多长时间,疑问语序;B. how long you spend你花多长时间,陈述语序;C. how soon doyou spend 什么时候花 .,疑问语序;D.

24、 how soon you spend 你什么时候花.,陈述语序。根据语义可知,本句为宾语从句,在从句中要用陈述句的语序。How long 多久,询问 “一段” how soon多久,询问“”About half an hour.可知,本题询问时间 ;将来的时间点。根据答语“一段时间 ”。故选 B。22 The light in David s room is still on. Do you know _? Maybe at 12 0 clock again.A what he is doingBwhy he stays up. so lateC if he is busy studying

25、D when he will stop working【答案】 D【解析】句意: 戴维房间里的灯还亮着。你知道他什么时候会停止工作吗?也许还得12 点吧。考查宾语从句。根据答语Maybe at 12 0 clock again,可.知问的是时间,故选 D。23 I don t know _ he left in a hurry without any words this morning.Maybe he left the copy at home, for I heard the boss shouting.A howB whereC whenD why【答案】 D【解析】【详解】句意: -

26、我不知道他今天早上为何一句话不说就匆匆忙忙走了。-可能是把复印件丢在家里了,因为我听到老板训斥了。考查连接副词。A. how 怎样; B. where 哪儿; C. when 什么时候; D. why 为什么。根据后文for I heard the boss shouting 因为听到老板的训斥,可知是表原因。故选D。24 Some people are interested in _women _of men. s sense of smell is better developed thanA which; thatB what; oneC which; oneD whether; tha

27、t【答案】 D【解析】句意:有些人对妇女的嗅觉是否比男人的更好感兴趣。beinterested in 后面的接的宾语从句,结合句意,表示是否,故用whether 引导。第二空代指sense of smell 不可数名词,故用代词 that 。故选 D。点睛: one 代指前面出现的可数名词单数,that 代指前面出现的不可数名词,it 代指前面出现的具体事物。第二空代指sense of smell 不可数名词,故用代词 that 。故选 D。25 I never doubt _ this park is worth _.A whether, visitingB that, a visitC t

28、hat, travelling【答案】 BD whether, travel【解析】【详解】句意:我从不怀疑这个公园值得参观。doubt是动词,后面是做宾语的,所以是宾语从句,这里从句是陈述句,所以用that引导,故排除A,D。根据句意可知这个公园”值得参观”,而不是值得旅游,故选B。26 -Could you tell us _ ?-About two weeks.A how often are we going to be awayB how often we are going to be awayC how long are we going to be awayD how long

29、we are going to be away【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意:你能告诉我们要离开多久?大约两周。句中所缺是宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述语序,故排除A; how often 多久一次; how long 多长; how much 多少;结合语境故选 C。考点:考查宾语从句。27 -Could you tell me _yesterday?-Yes. To take back my dictionary.A what did you come here forC how did you come here【答案】 BBwhy you came hereD when you cam

30、e here【解析】句意:-你能告诉我昨天你为什么来晚了吗?-是的,为了把字典取回来。这里是宾语从句,其语序是陈述语序,故排除AC;根据 To take back my dictionary.可知,上句问的是原因,故选B。28 -Miss Lee, I didn t catch what you said.youCoultell me _ again?-OK.A what should we takeC when we would start【答案】 DBwhere shall we meetD how we will get there【解析】【详解】句意: 李小姐,我没听懂你说的话。你能告

31、诉我我们怎样才能再到那里吗?好的。考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句的语序。如果主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要选择时态,如果主句是过去时态,从句要用相应的过去时态。但是从句是客观真理,一般用一般现在时态。 AB 是疑问句语序,语序不正确;本句主句Could you tell me 是委婉语气,时态是一般现在时,根据语境可知从句是表达将要发生的事情,需用一般将来时,C 是一般过去时, D 是一般将来时,故选D。29 I wonder_Tom had a good time having a picnic yesterday. B if C what A thatD which【答案】 B【解析】【

32、详解】句意 “我想知道汤姆是否在昨天的野餐中玩得很开心 ”。本题是宾语从句, that 在宾语从句中无意义也不做成份; if 在从句中不做成份,译为 “是否 ”; C.what 在从句中作成份,指物,译为 “什么 ”; which 在从句中作成份,译为 “哪一个 ”。根据句子可知,从句中不缺成份,且根据 wonder 可知,译为 “是否玩得开心 ”,用 if,故选 B。30 -Dad, do you know _ return from Beijing? I miss her very much.-Maybe next SundayA how will Mum【答案】 DB when will Mum.C how Mum willD when Mum will【解析】【详解】句意:爸爸,你知道妈妈什么时候从北京回来吗?我非常想她。也许下星期天吧。本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序:无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序。首先从语序上判断,选项A B 是疑问语序被排除。how怎么样;when什么时候。依据答语Maybe next Sunday也许下个星期天吧可知,故选D。


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