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1、精品自学考 料推荐浙江省 2018 年 7 月高等教育自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码: 00096 .常用词语的英译汉 (每个词组 1 分,共 10 分 ) Put the following phrases into Chinese.1.trade fairs and exhibitions2.intellectual property right3.trade procedure4.export quota5.(government)procurement6.European integration7.Export Commodity Fair8.countervailing dut

2、y9.fledgling industries10.deinflationary policies .常用词语的汉译英 (每个词组 1 分,共 10 分 ) Put the following phrases into English.1.外商独资2.自然资源3.国内生产总值4.供需5.市场导向6.商业周期7.质量证书8.贸易逆差9.市场力量10.经常项目 .正误判断题 (每题 2 分,共 10 分 )Read the following passage and decide whether the satements are ture or false.What Is MarketThe w

3、orld market is used in a number of ways.There is a stock market and an automobile market,a retail market for furniture and a wholesale market for furniture.One person may be goingto the market;another may plan to market a product.What,then is market?A market may be defined as a place where buyers an

4、d sellers meet,goods or services are offered for sale,and transfers of ownership occur.A market may also be defined as the demand made by a certain group of potential buyers for a good or service.For instance,there is a farm marker for petroleum( 石油 )products.The terms market and demand are often us

5、ed interchangeably;they may also be used jointly as market demand.These definitions are notsufficiently preciseto be useful to us here.For business purposes wedefine a market as people or organizations with wants(needs) to satisfy,money to spend, and the willingness to spend it.Thus in the market de

6、mand for any given product or service,there are three factors to consider people or organizations with wants(needs),their purchasing power,and their1精品自学考 料推荐buying behavior.Weshallemploythedictionarydefinitionofneeds:thelackofanythingthatisrequired,desired,or useful.We do not limit needs to the nar

7、row physiological(生理的 )requirementsof food,clothing and shelter essential for survival.In our discussion the words needs and wants are used synonymously and interchangeably.In strict interpretation,however,needs would refer to suchbasic physiologicalrequirements as food,clothing,andshelter,whilewant

8、s wouldbe nonbasicpreferences.However,in our affluent society,little is to be gained by trying to differentiate between the two.Many of us would see as needs some items that are far beyond food,clothing,and sheltter.1.Accordingto the passage,the word“ market”can be used in different occasions and th

9、ereforeacquire differentmeanings.()2.The sentence“ there is a farm market for petroleum products. ” indicates that “ market” and“ demand” are sometimes synonyms.()3.In the commercial field,the concept of market involves only people with wants.()4.The words “ needs” and “ wants” can be used synonymou

10、sly and interchangeably because theyboth suggest the lack of something.()5.The passage is mainly about why people are confused with needs and wants.() .单项选择题 (每 2 分,共 20 分 )Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part or what is required in the followingstatements.1.In April,theEC impose

11、d a ban on livestock,meat,and dairy products from 18 eastern countriesfollowing an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Croatia.()A.levied a high tariffB.adopted quota systemC.limited the import volumeD.shut out imports2.Hire a commission buying agent who finds sources abroad on behalf of the princ

12、ipal.()A.head of an educational institutionB.person who commits a crimeC.main actor or performerD.one who employs another to act as his agent3.An in-ouse service gives managers direct contact with foreign suppliers, an advantage to a firmthat has a large volume of overseas purchasing.()A.a business

13、carried on in shelter,not in openB.a deal concluded in ones own countryC.an entertainments given to suppliersD.a negotiation with the supplier in ones own company4.But it often allows the purchaser a say in product specifications.()A.revision to his requirementsB.room for bargainingC.right to decide

14、D.presentation of complaint5.It is also the only way to ensure product exclusivity.()A.right of only sale of a product,not shared by othersB.a competitive edge in sale of a productC.an advantage over other firms in sale of a productD.a small number of a product only6.Directbuyingenables companies to

15、do a betterjobofproductdevelopmentwithkeyvendors.()A.producersB.sellersC.consumersD.buyers2精品自学考 料推荐7.Officials on both sides were optimistic that a deal on farming,which would unlock the rest of theround,was within reach.()A.solveB.openC.tightenD.close8.Sony had to shrink 2,000 components into a sp

16、ace onequarter the size they occupy in aconventional camcorder.()A.condenseB.add up toC.leave offD.make lighter9.Witha targettoaimat,thecoverersknowthatthe innovationis atleast technicallyfeasible.()A.strongB.stableC.advancedD.possible10.Tourists enterprises and any other service industry outside th

17、e zone are not entitled to anyspecial status.()A.have no power toB.are not interested inC.have no right toD.are not obliged to .英译汉 (每题 4 分,共 40 分 )Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.We willalso implement the “ going out” strategy,encouraging viable enterprises to investabroad.This wil

18、l enable us to take advantage of both the domestic and international markets.2.After China joins the WTO,consumers on themainland will start to findmore choices in theirshops,including many new items from overseas.3.Internationalmarketingis importantbecause the worldhas become globalized.Internation

19、almarketing takes place all around us every day, and has a major effect on our lives.4.Technology transfer is the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a product,forthe application of a process,or for the rendering of a service.The elements of the transfer are“ human ware” ,“ soft

20、ware ” and “ hard ware” .5.Foreign direct investment tends to transfer assets from the developed world to the developing world.But the pattern is not entirely simple.6.We are not safely beyond a backlash against the new world of competition.7.Hong Kong and Korea didnt invent new or more efficient ma

21、nufacturing techniques.They simply bought market share with low wages.8.Globalisation has aroused worries in many rich countries that free trade with much poorer countries threatens jobs and prosperity.This was plain in last years debate in the United States over expanding the North American Free Tr

22、ade Agreement.9.The world economy has sneezed,the mainlands export sector has caught a cold,and Hong Kong is suffering from influenza.There is no quick cure medication.10.The companys new formula was designed partly to keep Cokes sales growing overseas. Compared with Americans,who guzzle more soda t

23、han water,the rest of world is still in the sipping stage. .短文提问 (每题 2 分,共 10 分 )Read the following passage and answer the questions in English.Given the stakes involved,its not surprising that the issue has become politically volatile.The outspoken opposition leaders of the National Assembly routin

24、ely criticize the government for3精品自学考 料推荐granting special tax breaks to the chaebol,which they argue have impeded the growth of small businesses and stymied entrepreneurship.1.What does “given ” mean here?2.What is “ the stakes”?3.Why was the government criticized by the outspoken opposition leaders?4.Give one synonym for“ businesses” .5.What is the meaning of“involved ” here?4


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