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1、外研版英语八年级下Module 8 Time off 单元检测试卷第一部分 听力(20 分) .听句子,选择你所听到的单词,句子读两遍。1.A. hardlyB. hardC. foundD. finally2.A. thirtyB. dirtyC. thirstyD. funny3.A. workB. wordC. wormD. wake4.A. full B. pull C. push D. hall5.A. fameB. humorous C. famous D. dangerous .听对话及问题,选择正确答语,对话及问题读两遍。6. A. German. B. English. C.

2、 French. D. Chinese.7. A. Jack. B. Alice. C. David. D. Nobody.8. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By train. D. By bus.9. A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Last night. D. Last week.10. A. To learn about the weather.B. To learn about sports.C. To learn about news.D. To play computer games. .听

3、对话,回答问题。对话读两遍。11. What did Lucy do on Sunday?A. She went to the park.B. She went to the garden.C. She visited the zoo.D. She went to school.12. Did Lucy see pandas?A. Yes, she did.B. Yes, I dont.C. No, she didnt.D. No, she did.13. What did Lucy see, then?A. A tiger. B. A panda. C. A deer. D. A duck.

4、 14.Where is the elephant?A. There isntan elephant.B. Behind the tiger.C. In front of the lion.D. In the park.15. When did Lucy come back?A. At four.B. At five.C. At six.D. At seven. .听短文,回答问题。短文读两遍。16. Where does Miss Brown come from?A. Canada. B. France. C. England. D. America.17. How old is Miss

5、Brown?A. Thirty-three. B. Thirty-five. C. Thirty-eight. D. Thirty-nine.18. What is NOT Miss Browns hobby?A. Playing tennis. B. Drawing pictures. C. Listening to music. D. Singing.19. What does Miss Brown think of penguins?A. Shy. B. Cute. C. Lazy. D. Dangerous.20. What does Miss Brown like doing bes

6、t?A. Teaching English.B. Being a reporter.C. Working with animals.D. Being a singer.第二部分笔试( 80 分) .单项选择( 10 分)1.-Would you please eat some cakes, Allen?-Yes, please. And I also want some water. I_! m so _A. lazyB. hungryC. sleepyD. thirsty2.Though he has studied English _ for ten months, he can stil

7、l _speak it.A. hard; hardB. hardly; hardlyC. hardly; hard D. hard; hardly3.The little boy said sorry to the teacher and promised _ to school late again.A. to comeB. not to come C. come D. not come4.Sanya is famous _ its beautiful beaches.A. ofB. forC. asD. with5.Tom, please tidy up your toys. They _

8、 too much room here.A. take outB. take upC. take offD. get off6. They dontallow people _ in the river.A. swimB. swimmingC. to swimmingD. to swim7. -Look at the tall building! It s so modern!-Yeah. And there is a garden on its _. A garden in the air!A. floorB. groundC. sideD. top8. -Mum, would you pl

9、ease _ at six tomorrow morning? I must get up early.-OK.A. take me offB. look after meC. pick me up D. wake me up9. I think we should _ how to go there.A. agree toB. agree onC. look forD. come out10. _ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. Everybody D.

10、 Nobody .完形填空( 20 分)Some time ago, my wifeand I traveled to Sydney to visit my sister. We had takenmore clothes than we needed and struggled onto the train.In front of us, in a face-to-face seat, _ 1 _ six young men in their early 20s. They werestrong and2, and I dislikedthem immediately. They were

11、laughing loudly,obviously3themselves and they 4a foreign language.As we went quickly 5the countryside, I kept an eye on them as they joked around.Sometimes they took a look in our direction. When two of them got 6 , I relaxed alittle. The rest of them7 to laugh and joke in their own language.When we

12、 finally arrived at our8, only one of them was left on the train. He wasobviously9too and as I struggled towards him with my heavy luggage( 行李 ),he reached out and asked in English:“ Want a hand with that, mate?”He 10the heavier bag up the station steps for us. We were pleasantly surprisedand very g

13、rateful.1. A. satB. stoodC. layD. lived2. A. politeB. quietC. lazyD. noisy3. A. helpingB. enjoyingC. teachingD. devoting4.A. toldB. spokeC. saidD. talked5.A. aboveB. ontoC. overD. through6.A. offB. upC. alongD. on7.A. wantedB. startedC. stopped D. continued8.A. houseB. hotelC. stationD. shelter9.A.

14、boredB. worriedC. excitedD. frightened10. A. carried B. leftC. broughtD. bought .阅读理解( 20 分)AOne day, Thomas Jefferson, the president of the USA, was crossing a river withagroup of travelers. The river was overflowing its banks. So it was very dangerous tocross it on a horse. Each man was fighting f

15、or his life! Then another traveler came andhe wanted to cross it, too. But he didn t have a horse. He watched the group and thenasked Jefferson to take him. Jefferson agreed immediately. The man climbed on. Afterthey were both safe to the other side of the river, someone asked the man,“ Whyou ask pr

16、esident for help? Did you know him?” The man was shocked because hedidn knowt Jefferson was the president. “ All I know, ”he said, “ onsome of yourfaces were written the answer NO, but there was the answer YES on his face.”1.Who was Thomas Jefferson?A. He was a businessman.B. He was a teacher.C. He

17、was a captain.D. He was the president of the USA.2. How did they cross the river?A. In a boat. B. On their horses. C. By swimming. D. By building a bridge.3. When the travelers were crossing the river, _.A. water was flowing out of the riverB. it was windy and very coldC. there were many empty boats

18、 in the riverD. everyone wrote a word on the face4. At last, _.A. both Jefferson and the man were safe to cross the riverB. only Jefferson crossed the riverC. only the man crossed the riverD. Jefferson s horse died5. From the passage, we know that _.A. all the travelers were kindB. Jefferson was hel

19、pfulC. nobody knew the presidentD. the man gave Jefferson some moneyBMost Americans enjoy moving from place to place. For example, they often drive their cars 120 to 160 kilometres away just to have dinner with a friend or even fly to London or Paris just to watch a football match. In some states on

20、ly one person in five lives in a place for more than five years. One may be born in one city, and go to school in another. He may finish his middle school in two or three cities, and then go to college far across the country. When he begins to work, he may possibly movefrom job to job. Moving from o

21、ne job to another, which is called -hopping ” , can“job be seen in many places in the United States.Job-hopping does good to workers because every change of a job gives them a chance to get better pay. And job-hopping also gives bosses the chance to get new ideas and skills from him or her.6. From t

22、his passage, we can see Americans often travel to _.A. have dinner with their friendsB. go shoppingC. watch a football gameD. enjoy themselves7. Which of the following is true?A. About 20% of the people stay in one place for over five years.B. Children have to finish middle school in one place.C. Pe

23、ople go to the nearest college.D. When people begin to work, they dont move any more.8. Job-hopping means“_”.A. looking for a jobB. having a jobC. changing jobs oftenD. losing a job9. In the USA job-hopping _.A. is very popularB. helps young people go to collegeC. helps workers in travelingD. helps

24、students begin to work10. The writer thinks job-hopping _.A. does good only to the workersB. does good only to the bossC. must be stoppedD. is helpful .阅读表达( 10 分)Everyone loves holidays because people dontneed to go to school or work during the holidays. (A) All the holidays mean no school no work.

25、 (B) go, during, you, out, with, a holiday, friends, you stay at home to eat, talk, and have fun with your family. For example in the US, everyone thinks New Years Eve and New Year are both for having parties with friends. Christmas is the time to stay home and exchange( 交换 ) gifts with family membe

26、rs. But the things are(C)_ in Japan. For example, inJapan, New Year is for spending time with the family eating, talking, having fun, and going to the temples. But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts.Of course, if you want to know these different holiday customs( 风俗 ),

27、 you will learn about different histories and cultures.1.根据 (A) 处划线句子对下句进行句型转换,每空一词。All the holidays mean _ school _ work.2.将( B)处划线句子连词成句。_3.在文章中找到一个单词填入(C)处空格中,使上下文意思连贯。_4.根据文章,回答下列 。Why do people like holidays?_5. In which country do people go out and exchange gifts at Christmas._ . 面表达( 20 分)假如你

28、是杰克, 在在深圳姨 家探 。 到达深圳几天后, 你要用英 了个 子 件 父母,内容要点如下:1.我于上周六下午乘火 抵达深圳,旅途愉快;2.姨 全家人身体都好,他 我非常 切;3. 几天姨兄弟 正 我四 参 座城市;4. 深圳的印象;5. 希望 大后能在 里工作。注意:1.作出适当 ;2. 件 包括所有内容要点,要求 句通 、意思 ;3. 数 70 个左右, 件的开 和 尾均已 出,不 入 数。Dear Dad and Mum,Uncle and Aunt send you their best wishes.Love,Jack参考答案第一部分听力1-5 ACDBC 6-10 BCACA 1

29、1-15 CCACB 16-20 CABBB第二部分笔 单项选择 1-5 DDBBB 6-10 DDDBA完形填空 1-5 ADBBD 6-10 ADCCA阅读理解 1-5 DBAAB 6-10 DACAD阅读表达1. neither nor2. You go out with friends during a holiday.3. different4. Because people don t need to go to school or work during the holidays.5. In the US.书面表达Dear Dad and Mum,I arrived in She

30、nzhen by train last Saturday afternoon. The journey was pleasant. Aunt familys are all well. They are very kind to me. These days my cousins are showing me around the city. Shenzhen is a modern city. There are many tall buildings. Life here is busy and colorful. I love the way people live and work here. I hope to work in this city when I grow up.Uncle and Aunt send you their best wishes. Love,Jack


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