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1、精品自学考 料推荐浙江省 2018 年 1 月高等教育自学考试外语教学法试题课程代码: 00833一、判断正误题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )The following statements are about the facts presented in the first chapter of the book. Please indicate in the brackets after the statements whether they are true (T) or false (F) (10%).1.The Naturalists and the Conventionalis

2、ts disagreed with each other in the 5th century. The former argued that forms of words reflected the nature of objects, while the latter held that there was nologic between form and meaning of words. ()2.The forerunners of American structuralism are Noam Chomsky and Edward Sapir. ()3.Bloomfield, the

3、 American linguist, maintained that linguists should prescribe instead of describewhat people say. ()4.For Chomsky, linguistic competence refers to the internalized knowledge of the language that anative speaker of that language possesses. ()5.The analogists claimed that language in general was regu

4、lar and there were rules for people tofollow. ()6.Thefunctionallinguisticsdevelopsdirectlyfromthe LondonSchoolofLinguistswithMalinowski as its forerunner.()7.Michael Halliday claimed that language has formal meaning and contextual meaning. ()8.The most important factor that has made cognitivepsychol

5、ogy the dominant approach in theworld is the development of the computer technology. ()9.According to the behavioral psychology, children acquire schemas and concepts by interactingwith their environment with the help of two processes. ()10.In the 5th century, the controversy between the naturalists

6、 and the conventionalists in Greecewas on the regularities of language. ()二、填空题 (每小题 1 分,共 14 分 ) .Fill in the blanks so as to complete the descriptions of different theories of languagelearning (7%).1.The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was _ Psychology.2.An ultimate pu

7、rpose of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom is to enable the learners to read and translate its _.3.M. D. Berlitz, a reformer in language teaching, established the first Berlitz school in the U.S.The method he used belonged to the school of _.4.The behaviorist _ theory is

8、 behind the Oral Approach/Situational Language Teaching.5.Piagets theory of cognitive development holds that the child achieves his conceptual growth through the process of assimilation and _.6.The formula i+1 put forward by _ means input that contains structures slightly above thelearners present l

9、evel.7.The CognitiveApproachseeks in _ Grammarand cognitivepsychology a basis forlanguage teaching. .The following are brief descriptions of seven important methods of foreign language teaching. Give the correct name to each description.(7%)1精品自学考 料推荐1._ Students use the language a great deal throug

10、h communicativeactivities like games,role-play, and problem-solving tasks where the focus is on meaning rather than on language form.2._ Input is the most important element of any language teaching program.3._ The hallmark of this teaching method is emphasis on presentation of the language in itsspo

11、ken form first.4._ It uses the dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language as dialogues provide anatural context for the language form.5._It concentrates on the learners processes ofknowingrather than on mechanisticprocedures imposed upon him by the teacher.6._ The sentence is the basic

12、unit of language teaching.7._ Students do a lot of choral imitation in large groups. They repeat what the teacher hassaid.三、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )Each questionin thissectionconsists of an incompletestatementandfourchoicesmarkedA, B, C and D. You are to completeeach statementby choosing the mostapprop

13、riateone fromthe given choices and then put the letterof your choice in thebracket before the statement. (10%)()1.The principal practice for the Grammar-Translation is_.A.translation from and into the target languageB.listening and speakingC.writing and readingD. communication with the teacher()2.Ac

14、cording to behaviorists, learning a second language means the formation of a new setof _.A. grammatical rulesB. linguistic habitsC. vocabularyD. linguistic competence()3.One of the following is not the forerunner of American structuralists.A. Franz BoasB. Edward SapirC. Leonard BloomfieldD. John B.

15、Watson()4.Structural linguisticsviews language as a system of structurally related elements. Theyinclude:A. phonemes and morphemesB. words and structuresC. sentence typesD. all of the above()5.Which one of the following approaches is teacher-oriented?A. Audiolingual Approach.B. The Direct Method.C.

16、The Cognitive Approach.D. The Communicative Approach.() 6.The Direct Method was developed in the 19 th century as a reaction against _.A. the Oral ApproachB. the Natural MethodC. the Grammar-Translation MethodD. the Audiolingual Method()7.“ Language is speech, not writing is a principle of _.A. Comm

17、unicative ApproachB. Oral MethodC. Cognitive ApproachD. Audiolingual Method2精品自学考 料推荐()8.The Oral Approach originated in _.A. AustraliaB. AmericaC. BritainD. China()9.The way to make students as relaxed and comfortable as possible and to provide easychairs, soft lighting and music belongs to _.A. th

18、e Silent WayB. SuggestopaediaC. Community Language LearningD. Total Physical Response()10.The revolution in linguistic theory in the 1960s refers to the appearance of the _.A. Structuralist theoryB. Communicative linguisticsC. Transformational-Generative GrammarD. Habit-formation theory四、配对题 (每小题 1

19、分,共 16 分 ) .The following are theories of language. Decide if they support the CommunicativeApproach, the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method, the Cognitive Approach, the Grammar-Translation Method, the Natural Approach or the Oral Approach (6%).1.Believers of the method lay emphasis on meaningfu

20、l learning and hold that meaning is understood not as behavioral response, but as a clearly articulated experience.2.In foreign language teaching the target language was primarily interpreted as a system of rules to be observed in texts and sentences.3.Language is primarily what is spoken and only s

21、econdarily what is written. This view offers the foundation for this teaching approach.4.Language has the property of creativity: with the general grammatical rules it is possible to create an infinite number of sentences in any language.5.This approach employs situations for presenting new sentence

22、 patterns and drill-based manner of practicing them.6.The underlying theory of language was derived from structural linguistics with Bloomfield and Fries as its representatives.1._2._3._4._5._6._ .Decide which technique(s) is (are) most often used by what method (10%).1.Maximum use is made of the cl

23、assroom situation and students engage in such activities as opening and closing doors and windows, naming objects, and counting their fingers.2.Commands to direct behavior.3.Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized. Students are not allowed to make mistakes.4.Use of task-based materials and

24、relia.5.Use dictation to reinforce and test what the students have learned.6.The employment of situations for presenting new sentence patterns and drill-based manner of practicing them.7.Use expansion drills to help students to produce longer sentences bit by bit.8.It is also called a modern version

25、 of Grammar Translation Method.9.Use task-based and authentic materials10. Use choral imitation a.Grammar-Translation _3精品自学考 料推荐b.The Natural Approach _c.The Cognitive Approach _d.The Direct Method _e.The Communicative Approach _f.The Audiolingual Method _g.The Oral Approach _五、简答题 (每小题 6 分,共 30 分

26、)Answer the following questions (30%)1.What are the main features of the Cognitive Approach?2.What is a Total Physical Response classroom like?3.What is the general aim of the Communicative Approach?4.What are the main advantages of the Grammar-Translation Method?5.What are the two major theories behind the Audiolingual Method? (Please briefly explain).六、论述题(每小题10 分,共 20 分)1.What is the relationship between linguistics and language teaching?2.What do you think are the prerequisite qualities that a modern language teacher should possess?4


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