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1、【英语】英语短语动词易错剖析含解析一、短语动词1Jenny, the teacher will _ your mobile phone if you use it in class.Sorry, I wont do that again.A. take outB. take awayC. take off【答案】B【解析】 【分析】A. take out取出,去掉,出 ,B. take away 走,拿走,取走,C. takeoff起 ,脱下,离开。句意:Jenny,如果你在教室使用手机,老 将会把它拿走。故 B。【点 】考 短 的用法。2I stood on the top of Mount

2、 Tai and _ to the small village below me.A. looked down【答案】AB. looked afterC. looked upD. looked through【解析】 【分析】句意:我站在泰山 上,俯 我脚下的小村庄。look down ,俯 ,after ,照 , look up ,向上看, look through ,看穿,根据stood on the top of Mount Tailook,可知village在脚下,因此是俯 , 故 A。【点 】考 短 辨析,注意根据 干判断 境。3一 I failed in the driving t

3、est again. Sorry to let you down.一 How come? Ive helped you practice enough.A. pick upBhelp. outCmake.disappointed【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:我 考又没 关, 不起, 你失望了。怎么回事?我已 帮助你 的 多了。境; make sb disappointedlet sb down 某人失望; pick up 拾起; help out 帮助 脱困 某人失望。故 C。【点 】考 短 。4 I would rather _ hiking than _ swimming.A. to

4、go , to goB. going, going【答案】 CC. go ,goD. go, going【解析】【分析】句意: 我宁愿去徒步旅行也不愿去游泳。本句中考 的句型是wouldrather do sth. than do sth. ,宁愿做 也不愿做 ,两部分中都用 的原形。故 C。【点 】考 。5 What bad weather! The ground is covered with much snow.And it may result in traffic jams.A. take inB. lead toC. pour out【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意: 天气真糟糕!

5、地面被很多雪覆盖。 可能会 致交通 。 result in=lead to 意 “ 致 ”, take in 意 “吸收 ”, pour out 意 “倒出来 ”,故 B。【点 】考 短 。6If he keeps on working so hard, hellunder the pressure of work.A. break downB. break awayC. break outD. break into【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:如果他 么努力工作,他会在工作的 力下 掉的。breakdown 出故障,抛 ;(健康) 掉。break away 脱离; break out

6、爆 ; break into 入。根据句意,故答案 A。【点 】考 短 辨析,熟 短 ,理解句子,根据句意判断。7We are getting ready _ Christmas.A. toB. withC. forD. of【答案】C【解析】 【分析】 get ready for 固定短 ,意 “ 做准 ”。【点 】考 介 辨析和固定搭配。8 - Kangkang, could you tell me how to cook noodles?- OK. First, you should_ham, cabbage and onions finely.A. cut upB. cut downC

7、. cut off【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意 :一康康,你能告 我怎 煮面条 ?一好啊,首先,你得把火腿、洋白菜和洋葱切成碎末。 A.切碎 ;B.砍伐 ;C.切断、停止。根据 境可知, 里指的是切成碎末,故 A。9一 Can you guess when the story took place?一 In 1990, right?A. was writtenB. happenedC. ended【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:你能猜猜 个故事 生在什么 候 ?在 1990 年, ? take place 生; was written 被写; happen 生; end 束。故 B。【

8、点 】考 短 辨析。10 The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it?Oh, it is_ booksA. filled withB. covered withC. used forD. asked for【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意: 箱子重得搬不 。里面是什么?。噢,它装 了 。befilledwith 意 “用装 ”; be covered with 意 “用 覆盖 ”; be usedefor 意 “用来做”; be asked for 意 “ 求 ”。根据句意重得搬不 , 是装 了 。故答案 A。【点 】考 短 be filled wit

9、h, 同 be full of11 The street will be flooded when it rains heavily.A. filled with carsB. filled with peopleC. filled with water【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:当雨下得太大 , 条街会被淹没。 flood 译为 “淹没 ”; A.装 了 ; B.装 了人; C.装 了水。 合句意 C。【点 】考 短 辨析。12 _! Something is falling down from the tall building. Dear me! Its dangerous.A.

10、Look outB. Help yourselfC. What a pityD. Shut up.【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意: 留神!有 西从高楼上掉下来了. 哦, 的! 是危 的. look out 当心,留神,向外看,help yourself 自取 , what a pity 真可惜, shut up 安静, 嘴,根据后面一句 有 西从高楼上掉下来了 . 可知 里 提醒 方注意,故 : A.【点 】考 短 ,理解句子的意思及每个 的意思, 合 境 合适的答案.13 Could wethe arriving time for school to 8:00 am, Mr. Li?You

11、 mean 7:30 is a little earlier? Lets discuss it with the headmaster.A. find outB. give upC. put offD. cut out【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:李先生,我们可以将到校时间推迟到早上八点吗?你意思是 7 点半早了一点吗?那么我们和校长一起商量一下吧。A.弄明白; B.放弃; C.推迟; D.切断。由于觉得7 点半有的早,所以将时间推迟到8 点,故选C。【点评】考查动词短语辨析。注意find out , give up, put off 和 cut out 的词义和用法。14 The stu

12、dents ought to wear school uniforms when theyre at school. A. are supposed to B. are allowed to C. would like toD. love to【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意 :当学生们在学校的时候应该穿校服。oughtto动词的原形。 be supposed to 被认为应该做某事;be allowed to dowould like to 愿意去做某事;love to 喜欢去做某事。故选A。的意思是应该,后跟 sth. 被允许去做某事;【点评】考查动词。15 There was a rai

13、nstorm yesterday. The flood _ the old bridge over the small river.A. washed awayB. went awayC. kept awayD. ran away【答案】 A【解析】 【分析】句意:昨天有一场暴风雨。洪水冲走了小河上的旧桥。wash away冲走; go away 离开; keep away 使远离; run away 逃跑。根据句意,故答案为A。【点评】考查动词短语辨析,熟记与away 构成的动词短语,在理解句意的基础上判断答案。16 We are planning to go for a picnic th

14、is weekend, but itthe weather.A. keeps onB. puts onC. depends on【答案】CD. goes on【解析】 【分析】句意:我们计划这个周末去野餐,但要看天气而定。续; B: puts on 穿上; C: depends on 依靠,取决于;D: goes onA: keeps on 继继续。根据go for apicnic与the weather的关系,可知野餐取决于天气情况。故选C 。【点评】考查动词短语辨析。理解动词短语的意思,根据句子结构,选择正确的动词短语。17 Why did you come late again?Beca

15、use my alarm clock didnt _ this morning.A. go offB. go outC. go awayD. go over【答案】A【解析】 【分析】考查动词词组的辨析。 go off “发出响声 ”; go out “出去 ”; go away“离开”; go over “检查 ”。答语句意为 “因为今天早上我的闹钟没响。 ”故选 A。18 How was your May Day holiday?Just so so, I tried to find a place to park my car near He Garden, but they were

16、all _.A. looked upB. taken upC. put upD. turned up【答案】 B【解析】 【分析】句意:你的五一假期过得怎么样?一般般,我努力地在花园附近找地方停车,但是他们都被占了。looked up 查找; taken up 占据; put up 张贴; turned up现,把声音开大。根据句意可知,这里说的停车位都被占了,故答案为B。【点评】此题考查动词短语和动词的被动语态的用法,平时注意记忆和区分短语动词的意义和用法。还要注意记忆不规则动词的被动语态。出19 Is the girl really that womans daughter? But sh

17、e doesnt _ her at all.But sure she is. She takes after her father.A. look likeB. look forC. look upD. look after【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:那个女孩真的事那个妇女的女儿吗?但是她看起来一点也不像她。 但是她的确是。她长得像她的父亲。look like 看起来像;look for 寻找;look up抬头看; look after 照顾;根据 She takes after her father. 可知此处表示长得像父亲,因此一点也不像母亲,故用短语 look like ,故选

18、A。20 According to my brother, fishing is an excellent hobby to_.A. pick upB. take upC. put upD. turn up【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意:根据我哥哥的说法,钓鱼是可以从事的一种非常优秀的爱好。A.pick up 捡起; B.take up 从事; C.put up 张贴; D.turn up 出现。根据 take up a hobby 从事一种爱好,故答案为 B。【点评】考查短语动词。牢记动词短语。21 Tom argued with Alice last night. But now the

19、y _ after a talk with each other.A. make upB. put upC. set upD. look up【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:汤姆昨天晚上和爱丽丝吵架了。但是现在他们谈过之后又和好了。 A.make up 和好,弥 ,化 ;B. put up向上看, 。根据after a talk with each other 起, ,搭建;C.set up 建立;可知交流后和好了,故 A。D.look up【点 】考 短 辨析,注意 短 的 累及运用。22 Mum, shall I leave todays homework till tomorrow?B

20、etter not, dear. Never _ what you can do today till tomorrow.A. put onB. put outC. put offD. put up【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意: ,我要把尽 的作 留到明天 ?最好不要, 的。不要把今天能做的事留到明天。put on 穿上, put out 扑 ; putoff 推 , putup 张 ,我 不能把今天的事推 到明天是常 ,故 C。【点 】此 考 短 。注意每个短 的意思。23 Which one do you like best at the fair? The monitoring in

21、strument invented by a teenager.A. made by handB. made for the first timeC. made for me【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意: 在展 会上你最喜 哪一个? 被一个青少年 明的健康 。 invent : 明,也就是第一次被制作, make for the first time ,故 B。【点 】考 近 。根据划 和 境找出意 相同的 , 出正确答案。24 What good news! Eric will be a delegate of MUN and willset offfor New York nextMo

22、nday.Yes, he made it as last. Im sure his cultural exchange will be educationalA. leave forB. be away fromC. go on a trip to【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:多好的新 !Eric 将会是代理 合国的代表,下星期一 身去 。 是的,他最后成功了。我确信他的文化交流会有教育意 。set off for: 身去,相当于leave for, 故 A。【点 】考 短 。根据 境判断出划 的意 , 出意 相同的 ,确保替代后句子通 ,意思不 。25 Mum, I think I ne

23、ed a bigger room.You should throw away your old toys. They have _ too much space.A. taken upB. taken placeC. taken off【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意: ,我 我需要一个更大的房 。你 扔掉你的旧玩具。它 已 占据了太多的空 。A. 占据,B. 生, C. 脱掉,起 ,根据throw awayyour old toys可知要扔掉旧玩具,是因 旧玩具占了太多空 ,故 A。【点 】考 短 。根据 境 出合适的 ,熟 短 ,并能熟 运用。26 The boys were crazy

24、when Spiderman came along at the parade in the Universal Studio.Of course they were. You know, Spiderman was always those boys favourite.A. made a speechB. disappearedC. showed up【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:当蜘蛛侠在环球工作室的游戏队伍中出现时,男孩们都疯狂了。当然他们会疯狂。你知道,蜘蛛侠总是那些男孩的最爱。根据语境可知男孩疯狂是因为蜘蛛侠出现, A. 演讲, B. 消失, C. 出现,根据语境故选 C。【点

25、评】考查动词短语。根据句意找出近义词,牢记这些短语动词。27 There is an exam next week. What should I do? I think that if you _ your study schedule for a week, you will pass itA. agree withB. stick withC. give up【答案】B【解析】 【分析】句意: 下周有考试,我该怎么办? 我认为只要你坚持你的学习日程表一周,你就能通过考试。 A、 agree with 同意, B、 stick with 坚持, C、 give up 放弃,根据题意可知,学生

26、比较害怕考试,因此需要有一个好的学习规划,故选B。【点评】考查动词短语辨析,注意根据语境对选项逐一进行筛选,填入符合语境的单词。28 We tried to find a table for seven , but they were all.A. taken upB. kept awayC. given awayD. used up【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:我们尽力找一张可以容纳七个人的桌子,但都被占了。A.take up占(时间、场所等);B.keep away 避开、不接近;C.give away 泄露、出卖;D.use up 用完、耗尽。根据句意可知是占.,故答案为A。【点评】

27、考查短语动词。理解句意并牢记固定短语的意义。29 Its very hot. But I think its impolite to _ your clothes in public.A. set offB. turn offC. take offD. get off【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意:天气虽然很热。但我认为当众脱衣服是不礼貌的。A. set off 动身; B. turn off 关上; C. take off 脱掉; D. get off 下车。根据 its impolite to 可知是脱衣服,故选 C。【点评】考查动词短语辨析,注意根据its impolite to的语境选择合适的用法。30 When are you going tofor Shanghai?Tomorrow morning.A. get offB. turn offC. take offD. set off【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:你打算什么时候动身去上海?明天早上。get off下车;turn off关掉;take off脱下;set off出发;动身。故选D。【点评】考查动词短语辨析。


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