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1、最新 料推荐连读的分类英 中的 主要有四种:1) 音 +元音的 ( Consonant + Vowel )2) 音 + 音的 3)元音 +元音的 4)T, D, S或 Z + Y 的 1. 辅音 +元音的连读一般来 中国人比 熟悉 种 前一个 由 音 尾, 后一个 由元音开 ,于是就很自然地 起来了,比如:My name is my nay?mizbecause I ve.bkz?ivpick up on the American intonation pi?k ? pan the(y)?merk ?nin ?t ?nash?n不只是句子中, 字母 写也可以 :LAeh?Lay 数字 也可以

2、:902 5050nai?no?too fai?vo?fai?vo再来几个 例子:hold onhol donturn overtur novertell her I miss herteller I misser因 种 一般初中生都会, 在 里就不 介 了, 重 在后面, 上开演。2. 辅音 +辅音的连读 个很 用文字描述,放到最后再 。3. 元音 +元音的连读1最新 料推荐如果前一个词是由元音 u 结尾,下一个词由元音开头, 那么,在u 后面加上一个辅音 w如果前一个词是由元音 i 结尾,下一个词由元音开头, 那么,在i 后面加上一个辅音 y只说规则似乎有点不好理解,看例子就明白了。Go

3、away.Go(w)away在电影 Big Fish 中,巨人 Carl 说过这句话。因为巨人说话又慢又重,所以那个w很明显。再来看一个例子:I also need the other one.I(y)also need thee(y)other one这种连读不能把辅音 w 或者 j 发得太重,否则会显得很傻, 但是不发这两个辅音的话又会很难念得顺口。go anywherego(w)anywhereso honestso(w)honestthrough ourthrough(w)ouryou areyou(w)arehe ishe(y)isdo I?do(w)I?I askedI(y)ask

4、edto opento(w)openshe alwaysshe(y)alwaystoo oftentoo(w)often4. T, D, S或 Z + Y的连读如果前面的单词是以 T/D/S/Z 结尾,后面的单词是以 Y开头(一般是 you 这个词),那么有如下的连读规则可以使用。4.1. T + Y = CHWhats your name?w?cher nameCant you do it?k?nt chew do(w)itActually?k chullyDont you like it?dont chew lye kitWouldnt you?wooden chew2最新 料推荐Have

5、nt you?h?ven chewNo, not yet.nou, n? chetI ll let you know.Ill letcha knowCan I get you a drink?kn?i getchew ? drinkWe thought you weren t coming.we th? chew wrnt k ?mingI ll bet youten bucks he forgot.?l betcha ten buxee frg?tIs that your final answer?is th?chr finl?n srnaturaln?chr ?lperpetualperp

6、ech ?(w) ?lvirtualvrch ?(w) ?l4.2. D + Y = JDid you see it?didj? see(y)itHow did you like it?h?o?j ? lye kitCould you tell?k j?tellWhere did you send your check?w rj ? senjer checkWhat did your family think?w?jer f?mlee thinkDid you find your keys?didj? fine jer keezWe followed your instructions.we

7、fallow jerin str?ctionzCongratulations!kngr?jlationzeducationedj?cationindividualind?vij ?(w) ?lgraduationgr?j?(w)ationgradualgr?j?(w) ?l4.3. S + Y = SHYes, you are.yeshu areInsuranceinshuranceBless you!blesshuePress your hands together.pressure hanz dgethrCan you dress yourself?c new dreshier selfY

8、ou can pass your exams this year.yukn p?sher egz?mz thisheerI ll try to guess your age.?l tryd? geshierageLet him gas your car for you.leddim g?shier c?r fr you4.4. Z + Y = ZH3最新 料推荐Howsyour family?How was your trip?Whos your friend?Wheres your mom?Whens your birthday?She says you re OK.Who does you

9、r hair?casualvisualusualversionvisionh?ozhier f?mleeh?o w?zhier triphoozhier frendw rzhr m?mw nzhr brthdayshe s zhierou kayhoo d ?zhier hrk? zhy?(w) ?lvi zhy?(w) ?lyu?zhy ?(w) ?lvrzhnvizhn附录 :音节省略和连读放在一起I have got to go.I have got a book.Do you want to dance?Do you want a banana?Let me in.Let me go.

10、I ll let you know.Did you do it?Not yet.I ll meet you later.What do you think?What did you do with it?How did you like it?When did you get it?Why did you take it?Why dont you try it?What are you waiting for?What are you doing?How is it going?Wheres the what-you-may-call-it?Wheres what -is-his-name?H

11、ow about it?He has got to hurry because he is late.I couldve been acontender.I ve gotta go.I ve gotta book.Wanna dance?Wanna banana?Lemme in.Lemme go.I ll letcha know.Dija do it?N? chet.I ll meechu layder.Whaddyu think?Whajoo do with it?Howja like it?When ju geddit?Whyju tay kit?Why don chu try it?W

12、haddya waitin for?Whatcha doin ?Howzit going?Wheres the whatchamacallit?Wheres whatsizname?How bout it?Hes gotta hurrycuz he s late.I coulda bina contender.4最新 料推荐Could you speed it up, please?Couldjoo spee di dup, pleez?Would you mind if I tried it?Would joo mindifai try dit?Arent you Bob Barker?Ar

13、nchoo Bab Barker?Cant you see itmy way for a change?K?nchoo see it m y way for achange?Dont you get it?Doancha geddit?I should have told you.I shoulda toljoo.Tell her (that) I miss her.Teller I misser.Tell him (that) I miss him.Tellim I missim.Did you eat?Jeet?No, did you?No, joo?Why dont you get a job?Whyncha getta job?I don t know, its too hard.I dunno, stoo h?rd.Could we go?Kwee gou?Let s go!Sko!5


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