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1、精品自学考 料推荐全国 2018 年 1 月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题课程代码: 00088请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上一、词汇应用和语法结构(本大题共30 小题,每小题1 分,共 30 分)(一)词汇应用(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。1.My father made a _ of 1000 yuan on those shares.A. benefitB. moneyC. payD. profit2.Better quality products at good _ are continually being brought to the people of a

2、ll income groups.A. valuesB. pricesC. moneyD. merits3.It is commonly believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen _ from stress.A. experienceB. sufferC. bearD. stand4.These black and white stripes can be _ by an optical scanner, or computer.A. writtenB. readC. foundD. seen5.Should each person hav

3、e to pay a certain _ of money to the government each year?A. numberB. percentageC. amountD. quantity6.He thinks success in life _ mainly on how we get along with other people.A. dependsB. putsC. placesD. trusts7.He had waited so long that he became _.A. impatientB. patientC. quietD. reserved8.In the

4、 1970s American economy began to experience an energy _.A. dangerB. crisisC. disasterD. emergency9.More jobs are _ for dock workers in free ports.A. accessibleB. availableC. obtainableD. convenient10.My secretary said she had made an _ for me to see the sales manager at 5 oclock tomorrow.A. appointm

5、entB. interviewC. opportunityD. assignment11.She has been _ twice since joining the company one year ago because of her excellent work.A. developedB. progressedC. advancedD. promoted12.In this factory skilled workers can get high _.A. wagesB. incomeC. salaryD. money1精品自学考 料推荐13.Get into the car. The

6、re s _ for three on the back seat.A. placesB. seatC. roomD. spot14.The building was restored at a _ of $50,000.A. valueB. costC. expenseD. price15.We should _ primary importance to the quality of the products.A. attachB. approachC. payD. spend(二)语法结构(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。16.Light _ faster tha

7、n sound.A. travelB. will travelC. travelsD. are traveling17.Do it now, _ it will be too late.A. beforeB. tillC. forD. or18.Britain has the world s _ active merchant fleet.A. third largeB. the third largestC. largest thirdD. third largest19.Paper _ about two thousand years ago.A. was inventedB. inven

8、tedC. inventsD. is invented20.They enjoyed _ in the bright sunshine.A. being outdoorsB. be outdoorsC. to be outdoorsD. are outdoors21.It is necessary _ to learn foreign advanced science and technology.A. of usB. with usC. for usD. in us22.That is exactly _ the store and the manufacturer hope that th

9、e customer will do.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. as23.We do not feel that the prices we quote are at all high _ the quality of the goods offered.A. althoughB. ifC. unlessD. in view of24.He s late again. He _ up a little earlier.A. ought to have gotC. must have got25. I bought _ car last week. A. a Japane

10、se expensive sports C. an expensive sports JapaneseB. might getD. ought to getB. an expensive Japanese sportsD. a sports expensive Japanese2精品自学考 料推荐26.Had China not been liberated, we _ a hard life.A. would still be leadingB. will still leadC. had still been leadingD. would still lead27.Hardly had

11、he gone out _ it rained.A. thenB. thanC. asD. when28._ a person saves from his revenue, he adds to his capital.A. WhateverB. WhicheverC. HoweverD. Whenever29._ is of no consequence to me.A. He goes or staysB. Whether he goes and staysC. If he go or stayD. Whether he goes or stays30.She felt very ash

12、amed of slapping him _.A. on his faceB. in the faceC. on the faceD. on face二、改错(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分)下面句子中有A,B,C,D 四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。31.Modern mass-production methods lower the cost of making goods, and thus giving us betterABCDvalues.32.People may become ill as a result of stres

13、s if they experience a lot of worry over a long periodABCand their health is not particularly well.D33.This course of study is design to help those who wish to teach abroad.ABCD34.By mean of taxation, we pay for things that we need just as much as we need somewhere toABClive and something to eat.D35

14、.Our great bridges are made of steel, and so are the ships that across the oceans.ABCD36.Many nations have ports in where ships from other countries can unload goods for trade,ABCstorage, processing, or transfer to another ship.D3精品自学考 料推荐37.Cost is certainly a major factor in choose a transportatio

15、n method.ABCD38.Radio and television have made possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions ofABCpeople in this way.D39.Throughout history, shoes have been worn not only for protection and also for decoration.ABCD40.Worker bees labor for the good of the hive by collecting food, cari

16、ng for the young, andABCto expand the nest.D三、完形填空(本大题共15 小题,每小题1 分,共 15分)选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。Good business ethics in Hong Kongare the key41the territory s success in the42. Asa43international service center of the 1990s, good standards of44behavior are more important than45 . Since ithas become

17、more sophisticated to46good services intrade, finance and commerce, levelplayingfieldsforall47are crucial.48fairly and being able to obtain49the outsider sees as a square deal will encourage them toinvest50the territory.51these positive characteristicshave gone, Hong Kong will lose52competitiveedge5

18、3a regional center, especially when one54into account rising office rents, high wages55localskill shortages.41.A. forB. toC. ofD. on42.A. futureB. tomorrowC. prospectD. coming43.A. leadingB. leadC. leadersD. leadful44.A. businessB. tradeC. financialD. commercial45.A. neverB. pastC. oldD. ever46.A. g

19、iveB. takeC. provideD. get47.A. takersB. attendantsC. participantsD. newcomer48.A. TreatedB. TreatingC. Being treatedD. Having treated49.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. when50.A. onB. inC. toD. about51.A. SoB. OnceC. If onlyD. Unless52.A. itsB. it sC. hisD. her4精品自学考 料推荐53.A. ofB. forC. asD. with54.A. take

20、B. takesC. tookD. taken55.A. andB. orC. soD. then四、阅读理解(本大题共10 小题,每小题2 分,共 20分)本部分有两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,每个问题有四个选项,选择最佳答案完成句子。错选、多选或未选均无分。Passage 1Formost people, life is easier and more comfortablethan ever before. Convenience foods from the supermarketsimplifyshopping and cooking. Household appliances l

21、ikethe vacuum cleaner and the washingmachine have taken thetediousness out of housework. Released from these household chores, many wives have foundjobs outside the home.Women are achieving economic independence.Families, too, are simpler today. In America, it is not customary for parents to live wi

22、th their married children. With ourgreater mobility, relatives have scattered, and the young people, after they get married,go wherever their jobs or theirinterests take them.Young adult women have new freedom, too. While attending college, they often live away from home, sometimes farfrom their par

23、ents or their relatives. After college, they move to the city, find a job, and set up a“ bachelor” apartment. Thisis the era of women s liberation.But all this freedom and richness have had an unforeseen and in some respects a destructive effect on marriage.56. In the U. S. , families are becoming _

24、. A. biggerB. simpler C. healthier D. poorer57. Women are able to achieve economic independence because _. A. they have nothing to do at homeB. they have babysitters to help them C. they have their own jobsD. they are college graduates58. The vacuum cleaner and the washing machines are cited to show

25、 that _. A. they are modern devicesB. they are examples of freeing housewives from housework C. they are easy to handleD. many wives find it easy to use5精品自学考 料推荐59. Which of the following statements is true?A. American children do not live with their parents.B. American parents generally do not liv

26、e with their married children.C. American parents do not like living with their children.D. American family members usually live apart.60. The passage implies that the author _.A. appreciates the development of science and technologyB. enjoys free and rich lifeC. recommends a new way of lifeD. worri

27、es about the bond of marriagePassage 2Start your day with the powerful positive input of high-energy music. Everyone enjoys different kinds of music so you need to use what you like. Just be sure you start the day listening to the kind of high-energy music that gets you PUMPED! It could be rock and

28、roll or country or jazz or pop or whatever makes you feel great about yourself. It is important to start the day off with positive energy and enthusiasm in order to effectively tackle the challenges that you might encounter. If you put yourself in a good mood before you have to deal with problems yo

29、u could be facing, it makes the frustration much easier to handle.It is not always easy to “ hit the ground running ” , especially at the start of the day, but you will feel better about yourself both personally and professionally. Research has shown that people who use high energy music to start th

30、eir day have increased productivity by as much as 200%!61. The author chiefly wants to tell his readers that _. A. there is one type of music called high-energy musicB. the morning is the most important part of the dayC. music can increase productivity by as much as 200%D. great music helps you star

31、t the day with energy62. The word“pumped” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.A. energizedB. filled upC. growD. feel fresh63. The term “ hit the ground running ” in Paragraph 2 means to _.A. start doing things forcefullyB. start doing things immediately when you are in positionC. establish sol

32、id grounds before you startD. make the environment move with you6精品自学考 料推荐64. A positive start of the day may help you _.A. quickly get rid of troubleB. forget your past problemsC. effectively handle problemsD. become more confident65. Which is NOT a proper high-energy music as suggested by the auth

33、or? A. Anything that makes you feel energized.B. Blues. C. Jazz.D. Pop.五、 单词或短语的英汉互译(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分)( 一 ) 将下列词语译成中文( 5 分)66. lower the cost of production67. inflation68. free port69. specialization70. shortdistance distribution(二)将下列词语译成英文(5 分)71. 额外储备金72. 外贸73. 成本效益74. 公共交通75. 补偿贸易六、 英汉句子互

34、译 ( 本大题共4 小题,每小题 3-4分,共 15 分 )(一)将下列句子译成中文76.If you have changed jobs or moved house in recent months you are more likely to fall ill than if you haven t. (4 分 )77.Insurance companies make a profit by taking in more premiums than they pay out to cover policyholder losses. (4 分 )(二)将下列句子译成英文78.这个工厂上个月已停止使用会引起误解的标签。(4 分 )79.我方新产品在中国很畅销。(3 分 )7


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