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1、最新 料推荐八年级英语 8B Unit 8错题集 Name_一、词组翻译1.世界环境日14.采取恰当的措施2.通过骑车减少环境污染15.正朝着更糟的方向变化3.冲较短时间的淋浴16.养成一种环保的生活方式4.过绿色生活17.采取一些简单的步骤5.一个专门回收衣服的组织18.导致严重的空气污染6.被分成不同的小组19.回收塑料袋7.送到工厂用于回收20.被干净蓝色湖水包围的村庄8.被警察罚款21.制定法律保护青少年9.要看天气而定22.多么激动的消息10.回收空瓶子23.在访谈节目中11.把自己的包带到超市24.洗澡不超过半小时12.在暴雨中有助于固土25.做点事产生一点影13. 明智地花钱二、

2、词汇1.It s(明智 ) for him to invite some friends than to go out on his own.2.People haventbeen used to(循环利用) things.3.As students , we shouldntspend our pocket money(wise) . We shouldntuse it tobuy anything(useful)4.Many families didn thave enough(资源 ) to feed themselves after the flood.5.We should make

3、 full use of limited(自然的 ) resources.6.The party(依赖 ) on how much money we can collect.7.How about(限制 ) the speed on the road?8.Many young people like to do online(调查 ).9.Look! The children are talking(noise) in the classroom.10.Dont playwithknives, guys,otherwise,youll hurt(you)./ they will hurt(yo

4、u).11.He didntjoin the(design) last time.12.The boy is(energy) enough to take park in five clubs.13.I hear there will be a new(recycle) factory built in our town.14.“We are proud of your(successful), Daniel.”Said Father.15.Will his words make a big(different) to your(decide)?16. Some energy(产生 ) lit

5、tle pollution.17. In fact, lots of resources can be _重(新利用 )。18. Your time is _(限制 ), so dontwaste it living someone elses life.19. I am a new _(come) .Let me introduce myself to you.20. _(行动 ) speak louder than words.21. John and his sister went for a picnic with a cousin of _(their)三、用动词的适当形式填空1.

6、Farmers_(dig) lots of holes in the fields. Lets see what theyre planting in them.2. What do you think _(cause) the traffic accident?3. Some paper and pens _(send) to the students in the poor areas soon.4. Cities will be more and more beautiful if more flowers_(grow).最新 料推荐5. When I arrived, his fami

7、ly_(have) supper.6. Litter shouldnt_(drop) in pubic places.7. He _(throw) a stone at the bird but failed.8. The hospital doesntallow _(smoke) because its harmful.9. Why did the policeman stop your car? I _(make) a call at that moment. What a bad day!10. When I was young, my father told me that sound

8、_(travel) through air at a speed of about 340 meters per second.11. -_you _(hand) in the report today? Yes, I put it on your desk shortly after lunch.12. Students _(not allow) to bring mobile phones to school.13. -_these trees_(cut) down this week? -Yes, they are.14. Our school _(offer) many activit

9、ies to students after school and the students are very happy.What _you_(do) with the old TV?-I m going to sell it.15. The posters_(put) up in the school hall before the meeting begins.16. She as well as I _(like) travelling at the weekend.17. It _(know) to us that the Yangzi River is the longest riv

10、er in China.18. The aim is _(raise ) money for charities.19. Not only his parents but also his teacher _(know) about the thing. He feels rather sad now.20. The village_(develop) a lot since the villagers learned modern farming two years ago.21. Which do you enjoy_(spend) your holiday, swimming or fi

11、shing? My dad always_(drive) me to school every time it rained22. A lot of students have taken part in the activity since the video about it _(display).23. Are we let _(hand) in our homework tomorrow. Mr Le?24. The report _(display) the number this evening.25. I believe that an important moment like

12、 this should _(not forget).四、单项选择() 1. Mr Johnson thinks that he has some problems _ his lifestyle.A. withB. onC. toD. in() 2. After reading the report on the environment, people seemed to have more_.A. worryB. to worryC. to worry aboutD. worrying about()3. Dontdiscuss the problems with your partner

13、 until you _ to do so.A. askB. are askedC. will askD. will be asked()4 -The story is so amazing! Itsthe most interesting storyI ve ever read.-But I m afraid it wontbe liked by _.A. everybodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. nobody()5. Three patients _ in the past ten hours. You can imagine how busy he is.A. w

14、ere operated onB. were operatedC. have been operated onD. have been operated() 6. The key _ on the table when I leave.A. was leftB. will be leftC. is leftD. has been left() 7. I hope where you live wontmake any _ to the way you feel.A. differentB. differentlyC. differenceD. differences()8. The cooki

15、ng time you need _ on the size of the meat.A. to spendB. spendsC. to dependD. depends()9. The nice bowl cost _ that I bought several.A. so littleB. very littleC. quite a littleD. such little()10. The price is too high, and _, the house isntin a suitable place.A. howeverB. moreoverC. otherwiseD. as w

16、ell() 11. In winter, people usually keep flowers in their houses to _ them against the coldA. produceB. provideC. protectD. prevent最新 料推荐() 12. Please keep the door _ so that the fresh air can come in.A. wide openB. widely openC. wide openingD. opening widely() 13.A lot of famous doctors gathered in

17、 Harbin_save “ Chinas most beautifulteacher”-Ms Zhang Lili.A. so thatB. in order toC. in order thatD. as a result() 14. Hundreds of animals _ home if the forest disappear.A. lostB. will be lostC. are lostD. will lose()15. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at dinner.A.

18、 are not kept, will have toB. are not kept, have toC. do not keep, will have toD. do not keep, have to()16. Pleasedonttalk in class until you _.A. were told toB. are told toC. were toldD. are told() 17.-I m a teenagers mother. Sometimes I dontknow_.A. what does my daughter want to getB. why does my

19、daughter gets worried very oftenC. why is my daughter interested in chatting onlineD. what my daughter needs most.()18.How long has the bridge _?A. is usedB. been in useC. been useD. been in used()19-Id like to buy that coat. -Im sorry. _.A. it soldB. its sellingC. Its been soldD. it had been sold()

20、 20. This is _ song Ive told you about. Isntit _ beautiful one?A. a, aB. a, theC. the, aD. the, the()21. -Could you tell me _?- Yes, they _ to the museum.A. where the girls are, have goneB. where were the girls, have beenC. where are the girls, have goneD. where the girls were, have been() 22.What t

21、ime _ the door _ every day?A. does; closedB. does; closeC. is; closedD. /; close() 23.They were_ at the sudden noise.A. frighteningB. frightenedC. frightenD. frightens() 24 I won tthrow the old bike away _it cantbe used any more.A. unlessB. ifC. whenD. because() 25 _ the tap when brushing teeth can

22、save water.A. Turn onB. Turn offC. Turning onD. Turning off() 26 Ive used up all my paper and I need to buy some. Here“used up”meansA. ate upB. ran outC. ran ofD. ran out of() 27-Look , what have you done?- Sorry. I think if I _ another chance. Ill do it better.A. giveB. will be givenC. will giveD.

23、am given五、翻译句子1当我们刷牙的时候,可以通过关掉水龙头节约用水。While_, _.2.对于人们来说选择公共交通是明智的。Its _.3.我们在购物时用篮子或布袋可以保护环境。When we _,_.4. 常州是一个拥有许多高楼和美丽公园的现代化城市。Changzhou is _.5、大自然给我们提供丰富的资源,我们应该明智地保护它。Nature _. We should _.6、这些新能源花费少,而且用之不竭。此外,他们产生的污染较少。最新 料推荐These new types _.7、如果你把车停错了地方,警方将罚你50 元。If _8. 人们可以通过网购节约金钱。_9. 每年

24、公园里要植成千上万棵树。今年会种更多。_10 我过去离开房间是常常忘了关灯,现在习惯关了。I used to _11 还要挖三个坑来种更多的树。_. 12.家长会下周四将在学校礼堂召开。The parentsmeeting_.13.有关常州的过去与未来视频将在展览会上展示。The _at the show.14.污染已经导致了河里的许多鱼死亡。Pollution_.15.看太多电视对我们的健康有害。_.16. 我们学校运动会将什么时候举行?When _17 很少有学生去超市带自己的袋子或回收空瓶子。Very _18.树减少灰尘有助于净化空气。树也能防止风把沙吹走。Trees_. They al

25、so_.19. 明天是否去野餐完全取决于天气。Whether to _.20. 我们的环境日趋恶化,该是我们采取适当措施保护环境的时候了。Our _21. 当你的电脑不使用时请关闭电源。When _-22. 购物时带上自己的包而不用塑料袋。Take _23. 每个人应该养成绿色的生活方式,这样我们就能使地球成为一个更好的地方。Everyone _-24. 为了节约电源,我们应该多运动,少看电视。In order _26. 我们应该设法改善环境,而不是抱怨它。We should _, _ it.27. 减少空气污染是每个人的职责。_ duty.28. 通过采取这些措施,污染会更少,我们的生活会更

26、美好。_.29. 在有些地方,人们看不到河里的鱼游来游去。_.最新 料推荐初中动词结构汇总1.let sb. do sth/ be let to do make sb do sth/ be madeto do2. practise sth/doing sth3. would like/want sthwould like /want to do would like /want to be n./adj. would like /want sb. to do sth would you please (not) do4. finish sth/doing sth5. Why not do st

27、h?Why don t you do sth?6. What about sth/doing sth? How about sth/doing sth?7. enjoy sth/doing sth8. love sth/to do sth/doing sth like sth/to do sth/doing sthdislike sth/to do sth/doing sth hate sth/to do sth/doing sth9. spend money/time on sth(人做主语 )spend money/time (in) doing sth It takes sb. some

28、 time to do sthDoing sth/ sth takes sb some time( 事情做主语 )sb. pay sb. some money for sth. (人做主语 )sth. cost sb some money 10. It s time for sthIt s time to do sthIt s time for sb. to do sth 11. had better do sth. 最好做某事had better not do sth. 最好不做某事12. have a good / wonderful / nice / bad time doing sth

29、have fun doing sth Its fun to do sth.have no/a little / much/lots of /some time to do sth13. It s one s first/second time to do sth14. have to do sth. 不得不做某事have sth done 例子: have my computer repairedhave sb do 让某人做某事15. be busy with sth be busy doing sth16. help sb. (to) do sth17. be good at sth/do

30、ing sth do well in sth/doing sth18. have difficulty in sth/(in) doing sthhave trouble in sth/(in) doing sth have problems with sth/(in) doing sth19. look forward to sth/ doing sth 期盼某事 /做某事make a contribution to sth/doing 为某事 /做某事做贡献devote ones time / money to sth/ doing sth 奉献某人的时间 /金钱20. get ready

31、 for sth/doing sth21. be interested in sth/doing sthhave interest in sth/doing sth22. mind doing mind sb doing mind onesdoingmake up ones mind to do sth.23. Thank sb. for sth/doing sth Thanks for sth/doing sth24. plan to do25. learn to do26. how to do it (it是 do 的宾语)27. what to do ( what 是 do 的宾语)28

32、. tell/ ask/ allow / promisesb. to do(注意这些动词后没有sb 要考虑被动语态 )29. risk sth./ doing sth avoid sth./ doing sth30. It is +adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth31. would you please do sth32. except、without 、on、for、by 等介词 +doing33. can may must should could would 加动词原形34. make sb. do sthkeep sb. doing sthmake sb./sth.

33、 +adj.keep sb./sth. +adj.35. hope to dohope +从句hope you will do sth最新 料推荐hope you can do sth36. stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth keep sb. from doing sth37. 衣 look(s) +adj. +on sb. sb. look(s) +adj. +in 衣38. before/ after +doing39. There is/are sb. doing sth40. 否定句 +at all 根本不,一点也不否定句 +any more 不再,再

34、不=no more41. can t wait to do sthcan t help doing sth42. take turns to do sth43. prepare sth/to do sth44. make sb./sth. do45. get sb. (not) to do sth tell sb. (not) to do sthask sb. (not) to do sth46. 系 +adj. sound smell feel taste look seem get keep stay47. begin to do where to do48. tell sb. sth=t

35、ell sth. to sb. send sb. sth=send sth. to sb. give sb. sth=give sth. to sb. land sb. sth=land sth. to sb. show sb. sth=show sth. to sb. pass sb. sth=pass sth. to sb. buy sb. sth=buy sth. for sb. make sb. sth=make sth for sb.49. There will be/ have /has been +n.50. mind (sb./ones) doing sth. 介意51. st

36、op/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止 stop to do 去做另一事stop doing 正在做的事52. feel like doing sth. 想做某事53. 祈使句后有 and/or/then,用将来 54. 主将从 祈使句 情 + 原主句是将来 ,从句中有 if ,when, as soon as,until ,before, after 等,从句中用一般 在 表将来55. hear/watch/see/ notice sb. doing sth. 正在做某事be heard / watched/seen doing sth. hear/watch/see sb. do sth. 常做某事或全 程be heard/ watched /seen/ to do sth.56. when doing 当 候when to do 什么 候做什么事情57. how +adj./adv. +主 +谓what +名 短 ( +主 +谓语 ) a/an +adj. +n. 可数( ) adj. +n. 名复 adj. +n. 不可数名


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