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1、精品自学考 料推荐浙江省 2018 年 1 月高等教育自学考试英语写作试题课程代码: 00603 .Supply the missing topic sentence in the underlined part of each of the followingparagraphs. ( 20% )1.Why are men fond of smoking? They regard smoking as something to show their good mannersand ability. What a funny logic! We know that smoking is har

2、mful to the health of men. It may cause many diseases such as lung cancer, and shorten our life span. Moreover, a smoker does great harm to non-smokers around him .So in public places smoking is annoying. It is impolite to smoke among those who have no habit of smoking._.2._,In the first paragraph s

3、he identifies for us what her expectations were. Inthe next three paragraphs she tells us the background, the actual incident, and the follow-up of one event of critical importance to her. In the final paragraph she gives us her later understanding of the event and relates it to wider implications t

4、hat readers can supply to their own life.3.English writing is generally the most difficult one in the language competence required for the students majoring in English, considering the great pains student writers take and the slight progress they make in their practice. Most of the beginners think t

5、here is no need to practice writing English compositions since their writing skill in Chinese is quite sufficient, and English writing is after all not quite practical for their future work._.4._ one of the smallest bookshelves that you can find in this world. It offersme so much convenience and hel

6、p that it has become my close friend and devoted companion: a friend in need and a companion through the night. A roommate once joked that it was like abird s nest. “ You can say that again,”I replied. “ But don t forget that there are eggs in the nest and they contain the indispensable vitamins. ”

7、.Write an outline.( 20% )Read the following passage carefully and then compose a“ topic outline ” for it.Holidays Celebrated in My CountryPeople in the United States, like citizens of most countries, look forward to a number ofholidays each year. These days usually celebrate a patriotic, political,

8、or religious event of the past. Among the patriotic holidays in the United States are Labor Day ,Veterans Day, Columbus Day,and Thanksgiving.PoliticalholidaysincludeWashington s Day, Lincoln s Birthday,andIndependence Day. Many Americans think of two religious holidaysEaster and Christmas asthe most

9、 important celebrations of the year. One holiday in a category of its own is New Year sDay .A study of patriotic holidays in the United States suggests some American values. Labor1精品自学考 料推荐Day ,celebrated on the first Monday of September, pays tribute to the agricultural and industrial workers who h

10、ave contributed to America s growth over the past 300 years .Veterans Day honors the men who have served in the United States armed forces. On the second Monday of October,Americans pause to recall the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who set out in fifteenthcentury in search of the New World.

11、 The Thanksgiving holidayrecalls America s earliest history.Thanksgiving dinners, centering round roast turkey, are served on the third Thursday of November in memory of the colonists who first came from England in the seventeenth century to settle inMassachusetts.Anothertype of Americanholidays,the

12、 politicalcelebration, commemorates significantfigures or events in the United States history. Two highly esteemed presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, are honored by a single holiday .The birthdays of Washington, the first president of the United States ,and of Lincoln, America s Civi

13、l war president, are celebrated onPresidents Day, the third Monday of February. Perhaps the most colorful celebration each year takes place on Independence Day, popularly called the Fourth of July. Many families plan picnicsand attend public fireworks displays on this political holiday recalling the

14、 signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.Unlike America s political holidays, two popular religious holidays are marked by intensepreparations and lengthy celebration. Most schools and colleges are closed for a week s vacationin the spring at Easter, the holiday honoring the resurr

15、ection of Christ. Of all the American holidays, Easter is the only one that is not held at a fixed time every year .Commemorating the second day following Christ s crucifixion, an event that has not been exactly placed in time, Easter is now celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon o

16、ccurring upon orimmediately after the vernal equinox. Thus the holiday takes place each year sometime between March 22 and April 25. Church services are crowded. In many cities, families dressed in their newspring clothing walk down the main streets in an“ Easter parade”. For children, Easter brings

17、 theexcitement of the mythical Easter rabbit, which hides colored eggs for them to find. Each year at Easter children gather for festivities on the White House lawn in Washington, D. C.A religious holiday in which the leaving of gifts plays an event more important part is Christmas. Celebrating the

18、birthday of Christ, Christmas occurs on December 25.Most schoolsclose for the last two weeks of December. Because the three Magi were said to have brought giftsto Christ at his birth, American families leave gaily wrapped packages under a decorated evergreen tree on the night before Christmas to be

19、opened the next morning.Like people everywhere, Americans welcome the idea of making a fresh start in life. For this reason, the first day of every year is celebrated as a holiday. Couples attend lively parties on the evening of December 31, breaking into much revelry at midnight. At the year s end,

20、 many people also make their New Year s resolutions. They promise themselves in the New Year to overcome one or more of their bad habits. But sometimes, of course, a New Year s resolution is not strong enough to last a full 365 days.2精品自学考 料推荐 .Composition ( 60% )Interview is often a must in present job applications. It is important to succeed in an interviewif one wants to get a desired job. Write an expository essay of about 300 words on “ How to succeed in an interview in applying for a job ” .3


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