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1、最新 料推荐全国基础教育英语综合能力竞赛(习思能力竞赛三级)模拟试题(笔试部分)第一部分听力(共四节,计40 分)第一节听录音选图片。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)你将听到五段录音并看到供选择的A 、B 、 C 三幅图片。请找出与你听到内容相匹配的图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。录音播一遍。你将有5 秒钟的时间回答每一小题。1.MrSmith正在湖Smith一家人在繁Smith 一家人在乡中心划船。忙的街道上。村度假。ABC2.一 群 学 生 在 草 地一 群 学 生 在 快 餐一 群 学 生 在 学 校上野餐。厅吃薯条、喝饮料餐厅吃份餐。ABC3.一 位 女 中 学 生 正一 位

2、 女 生 回 答 数一 个 女 生 在 图 书站着唱歌。学问题,有一位老馆借书。师站在黑板旁边。ABC4.天气图片。食物图片。乐器图片。1最新 料推荐ABC5.一 名 男 子 在 办 公一 名 男 子 在 办 公一 名 男 子 在 办 公室里喝咖啡,墙上室里喝咖啡,墙上室里打字,墙上的的 钟 显 示 为 九 点的 钟 显 示 为 十 点钟显示为十点半。半。半。ABC第二节 听录音选答语。(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分)你将听到五段录音并看到供选择的A 、B 、 C 三个答语。请找出能正确回答你所听到内容的答语 ,并标在试卷的相应位置。录音播一遍。你将有5 秒钟的时间回答每一小题。6

3、.A. It doesn tmatter.B. Sure.C. Here you are.7.A. That s a great deal.B. That s OK.C. It sounds great.8.A. Happy.B. In my father s car.C. Around 7 o clock.9.A. Sixty minutes.B. Sixty words.C. Six hours.10. A. She is helpful.B. I like her a lot.C. I m afraid so.第三节听录音连线。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)你将听到一段录

4、音。请根据所听到的内容,匹配以下两栏的内容。录音播两遍。你将有30 秒钟的答题时间。 (提示:选项中有两项为多余选项。)11. Spanish12. Chinese13. Japanese14. Americans15. JewishA. eat black-eyed peas and rice with collard greenB. eat noodles on New Year s Eve and their birthdays C. eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year s EveD. eat apples with honeyE. go

5、out for a great tripF. eat dumplings with a coin insideG. meet many close friends第四节听录音判断。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)你将听到一段对话。请根据对话的内容,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。录音播两遍。你将有30 秒钟的答题时间。16. Tony and Mary are _.A. classmatesB. friendsC. brother and sister17. _ is Grandmothers birthday.A. TomorrowB. Next Friday

6、C. Last Friday18. Mary will buy a cell phone for Grandmother because _.A. she lost oneB. that one is oldC. she cantuse it19. Tony will buy _ for Grandmother.A. a cell phoneB. a dancing machineC. an old phone20. Tonys father will _ Tony.A. give some help toB. tell a story toC. get a nice present from

7、第二部分知识应用(共四节,计30 分)2最新 料推荐第一节选择填空。(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,计 10 分)从下列各题的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。21. -How are you doing these days, Jill?-_. How about you?A. I m doing my homework.B. Ibusym.C. Imastudent.D. I d love to.22. -Bill, I don tknow this new word. Could I use your dictionary for a short while?-_.A. I

8、t doesn t matter.B. No, thanks.C. It s a pleasure. D. Sure.23. -Be sure to write to me as soon as you arrive in London.-OK, of course I _.A. mustB. shouldC. willD. can24.-I think I will walk to the party.-Are you kidding? _ you do, youll be very tired.A. BecauseB. IfC. BeforeD. Though25.- What do yo

9、u think of the movie“Twilight ”?- It s _ to be a good one.A. saidB. toldC. spokenD. talked26.Oh, John, _ you gave us!A. How a pleasant surpriseB. How pleasant surpriseC. What a pleasant surpriseD. What pleasant surprise27. It doesn task questions but you must answer it. What is it? It s _.A. a probl

10、emB. a riddleC. a computerD. a telephone28. Find the missing number.62582561612527? 64A 72B. 78C. 81D. 12129. Which letter comes next in the following group? ACFJO?A. PB. WC. RD. U30. Mr Smith has five sons and each son has a sister. How many children does Mr Smith have?A. Six.B. Five.C. Ten.D. Nine

11、.第二节补全句子。(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,计 5 分)下面课表记录了学校六月份课外活动的时间安排。阅读后,用课表中的信息补全句子。3最新 料推荐June Calendar for After-school Activities in St. John SchoolSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday1234FootballMovieBook Club3:00-6:00p.m4:00p.m.3:00-6:00p.m567891011MovieSingingHigh JumpSewing ClassDance Class6:00


13、ClassPaintingVolleyballPiano Class4:00-6:003:00-5:00pm3:00-6:00pm3:00-4:00pm31. What time does the movie start on 23 rd? The movie starts at _ on 23 rd.32. Which activity lasts the longest of all the activities?_ lasts the longest of all the activities.33. How many different classes do students have

14、 on Tuesday? They have _ classes on Tuesday.34. Jim is very interested in sports. When can he take part in sports activities? He can take part in sports every _.35. When does the school have dance classes? The school has dance classes on _.第三节补全对话。(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,计 5 分)根据上下文语境,用下面文本框中提供的信息补全对话。 (提示:选

15、项中有两项为多余选项。)Waiter: Are you ready to order?Man :Yes,_36_Waiter: And to drink?Man: _37_Waiter: Yes, we do. What kind of wine do you want?Man: I dontknow. Do you want any wine, Jenny?Woman: _38_ Not for me. But Id like a glass of water.Man: OK. Shed like a glass of water and Id like red wine.Waiter: _

16、39_Man :Oh,just a glass.4最新 料推荐Waiter: All right. A pizza with peppers and mushrooms, a glass of red wine and a glass of water. Is that all?Man: Yes, thats all.Waiter: Finished?Woman: _40_A. How much? A bottle?B. wed like a pizza with peppers and mushrooms, please.C. No, thanks.D. That sounds like a

17、 good idea.E. Yes, thank you.F. Great. You are welcome.G. Do you have any wine?第四节补全短文。(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分 )根据短文的上下文,从 Word Bank 中选择恰当的词语,并用其正确形式补全短文。 (提示:Word Bank 给出的六个单词中有一个是多余的。WordBankdohelpgokeeplettakeThomas needed money for traveling, so he decided to get a job during the holiday. Some of

18、his friends worked in shops for a few hours every week and the others _41_ farmers on farms. But Thomas didntlike these jobs. He _42_ a job painting yellow lines down the middle of a highway.On his first day he painted ten miles, and his boss said, “Keep it up and I ll give you more money.”The next

19、day Thomas did five miles, and the boss said,“Well, five miles isntas good as ten, but keep on the good work. ”The following day Thomas painted only one mile. The boss called Thomas in and said, “First you _43_ ten miles, then you did five miles, then you did one mile. You are not doing the work, so

20、 I have to _44_ you go”.As Thomas walked away from the office, he said to himself, “but it s not my fault. Each day I _45_ getting farther away from the paint can”.第三部分阅读(共三节,计30 分)第一节阅读并选择图片。 (共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分)根据下面五段文字的介绍,找出与其对应的图片。图片 A 美国内战时期的总统林肯图片 B 。英国王妃戴安娜图片 C. 电话发明者贝尔图片 D 。莎士比亚图片 E。居里夫人Sh

21、e is Britains Queen Elizabeth II of the original Queens Crown Prince Charles.She got formal divorce in 1996. She died the traffic accident in Paris in 1997. She isstill remembered for the love she showed for others, and for many will always be the5最新 料推荐people s princessShe. is _46_.thHe was the 16

22、President of the United States and founder of the U.S. Republican Party. He was famous for his success in holding the country together during the American War and for his opposition to slavery. He is _47_.She is a French professor of physics. She was born in Poland in 1867. In 1891 she went to study

23、 in Paris University. She and her husband discovered two kinds of radioactive matter-polonium and radium. And she was the first scientist in theworld to win two Nobel Prizes for physics and Chemistry. She is _48_.He was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He opened a school of vocal physiology at B

24、oston University. His interest in the telegraph led to the invention of the telephone in 1876. He is _49_.He was born on 23 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He is a greatwriter and poet, the grand literary figure of the Western world. During Englands Elizabethan period he wrote dozens of

25、plays which continue to dominate in world theaters 400 years later. The best known one Romeois and Juliet. He is _50_.第二节阅读并选择最佳选项。 (共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分)请阅读下面的短文,并从各题所给的A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选择最佳答案。1. Michael sat at the table and said to his 2. Michael went to the play table.sister, “You are starting schoo

26、l today.There were Lisas messages. MichaelNow I won thave anyone to play with.opened the first one.“Lisa drew aWhat will I do all day ? ”“Youll havepicture! ”He said. “It looks like ourlots to do,”said Lisa. “I wrote you somegoldfish. ”The goldfish weremessages. They are on the play table”.swimming

27、around and around. ThenThen Lisa went to school.he saw the box of fish food next to thefishbowl. “Oh, I know. Lisa asked meto give the fish some food,”he said.3. Michael watched the fish eating for a4. Michael ran to the table. The nextlong time and then he went to the playmessage was a picture and

28、a wateringtable. The second message was a picturecan. He thought and thought. Then he of a bird and a birdbath. He went out to thought of Lisas small flowers. “They look at the birdbath. There was no water need some water”.Michael got some in it. Then Michael put some water into water for the flower

29、s. “You will bethe birdbath.OK now,”he told the flowers.6最新 料推荐5. After he watched the flowers, Michael had some lunch. Then he opened Lisalast message. It was a picture of a cake with candles on it. “It s a birthday cake,”thought Michael. “Lisa wants me to remember that tomorrow is Moms birthday! ”

30、Michael went to his room.6. Michael wanted to make Mom a birthday card. When he was making it, Lisa came home.“Come in, please,” said Michael. “Lisa! You are at home”.51. The best title for the story would be _.A. Messages for MichaelB. A Birthday Cake for MomC. Do Something for Lisa52. The first th

31、ing Michael does is to _.A. water the flowersB. put some water into the birdbathC. give food to the goldfish53. Michael had nobody to play with because _.A. his sister was very lazyB. he was too smallC. his sister had to go to school54. After Michael saw the watering can, he thought _.A. slowlyB. ha

32、rdC. happily55. When Michael opened the last message, he saw a picture of _.A. a birdB. some flowersC. a cake with candles第三节阅读并回答问题。 (共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文的内容回答以下问题。Good morning. The program today is about music. The word“ music ” comes fromthe Greek word “ muse” . The Muses are the go

33、ddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language, but it uses sounds. Todayprograms brings together music from different corners of the world. Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these questions. But we know that music pl

34、ays an important part in almost everyone lifes. Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like tosing the songs they have heard. When children go to school, their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they

35、 reach high school, they become interested in listening to pop music.The records we have chosen for you today are from American country music, Indian music, pop music and so on. Music has meaning for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad. In this program we shall study the langu

36、age of music. We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.56What is the main idea of the first paragraph?57Can you tell what the speakersjob is?58Who will take music lessons?59How do people feel when they hear songs?7最新 料推荐60. W

37、hy does the speaker give us this program? Please list about 3 reasons.第四部分阅读(共两节,计20 分)第一节组词成句。(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,计 10 分 )将下列每组单词组成合乎英语语法的句子。61 old, wants, the, to, man, bus, off, the, get_62 do, the, that, people, on, stores, not, like, the, street_63 day, people,dogs, bring, their, to, the, office, ev

38、ery, never_64 friendship, the, song, among, tells, the, long-lasting, three, girls_65 usually, some, on, sunny, with, English, people, take, umbrellas, them, mornings_第二节书面表达。(共 1 小题,满分10 分)66有一批英国学生将到你校就读, 想向你了解学校的一些要求。 请你按以下几个要点给他们写一封电子邮件。1要穿校服上学,并要求穿着整洁。2上课不要迟到或早退。3不准在校园内随便乱扔,保持校园整洁。4行走或骑自行车时,靠右行

39、驶。请你写一篇80 词的电子邮件,发送给一位学生代表Bob, 并向他介绍以上的学校要求。听力原文第一节听录音选图片。你将听到五段录音并看到供选择的A 、B、C、D 四幅图片。请找出与你听到内容相匹配的图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。录音播一遍。你将有5 秒钟的时间回答每一小题。1The Smiths usually spend their weekends in the country.2 We often have lunch at school on school days.3Sally is answering the teachers questions in math class.4En

40、glish people are always interested in weather.5Larry has a coffee break around 10:30 in the morning.第二节听录音选答语。你将听到五段录音并看到供选择的A 、B 、 C 三个答语。请找出能正确回答你所听到内容的答语,并标在试卷的相应位置。录音播一遍。你将有5 秒钟的时间回答每一小题。6Id like to start our conversation with some questions. Shall I start?7Why not go to a Chinese restaurant for a change this time?8How do you go to school every day?9How many words can you type every minute?10What do you know about Linda?8最新 料


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