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1、名校名 推荐1.3 Art Grammar & Writing.用所给动词的适当形式填空1 I would rather he _(stay) at home yesterday.2 I wish he _(visit) us now.3 If you _(work) hard then, you would be in the university now.4 If you _(be) here, you would see the famous star.5 _(be) it to rain, the crops would be saved.6 He _(not come) yester

2、day, otherwise you would have seen him.7 The doctor advised that he _(go) to the seaside.8 The smile on his face suggested that he _(satisfy) with our work.9 The oldman insistedthathe _ never_(see)theyoungplayer.10 If I _(be) you, I should tell him the truth.答案: 1.had stayed2.visited3.had worked4.we

3、re5 Were 6.did not come7.(should)go8.wassatisfied9.had;seen10.were. 用虚拟语气改写句子1 She was given enough money. She bought the book.If she _ enough money, she wouldnt have bought the book.2 He wants to come to the party, but he cant because he has towork.He_to the party if he didnt have to work.3 Li Ping

4、 is easygoing, so she has a number of friends.If shewere noteasygoing, Li Ping_a numberof friends.4 He was not familiar with software, so he was fired by his boss.If he had been familiar with software, he _ byhis boss.5 We know littleaboutthedisease,so we arenotabletotreatthepatientseffectively.If w

5、e _more about the disease, we would be able totreat thepatients effectively.6 Tom didnt work hard and he failed the exam._ Tom _hard, he would have passed the exam.答案: 1.hadnot been given2.wouldcome3.wouldnthave4.wouldnthave beenfired5.knew6.Had; worked. 阅读理解AWatercolor(水彩画 ) istheoldestpaintsknown.

6、 Itdates backtotheearlycavemen. They discoveredthattheycouldmix thenatural colorsfoundintheearthwithwater.In thisway they couldadd lifelikequalitiestodrawingsofanimalsand otherfigures on the wall of caves.Fresco(壁画 ), one of the greatest art forms, is done with watercolor, and itis created by mixing

7、 paints and water and applying these to wet plaster(灰泥 ). Ofthethousandsofpeople who stand underMichelangelosworks in the SistineChapel,veryfewknowtheyarelookingatperhapsthegreatestwatercolorpainting in the world.The invention of oil painting by the Flemish masters in the fifteenth centurymade fresc

8、opaintinggo downhill,and for thenextseveralcenturieswatercolorwasused mainly for doing sketches(素描 ) or as a tool for study. It was not until theeighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolor asa serious art form. The English have widely known love for the outdoors and

9、 alsofor small, private pictures. The softness of watercolor had a strong attractionfor them.1名校名 推荐The popularity of watercolor continued to grow until the twentieth century.The United States took the place of England and became the center of watercolor.It produced such well known watercolor artist

10、s as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.1 The first watercolor users were _.A the early cave menB Italian fresco artistsC Flemish mastersD the English artists in the 18th century2 In the 16th and 17th centuries the artists thought _.A watercolor was more costly, but betterB oil painting lasted less long

11、, but clearer andbrighterC watercolor was not suitable for serious worksD oil painting was difficult to use3 According to the passage, watercolor painting was put back in England because _.A it was easy to use outdoorsB it was a strong toolC it was extremely bright in colorD it was well suited to po

12、pular tastes4 What is the passage mainly about?A The gradual weakness of fresco painting.B Oils having more power of influence over watercolor.C The rediscovery of watercolor in England.D The start and development of watercolor.答案与 解析:1 解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段可知答案。答案: A2 解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句It was not until t

13、he eighteenth andnineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolor as a seriousart form.可知答案。答案: C3解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句The softnessof watercolorhad a strongattraction for them.可知答案为D。答案: D4 解析: 主旨大意题。纵观全文,讲述了水彩画的起源和发展过程。答案: DBVincentVan Gogh, forwhomcolorwas the most importantform of exp

14、ression,wasborn in Hollandin 1853.Broughtup in a religiousand culturedatmosphere,Van Goghwas highly emotional and lacked self confidence. Between 1860 and 1880, when hefinally decidedto become an artist,Van Gogh had worked unsuccessfullyas a clerkin a bookstoreand an artsalesman.He remainedin Belgiu

15、m tostudyart,determinedto give happiness by creating beauty. One of his famous paintings isThe PotatoEaters (1885) In1886, he went to Paristo joinhisbrotherTho. InParis,Van Gogh studiedwith Cormon, later met Pissarro, Monet,and Gauguin, and began tolighten his verydark palette(调色板 ). His nervous tem

16、perament made him a difficult companion andnight long discussions combined with painting all day undermined his health. Hedecidedto go south to Arleswhere he hoped hisfriendswould joinhim and help found2名校名 推荐a school of art. Gauguin did join him but with bad results. Near the end of 1888,an inciden

17、tledGauguin to finallyleave Arles. Van Gogh ran afterhim with an openrazor, was stopped by Gauguin, but ended up cutting a part of his own ear off. VanGogh then was sent to a mental (精神的 ) hospital for treatment.In May of 1890, he seemed much better and went to live in Auvers sur Oiseunder the watch

18、ful eye of Dr. Gachet. Two months later he was dead, having shothimself “for the good of all”. During his brief career he had sold one painting.Van Goghsfinestworks were produced in less than three years. Hisgreat fusion( 融合 ) of form and content is powerful, dramatic and emotional, for the artist w

19、ascompletely absorbed in the effort to explain either his struggle against madnessor his comprehension of the spiritual essence(精华 ) of man and nature.5 Which of the followingbest helped Van Gogh to expresshimselfin his works?A Language.B Color.C Letters.DWords.6 Before Van Gogh started to learn art

20、, _.A he couldnt do his work wellB he was confident about himselfC he did a good job in a bookstoreD he was one of the successful artists7The underlined word“undermined” in Paragraph 2 means _.AharmedBimprovedC challengedD punished8 Gauguin finally decided to leave Van Gogh probably because _.A Van

21、Gogh didnt like Gauguin at allB something was wrong with Van GoghC Gauguin cut off one of Van Goghs earsD Gauguin hated to be a teacher at the school9 What can we learn from Van Goghs works?AHis pride and kindness.BHis cruelty and failure.C His honesty and strength.D His struggle and viewpoints.答案与

22、解析:5解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,对Van Gogh来说,色彩是他表达自己的最重要途径,故选B 项。答案: B6解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,在Van Gogh决定成为画家之前,他的工作并不成功,也就是没能把自己的工作做好。答案: A7 解析: 词义猜测题。彻夜长谈及整日画画对健康不利,画线词意为“损害”, harm 与其意思接近。答案: A8 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段最后三句可推知,Van Gogh精神上出现了问题,他想伤害 Gauguin ,所以 Gauguin 选择了离开。答案: B9 解析: 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,Van Gogh 在他的作

23、品中展现了他与精神错乱的抗争及他对人与自然的精神实质的理解,故D 项正确。答案: D . 短文改错On a cold winter night, it was snowing heavily, a bus with 45 passenger had anaccidentbecause of thewet road.And allofthem were trappingin the bus and what3名校名 推荐was worse , the bus ran out of gas and it is very cold in it. They could do nothingbutto

24、waitfor help.A man who livednearbysaw what happened. He and some villagersmanaged toopen thedoor and helpedallofthem outof bus. He tookthem tohishomebut offered food and water and even some warm clothes to the children. They spenttwo daysintheirhome and finallyhelpscame. Allof them were thankfulwith

25、theirhelp.答案:On a cold winter night,it was snowing heavily,a bus with 45 passengerhad anpassengersaccidentbecauseofthe wetroad.And allof them were trappinginthebus and whattrappedwas worse , the bus ran out of gas and it isvery cold in it. They could do nothingtowasbutwait for help. A man who lived

26、nearby saw whathad happened. He and somevillagers managed to open the door and helped all of them out of bus. He tookthethem to hishome butofferedfoodand waterand even some warm clothestothe children.andThey spenttwo days in theirhome and finally helpscame. Allof them were thankfulhishelpwiththeir help.for4


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