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1、名校名 推荐单 元 检 测U n i t 1 G r e a t S c i e n t i s t s( 60 分钟 巩固训练)一、单项选择 ( 共 15 小题,每小题 1 分 , 满分 15 分。 )1.The invention of steam engine greatly sped up the industrial revolution, which _ alot to the take-off of the world.A. ledB. contributedC. constructedD. exposed2. From my point of view, the theory

2、that _ by the scientist is not quite scientific.A. was risenB. brought upC. had been raisedD. was put forward3.It is clear that no use can be made _radium _ we don t know clearly thecharacteristics of it.A. from; ifB. of; unlessC. from; unlessD. of; if4. We have to _ everything question in detail _

3、we take action.A. conclude; beforeB. make analysis of; whenC. expose; untilD. analyze; before5.It will be manyyears _thedoctorsand medical scientistscan find _ forcancer.A. since; curesB. when; treatmentsC. before; curesD. until; treatments6. After several years of observation, the research group _

4、the conclusion that language acquisition is faster when students _ to the situation where it is spoken.A. has come to; exposeB. have arrived at; are exposedC. has concluded; are exposedD. have reached; expose7. Samples of blood from Cholera infected patients have been sent to the blood center_.A. to

5、 be checkedB. to be examinedC. to testD. being tested8. It has been announced by our provincial government that another two medical teams will be sent to _ the injured people in the severe earthquake.A. join toB. join inC. take part inD. attend9. _ the aids from the outside, the positive attitude of

6、 the disaster-stricken people_ the key role in the reconstruction of their destroyed towns and villages.A. Except for; playsB. Besides; playC. Apart from; playsD. Except; play10. By careful observation and precise calculation, Nicolaus Copernicus _ that there is no one center in the universe and the

7、 sun is the center of the solar system.A. believedB. thoughtC. concludedD. imagined11. Throughthoroughinvestigation,Dr. JohnSnowwas finallyableto provethat theoutbreak of Cholera _ people s drinking of polluted water.A. was close linked withB. closely linked toC. was close connected with1名校名 推荐D. wa

8、s closely linked with12. Only when people have enough to eat and plenty to wear _ to talk about environmental protection.A. it makes senseB. does it make senseC. that it makes senseD. do they make sense13. The local police were_by their authorities to_the situation assoonaspossible.A. said to; contr

9、olB. ordered; manageC. instructed; handleD. told; hold14. People should be cautious _their personal information when surfing the Internet so as to prevent certain computer viruses _ it.A. about; to stealB. of; stealingC. with; to stealD. to; from stealing15. We the Chinese are not to be _, _the situ

10、ation is.A. won; however disastrousB. defeated; whatever disastrousC. beaten; whatever disastrousD. lost; however disastrous二、英 互 。( 共 10 小 ,每小 1 分 , 分 10 分。 )1. 提出 _2. 得出 _3. 有意 _4. 通向; 致 _5. 度; 点;看法 _6. in addition_7. apart from_8.(be) strict with_9. link.to _10. expose to_三、完成句子 ( 共 20 空,每空 1 分 ,

11、 分 20分。 )1.Madam Curie_ _ _ (致力于 ) _ (science) research.2.Their father _ very _ _ (对 格 )their manners.3. Something must be done to _ such things _happening again.4. The invention of paper was a great _ (contribute) to human civilization.5. They consider it almost a crime to _ children_ violence and

12、sex on TV.6. _ _( 除了 以外 ) these reasons, he said nothing.7.His careless driving _ _( 致 ) the serious traffic accident.8. Lily _ _ (提出 ) a question at the meeting.2名校名 推荐9. Do not _ him for being late.10. He often _ food and clothes to the community.四 . 翻译下列句子 ( 共 5 句,每句 2 分,共 10 分 ) 1不要因打破花瓶责备他,毕竟他是

13、个孩子。_.2. 每天做足量的运动对我们的健康有益。_.3. 众所周知,地球 70%的表面被水覆盖。_.4. There can be no knowledge apart from practice._.5. Don t expose your skin to the sun; your skin will be hurt._.五写作(相关话题的基础写作或任务写作,任选一个作为写作训练)1.基础写作【写作内容】请以Madame Curie为题,写一篇英语短文。要点如下:1. Madame Curie是世界著名的女科学家,1867 年出生于波兰一个教师家庭。2. 她从小爱学习并希望成为科学家,

14、 16 岁中学毕业, 24 岁赴巴黎就读于巴黎大学,生活简朴,学习刻苦。3. 她一生致力于科学研究, 于 1903 年和 1911 年两次分别获诺贝尔物理奖和诺贝尔化学奖。4. 一个女人事业成功不容易,而一生中两次获诺贝尔奖更为困难,居里夫人将作为一位伟大的女性永远为人们所怀念。【写作要求】只能使用 5 个句子表达全部内容。3名校名 推荐参考答案一、单项选择1.B2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A7.B 8. D 9.C 10. C 11. B 12. B 13.C14. B15.B二、英汉互译1. put forward2. Draw a conclusion3. Make s

15、ense4. Lead to5. Point of view6. 也;另外7. 除 . 之外;此外8. 对 . 严格的9. 将 . 和 . 连接或联系起来10. 暴露;曝光三、完成句子1. devoted herself to scientific2. is strict with3. prevent from4. contribution5. expose to6. apart from7. led to/ resulted in8. put forward9. blame10. donates四.翻译下列句子1. Do not blame him for breaking the vase

16、; he is a child after all.2. Do adequate exercise everyday is good to our health.3. As is known to all, 70% of the earth is covered with water.4. 没有知识可以脱离实践。5. 不要把你的皮肤曝露于阳光下,不然你的皮肤会晒伤的。五写作Born in a teachers family in Poland in 1867, Madame Curie was a world famouswoman scientist. From her early chil

17、dhood, she loved to study and hoped to become ascientist. Shefinished middle school at the ageof 16and. at 24she left for Paris and4名校名 推荐entered Paris University, where she lived a very simple life and studied very hard. Madame Curie devoted her whole life to the study of science so that she won the NobelPrize for Physics in 1903 and for Chemistry in 1911. It is not easy for a woman to succeed in her work and it is even more difficult for a woman to win the Nobel Prize twice, for which Madame Curie will always be remembered as a great woman.5


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