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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习 .单词拼写1 I will do some voluntary work for our community (社区 ) this summer.2 Do you know why the new manager resigned ( 辞职 ) shortly after he was appointed?3 Do the plans meet with your approval ( 赞成 )?4 The three travel

2、lers on the train made good companions ( 伙伴 )5 The remote desert area is accessible (可进入的 ) only by helicopter.6 If we hadnt made adequate ( 足够的 ) preparations, the conference wouldnt have been sosuccessful.7We all congratulated ( 祝贺 ) our classmate on his winning the first prize in the competition.

3、8 Without your assistance ( 援助 ), I couldnt have finished it on time.9 After graduation ( 毕业 ), she became a teacher.10 There are four emergency exits ( 出口 ) in the department store. .单句改错1 They wont approve your going there.approve后加 of2 I have passed the English test, though my mark is only C. Con

4、gratulation.AndIbelieveyoucandoitbetternexttime.Congratulation Congratulations3 Thebusinessmanwantedtomakeasmanyprofitashecouldfromhisproducts.profit profits4 He wished them all best of luck, and he left.all 后加 the5 Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not beaccessible for th

5、ekids.for to6 We will assist you finding somewhere to live.finding 前加 in .选词填空in particular , assist .in, congratulate .on ., be adequate for, have access to, rather than, a row of , meet with1 A_row_of new houses have been built there.2 Dont worry.I can assist you in finding another job.3 I must co

6、ngratulate you on your appointment as a manager.1名校名 推荐4 Only a few people have_access_to the full facts of the case.5 The room is_adequate_for the piano; there is no need to find a big one.6 What are you doing tonight? Nothing in_particular.7 While we met_with one failure after another, our love fo

7、r the cause was never changed.8 Its he rather_than you that ought to take on the responsibility.本单元语言点温故练习 .补全句子1 Every_time_he_came_to_Shanghai,_he would pay a visit to her.每次他来上海,总要去拜访她。2 Mr.Davies was_annoyed_that the books were missing.那些书不见了,戴维斯先生很懊恼。3 She doesnt like being_made_fun_of in publi

8、c.她不喜欢在公众面前被取笑。4 After a short swim, he_was_out_of_breath.游了一小会后,他就上气不接下气了。5Apart from being good at teamwork, he is tall, strong and athletic.All_in_all,_he is the best choice for the coming basketball match.除了善于团队合作,他个子高、 身体强健而且爱好运动。总之,他是即将到来的篮球赛的最佳人选。6 Jacks business is not as good as before, so

9、he has to cut_down_the_expense_of_his_company.杰克的生意不如从前好了,因此他不得不削减公司的费用。7 They asked him to leave in_other_words he was fired.他们请他走人,换句话说,他被开除了。8 Her ambition is_to_become_as_great_a_tennis_player_as Li Na.她的志向是成为一名像李娜那样优秀的网球运动员。 .句型转换1 The boss made them work the whole night.( 变为被动语态) They_were_mad

10、e_to_work_the_whole_night.2 He wanted to shut the window.Tell him not to shut the window.(用不定式的省略合并句子 ) He_wanted_to_shut_the_window_but_was_told_not_to.3 It is known that she has been working on the problem for many years.( 变为简单句 )2名校名 推荐 She_is_known_to_have_been_working_on_the_problem_for_many_ye

11、ars.4 It seems that he is eating something.( 变为简单句 ) He_seems_to_be_eating_something.5 To study two languages is very hard.(it 作形式主语 ) Its_very_hard_to_study_two_languages.6 He felt it was necessary to help those in need.( 变为简单句 ) He_felt_it_necessary_to_help_those_in_need.7 We believe that he is gu

12、ilty.( 变为简单句 ) We_believe_him_to_be_guilty.8 He ran fast so that he could catch the first bus.( 变为简单句 ) He_ran_fast_so_as/in_order_to_catch_the_first_bus.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 .阅读理解No one knowsexactlyhow many disabled people there are in the world , but estimatessuggest the figure is over 450 million.The

13、number of disabled people in India alone is probablymore than double the total population of Canada.In theUnitedKingdom,about one in ten people have somedisability.Disability is not just something that happens to other people:as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing orhav

14、e falling eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time oflife.Somepeopleare bornwith disabilities.Manyothersbecomedisabled as they get older.There are many progressive disablingdiseases.The longertimegoes on, the worse theybecome.Somepeople are disabledinaccidents.Many others mayha

15、ve a period of disabilityin the formofa mental illness.Allareaffected by peoples attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or to visitfriends, imaginehow youwould manage if you could notget up steps, or onto buses andtrains.Howwouldyou cop

16、e ifyou could not see where youwere going or could not hear thetraffic? But there are otherbarriers: prejudice (偏见 )can be even harder to break down andignorance ( 无知 ) inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible forthe able-bodied to fully appreciate what the se

17、verely disabled go through,so it is importanttodraw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not theirdisability, that counts.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了 “ 残疾 ” 的概念及表现形式以及人们对于“ 残疾 ” 所持有的态度。3名校名 推荐1 The key word in Paragraph 4 is _.A disabilityB ignoranceCprejudiceD b

18、arriers解析:选 D细节理解题。根据第四段首句以及第四段的内容可知应该是强调“ 障碍 ” 。2 The last word of the passage“ counts ” most probably means“ _ ”A is importantB considersCincludesD numbers解析:选 A词义猜测题。 根据最后一段提到的“ 注意这些障碍非常重要” 可知 “是个人和他们的能力而不是他们的残疾非常重要” 。3 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A Even

19、 the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.BThere are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.CThe whole society should pay attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.D There no longer exists prejudice against the disabled.解析: 选 D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段提到的“ 残疾人

20、遇到的一些障碍” 可知“对残疾人的偏见还是存在的”,因此 D 项表述不正确。4 It can be concluded from the passage that _.A we should try our best to prevent disablementBboth physical and mental barriers are hard to break downCwe must take a proper attitude towards the disabledD the able-bodied people will never fully understand the dis

21、abled解析:选 C推理判断题。 根据第三段最后一句以及第四段的叙述可知,我们应该正确地对待残疾人。 .语法填空Having no kid of our own, my wife Alice and I always invited the children in our street to ourhouse for Christmas breakfast.Last year, however, Alice passed away.I was_1_sad that I decided not to invite thechildrenforChristmas breakfast.ButKat

22、hyand Peter, my next door neighbors, invitedme_2_(join) them for dinner on Christmas Eve.As soon as I arrived, Peter asked me_3_the key to my house but didnt tell me thereason.After a happy dinner with them, I went home and was _4_ (surprise) to find that my house_5_ (decorate) by Peter! It was as_6

23、_ (beauty) as each Christmas before.At that moment, Ihoped that I could serve Christmas breakfast, but I hadnt made any _7_ (prepare) Early the next morning, someone rang my bell.I opened the door and saw a little boy_8_4名校名 推荐(stand) outside.Before I could ask him_9_was happening, he was joined by

24、two of hisfriends.Within fifteen minutes, my house was full of children, and I had all the food needed for thebreakfast! I had breakfast_10_(happy) with the children again. 篇解 : 本文是 叙文。 作者和妻子 没有孩子,每年都邀 本街的孩子到家里吃圣 早餐。 妻子去世后作者很 心,但是作者的 居特意 作者准 了一个和以前一 的圣 。1 so 句使用了so .that . 构,意思是 “ 如此 以至于 ” 。2 to joi

25、ninvite sb.to do sth. “ 邀 某人做某事” 。3 forask sb.for sth.“ 向某人要某物” 。4 surprisedbe surprised to do sth.“ 对 感到惊 ” 。5 had been decorated主 house 是 作decorate 的承受者,需用被 ;从句 所表示的 作 生在主句 所表示的 作之前,故此 填had beendecorated。6 beautiful谓语动词为was,再根据as .as 可知,此 用beauty 的形容 形式。7preparations空格中所填 在句中作make 的 ,需用 prepare 的名 形式。 makepreparations“ 做准 ” , preparation 常用复数形式。8 standingsee sb.doing sth.“ 看 某人正在做某事” 。9 whatwhat was happening 是 从句, what 在从句中作主 。10 happily空格中所填 在句中修 had,需用 happy 的副 形式。5


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