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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业一、单项填空1.Dr. Peter, _ headmaster of the school, told us, _ fifth of pupils here go on tostudy at Oxford and Cambridge.A. a; theB. the; aC. the; 不填D. 不填 ; a2.Many a time , the Chinese government urged that American government stop selling advan

2、cedweapons to Taiwan , but it_ listen , _Sino-US relations.A. won t;damagingB. wouldn;tdamagingC. shouldn t; to damageD. wouldn:tto damage3.It was obvious that the man _ driving on the freeway for almost an hour when he _ thathe must come back.A. was; toldB. had been; was toldC. had been; toldD. was

3、; was told4.well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in finding a suitable job A HoweverB WhateverCNo matterD Although5.It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.A. are being builtB. were being builtC. was being builtD. is being built6. It is clear that the w

4、hole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central _must be taken by scientists and technologists.A. processB. attentionC.measureD. part7. We hadn t expected _ so many people present at the meeting.A.there beingB.there to beingC.there isD.there to be8. What would have happened_, as

5、 far as the river bank?A. Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk fartherC. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther9._ our teacher will allow _early after examination?A.Whodoyouthink;leavingB. Who do you think; to leaveC. Do you think who; leavingD. Do you think who; to leave10._ know Jan

6、e was interested in art until I heard that she owned a Van Gogh.A. Much I didB. Little I didC. Much did ID. Little did I11.Since Mary is absent today, lets get someone else to _ the work where it was left off.A. take inB. take downC. take upD. take off12A serious forest fire broke out in Shandong, _

7、 the authority had to take immediate stepsto protect the forest in Tai an.1名校名 推荐A. whyB. whichC. asD. for which13 Mary is fond of music, but she never shows any interest in painting . _.A. So is it with JaneB. So it is with JaneC. Neither does JaneD. So is Jane14. What he said is _ but practical si

8、nce _ depends on“ if ”A anything; everythingB nothing; everythingC. everything; anythingDnone; everything15. Next Monday is my birthday. Is that so? _A. I can t believe my ears.B. I m so glad to hear that.C. What presents do you want?D. Many happy returns of the day!二、完形填空One morning, when I was 16,

9、 my father told me I could drive him to a remote village namedMijas, about 18 miles away, 16_that I take the car in to be serviced at a nearby 17_.Having just learned to drive, and hardly ever having the 18_ to use the car, I readilyaccepted. I drove Dad into Mijas and 19_ to pick him up at 4 P. M.

10、,then drove to a nearbygarage and the car 20_ in it. Because I had a few hours to 21_, I decided to see amovie at a theater nearby. However, I was so 22_ in the movie that I didn take any23_ of time. When the film was over, it was already 6 o clock.I knew Dad would be angry if he found out I had bee

11、n watching movies, and not let me driveagain. A good idea 24_ me. I drove up to Mijas until I saw Dad waiting 25_ on thecorner, I explained to him that it was because the car had needed some major repairs that I was26_ . I will never forget the look he gave me.“ I m so disappointed that you feel you

12、 have to lieo met. Jason. When you did not27_ ,I called the garage to ask ifthere were any problems , and they told me that you hadn t28_ the car.I can see a feeling of sadness 29_ him.“ I m angry, not with you but with myself. Now I am30_ that I have failed as a father. Iam going to walk home now a

13、nd contemplate 31_I have done all these years.”“ But Dad, it is 18 miles to home. It s dark. You can t walk home.”My 32_ , my apologies and the rest of my utterances were of no use .Dad walked alongthe dusty roads silently in the dark, 33_ thought. I pleaded all the way , telling him howsorry I was,

14、 but he simply 34_ to pay any attention . Seeing my father in so much pain wasthe most painfulexperience that I have ever faced, 35_it was also the most successfullesson.16.A. providingB. supplyingC. offeringD. giving17.A. factoryB. stationC. storeD. garage18.A. challengeB. courageC.chanceD. potenti

15、al19.A. pretendedB. struggledC. requiredD. commited2名校名 推荐20.A.pulled upB.took upC. moved upD. came up21.A. practiceB.goC. takeD. waste22.A. attractedB. absorbedC. addictedD. adapted23.A. controlB. chanceC.noticeD. temper24.A. stuck withB. caught upC. occured toD. came up25.A. interestedlyB.grateful

16、lyC.anxiouslyD. casually26.A. put downB. held upC. broken downD. taken up27.A.turn downB.show offC. get throughD. turn up28.A. picked outB. picked onC. called onD. called for29.A. throughB. onC. byD. in30.A.conscientiousB. confusedC. consciousD. considerable31.A. whatB. whyC.whereD. when32.A. opinio

17、nB. suggestionC. oppositionD. thought33.A. lost inB. weak inC. expert inD. concerned in34.A. criedB. regrettedC. imaginedD. refused35.A. thereforeB. butC. otherwiseD. consequently第三节阅读表达阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求)U.S. President BarackObama said Fridayon campaign trailhe can make the ca

18、se forasecond term, and voters will come to see him as the candidate by next year s elections , accorto an interview he gave to the U.S. media.In an exclusive interview he gave the Associated Press, Obama acknowledged that the stateof the economy could be his biggest hurdle to clear in winning reele

19、ction.“ I think the economys going to continue to improve, and I think Im going to be able to make an effective case that. I am the person who is best prepared to finish the job so that we are ontrack to succeed in the 21st century, ” Obama said in the video interview conducted in Chicago, where he

20、attended fund-raising events the previous night.“ I think I can make that case, and I think that, in the debates that take place over the next 18months, the American people will feel that I deserve a second term,” he said.Chicago is Obama shome, and the presidentreelections campaign headquarters is

21、alsolocated there. He made the reelection announcement on April4. Accordingto a Gallup pollreleased on Friday, Obama s approval rating stood at 41 percent, an all time low. Gallup said thefigure was fueled by economic dissatisfaction.1. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)_2

22、. Fill in the blank in Paragraph One with proper words. ( no more than 8 words)_3. What is the biggest problem that Obama might meet with in the presidents reelection ? (no more than 5 words)3名校名 推荐_4. Who probably writes this passage? (no more than 3 words)_5. What does the underlined word“ the fig

23、ure” refer to (line 3 ,paragraph 5) ?than(no 3morewords)参考答案单项选择: 21-25 DBBAD26-30 DDCBD31-35 CDBAD完型填空: 36-40 ADCDA41-45 BBCCC46-50 BDDDC51-55 ACADB阅读表达: 1 Obama says he deserves a second term2 best prepared to serve as president3 The economic problem4 A journalist /A reporter5. the percentage of 41 support4


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