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1、名校名 推荐Unit 1 Women of achievement using language 课时作业一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习 .单词拼写1 Wherever you go, you can find this kind of widespread (分布广的 ) plant.2Barbara is in her late forties and has a tendency ( 倾向 ) to complain about what she doesntfeel content with.3 If you are serious about our relation

2、ship, you should make a commitment (承诺 )4 Many people advocate ( 主张 ) building more hospitals here.5 There has been a growth (增长 ) in the number of college students.6 A cool drink refreshed ( 使恢复 ) me after my long walk.7 Roberts contributions ( 贡献 ) to the company should also be remembered.8 (2017

3、江苏高考 )In 1900, people died at the average ( 平均的 ) age of 30.9 There was apparent disagreement (不一致 )between their stories.10 They are thinking of ways to deal with air pollution ( 污染 ) .单句改错1 No one knows when such a custom came into existences.existences existence2 Our students shouldstudyhard andm

4、akecontributiontooursociety.contribution contributions3 She was dressed casual in jeans and a sweatshirt.casual casually4 Under the circumstance he felt unable to accept the job.circumstance circumstances5 Though he works hard, his marks are still over average.over below6 Iadvocate ban trucks in the

5、citycentrebecause it willreduce airpollutionandnoise.ban banning7 On whole, he was generous and honest, but sometimes he was mean.On 后加 the8 I want to express the very deep appreciation in behalf of all of us, for this warm welcome that you have given us.in on .选词填空and so on, have an effect on, unde

6、r no circumstances, so long as, make a difference, put up with , as a result, instead of, carry out , on behalf of1 They got together to discuss how to carry out the plan.2 On behalf of my family, I express our thanks to you all for your help.3 Under no circumstances shall we leave our hometown.1名校名

7、 推荐4 He just spent a whole day resting instead of working.5 Every word from the parents will have an effect on the child.6 This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on.7 It is too dry. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.8 So long as we are invited we will attend his birthday party.

8、9 She likes complaining everything that doesnt agree with her, which I almost cant put upwith.10 I appreciate your suggestion very much, which has made a difference to me.本单元语言点温故练习 .句型转换 (每空一词 )1 He didnt attend the meeting because he was ill. It was because he was ill that he didnt attend the meet

9、ing.2 When did you call me yesterday? When was it that you called me yesterday?3 Did the Second World War break out in 1939? Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?4 I dont know why you want to change your mind. I dont know why it was that you want to change your mind.5 She didnt realize

10、 it was too late to go home until the sun set. It was not until the sun set that she realized it was too late to go home.6 What he said disappointed me. It was what he said that disappointed me. .补全句子1 How did it come about that he was dismissed? We havent figured it out yet. 他怎么会被解雇了呢? 到现在我们也没有弄明白。

11、2 He subscribed a large sum of money to the local charity.他向当地慈善机构捐了一大笔钱。3 A large quantity of ice- cream has been sold out since the temperature began to rise.自从气温升高,大量的冰激凌已经被卖出去了。4 His driving carelessly resulted in a serious accident the other day.几天前他的粗心驾驶造成了一场严重事故。2名校名 推荐5 The villagers opposed

12、 the government building a new factory here.村民反对政府在这儿建一个新工厂。6 She studied hard, and as a consequence she passed the examination.她努力学习,结果通过了考试。7 We stood on the top of the mountain and the stadium was just within/inour range ofvision.我们站在山顶上,体育馆正好在我们看得见的地方。8 I took a glance at/glanced at the hall and

13、 found many familiar faces among the audience.我扫视了一下大厅,发现观众中有许多熟悉的面孔。9 Even if/though youre fluent in English, you may experience linguistic difficulties in theUK.即使你英语流利,在英国你也许还是会遇到语言困难。10 If we can do as mentioned above, there is no doubt that we can master English.如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,我们就能精通英语。二、勤练高

14、考题型,多练自能生巧 .阅读理解All around the word, shoppers flock to Walmart to buy everything. In Texas, they come foranother reason: to see the wind turbine ( 涡轮机 ), which supplies 5% of the stores electricity. Italong withother facilities, such as exteriorwalls coated with heat-reflective paint, makes thisWalm

15、art a green giant.The laws of economics suggest that Walmart,with5,200 storesworldwide,influences everything includingthe price ofall kinds ofgoods. It throws its weight behind environmental responsibility, and theimpactcould be amazing. “ One littlechange inproduct packagingcould save 1,500 trees ,

16、” says Walmart CEO Lee Scott.“ If everybody saves 1,500 trees, or 50barrels of oil, at the end of the day you will make a huge difference.”Scott wants Walmart to do its part too. He has promised to cut the existing greenhouse gasemissions (排放 ) over the next few years and promised to construct new s

17、tores that are moreefficient. He wants Walmarts fleet ( 车队 ) of more than 7,000 trucks to get twice as many milesper gallon by 2015. Factories that show Walmart theyre cutting air pollution will get preferentialtreatment in the supply chain. Walmart says its working with consumer product manufacture

18、rs toreduce their packaging and will reward them if they do so.Some people may doubt it is a bid to attract attention from Walmarts controversial labor andhealthinsurance practices. Butits notjustwindowdressing, because Walmart sees profitsingoinggreen. Scott says, “Thisis a business philosophy,not

19、a social philosophy.We dontgo3名校名 推荐where we dont think theres a great interest in change.”LikeBillGates, who started his charitable foundation,Scott happens to be promotingWalmarts image at a time when his companys reputation is declining. He acknowledges that he launched the plan partly to shield

20、( 保护 ) Walmart from bad press about its contribution to global warming. “ By doing what were doing today, we avoid the headline risks that are going to comefor people who did not do anything ,”he says. “ At some point businesses willbe heldresponsible forthe actions they take.”Meanwhile,should Walma

21、rt succeed in shrinkingitsenvironmental footprints and lowering prices for green products, both the planet and the company would profit.语篇解读: 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了沃尔玛采取的保护环境的措施以及采取这些措施后所带来的利益。1 We can infer from the passage that.A Lee Scott is Walmarts CEOBthere are 5,200 stores in the worldCWalmart has a gr

22、eat influence on the world marketD Walmart has more than 7,000 trucks all over the world解析: 选 C推理判断题。从第二段中的“The laws of economics . all kinds of goods. ”可以推断,沃尔玛对全球市场有巨大影响,因此C 项正确。2 What does the underlined sentence mean in the fourth paragraph?A Walmart predicts huge profits in its green activity.B

23、Walmarts green activity is just window dressing.CWalmart aims to solve its health insurance practices.D Walmart doesnt have any social responsibility at all.解析: 选 A句意理解题。从第四段,特别是画线句后面的“We dont go . inchange.”可推断,这句话表明:沃尔玛从这些环保的活动中将获得经济利益。3 What will Walmart probably do in the future?A Reduce air pol

24、lution in its present stores.BGive favorable treatment to its consumers.CAsk the factories to reduce their packaging.D Demand the fleet of trucks to use more fuel than before.解析: 选 A 细节理解题。从第三段中的 “Factories that . in the supply chain. ”可知,未来沃尔玛会关注减少空气污染的问题。4 What is the main idea of the last paragra

25、ph?A Provide the background of the green plan.BStress the purpose of Walmarts green plan.4名校名 推荐CPresent the risk that Walmart is facing nowadays.D Analyze the similarity between Bill Gates and Scott.解析: 选 B段落大意 。根据最后一段第二句“He acknowledges . global warming. ”可知, 段主要分析沃 采取 些措施的目的。 . 法填空Students in man

26、y British schools usually wear their uniforms on weekdays. However,1(recent) the students at LVS Ascot Junior School in England were wearing pajamas (睡衣 ). Theydid this not simply for fun,2for a local charity called Christophers Smile.Christophers Smile3(set) up in 2008 by Karen & KevinCapel,4onlyso

27、nChristopher died of cancer at a young age. They hoped their charity would help pay5moreresearch into childrens cancers. Since then, the charity has raised lots of money and gotten moreand more6(volunteer). Every year, thousands of people join7(differ) activities suchas charity walk or run to show t

28、heir support for Christophers Smile.8(dress) in their pajamas, the students at LVS Ascot Junior School also wanted to dosomething for the sick children.“ We organized the event Pajamas Day 9(support)Christophers Smile. We wanted to raise money in a way that the whole school could join in,”said the o

29、rganizers. Both the students and their teachers took10active part in the event withgreat interest. Together they raised some money and had a good time as well. 篇解 : 最近英国LVS Ascot 小学学生穿睡衣上学。他 不只是 了 ,而且是 了当地一个叫克里斯托弗的微笑的慈善活 。 个慈善机构是由克里斯托弗的父母 立的,它 儿童癌症研究募捐。人 通 慈善步行、跑步等支持 个活 。LVS Ascot 小学学生通 “ 睡衣日 ” 活 来支

30、持 种慈善活 。1.recently 空 修 整个句子,故填副 recently。2 butnot . but 意 “ 不是 而是 ” 。3was set主 Christophers Smile 是 set up 所表示 作的承受者,故用被 ;由in 2008 可知 用一般 去 。4whose 空 引 非限制性定 从句修 先行 Karen & Kevin Capel ,且在从句中作定 ,故填whose。5 forpay for 意 “ 为 付款 ” 。6 volunteersmore and more 后需跟复数名 ,故填volunteers。7 different 空 修 名 ,故填形容 different 。8 Dresseddressed in 意 “ 穿着 ” 。9to supportWe 与 support 之 是 上的主 关系,且 空 表目的, 故填 to support。10 antake an active part in 意 “ 极参加 ” 。5


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