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1、名校名 推荐高考练习In October on the east coast of Australia migrating(迁徙)humpback whales(座头鲸)pass very close to the shore. With the help of Max Egan, we went to film them near Byron Bay. It was extremely exciting to spot the little puffs(水柱) of spray on the horizon. When migrating, the whales can be travell

2、ing at the speed of about 12 km/h andcan dive under anywhere between five and forty minutes, but with many years of experience Max usually guidedour boat to exactly the right place to provide us with amazing sighting. As the whales break the surface likesubmarines(潜水艇), the water spills off their br

3、oad dark backs and huge tails. Then, with a powerful downstroke, they dive back into the depths of the sea, leaving just a smooth glassy patch of water or “ footprint ” on thesurface to show where they had been.One day we had travelled up and down the shore and far out to the sea in search of whales

4、, but the horizon was deserted. There was no report of whales in the area so we decided to test out Maxs new, highly sensitive hydrophone(水中听音器) and the result was astonishing. As soon as the hydrophone was in the water, we found ourselves listening to the most beautiful voices. What may have seemed

5、 like a vast empty ocean was filled with the singing of whales.It is the males which sing, as they migrate between feeding and breeding (养育) grounds. No one knows for sure what the purpose of these songs is, whether they are love songs to the females or warnings to other males to stay away.It was th

6、ought that each group of humpbacks had their own song which remained regular but recent findings suggest that the whales appreciate ame1名校名 推荐morable tune(曲调) and quickly adopt any new songs they hear.36. Which finding about whales is beyond the writers expectation?A. The little puffs.B. The songs o

7、f whales.C. The travelling speed of whales.D. The depth of the whales dive.37. The writers main purpose of looking for whales is _.A. carrying out research on whalesB. studying the beautiful songs of whalesC. making films about whalesD. hunting whales for research38. Whats the WRONG opinion about wh

8、ales according to the passage?A. Each group of humpbacks had the song of their own.B. Whales cant sing to each other.C. Whales arent easy to find.D. Whales cant dive in the sea as long as forty minutes.36. B根据第二段第二句“.the result was astonishing. ”可知,发现鲸鱼美妙的歌声是作者的意外收获。37. C根据第一段第二句“.we went to film th

9、em near Byron Bay. ”可知 C 项正确。38. A 由最后一段可知,原先人们认为,每一群座头鲸都有自己相对固定的歌,但这次的发现证明这种观点是错误的。. 选词填空in the meantime, help out, ahead of, hold up, be about to, sort out1 T he maths problem is too difficult for me to solve. Please help me out.2 Lets meet for lunch. Ill call you ahead_of time to fix up exactly w

10、henand where.3 Your computer wontbe arrivingtillThursday.In_the_meantime,_youcan useJudes.4 I was_about_to go to bed when I heard someone knock at the door.5 Unfortunately, my application was held_up by the postal strike.6 It is difficult to sort_out the lies from the truth. 单项填空1 You should_ your o

11、ldfurniture,because itwillbe usefulsome day.A hold backB hold on toC hold upD hold on解析:选B句意:你应该留住这些旧家具别卖,说不定哪一天能派上用场。hold2名校名 推荐back“阻挡”;holdon to “守住;不卖某物”;holdup“举起;耽搁;支撑”;holdon“坚持住”,on 是副词。2 I dont really work here; I _ until the new secretaryarrives.A just help outB have just helped outC am ju

12、st helping outD will just help out解析:选 C由句意“我并不是真在这儿工作,我只是在帮忙直到新秘书来”知,是“目前正在帮忙”,故应用现在进行时态。3Itis reportedthatthe Beijing-Shanghai Hi gh-Speed Railwaywillbe completedin about forty-five months,about two or three months _.A in the meantimeB in no timeC aga inst timeD ahead of time解析:选Dahead of time意为“提

13、前”,根据句意可知北京到上海的高铁将提前约两三个月完工。 in the meantime“在此期间;与此同时”;in no time“立刻;马上”;against time“争分夺秒地;尽快地”,三者与句意不符。4 Put the kettle on to boil and _ well cut the bread.A inother wordsB on the other handC in the meantimeD on the contrary解析:选 C句意:把水壶放上去烧水,与此同时我们切面包。in otherwords“换言之”;on the other hand “另一方面”; in the meantime “与此同时”; on the cont rary “相反”。3


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