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1、名校名 推荐Unit 1Art同步测试(人教版选修六). 速 A识记单词1_ (adj.)抽象的;深奥的(n.) 摘要2_(n.)目 ;目的(vi. & v t.)瞄准; (向某方向 )努力3_(adj.)明 的;明白的4_(v t.)采用;采 ;收养5_(adj.)荒 的;可笑的6_(n. & v t.) 努力; ;企 7_(adj.)确切的;特定的8_ (n.) 画像;身材;数字9_(v i.)有感染力;呼吁;求助(vt.)将上 (n.)呼吁; 求10_(adj.)当代的;同 代的B 想串 11_ (n.)信任;信心;信念 _ (adj.)忠 的,守信的 _ (adv .)忠 地12_ (

2、adj.)典型的;有代表性的 _ (n.) 型;典型13_ (vt.) 有;具有;支配 _ (n.)(尤作复数 )所有; 14 _ (n.)巧合 (的事 ); ( 事情、口味、故事等)相合1名校名 推荐 _ (adj.)同时发生的;同一时间发生的15 _ (vt.) 预 言; 预告; 预测 _ (n.) 预 言 _ (n.)预言者16_ (n.)喜爱;偏爱 _ (v .)喜爱;偏爱17_ (n.)文明;文化;文明社会 _ (v.)使文明;使开化18_ (adj.)视觉的;看得见的 _ (n.)视力;视野答案 : 1.abstract2.aim3.evident4.adopt5.ridiculo

3、us6.attempt7.specific 8.figure9.appeal10.contemporary11faith;faithful;faithfully12.typical;type13.possess;possession 14.coincidence; coincident15.predict; prediction;predictor16.preference;prefer17.civilization;civilize18visual;vision.短语互译1集中_2巧合地_3在 19 世纪晚期_4(可是 )另一方面_5活着的;本人_6(对某人 )有吸引力; (使某人 )感兴趣

4、 _7在于;位于_8一直;始终_9挣脱;脱离_10as well as _11a great deal _2名校名 推荐12lead to _13scores of. _14in the style of _15as a consequence _答案: 1.concentrate on2.by coincidence 3.in the late 19thcentury4.on the other hand 5.in the flesh6.appeal to7lie in8.all the time9.break away from10.也; ;而且11大量12. 致13.大量的14.以方式1

5、5因此, 果.典句 析A完成句子1it is/wasadj.that.But _ (很 然 ) ideas were changing in the 13thcentury when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.2if 虚 条件句If the rules of perspective _ (没有被 ), no one_ (能画出 ) such realistic pictures.3without 短 用于含蓄虚 条件句_ ( 没有新的 料 ) a

6、nd the new technique, we_ ( 就不能看到) the many great masterpieces forwhich this period is famous.4表 部分提前引起倒装_ (在那些画家中 ) who broke away from thetraditional style of painting _ (是印象派画家 ), who lived andworked in Paris.3名校名 推荐5would rather do.than do.“宁愿干而不愿干”Many art lovers _this small art gallery_ (宁愿参 而

7、不参 ) any other in New York.B典句仿写1很 然他 没有干 工作的 。_2如果你接受了我的建 ,你考 就及格了。_3没有你的帮助,我就不会取 么大的 步。_4山脚下是一个很小的村子,那就是我的故 。_5她宁愿在网上 物也不愿去超市。_答案:A.1.it was evident that 2.had not been discovered;would have been able to paint 3.Without the new paints;would not be able to see 4.Among the painters;were the Impressi

8、onists5would rather visit;thanB1.Its evident that they have no experience in this work.2If you had followed my advice, you would have passed theexam.3Without your help, I wouldnt have made such great progress.4At the foot of the mountain is a very small village, which is myhometown.5She would rather

9、 do shopping on the Internet than go to thesupermarket.4名校名 推荐 .要点串记运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之。The famous architects designed their buildings like dreams,1._ (充满 ) fantastic colors and shapes.The Opera House inSydney 2._ ( 使 人们想 起 ) seashells. The 2008 OlympicStadium in Beijing 3._ (看起来像 ) a birds nes

10、t made of treebranches. These buildings 4._ ( 使 相信 )people thatifarchitects had not had special mind about the art, we would not have the chance to enjoy the beauty of art works. They seem so touching that I would rather visit them 5._ 本(人,亲自 ) now.I dream some day I can design a building that would 6._ (引起注意 ) people all over the world.答案: 1.full of 2.reminds people of 3.looks like 4.convince 5.in the flesh 6.draw the attention of5


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