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1、名校名 推荐Unit2 Working the land 课时跟踪训练(人教版必修4) .品句填词A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1 President Obama called on his people to _( 斗争 )against terrorism.答案: struggle2 In the 1960s, many people in China died of _ ( 饥饿 ) because of the naturaldisasters.答案: hunger3 The old woman is determined to learn how to use the In

2、ternet to_( 扩大 )her business and reach a global market.答案: expand4 After all ,the doctor- patient relationship is based on trust, and _ (因此 )honesty is essential.答案: therefore5 Our attention should be_( 聚焦 ) on the most urgent problems.答案: focusedB) 在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于 3 个单词 )。6 To my _ (sa

3、tisfy) , he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.答案: satisfaction7 The young man does walking every day to build _ his muscle.答案: up8 What do you think of her speech last night? Just so-so.She gave us too much information , so that everyone got _(confuse)答案: confused9 _(follow) your par

4、ents advice willou helpbcomey more confident.答案: Following10 When I first came to New York , I had a lot of trouble _ (make) meunderstood.答案: making .选词填空用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。thanks to;rid.of ;care about;would rather ;build up ;lead to;focus on;keep.free from ;search for; in addition1 The revelation of

5、 his past _ his resignation.答案: lead to2 Further measures will be taken to _ our streets _ crime.答案: rid; of3 Many experts think that schools should not simply _exam results.答案: focus on4 She usually_the table _dust by putting a cover over it.答案: keeps; free from5 Philosophers have _ millennia but t

6、hey haven t found the meaning of life.1名校名 推荐答案: searched for6 I_ fail than cheat in the examination.答案: would rather7 _this treatment , her condition has improved.答案: Thanks to8 As a matter of fact , many great scientists don t _being wealthy.答案: care about9 _ to all her other qualifications , Bess

7、ie was an expert cook.答案: In addition10 Greenhouse gases continue to _ in the atmosphere, causing the globaltemperature to go up.答案: build up .完成句子运用所学 或句型完成下列句子。1As is known to us all ,success lies in hard work while laziness _( 导致失 )答案: leads to failure2 Measures should be taken to _ the children

8、and old _(使 免受 )the polluted vegetables above all.答案: keep; free from3_( 幸 的支持 )from the local government ,they could rebuildtheir houses soon after the earthquake.答案: Thanks to the support4 A deep breath and a balanced mind will help (to) _(去除你的焦虑)and nervousness.答案: rid you of the anxiety5 To be m

9、entally healthy , you need to _( 建立良好的关系)with eachother.答案: build up good relationships . 串 根据 提示完成下列短文。Iwouldliketomake commentsonthesituationofAfrica.Mostofpeoplethere_1_against natural disasters, like drought._2_ ,they lack enough _3_ ;as aresult , the crop outputis greatlyreduced._4_ , they_5_le

10、arningadvancedtechnology from _6_countries ,and_7_the food supply.All these _8_haveled to much progress in their life.我想 非洲的 状。 大部分人 在同干旱等自然灾害作 斗争。 我 感到 憾的是 他 缺少足 的 设备 。 果, 作物的 量 减。 得 幸的是 ,当地人正 集中精力 学 达国家的先 ,逐步 增 食物供 ; 些 措施 已 使他 的生活有了很大 步。答案: 1.struggle2.To our regret3.equipment4.Luckily5.focus on6.

11、developed7.build up8.measures . 文 法填空 下面 文 写材料,在空白 填入适当的内容或括号内 的正确形式 (不多于 3 个 )。Dr.YuanLongpingwas_1_pioneerofagricultureinChina.He_2_(graduate)from Southwest AgriculturalCollege in 1953._3_ then he2名校名 推荐devoted his lifeto _4_(find)waysto growmore rice.The rice farmers are nowproducing harvest twic

12、e as large as before by growing his kind of rice._5_ he was notsatisfied with his work._6_ now he leads a rich life,he still goes on with his work todevelop his rice.I think his work is _7_(real)important to the world._8_ofhishardwork , theproductionoffoodhasbeenimproved.Andtheproblemof_9_(hungry)ca

13、n be solved.Thanks to Yuan Longping,smillionsgreatworkofpeoplecan benefit _10_ his extraordinary work.答案: 1.a 2.graduated 3.Since 4.finding 5.But 6.Although 7.really 8.Because 9.hunger 10.from写作素材 1 饥饿 曾是个 困扰人的 问题。2在过去的 十年里,农民们成功地抵制 了土地的沙漠扩大化。3 有了 新的农耕技术,谷物 和其他 粮食 的产量 都增加了。提示: 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇 ( 将以上句子连成一篇50 词左右的英语短文。)_One possible version:Hunger used to be disturbing in this area.In the past decade, farmers succeeded in the struggle against the expanding desert.Equipped with new farming methods, their output ofgrain and other crops has increased.3


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