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1、名校名 推荐Period TwoLanguage Points .语境填词1 She is a C_, for she comes from Canada.2 Asia is the biggest c_ all over the world.3 Our teacher is very easy-going, so we all like to have a c_ with him.4 Zou Cheng is a city with beautiful s_.5 You can make up your b_ for your travel tomorrow.6 When he woke u

2、p , he found himself _( 围绕 ) by many flowers.7If you want to know the exact area of your room ,you can _( 测量 ) it by yourself.8 Not everyone lives in the _( 城市的 ) area.9 _(鹰 ) stands for power in the western culture.10 The centre of our city is moving _( 向东 ) .选词填空1_ take the aeroplane all the way ,

3、the two cousins took the train to enjoytheir journey.After 2._ in their seats, they were eager to enjoy the beautifulsceneryinCanada.Theyfoundthewholecountry3._talltrees.Fortunately,they 4._ some mountain goats and even an eagle whenthey crossed the Rocky Mountains.Through 5._ other people, they got

4、 toknow many Canadians 6._ riding wild horses.They enjoyed the travelvery much and 7._ deal with the difficulties they met on the way. .同义词辨析1 用 manage to, try to 的适当形式填空(1)He _ pass the message to his boss.(2)He _ pass the message to his boss, but failed.(3)He _ avoid an accident.2 用 border , bound

5、ary , frontier 的适当形式填空(1)The two armies clashed near the _.(2)The river is the _ between the two countries.(3)Passport must be shown at the _.(4)The murderer escaped across the _ .单项填空1Mrs.White found her husband _ by letters and papers and _ very worried.A surrounding ; lookedB surrounded; lookedCs

6、urrounding ; lookingD surrounded; looking2 On the contrary , I think it is Truman , _ you, _ to blame.A more than;areBless than; who areCrather than; that isD rather than; is3 _is the population of Shanghai?A How manyB How muchCWhatD How4 The problem_ ,they all went home happily.A settlingB to be se

7、ttledCsettledD to settle1名校名 推荐5 He suddenly saw Sue_the street.He pushed his way_the crowd of peopleto get to her.A across; acrossB over;throughCover ; intoD across; through6 _in the fields on a March afternoon , he could feel the warmth of spring.A To walkB WalkingCWalkedD Having walked7 To ensure

8、 the safety at home, parents should not put the medicine _ the reach oftheir children.A out ofB withinCaway fromD up from8 They were poor , but they _ a computer for their son.A managed buyingB tried buyingCmanaged to buyD tried to buy9 _ we know , the hotter it gets,the better he likes it.A Because

9、B WhenCAs far asD That10 Mrs.Taylor has_8- year-old daughter who has_gift for painting.She haswon two national prizes.A a; aB an; theCan; aD the; a .完形填空A shepherd was herding( 放牧 ) his sheep when suddenly a brand new sports car came out of a dust cloud towards him.The_1_was a young man in a new des

10、igner suit, designer _2_, designer sunglasses and a designer tie.He_3_out the window and asked the shepherd,“ If I tell you _4_ how many sheep you have here , will you give me one ?”The shepherd_5_the man, then his peaceful sheep and_6_ answered,“ Sure.Why not?”The young man _7_his car ,took out his

11、_8_ ,connected it to his mobile phone ,surfed to a page on the Internet where he called up a satellite navigation system( 卫星导航系统 ) _9_, he printed out a full- colour,150- page report on his hi- tech _10_, he turned to the shepherd andsaid, “ You have exactly 1,586 sheep.”“ That sright. ” said the sh

12、epherd, “I guess you can _11_ one of my sheep. ”The shepherd then said to the young man ,“ Hey, if I can_12_ you exactly what your _13_is, will you give me back my sheep?” The young man thought about it for a(an) _14_and then said:“ Okay , _15_?”“ You are a consultant (顾问 ),” said the shepherd.“ Wow

13、! That s16_,” said the young man.“ But how did you _17_that ?”“ No guessing required. answered” the shepherd.“ You showed up here _18_nobody calledyou, you want to get _19_ for an answer that I already knew , to a question I _20_asked and it sobvious you don tknow a thing about my business.Now give

14、me back my sheep. ”1 A.cyclistB driverC teacherD pilot2 A.clothesB trousersC socksD shoes3 A.leanedB tookC putD looked4 A.exactlyB generallyC quicklyD similarly5 A.turned toB stared atC looked atD pointed to2名校名 推荐6 A.stillyB quietlyC angrilyD calmly7 A.movedB turnedC parkedD ran8 A.counterB compute

15、rC bookD pencil9 A.FinallyB HoweverC EvenD Therefore10 A.carB InternetC printerD phone11 A.bringB fetchC takeD carry12 A.knowB guessC tellD look13 A.businessB carC computerD matter14 A.hourB dayC minuteD second15 A.for whatB why notC whyD if not16 A.all rightB allC correctD so17 A.getB guessC work o

16、utD have18 A.as thoughB even soC if soD even though19 A.paidB praisedC doneD called20 A.oftenBconstantlyC sometimesD never作状语的“ from n. to n.”:from age to age 世世代代from head to foot 从头到脚from start to finish 自始至终from mouth to mouth 口头相传from east to west 自东向西from day to day 一天天地from door to door 挨家挨户fr

17、om beginning to end 自始至终from sunrise to sunset 从日出到日落from generation to generation 一代代Period TwoLanguage Points .1.Canadian 2.continent 3.chat 4.scenery5 baggage6.surrounded7.measure8.urban9 Eagle10.eastward .1.Rather than2.settlingdown3.was surrounded by4.caught sight of5.chattingwith6.have a gift

18、for7.managed to .1.(1)managed to(2)tried to(3)managed tomanage to do表示设法完成某件困难的事,强调结果。try to do表示设法去做某事,3名校名 推荐但不一定成功。2 (1)border(2)boundary(3)frontier(4)borderborder指“ 境地 ”范 广的地区。boundary着重指山脉、河流等形成的天然“ 界 ”,多指在地 上的 土分界 。frontier指就某一国 方面提及的 界、 境,而且是意味着 防的 界,要做 照、 、海关等各 。 .1.D 此 考 find oneself done/

19、doing. 固定 构,根据 surround 及 look 与 herhusband 的关系,可确定答案 D 。 2C句意 :相反,我 是 Truman 而不是你 受到 。 干包含一个 it is.that. 句式, 的是 从句的主 ,所以 要与 Truman 一致,此句表示 关系,所以要用 rather than 。3 CWhat is the population of. 固定句型,表达 “人口是多少 ”之意。 4 C 考 独立主格 构,根据problem和 settle 之 的被 关系,可判定答案 C 。 5 Dacross 表示从表面上穿 ;through表示从某物的中 穿 。 6

20、B 考 在分 作状 。 walk 的 主 和句子主 一致,并且 主 关系。7B考 固定搭配。 within the reach of sb. 在某人伸手能 到 / 触及到的范 内。关 注意句子中有 not,所以 out of the reach of 的意思与句意相矛盾。 8 C 考 manage 的用法。句意 :他 很 ,但他 是 法 儿子 了一台 。manage to do sth. 法完成某事, 符合句意。 try to do sth.努力做某事, 不一定能成功;try doing sth.尝试 / 干某事。 9 Cas far as we know就我 所知,其中as far as 意

21、 “就 ;尽 ”。 10 Chave a gift for 有天 。 .1.B因 第一句 中有sports car, 所以此 B 。 2 D 因 suit 是套服的意思,所以此 D 最合适,和后面的 sunglasses和tie 相 。 3 A 此 是跑 司机依靠在 窗上,所以 lean ,意思 “倚靠 ”,其他的 都不合 意。4 A 句意 :如果我能 确切地 出你 儿羊的数量,你能 我一只 ?所以 A 。 exactly确切地; generally一般地; quickly很快地, 速度快;similarly 相似地。 5 C 此 表达的是牧羊人看了看 个人,然后看了看羊,所以用look at

22、。 turnto 向某人; stare at 着某人看; point to 指向某人。 6 D 根据牧羊人很肯定地回答可以看出,牧羊人很平静;所以 D 。 7 C 此 是 “停 ”的意思,所以 C 。 8 B 此 是跑 司机拿出 接到手机上,然后上网,所以 B 。 9A 个地方缺少一个表示 的副 。前面的 parked ,took ,connected 和 surfed是一系列的 作,所以 A ,表示 “最后 ”。 10C 根据 “he printed out a full-colour,150-page report”可知是在打印机上打印出来的,所以 C 。 11 C牧羊人回答的是 “我想你

23、可以 走我的一只羊”,所以 C 。 bring 来;fetch 去拿来; carry 运送,不 方向性。 12C牧羊人 “如果我能准确地辨 你的 ,你会把羊 我 ?”所以 tell “辨 ”。 13 A 参照上一 的解析。 14 D跑 司机稍微想了一会, 即 性,所以 D 。 15 B跑 司机稍微想了一会,表示同意,所以 B 。 16 C牧羊人猜 了跑 司机的 ,所以回答正确, C 。 17 B 跑 司机 于牧羊人猜 自己的 感到很奇怪,并且可以从牧羊人的回答“No guessing required.”看出,此 C 。 work sth.out找到 的答案; 理;解决。4名校名 推荐18 D 即便没有人给你打电话,你也能到这儿,在这儿缺少的是一个让步状语从句,所以选 D 项。 19 A 牧羊人回答: “为了一个我从来没有问你的,并且是我已经知道了的答案,你都想得到回报。 ”所以选 A 项。 20 D参照上一题解析。5


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