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1、名校名 推荐2014年秋高二英 语同步检测:unit1 Greatscientistslearningabout language(人教版必修 5 )Great scientistsLearning about Language一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 John Snow defeated King Cholera in a_(science)way.答案: scientific2 Teaching young children is a_(challenge)job for parents.答案: challenging3 The_(love)kids were completely_

2、(absorb)in their games.答案: lovely;absorbed4 Every time you failed, please_(analysis)the real reasons.答案: analyze5 If you get confused, please look at the_(instruct)答案: instructions6 Havent you heard the_(announce)? Were having a holiday tomorrow.答案: announcement1名校名 推荐二、词语活用1用与 conclusion相关的词语完成下列小段

3、落。As he doubted your (1)_ ,he made anothertwo experimentsand (2)_adifferent (3)_from the results of his experiments.He (4)_ that youve(5)_a wrong (6)_andwrote a reportabout hisdiscovery.(7)_,he wrote that we should not (8)_ before we carry out a thorough research.答案: (1)conclusion(2)arrived at/reach

4、ed/drew(3)conclusion(4)concluded(5)made/drawn(6)conclusion(7)In conclusion(8)jump to a conclusion2用 bear the blame, blame sb.for sth., blame sth.on sb., be to blame完成下列小片段。After the accident, some people(1)_(责怪杰克没有关电 ) Others (2)_( 把事故归咎于乔治 ) But George said he would not (3)_( 承 担 责 任 )because it wa

5、s the snowstorm that(4)_( 才是罪魁祸首 )答案: (1)blamed Jack for not turning off the electricity(2)blamed it on George(3)bear the blame(4)was to blame3请模仿上述两题,用 in control of, out of control, under the control of等词组自编一个小段落。_答案: The director was in control of the business, that is, the business wasunder the

6、control of the director.So when thedirectorwas ill, the whole businesswent out of control.三、 动词专练2名校名 推荐用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 _(draw)a conclusion in such a hurry may result in serious mistakes.答案: Drawing2 Those_(expose)to the war are looking forward to peace.答案: exposed3 John Snow became_(inspire)when he

7、thought of helping the poor.答案: inspired4 It seemed that the bad weather was_(blame)答案: to blame5The disease quicklyattacksthe body and soon the_(affect)persondies.答案: affected6 _(determine)to kill cholera, John Snow did a lot of research work.答案: Determined7 The two womendrunk the _(pollute)wateran

8、d soon diedof thestrangedisease.答案: polluted8 The bell rang, _(announce)the end of the class.答案: announcing3名校名 推荐9 Expertssuggestedthatyoung people _(instruct)tobe responsiblefortheir behaviors.答案: (should) be instructed10 _(foresee)what will happen in the future, you must make a thoroughstudy on t

9、he past.答案: To foresee四、运用括号内的词组,将下列句子译成英语1喜欢看故事书的汤姆,被这本书如此吸引着,以致叫人替他做了作业。(absorb ,so.that)_答案: Tom, who liked reading story books, was so absorbed in the book that others had his homework done.2当想到自己被提升为让他人羡慕的经理时,他就高兴得睡不着觉。(think about,promote , too.to)_答案: He was too happy to fall asleep when he thought about being promoted asthe manager admired by others.3是谁提出这个建议的?(put forward)_答案: Who put forward this suggestion?4名校名 推荐5


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