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1、名校名 推荐unit 1 living well warming up & reading课时作业人教版选修7(广东专用) .单词拼写1He _(指挥 ) the members of the audience to their seats.2I could never have achieved this without the _鼓(励 ) of my husband andfamily.3He was _烦(恼 ) to learn that the train would be delayed.4I understood the _心(理 ) of this,but it still

2、hurt.5You will not be paid for the full period of _(缺席 )6A group of young pioneers always accompany the _残(废 ) girl to theschool.7He achieved his _雄(心 ) of making a fortune.8These toys are not _适(合 ) for children under five.9I hope your holiday will be _(有益 ) to you.10 Many of Dickens books have bee

3、n _改(编 ) for films.完形填空I went to a group activity ,“ Sensitivity Sunday,which” was to make us more aware of the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “ 1_ a disability ”severalfor hours one Sunday.Some members, like me, chose to usewheelchairs.Others wore soundblocking- earplugs(耳塞 )or

4、blindfolds( 眼罩 )Just sitting in the wheelchair was a _2_ experience.I had never considered before how _3_ it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my _4_ made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not _5_.Then I wondered where to put my feet.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest i

5、nto _6_.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of _7_ for several hours.For disabled people ,“ adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的)_8_.I tried to find a _9_ position and thought it might be restful ,_10_ kind of1名校名 推荐nice, to be pushed around for a while.Looking aroun

6、d, I _11_ I would have tohandle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I _12_ the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the direction of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)_13_ task.My wheelchair experiment was soon _14_.It made a deep impression on me.Afew hours of “ disabil

7、ity gave” me only a taste of the _15_,both physical andmental,that disabled people must overcome.1A.cureBadoptCpreventDanalyze2A.learningBworkingCsatisfyingDrelaxing3A.convenientBawkwardCboringDexciting4A.heightBforceCskillDweight5A.lockedBrepairedCpoweredDgrasped6A.placeBactionCplayDeffect7A.operat

8、ionBcommunicationCtransportationDproduction8A.explorationBeducationCexperimentDentertainment9A.flexibleBsafeCstartingDcomfortable10 A.yetBjustCstillDeven11A.realizedBsuggestedCagreedDadmitted12 A.liftedBturned2名校名 推荐CpressedDseized13 A.easyBheavyCmajorDextra14 A.forgottenBrepeatedCconductedDfinished

9、15 A.weaknessesBanxietiesCchallengesDillnesses.语法填空(2014 山高二调研中 )Even though Americans spend 93 percent of their time inside, it is the outdoor environment, and 1._(particular) the weather,2._ plays trickswithour mood.3._ rainy , dark day can bringsomberness(阴沉,忧郁 ) to even the most enthusiastic amo

10、ng us,the dog days of summer make us go through the day a little slower,4._ the cold,short days ofwinter 5._(easy) bring on the blues.Why the weather has such a profound effect 6._our mood is somethingthat researchers 7._(try) to pin down, but have been having a difficult time8._somanyhumanshavebeco

11、melargelyindoorcreatures.It9._(confirm),though,that most people feel a bit more blue in the winter anda little bit 10._(good) in the spring.阅读理解Kindness with Wheels on for a Young GirlMy wonderful aunt Helen Louise recently passed away very unexpectedly.I have been trying to stay positive during thi

12、s time.Today was an especially emotional day, so I decided to try and keep myself busy by doing a little treasure hunting myat local Goodwill store.While I was browsing(浏览 ),I saw a young girl trying to ride a bicycle.Her grandmother and grandfather were steadying it for her.Her grandmother was very

13、 encouraging and it made me smile to see the look of determination on the little girls face.I browsed through the racks but didnt find anything I wanted to buy.I was on my way out of the store,when I noticed the bicycle parked at the checkout counter.A light3名校名 推荐bulb went off right away in my mind

14、 , and I asked the clerk if the bicycle had been paid for.She told me that the little girls grandparents were going to buy it after they were done looking around.I quickly searched my purse for a Smile Card.I told the clerk I wanted to buy the bicycle for the girl.I paid ,got the receipt and handed

15、it, along with the Smile Card ,to the girls grandmother.I told her that the bicycle was paid for.The looks on that familys faces were priceless and I could feel my aunt Helens approval(认可 )shining upon me.I miss my aunt Helen every day,but I will continue to honor her legacy of generosity by doing r

16、andom(随机的 )acts of kindness.1Why did the author decide to visit the Goodwill store?ABecause she thought about her aunt a lot.BBecause she was lack of everyday objects.CBecause she wanted to buy a bicycle.DBecause she wanted to find a stranger to tell her sadness to him/her.2What did the author hand

17、to the girls grandmother?AThe receipt of the bicycle and a Smile Card.BThe receipt of the Smile Card and the identity card.CHer purse and the Smile Card.DHer purse and the receipt of the bicycle.3Which of the following sayings is TRUE?AThe girl could ride the bicycle by herself.BThe author paid for

18、the bicycle before they decided to have it.CThe author has seen them before.DThe author didnt help the three on purpose.4What does the underlined word mean?A慷慨B随意C悠闲D赞美5What can we learn from this passage?APeople should be kind enough to buy things for others.BWe should always be ready to help other

19、s.4名校名 推荐CKids and old people are always need help.DMoney is not that important.翻译句子1她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。(as.as.)_2我们的狗过去常蹲在大门外吠叫。(used to do)_3不但是我,他对这件事也有责任。(as well as)_4但是,不是每个人都知道在犯错后该怎样道歉。(how to do)_5孩子们已经适应炎热天气了。(adapt.to.)_5名校名 推荐课时作业 (一) .1.conducted 2.encouragement 3.annoyed4 psychology5.absence

20、6.disabled7.ambition8.suitable9.beneficial10.adapted.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。全文讲述了作者通过参加一次小组活动来了解残疾人所面临的问题的经历。作者和其他人都暂时 “ 接受残疾 ”,把自己 “扮 ”成残疾人, 而作者选择了坐轮椅的方式。 通过这次经历作者体验了残疾人每天在生活中所面临的种种挑战。1 B 下文 中 For disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的 ).提到了 adopt 这个词,指的是让人们采用乘坐轮椅的方式了解残疾人,这是一种暗示;此处

21、指的是被要求 “接受残疾 ”几个小时以了解残疾人,因此选 B。cure 表示 “治愈 ”;prevent 表示 “阻止 ”;analyze表示 “分析 ”。2A根据下文的 “ I had never considered before how 5it would be to useone. ”可知,作者从来没有考虑过怎样使用轮椅,所以这是一个学习的过程,故选 learning。3B既然作者没使用过轮椅,同时结合下文也可看出作者使用起轮椅来比较笨拙,不知道该怎样弄才好,因此选B。4D结合前面的 As soon as I sat down.以及后面的 made the chair begin to

22、roll 的暗示和常识可知, 当作者坐下后,应该是作者的体重使得轮椅开始动起来。5A作者一坐下轮椅就开始动起来,表明这个轮子没有被锁住。6A联系上句的内容可知,作者费了半天劲,终于把footrest 放到了恰当的位置,上文的where 对此处的 place 也是一种提示。7C这里表示作者第一次不安地看了看将要在上面度过几个小时的唯一的交通工具 (transportation)。8C联系本文最后一段的My wheelchair experiment was soon.可知,作者进行的只是一次坐轮椅的体验。此处表示: 对那些终生在轮椅上的人们来说,却并非是一次临时性的体验。9D联系后面的 thou

23、ght it might be restful 中的 restful 可知,作者经过一番周折想在轮椅上找一个比较舒适的位置来坐得放松些。6名校名 推荐10Drestful 和 nice 是一种递进的关系,故选even,表示程度,意为“甚至”。11A联系前面的 Looking around“环顾四周 ”,作者终于明白了I wouldhave to handle the thing myself,即作者明白了得自己来推动轮椅,而不是有人推着他。12B结合前面的 My hands started to ache和后面的 the heavy metal wheels可知,当作者转动轮子让轮椅移动的时候

24、,因为费力,所以手都疼了。turn 在这里表示“转动”。13 A对于一个 “新人 ”来说,控制轮椅的方向不是一项容易的任务。14D前文已经提到了 for several hours one Sunday,联系下文的 “ It made adeep impression on me.可知”,作者的这次体验很快就结束了。15C几个小时的残疾体验,对于作者无论在生理上还是心理上都是一种挑战,而这种挑战是残疾人必须克服的,故答案为C 项。 .1.particularly 2.that 3.A 4.and 5.easily 6.on 7.have been trying8.since/because/a

25、s 9.has been/is confirmed 10.better.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在姨妈Helen Louise意外去世后想要走出悲伤, 积极面对生活。 一天作者在帮了祖孙三人后感觉到了在天上的姨妈的赞许,于是计划继续帮助别人,继承姨妈的慷慨。1A推理判断题。由第一段第三句 “Today was an especially emotional day,so I decided to.”可知。2A细节理解题。 由第三段倒数第三句“ I paid,got the receipt and handedit ,along with the Smile Card,to

26、the girls grandmother”.可知,作者将自行车的收据和一张微笑卡片一起递给了女孩的奶奶。其余选项说法错误。3D推理判断题。由作者帮助祖孙三人的过程可知,他当时是脑中灵光一闪随即做出了这个决定。因而,并非有目的的行为。其余说法均不符合事实。4A词义猜测题。由文章内容可知,作者在慷慨掏钱帮祖孙三人买下自行车后感觉到了姨妈的赞许, 因而,她决定继续帮助别人, 将这份慷慨延续下去。其余选项放在此处不合逻辑。5B推理判断题。文章主要讲了作者帮助祖孙三人后心灵获得满足的故事,告诉我们要常帮助别人。其余说法片面。7名校名 推荐 .1.She is as good a teacher as her mother. 2.Our dog used to sit outside ourfront gate and bark. 3.He as well as I is responsible for it. 4.But, not everyone knows how to make an apology after he makes mistakes. 5.The children have adapted themselves to the heat.8


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