
上传人:苏美尔 文档编号:8721447 上传时间:2021-01-05 格式:DOCX 页数:5 大小:68.56KB
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1、名校名 推荐第二学时Learning about Language跟踪练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 The doctor warned me not to drink _ (alcohol) drinks.答案 :alcoholic2 Though he was a new man , he got _(accustom) to the way of life here verysoon.答案 :accustomed3 The doors opened _ (automatic) as we approached.答案 :automatically4People can easilybe

2、come _ (mental)addictedto drugs when they starttakingthem.答案 :mentally5 Some _(adolescent) have got into the habit of taking drugs.答案 :adolescents6 What he has done _(disappoint) her a lot.答案 :disappoints/has disappointed7 A _isgoingtobeinvitedtogiveusatalkaboutthe_industry.(chemistry)答案 :chemist ,

3、chemical二、词语活用1用与 addict相关的词语完成下列小段落。His father (1)_(沉溺于 ) gambling and his mother (2) _(也开始对看韩剧着迷 ) How can such a family raise a useful person to society?答案 :1 (1)is addicted to(2)becomes addicted to Korean TV series1名校名 推荐2用 shame, shameful, shameless, ashamed自编一个小段落。_答案 :What a shame it was for

4、her to cheat so many gentlemen ,showing her extraordinary beautiful appearance.We all agreed that what the shameless woman did was shamefuland she should feel ashamed of her shameless conduct.However, any man with commonsense could see through her trick.Then why were these gentlemen cheated? Wasnt i

5、t a shame that so many gentlemen should have lost their common sense?三、动词专练用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 I _(just learn) that youre going to set up a new company.答案 :have just learned2 Itseems _(amaze) thatmy mother is able to climbto the top of the mountainin her late eighties.答案 :amazing3 Im sorry to hear that y

6、ou _(begin) smoking some time ago.答案 :began4 If you get _(accustom) to nicotine, you may feel uneasy without it.答案 :accustomed5 I had to admit that the problem was difficult _(solve)答案 :to solve6 When my girl friend said my clothes smelt, I knew it was time I _(quit)smoking.2名校名 推荐答案 :quitted7Thebab

7、ywascryingloudlywhile_(inject)答案 :injected8Illgooutforawalkwhilehefeelslike_(play) football.答案 :playing9 She _(ban) from athletics for two years after failing a drug test.答案 :was banned10 Those who eat wild animals risk _(infect) with this terrible disease.答案 :being infected四、将下列句子翻译成英语1我已决定买一辆新车,是环

8、保型的。(decide on)_答案 :I have decided on a new car,which is environmental friendly.2那位消防队员冒着危险到着火的楼房去救他。(take risk)_答案 :The firefighter took risks to go to the burning building to rescue him.3老师经常提醒我们记下在阅读中遇到的好的表达。(remind.to do)_答案 :The teacher often remindsus toput down good expressions that we come a

9、crosswhile reading.3名校名 推荐4他最终使自己适应了新环境。(manage; accustom oneself to)_答案 :He managed to accustom himself to the new environment at last.5在她身陷困境时我没能帮她,我觉得很惭愧。(be able to)_答案 :I felt ashamed that I wasnt able to help her when she was in trouble.6众所周知,说话容易办事难。(as, tough)_答案 :As we know , how easy it is to say and how tough its to carry it out.7最初我也不知道学好英语的重要性。(nor ,importance)_答案 : Nor did I know the importance of learning English well in the beginning. I certainly did not know how important it was to study English well firstly.4


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