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1、名校名 推荐Unit 1 Festivals around the world课堂强化训练1.It worried her a bitshe is becoming weaker and weaker.A. whatB. whetherC. thatD. why2.Our successwhether everyone works hard or not.A. lies downB. leads toC. depends onD. results in3.His marriage has broken up. Since then, he alwayshis sorrowdrink.A. th

2、rows inB. drowns inC. gets rid of intoD. forgetsinto4.- I wonder why he left without a word.- Hesome trouble for he looks dull.A. could have hadB. should have hadC. can have hadD. must have had5.-People are in great need of this kind of food.- Yes. Itsreally a problem that how tothe needs of them.A

3、giveB. gainC. satisfyD. produce6.Many studentsfrom the new library since it was open to all.A benefitedB. were benefitedC have been benefitedD. have benefited7.-You shouldme of the meeting tomorrow morning .I mMiss Forgotten.- Dontworry. I will.A adviseB. suggestC. remindD. permit8.- Without your he

4、lp, Iwouldn thave finished my work on time. Thank you very much!-A. Dontmention it. B Dontsay so. C It smy duty.D. Donttalk big.9.-When does the ceremony _?All the lovely boys and girls in ourschool are waiting for it.-Sorry, I have no idea, but in my opinion, 8 a. m.A. happenB. chanceC. take placeD

5、. took place10.We may never discover what _ that night when you left for Beijing.A. happenedB. chanceC. take placeD. took place11.The police received a report that six men had stopped a truckand robbed the driver. It was_1_ some goods and two bags 2 of something very important. The six men had gone

6、3the police arrived. After_4_for three hours the _5_ found_6_ near the river. Thedriver was _7_ on a bag in the truck and his8were tied9his back. The robbers had put a10 into his mouth so that hecouldntshout. The police got intothe back of the truck and freed the11. They asked him12had happened.“Iwa

7、s stopped soon 13I left the bank,”the driver explained,“ Sixmen stopped my truck andmade me14to the river. One of them said if I shouted, they would15me. When I got16the river, they tied me up. They17me into the18of the truck, there19two bags in itand they took20of them. ”“ Howmuch money did the bag

8、 contain? a”police officer asked. ”“ Itdidn tcontain any money at all,”the driver laughed, “ Itwas full of letters. This one contains1名校名 推荐all the money, I have been sitting on it for threehours! ”1.A. carryingB. gettingC. takingD. bringing2.A. fullB. fillC. fellD. fall3.A. afterB. sinceC. whenD. a

9、s soon as4.A. waitingB. searchingC. askingD. to look5.A. driverB. robbersC. bankerD. police6.A. himB. himselfC. itD. itself7.A. sleepingB restingC. sittingD. dying8.A. feetB. handsC. earsD. shoulders9.A. afterB. beforeC. behindD. are10.A. towelB. shoeC. gunD. hand11.A. menB. driverC. policeD. goods1

10、2.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whether13.A. duringB. beforeC. afterD. till14.A. driveB. to driveC. droveD. driven15.A. kissB. killC. helpD. hide16.A. nearlyB. nearbyC. closeD. near17.A. threwB. throwingC. to throwD. throw18.A. lightB windowsC. frontD. back19.A. wereB. wasC. areD. is20.A. bothB. oneC. noneD. neither2名校名 推荐参考答案1.C2.C3.B4.D5.C6.D7.C8.A9.C解析: 文中所提到的ceremony 一定是有计划作出了安排的,故应使用C 项 take place。10.A解析: 从时间状语来看应使用过去时态,took place 虽为过去时,但它的意思是有计划、有安排地进行,题意应指那天夜里突然或偶然发生了什么事,故应使用A 项 happened。11.15 AACAA 610 BCBCA 1115 BACAB 1620 DABAB3


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