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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2Healthy eatingSection BLearning about LanguageI. 选择合适的词或词组填空(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)1. I have a headache. I _ take an aspirin.(had better; would better)2. He looks sleepy. He must _ bed very late last night. (go; have gone)3. I want to go to the office, but you _ with me.(need not to go;

2、need not go)4.I ought _ those books to the library last week.(to have taken; to take)5.The mother is telling her son,“ You _ eat with your fingers!”(wouldn t; mustn t)6.He was a good swimmer so he _ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.(was able to; could)7.To travel from England to Scotland yo

3、u _ a passport.(don t need; needn t)8. He went on foot, but he _ by bus. (ought have gone; should have gone)9. A: Did Ken take the job in the bookstore?B: No, but I think he _. (must have; should have)10. He _ talk for hours, if you let him. (can; will)11.You _ use this toothbrush, itne. s mi(may no

4、t; shall not)12.No matter what people say, I _ do as I like.(shall; will)13.“ I m willing to let you take whatever you like.” Means “ you _ take whatever you like(shall; will)14. A: I haven t felt well for a week.B: You _ see a doctor. (had better; should have to)15. A: He is late, _ he have missed

5、the bus?B: Yes, he must have missed the bus. (Can; Must)II.单项填空( 共 20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)1. But for their help , we _the program in time.A. can not finishB. will not finishC. had not finishedD. could not have finished1名校名 推荐2. It s the office! So you_know eating is not allowed here. Oh, sorry.A. mus

6、tB. willC. mayD. need3. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _be twelve.A. mustB. canC. willD. should4. I think we ll give Bob a ring.We _ . We have been out of touch with him for ages.A. willB. mayC. have toD. ought to5. You _ be talking so much , Annie.A. oughtn t to B. mustn tC. ca

7、n tD. needn t6. It isn t what I _.A. ought to be doneB. ought to have been doneC. ought to be doingD. ought to do7. Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? Thank you. _A. I t couldn t be better.B. Of course, you can.C. If you like.D. It s up to you.8 What sort of house do you want to have?

8、Something big?Well, it _ be really huge; the size isnt so important.A. needntB. mustntC. cantD. wont9It was so quiet in the classroom that a needle _ to drop onto the floor.A. could hearB. was to be heardC. could have been heardD. must be heard10 I wonder why Mr Green hasnt shown up at the meeting y

9、et. Im not sure ,but he_in a traffic jam driving here.A. could be stuckB. might have been stuckC. might be stuckD. must have been stuck11. Must all the passengers in the airbus be found now? No, they_, because none of them is affected by the flu.A. mustntB. needn tC. can tD. may not2名校名 推荐12. Some p

10、irates (海盗 ) appeared, so they _ change their route.A. mustB. shouldC. have got toD. ought to13. There was plenty of time. She _ to the station.A. mustn t have hurriedB. couldn t have hurriedC. must not hurryD. needn t have hurried14. The train has gone. You two _ on time.A. should comeB. must have

11、comeC. ought to have comeD. shouldn t have come15.Sir, you _ be sitting in this waiting room.It is for women and children only.A. oughtn t toB. can tC. won tD. needn t16. Lucy doesn t mind lending you her dictionary. She_. I ve already borrowed one.A. cantB. mustn tC. needn tD. shouldnt17. I ll tell

12、 Mary about her new job tomorrow.You _her last week.A. ought to tellB. would have toldC. must tellD. should have told18. Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You_ it. I could manage it myself.A. needn t doB. needn t have doneC. mustn t doD. shouldn t have done19. Can I pay the bill by c

13、heck? Sorry, sir. But it is themanagement rule of our hotel that payment _ be made incash.A shallB needC willD can20.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.A. should have takenB. could have takenC. needn t have takenD. mustn t have taken答案与解析3名校名 推荐

14、I. 1. had better 2. have gone 3. need not go4. to have taken 5. mustn t 6. was able to7. don t need 8. should have gone9. should have 10. will 11. shall not12. will 13. shall 14. had better 15. CanII.1. D本 考察虚 气。 But for起到了 去虚 的条件句作用 , 后面自然要 would/could/might/ should +have done 构了。2. A 考 情 的用法。句意 :

15、是 公室!因此你必 知道吃的不允 到 里。must 表示“必 ”的意思。3.D考 情 的用法。此 should 表推 ,指情理之中的事。句意:你的意思是只有10 票了? 有12 。4. D后句句意: 我 他打个 。我 很 没跟他 系了。ought to ; will意愿; may 可以,可能;have to 不得不。5. A根据不同情况ought to 后可接不同的 形式。ought to be doing接 原形, 用于 在或将来的情况。句意:你不宜 么多 ,安妮。6. C根据不同情况ought to 后可接不同的 形式。ought to be doing接 行式, 用于 正在 行的事。句意

16、: 不是我 在 做的事。7.A考 否定 +比 表达最高 含 的用法。It couldn t be better意 .:再好不 了。其余各 不符合 境。8. A 由 境可知 A 正确。句意: “你想 有什么 的房子?大点的 ?” “噢,没有必要太大,面 并不重要。 ”9. C此 表示与 去情况相反的情况,故用could have done 构。句意:教室里那么静以至于 掉到地上都能听到。10. Bmust have done 表示 去情况的肯定推 ;might have done 表示 去情况的推 ,可能性 小,意 “可能”。句意:“我想知道格林先生 什么 没有来出席会 。”“我不确定,他有可能

17、在来的路上遇上了交通堵塞。”11. B句意:“ 在必 找到空中客 上所有的乘客 ?”“不,没有必要,因 他 没有感染流感。”12. C句意:由于海盗出没,他 不得不改 航 。have got to 不得不。13. D needn t have 去分 ,表示 去没有必要做某事,但 上已 做了某事。14. C ought to have done sth. “本来 做而事 上没有做某事” 。15. A 由 “ It is for women and children only. 可知 , 者”是告 那位先生 “不 ” 在此候 室候 。 cant表示“不可能 ; neednt表示“没有必要” ; wont表示不愿或不会。16. C 考 情 的用法。 needn t表示“不必” 。由 意可知 C 正确。17. D考 情 should have done 的用法。 should have done 表示本 做而事 上没有做(的事), 里表示 。18. B考 情 的用法。needn t have done表示“本不必要的”。由 意可知B 项正确。19. A shall 用于第二、三人称 述句中,表示 人 方的 、命令、威 或警告。4名校名 推荐20. C考察情态动词 +have done 的用法。 needn t have done意为“本不必做” 。5


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