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1、名校名 推荐英 修7 人教新 Unit 3 之 合同步 (2)及答案I . 填空1The teacher allowed us 5 minutes to _ the textthrough to get a general idea of thewhole passage.A discussB adaptC pileD scan答案: D句意 “老 了我 5 分 来 (scan)全文,掌握其大意”。2 Do you know when Britain _ war on Germany during the Second World War?In 1939 , I suppose.A annou

2、ncedB declaredC foughtD attended答案: Bdeclare 通常指正式地“公布,宣布,宣告”;declare war on“ 宣 ”。3Do you know that every man here _ you your freedom to do what you want?A envyB likeC appreciateD enjoy答案:A考 。 envy“忌妒”;like “喜 ”; appreciate“感激,欣 ”;enjoy “喜 ”。由句意可知A 正确。4 Ring me _ every day , will you?With pleasure.

3、Do ring _ , please.A up; backB back; backC back; upD on; for答案: A 句意 “每天 我打 ,好 ?” “好的, 我回 。” ring up“打 ”; ring back “回 ”。5It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe yourself.A howB whatC whichD when答案: B分析句子 构可知,it 作形式主 ,而真正的主 后面的从句,且从句中缺少 think 的 ,故用what 引 。6This new produc

4、t ,_, this new style of shirt, is not very attractive to young people.A rather thanB other thanC or ratherD or else答案: C考 辨析。or rather“更确切地 ”,常用作插入 ,修正前面所 的 ,符合 意。 rather than“宁愿; 而不是”; other than“除之外”; or else“否 ; 要不然”,皆与句意不符。故 C。- 1 -名校名 推荐7The accident happened on such an evening with strong wind

5、s _ by heavy rain.A appearedB happenedC accompaniedD mixed答案:C考 辨析。 句意:那 事故 生在 一个夜晚 伴随着大雨。 withstrong winds accompanied by heavy rain 为 with 复合 构作定 。 accompanied by.“由陪伴”,符合 境。 mixed 与介 with 搭配才 。8The old woman _ her sons and daughters _ and see her from time to time.A suggested; to comeB hoped; to

6、comeC desired; comingD desired; to come答案: D考 辨析。句意: 位老 人渴望她的儿女儿 不 地来看望她。suggestdoing sth.“建 做某事”; hope to do sth.“希望做某事”; desire sb. to do sth.“渴望某人做某事”。9Its unnatural for a mother to leave her child _ to enjoy herself.A aloneB lonelyC loneD loneliness答案:A考 leave 的短 。句意:作 母 , 孩子独自一个人玩是不合常理的。leave.a

7、lone 表示“ 下不管”,是固定短 ,故 A 。10 The patient is seriously ill. Better have him _ on in no time.A operateB to operateC operatingD operated答案: D考 have 的用法。 have sb. do sth.“ 某人做某事”;have sb. doing sth.“ 某人持 做某事”;have sb. done“遭遇到某事”。句意: 个病人病得很 重,最好立刻 他 手 。此句中him 与 operate 被 关系。故D 正确。II .完形填空A library is a p

8、lace to find out about almost anything. In it there are mostly _1_ , but there are also pictures, papers, magazines, maps, records, special science and art shows, films, plays, and contests may also be _2_ in a library._3_, a library only had books, and these were difficult to get.There were _4_ boo

9、ks that no one was _5_ to take them out of the library. After the printing machine was invented , books could be made _6_ and libraries got more books.To borrow a book to be _7_ home today, a person just needs a library card. The person goesto the main desk to _8_ a library helper check the book out

10、. The helper prints the card with thedate by which the book _9_ be returned to the library. If the book is returned _10_, the person- 2 -名校名 推荐must usually _11_ money for having broken the _12_.Books in a library are put into a certain _13_ to help people find _14_ they want. In some libraries, all

11、books _15_ animals might be placed together. In _16_ libraries, all books _17_ by the same person may be placed together. Cabinets (柜 ) of cards list each book and _18_ where it can be found.People who live in the country may have trouble _19_ to a library building. For these people, there are libra

12、ries on wheels that _20_ from place to place.1A.booksB lettersC articlesD dictionaries答案: A 根据上下文可知这里是说图书馆里大多是书(books) 。2A.askedB heardC broughtD held答案: D hold a contest “举办竞赛”,固定搭配。3A.Before longB Long agoC Long beforeD Long after答案: B 根据本段主体时态可知“很久以前(Long ago) ”。4A.a fewB so fewC so muchD such ma

13、ny答案: B 根据语境可知,过去图书馆内的书非常少,考查so. that 结构。5A.movedB refusedC allowedD borrowed答案: C 所以“不允许 (allowed) ”将它们带出图书馆。6A.thickerB slowerC fasterD thinner答案: C 印刷机器发明之后,出书的速度快了。7A.fetchedB pickedC movedD taken答案: D 现在把书借回家,只需要有借书证就可以了。fetch“去取”; pick “采;摘”;move“移动”; take“带走”。选项 D 符合语境。8A.wantB inviteC requir

14、eD have答案: D have sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,符合语境和语法规则。9A.mustB mayC wouldD can答案: A 表规定、命令应用 must。- 3 -名校名 推荐10 A.soonB immediatelyC latelyD late答案: D根据上下文可知这里是说如果还书晚了(late)的情况。11 A.getB makeC payD cost答案: C借书人通常必须要为没有遵守规定而被“罚款(pay money) ”。12 A.magazineB ruleC bookD window答案: B遵守“规定 (rule) ”,符合语境。13 A.de

15、skB shopC orderD test答案: C图书馆的书都是按照一定的“顺序(order)”摆放。14 A.itB thatC whichD what答案: D这样有助于人们找到自己想要的书籍(what) 。 what 引导宾语从句,此处 what相当于 the book that 。15 A.aboutB inC forD among答案: A有关 (about)动物的书籍摆放在一起。16 A.allB anyC anotherD other答案: D根据上一句 In some libraries ,可知应选 other 。17 A.writtenB broughtC lentD di

16、scovered答案: A由同一人写的 (written) 书籍摆放在一起。18 A.believeB tellC thinkD understand答案: B书柜上的卡片可以告诉人们每本书摆放在哪里。19 A.turningB reachingC arrivingD getting答案: D对于住在乡下的人来说,可能“到(get to)”图书馆不是那么方便,所以出现了能移动的图书馆。20 A.pullB driveC travelD wander- 4 -名校名 推荐答案: C解析见上题。III .阅读理解AClaude Sammut, a professor of computer sci

17、ence and engineering at theUniversity of New South Wales in Australia, said it would soon be possible for robots to defeat the stars of the future.For many years, Mr Sammut has been a member of a project called RoboCup, where robots have been programmed to learn how to play football and compete agai

18、nst others in a football match.As he explains, the robots are having difficulty in learning how to control the ball and move theball on their own, but he is still full of confidence that one day in the future they will show the same skills as Wayne Rooney, who is one of the best football players in

19、the world.Mr Sammut also said , “ In 1968, John McCarthy and Donald Michie made a bet with David Levy, who was then the chess champion in Scotland, that within 10 years a computer program would be able to beat him. It took a little bit longer than 10 years (nearly 30 years) but eventually suchprogra

20、ms came into being.”“In the same spirit of a grand challenge, RoboCup aims to develop a team of robots that candefeat the world soccer champion team by the year 2050. To achieve this, or come even closer to the ambition, the robots will have to be able to sense and act in completely unstructured env

21、ironments.Thiswillrequiremajoradvancesin perception( 感知 ), decision making, learning, andcooperative behaviors.Considering robots are integrated hardware and software systems, greatadvances will also be needed in sensors (传感器 ), energy storage, and materials.”1The RoboCup is aimed to develop robots

22、that know how to _.A play computer football gamesB play football and win in real matchesC understand the rules of the football gameD improve the skills of real football players答案: B细节理解题。根据第二段“.where robots have been programmed to learn how toplay football and compete against others in a football ma

23、tch.可知应选B。”2What kind of difficulties are the robots facing in playing football?A They cant run as fast as real people.B They cant recognize their partners accurately.C They cant control the ball well by themselves.D They cant pass the ball to their partners.答案: C细节理解题。根据第三段“.het robots are having d

24、ifficulty in learning how to- 5 -名校名 推荐control the ball and move the ball on their own.可知应选 C。”3The idea of designing a computer program that could defeat a chess champion came forth_.A in 1968B in 1978C in the 1990sD 30 years ago答案:A细节理解题。 根据第四段“ In 1968 ,John McCarthy and Donald Michie made a betw

25、ith David Levy, who was then the chess champion in Scotland.”可知应选A 。4Whats the best title for this passage?A Scientists Wisdom in Designing Robot Football PlayersB Robot Football Players to Beat the Worlds Best Team by 2050C Robot Football Players Bright FutureD Mr Sammut the Father of Robot Footbal

26、l Players答案: B主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是机器人足球队在2050 年可能会打败人类最好的足球队,故B 项能体现文章的大意。BTOKYO If you grow old in Japan, you may expect to be served food by a robot, ride a voice- recognition wheelchair or even possibly hire a nurse in a robotic suit all examples of cutting- edge technology to care for the countrys rapi

27、dly graying population.With nearly 22 percent of Japans population already aged 65 or older, businesses here have been rolling out everything from easy- entry cars to remotecontrolled beds, fueling a care- technology market worth some $1. 08 billion in 2006, according to industry figures.At a home c

28、are and rehabilitation( 恢复 ) convention in Tokyo this week, buyers crowded round a demonstration of Secom Co. s My Spoon feeding robot, which helps elderly or disabled people eat with a spoon and a fitted swiveling( 转动的 ) arm.Operating a joystick ( 操纵杆 ) with his chin, developer Shigehisa Kobayashi

29、maneuvered the arm toward a block of soft tofu, deftly ( 灵巧地 ) getting the fork to break off a piece. The arm then returned to a preprogrammed position in front of the mouth, allowing Kobayashi to bite and swallow.“Its all about empowering people to help themselves ,” Kobayashi said. The Tokyo- base

30、dcompany has already sold 300 of the robots ,which come with a price tag of $ 3,500. “We want to give the elderly control over their own lives ,” he said.The rapidly aging population here has spurred a spate of concerns: a labour shortage, tax falls, financial difficulties in paying the health bills

31、 and pensions of large numbers of the elderly.Moreover, a breakdown of family ties in recent years means a growing number of older- 6 -名校名 推荐Japanese are spending their golden years away from the care traditionally provided by children and grandchildren.Thats where cutting- edge technology steps in.

32、5Shigehisa Kobayashi is the name of _.A an elderly patientB a robotC the developer of the robotD the head of a company答案: C细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,这是机器人的研发者。6The underlined wor d “ maneuvered ” in the fourth paragraph probably means“ _ ”A moved skillfullyB turned carefullyC lifted with effortD fixed quickly答

33、案: A 词义猜测题。从第四段对这一机器人的描述可知,因为它是专门喂老年人和残疾人食物的机器人,因此机器臂要能转动自如才行。7My Spoon feeding robot is specially designed for _.A those aged 55 or olderB those who have difficulty in feeding themselvesC those who have lost the ability of eatingD those who can move their arms freely答案:B推理判断题。 由第三段可知, 这个机器人是为帮助吃饭有困

34、难的人专门设计的。8With the special robots, the elderly in Japan can _.A put their lives under the control of the robotsB help themselvesC save a lot of money for the governmentD have their medical bills reduced答案: B推理判断题。文章倒数第四段有说明“Its all about empowering people to helpthemselves. 。 ”IV 、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误

35、。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个沟();如有错误 (每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正;此行多一个词: 把多余的词用斜线(/) 划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词。并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。- 7 -名校名 推荐注意:原行没有错的不要改More and more foreigners like to come to China .Last Friday our school invited the foreign teacher 1._i

36、n our city to give a class to the students of Senior Grade Three. 2._We found his class interested. I learned a lot from him. The teacher 3._had a free talk to us in easy English. He spoke slow so that4._we could understand her well. Sometimes he repeated5._what we didnt understand. My classmate wer

37、e all active in the class.6._To my joy, I understand everything the teacher said.7._But I was able to ask questions in English.This class encouraged me 8._very much, Im sure that until we keep on practicing, 9._it will be easy of us to learn spoken English well.10._答案: 1.the a2.正确3.interestedinteresting4.slow slowly5.her him6.classmate classmates7.understand understood8.But And9.until if10.of for- 8 -


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