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1、名校名 推荐Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note 每课一练 10(人教版必修三)基础落实.用所给动词的适当形式填空1 It was _ (astonish)to everyone that the court had made such a decision.2 Suddenly we heard someone _ (knock)gently on the window.3 I suddenly felt myself _ (hit)by a heavy fist.4 Those _ (wish)to join this club should sign her

2、e.5 The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not _ (require)specificqualifications.6 They use computers to keep the traffic _ (run)smoothly.选词填空face, repair, dive, disappoint ,sing, stand1 His refusal to come to our party was the most _.2 The car _ in the garage was made in Germany thi

3、rty years ago.3 Mary was often heard _ in the next room.4 The building _ east is our biology laboratory.5 We watch the children _ into the water from the diving board.6 The boy _ there is a classmate of mine.单项填空1 Did you see the boys yesterday afternoon? Yes.I saw them _ the fence when I passed.A c

4、limbB climbedC climbingD to climb2 Peter received a letter just now _ that he had passed the college entrance exams.A saidB sayingC to sayD being said3 There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of thebrain.A indicateB indicatingC to indicateD to be indicating4

5、I m really tired _ Jim.I won t have him always _ a trick on others.A of; madeB of; playingC with ; playD with ; playing5 Before becoming a pilot , he spent quite a long time _.1名校名 推荐A to be trainedB being trainedC trainingD to train6 The book _ on the desk _ to her.A lying ;belongingB lay ; belongC

6、 lying ;belongsD being lie ;is belong7 Why did you go back to the shop? I left my friend _ there.A waitingB to waitC waitD waits8 He picked up an envelope _ 50 dollars in it.A containingB containedC which containsD which was contained9 The General Manager suggests those found _ in the office would b

7、e fired immediately.A smokeB to smokeC smokingD smoked10 Who did you see _ in the middle of the front row make that much noise?A seatingB sittingC sitD seat11 It was so cold that they had the fire _ all night.A to burnB burnCburningD burned12 Zhai Zhigang , of whom we are proud , is the first Chines

8、e astronaut _ in space.A to walkB walkedCwalkingD having walked13 _, all of you have grown into big boys or big girls.A As time going byB As time pastCWith time going byD With time passed14 He tried his best to save the _ boy , but the boy was _ finally.A drown ;drowningB drowning ; drownCdrowned ;d

9、rowningD drowning ; drowned15 The bell _ the end of the period rang , _ our heated discussion.A indicating ; interruptingBindicated ; interruptingCindicating ; interruptedD indicated ; interrupted2名校名 推荐能力提升.阅读填空There are many famous museums throughout the world where people can enjoy art.Washington

10、 D C.has the National Gallery of Art( 美术馆 );Paris has the Louvre;London,the British Museum.Florida International University (FIU) in Miami also shows art for people to see.But it does so without a building , or even a wall for its drawings and paintings._1_ You don t have to visit the University to

11、see the art.You just need a computer linked toa telephone.You can call the telephone number of a university computer and connect your own computer to it.All of the art is stored in the school computer._2_ In only a few minutes , your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings.Robert

12、 Shostak is director of the new computer museum.He says he starts the museumbecause computer artists had no place to show their works._3_ He can also put his pictures on paper.But to print good pictures on paper ,the computerartist needs an expensive laser printer.Robert Shostak says the electronic

13、museum is mostly for art or computer students at schoolsand universities._4_ Mr.Shostak said the FIU museum will make computer art more fun for computer artists because more people can see it._5_ And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum.A

14、 A computer artist can only record his pictures electronically and send the records , or floppyDiscs, to others to see on their computers.B He says artists enjoy their work much more if they have an audience.C FIU has opened what it says is the first computer art museum in the United States.D He fel

15、t the artist had lost his place in modern society.E Many of the pictures in the museum are made by students.F It is computer art , produced electronically by artists on their own computers.G If you hear of the electronic museum , you will be familiar with FIU.短文改错Wall Street is famous street in New

16、York City.It got its name from the wooden wall that wasused to stand what the street now runs.The wall was built in 1600s.New York was then a Dutchcity set up by people come from Holland in Europe, and it was called New Amsterdam.TheAmerica Indians were not always friend of the Dutch,nor were the En

17、glish.But the Dutch built thewooden wall to protect themselves.The wall has gone now.But Wall Street reminds the people to New York of the Dutch who settled there.答案基础落实3名校名 推荐.1.astonishing2.knocking3.being hit4.wishing5.requiring6.running.1.disappointing2.being repaired3.to sing4.facing5 diving6.s

18、tanding.1.C2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C7A8 A9 C10 B11 C12 A13 C14 D15A能力提升.1.C2.F3.A4.E5.B.Wall Street isafamous street in New York City.It got its name from the wooden wall thatwhatused to stand where the street now runs.The wall was built inthe 1600s.New Yorkcomewas then a Dutch city set up by peoplecoming fro

19、m Holland in Europe , and it was called NewAmericafriendAmsterdam.The AmericanIndians were not alwaysfriends of the Dutch , nor were theButhasEnglish. Sothe Dutch built the wooden wall to protect themselves.The wallisgone now.ButtoWall Street reminds the people of New York of the Dutch who settled there.4


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