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1、名校名 推荐Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note-Learning about Language 每课一练(人教版必修3)训练二Learning about Language.把下列短语译成英语1立即,当场 _2下 (车、船、飞机等)_3不同意某人 (的看法 )_4市场计划 _5听从某人的建议_6被用作 _.单词拼写1I know its_( 难以置信的 ), but he really gave his son a good beat.2Some people learn by experiment and others learn by _(经验 )3A m

2、an of great _( 能力 )like him will eventually reach the top.4You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a s_woman.5_(显然 )I dont need to say how important this project is.6Mrs Black shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could a_.答案: .1.1.on the spot2.get off3.disagree w

3、ith sb.4.marketing plan5.listen to onesadvice6.be used as.1.unbelievable2.experience3.ability4.stubborn5.Obviously6.afford课堂巩固.选择正确的连接词填空1The fact is _(that , what)he didnt even take the exam.2What I particularly dislike about this lesson is _(that, what)it is really boring.3That is _(what , why)he

4、was late for an hour.4The reason _(that ,why)he was dismissed was _(that ,because)he was careless andirresponsible.5His first question was _(if , whether)Tom had arrived yet.6The city is no longer _(that , what)it used to be.7My suggestion is _(that , what)you should practise reading English every d

5、ay.8Did she say anything about _(how ,what)we should do the work?9It depends on _(if , whether)it is fine.10 He doesnt doubt _(if , that)his mother will give him a ride home for sure.同义句转换1It is obvious that he is interested in music as well as in painting._ he is interested in music as well as in p

6、ainting.2It is so heavy a stone that I cant lift it up.It is _a heavy stone _I cant lift it up.3The couple dont have enough money to buy the house.1名校名 推荐The couple _ _the house.4It seems that there is no work for you to do now.There _ _ _ no work for you to do now.5David was too careless to find th

7、e mistakes in his test paper.David was not _ _to find the mistakes in his test paper.答 案 : .1.that2.that3.why4.why ; that5.whether6.what7.that8.how9.whether10.that.1.Obviously2.such; that3.cant afford4.seems to be5.careful enough.单项填空1I think it is going to be a big problem.Yes, it could be.I wonder

8、 _ all of us can do about it.A ifB howC whatDthat答案: 1.C最后一句话的意思是:我想知道对于这个问题我们能做点什么。所填的词要作do 的宾语,它引导的从句同时还要作wonder 的宾语 (从句 ),故而排除A、 B 和 D 三项,选C 项。2(2009 上海高考, 40)As a new diplomat , he often thinks of _ he can react moreappropriately on such occasions.A whatB whichC thatD how答案: 2D句意:作为一名新外交官,他经常考虑在

9、那样的场合如何更得体地作出反应。think of 后面跟宾语从句,根据句意,应该用how 来引导。3Last Sunday morning,my dear brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought wasa very dangerous speed.A asB whichC whatDthat答案: 3C本句的中心结构是“my brother drove his car at a very dangerous speed ”。a verydangerous speed 是名词短语, what 引导宾语从句, 在语法上相当于the

10、speed that ,I thought作为插入语。答案是C 项。4We all remember _ this city used to be a deserted place.A whenBhowC whereD what答案: 4 A从句子结构上看, remember 之后跟宾语从句,从句主系表结构完整,缺少的应是状语,从意义上讲应是时间状语,因此选A 项。句意:我们都记得这座城市曾经是一块不毛之地。5Strong will is a kind of quality and that is _ it takes to do anything well.A whatB thatC whi

11、chD why答案: 5Athat is 之后跟表语从句,引导词在从句中作it takes 的宾语,只有 what 能满足这一要求,因此答案为A 项。2名校名 推荐6.The problem is _to take the place of Ted.A who can we getB what we can getC who we can getD that we can get答案: 6 C表 从句要用 述 序,排除A ;根据后面“代替 Ted”可知此 用 接代词 who 在从句中作 get 的 。7She promised _ he had enough money she would m

12、arry him.A thatB ifC that ifD if that答案: 7 C句子的正常 序 : She promised that she would marry him if he had enoughmoney ,promised 的 从句中又含有一个条件句。故答案 C 。8The reason _ he was late for school is _ he fell off his bike on the way and wasbadly hurt.A for; becauseB why; thatC for; thatD why; because答案: 8 B本 考 复合

13、句。第一个空格why 引 定 从句修 先行 reason;第二个空格 that 引 表 从句。9_get such a book?A Where do you think can IB Do you think where can IC Where do you think I canD Do you think where I can答案: 9 C疑 位于句首, do you think 插入 ,当它用疑 序 ,句子的主干用 述 序。10(2009 山 高考, 28)The little girl who got lost decided to remain _she was and wai

14、t forher mother.A whereB whatC howD who答案: 10 Aremain 在此 系 , where 引 的是表 从句并在从句中作表 。句意:迷路的那个小女孩决定待在原地等 。11 _ madethe school proud was _more than 90% of the students had beenadmitted to key universities.A What ; becauseB What ; thatC That; whatDThat; because答案: 11 B考 名 性从句中的主 从句和表 从句。其中what 在主 从句中充当主

15、 ,而 that 引 述句充当表 从句。12 The little boy often asks me what _ ?A will our life of tomorrowB will our life tomorrow be likeC our life of tomorrow likeD our life of tomorrow will be like答案: 12 D本 考 名 性从句。 从句 述 序,排除A 和 B ;此 like不是 (喜 ),而是介 (像 );况且 C 的主 复数形式不一致,故D 正确。3名校名 推荐13 The soldiers soon reached _wa

16、s once an old temple _ the villagers used as aschool.A which ;whereB what ;whichC where ; whichD what ; where答案: 13B动词 reach 后接 从句,从句缺少 ,where 不可作 ; which 引 从句 表疑 ,意 “哪一个”,而此句并非疑 含 “不知道哪一座 宇”,而是用what 从句表 述含 ,意 “ 去是一座旧 宇” ;temple 后 其修 的定 从句,用关系代 which 代替,并在从句中作 used 的 , use sth.as.“把用作” 。14 Did your

17、father _your suggestion?A agree onBagree withC agree toD agree答案: 14C本 考 agree 及其相关短 的辨析。agree with 表示“同意某人的意 、主意或所 的事 ” ,with 后常接表示人的名 或代 ,也可接意 、看法等名 ;此外,它 可以表示“某人(不 )适 (食物、气候等 )”;agree on“ 意 一致” ,指两方或多方就某个 取得了一致意 或是达成了某种 ;agree to “同意; 成” ,后面跟表示提 、方法、 划、安排等的名 或代 ;agree“同意”。15 _no secrets between t

18、hem , since they are closefriends and they almost shareeverything with each other.A It seems to beB They seem to beC There seems to beD They seem having答案: 15 C 本 考 固定句型。There seems to be 是 there be 句型 构的 展形式,意 “好像是有” 。若 D 改 They seem to have 正确。.短文改 Charles Dickens is known like one of the1._finest

19、 writer in the history of English literature.2._He was also a very kind and warm- hearted person.3._From his works as Oliver Twist and Hard Times , we 4._can know how many he knew of the suffering of5._poor people.During his life , he offered support6._many these people.He thought that it was7._ever

20、y persons duty to help other that was8._the purpose of life.If everyone were preparing to9._go the same, the world would be full with sunshine.10._答案: .1.like as 2.writer writers 3. 4.as 前加 such5.many much 6.offered 后加 to 7 many 后加 of 8.other others/other后加 people9.preparing prepared/ready10.with of4


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