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1、名校名师推荐Unit 4 Wildlife Protection每课一练 17(人教版必修2)一、单词 拼写(根据句子意思及所给单词 的首字母或 汉语 注释,写出空缺 处单词 的正确形式 )1 The dog b _the thief in the leg 2 Our garden has an a _of twelve square meters:3 Though seemingly f _the dog was gentle really 4 This hat will give p _against the sun 5 Too much coffee will upset your s_

2、.6 The accident happened quite_(最近 )7 He makes a helpful_( 建议)8 The board is the_( 最厚 )9 We must_(预约 )two seats on the plane10 This jar_( 装 )sugar二、句型 转换1 He said that he hadn t enough money on him then He said,”_.”2 Mother told me to be more careful with the houseworkMother said to me , _ 3 I asked

3、 Jim when and where he was born I asked Jim,_ ”4 He asked whether Alice worked in New York He asked, _-?5 He said to me“ I love you ”He told me_-.6 The captain ordered,“Everyone of you , go to the pumps! The captain_.7“ Really, that S my fault ,” she saidSheadmitted_.8 Mike asked the shop owner ” Ho

4、w much does this shirt cost? ” Mike asked the shop owner_.三、阅读 理解The Hawaiian Islands(夏威夷群 岛 )are situated about two thousand miles away from North America ,right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Despite the distance the islands actually make up the fiftieth state of the United States The islands

5、were all formed by volcanic eruption( 火山 喷发 ), and on the largest of the islands,Hawaii ,or the Big Island ,there are still two active volcanoes ,the Manna Loa and the Kilauea , which still erupt every few years 1名校名师推荐On the Hawaiian Islands the natives have a particularly( 特 别 地 )strange way of in

6、dicating( 表示 )directions They don t use the north, south, east and west system common to the rest ofthe world They use the mauka and makai system Mauka means “ mountain” The mountains inHawaii are always at the center of the island,as those are volcanic islands Makai means thesea”The islands are sma

7、ll and the system is simple Wherever you want to visit , it can always be described in terms of where it lies in relation to the mountains and the sea A typical conversation between a native Hawaiian and a tourist might go as follows TOURIST : Excuse me! Could you tell me where the Sheraton Hotel is

8、?HAW AIIAN : Well let me see! From here itstwo blocks( 街 )mauka, and then one blockmakai You can t miss it!()1 This article would be most likely to appear inA a novelB a collection of storiesCa reference book D a women S magazine()2 The most suitable title for this article isA The Big IslandB Giving

9、 Directions in HawaiiC volcanoes D The Hawaiian Islands()3 Which of the following items does this article not discuss?A Hawaii S locationB How to give directions in HawaiiCThe climate D Volcanoes()4 In Hawaii the mountains are in the center of the Islands because A Of the weatherB of the geological(

10、 地 质 的 )conditionCthe islands were created by volcanic eruptionsD Of the islands location in the Pacific()5 To find your way in Hawaii , you mustA refer to geographical directionsB refer to well known establishmentsCrefer to the location of the mountains and the seaD refer to the earth and the seake

11、ys:2名校名师推荐一、单词 拼写1 bit2 area3 fierce 4 protection5stomach6 recently 7 suggestion 8 thickest 9 reserve 1 0contains二、句型 转换1 I haven t enough money on me now2 Be more careful with the housework3 When and where were you born4 Alice , do you work in New York5 that he love me6 ordered every one of them to go to the pumps7 that it was really her fault8 how much that shirt cost三、阅读 理解1 C2 B3C 4 C5 C3


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