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1、IBM(中国)2012年“青出于蓝”暑期实习生推荐计划IBM(中国)2012年暑期实习生项目“青出于蓝”于4月18日正式启动了! 青出于蓝项目(Extreme Blue)是IBM全球专为学生设计的参与到项目中的实习计划,每年在全球十几个城市启动。IBM精心为学生三个月实习专门设计的创新项目,在七月上旬至九月底的时间里,每个项目有四名实习生(三名技术学生和一名MBA)参与,学生们将针对项目的目标设计出相应的解决方案,并制定商业计划。2012年的“青出于蓝”项目面向2013年毕业的硕士生、博士生以及MBA学生。IBM精心挑选11个项目(项目介绍如下),超过40名优秀学生将有机会加入到这个激动人心的

2、实习计划中来。针对合作高校的优秀学生,我们为贵院提供了5个推荐名额,获得推荐的学生的简历将被直接送到招聘经理。请负责老师让学生登录:http:/进行网申,并在5月5日前将附件推荐表和学生简历发送邮件至IBM大学合作部联系人刘俊倩()。有任何问题,请咨询IBM大学合作部邢文娟(, 010-58748921)。谢谢!IBM大学合作部2012年4月2012 IBM青出于蓝暑期实习生项目 (Extreme Blue) 介绍青出于蓝项目(Extreme Blue)是IBM全球专为学生设计的参与到项目中的实习计划,每年在全球十几个城市启动。IBM精心为学生三个月实习专门设计的创新项目,在七月上旬至九月底的

3、时间里,每个项目有四名实习生(三名技术学生和一名MBA)参与,学生们将针对项目的目标设计出相应的解决方案,并制定商业计划。在项目进行的过程中,IBM将有资深的导师全程为学生们提供技术和商业方面的指导。实习项目完成后,将有项目成果展示。对于其中优秀的项目,IBM还将继续投入资金和人力,对该项目进行深入研究并最终推向市场。IBM也希望借助该项目吸引优秀学生加入IBM工作。通过参与IBM Extreme Blue实习计划,学生们可充分利用IBM丰富的全球资源,深入了解先进的信息技术和科学的商业模式,获得技术与商业相结合的完整的项目体验,丰富技术研发和项目管理的经验,并将极大地提高自身的创新能力、实践

4、能力和团队合作精神。青出于蓝项目十多年来在全球硕果累累,吸引了很多优秀人才加入IBM,提交了500多个专利申请。几年来很多当年参加青出于蓝项目的实习生现在已是IBM的管理人员或技术骨干。2012年将由IBM中国开发中心(CDL),IBM中国系统与科技开发中心(Greater China Systems & Technology Lab),IBM中国研究院(China Research Lab),大中华区客户中心(GCG Client Center)和金融事业部(Finance Service Sector)精心挑选11个项目,超过40名2013年毕业的优秀学生将有机会加入到这个激动人心的实习计

5、划中来,相信这三个月将是同学们最美好的实习经历,并期待你们毕业后加入IBM工作。欢迎大学生们报名申请IBM 2012年青出于蓝实习项目,更多了解Extreme Blue,请登录: EB 网站: http:/ from China Development Lab(CDL)2CDL Project 1: Workload Pattern Specific DevOps for SaaS application on Cloud (Location: BJ)2CDL Project 2: Healthcare BAO: Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support

6、 System based on Watson and SPSS(Location: BJ)3CDL Project 3: IBMs Mobile Rule Execution Framework and API on Worklight (Location: BJ)4CDL Project 4: Cloud-Based eCommerce BMS for Chinese SMB with loosely coupled architecture & SaleForce.Com-Style business model (Location: BJ)5CDL Project 5: NewSQL,

7、 a scale-out data solution for Bigdata and DataCloud (Location: BJ)6Projects from China Systems & Technology Lab(CSTL)8CSTL Project 1: Bare-metal provisioning to OpenStack through xCat (BPOC) (Location: BJ)8CSTL Project 2: Virtual Switch Platform for IBM Networking OS (Location: WX)9CSTL Project 3:

8、System management as a service on Cloud (Location: SH)10Projects from GCG Client Center/CDL/Finance Sector (Joint Project)12Project 1: Mobile Payment (Location: BJ)12Projects from China Research Lab(CRL)13CRL Projects 1, 2(注:项目具体内容将在4月底前公布,但现在就可以报名申请):13Projects from China Development Lab(CDL)CDL Pr

9、oject 1: Workload Pattern Specific DevOps for SaaS application on Cloud (Location: BJ)Project DescriptionDue to fast growth of cloud computing, there is a big gap between SaaS application development and IT operations, the key problem is that the release generated by the developers may not run well

10、on the production environment. DevOps is a service delivery approach rooted in agile delivery, with an emphasis on business outcomes, not process orthodoxy. The DevOps philosophy (if not the term itself) was born primarily from the activities of cloud service providers and Web 2.0 adopters as they w

11、orked to address scale-out problems due to increasing online service adoption. DevOps doesnt have a concrete set of mandates or standards, or a known framework (e.g., ITIL, CMMI); it involves a set of principles and methods to smooth out the interaction between development and operations, then all t

12、he developers, testers and IT operators can work together to deliver high quality software with fast speed. It is a continuation of some of the predecessor work in the areas of continuous integration and application lifecycle management; therefore, its rooted in the agile philosophy, which also atte

13、mpts to bridge the traditional organizational process divide between development and operations teams. Gartner give a report at 2012 that indicate 20% of enterprises will have established DevOps by 2015.Current research and engineering in DevOps topic mainly focus on deliver a generic framework to c

14、over all the application lifecycle, and build up a generic DevOps platform or system to assist developer and operator to communicate and collaborate. However, since the framework and platform is designed to support generic software development process, it is cant well-address all the problems occurs

15、 in specific software development, that means Workload pattern specific DevOps could bring more benefit to customer with more automation support, higher productivity and seamless monitoring.SaaS Delivery Environment (SDE) is a CDL ETI incubation project provides an end-to-end approach to develop and

16、 operate a SaaS offering with minimized TCO with a SOA-based SaaS programming model for each software workload pattern. In this EB project, we will create a Prove of Technology based SDE, to show the business values that workload pattern specific DevOps system, and to investigate the challenges and

17、gaps between the existing IBM assets and customers needs, and create a reference architecture of design of workload pattern specific DevOps system. Technical and Business goalsDevOps is target to accelerate the value of software quality on time and on target, and increase the velocity of change whil

18、e managing risks. In this project, we mainly focus on:1. Evaluate the business values which DevOps could bring to customer, and also challenges of workload pattern specific DevOps; 2. Find the design principles and reference architecture of workload pattern specific DevOps system, and also the impac

19、ts on the design of workload pattern programming model and runtime to more efficiently support DevOps process.Business interns : 1 intern1 business intern who is capable to analyze and define the business problem and envision new value from the proof-of-technology software solution. The successful b

20、usiness intern (MBA candidate) must be able to translate the business goals and problem definitions for the software development team. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required. Technical background in IT and Cloud computer is a plus.Technical interns : 3 interns3 software devel

21、opersTechnical skills required include: Solid Java programming experience. Web2.0/Java application development experience; Linux shell and scripts (Ant/Python/Ruby) programming experience; Cloud and SaaS application knowledge is a plus.Location: BeijingCDL Project 2: Healthcare BAO: Patient Risk Ass

22、essment Decision Support System based on Watson and SPSS(Location: BJ)Project Description:Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO) solution and software are emerging and critical technology trend for todays IT industry, which focus on leveraging frontier data management, data warehouse, unstructure

23、d analytics and data mining etc analytics technology into business applications and solutions. Smarter Healthcare is key industry of IBM Smarter Planet Strategy, while the China healthcare market is under fast growth in the past years, and also key part of 5-growth initiative of GCG mission. Combini

24、ng these two important IT industry and market trends, BAO based Healthcare Analytics solutions and markets are emerging and getting rapidly development. For these reason, IBM China Development Lab is launching the Healthcare BAO: Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support System EB project and now rec

25、ruiting for best talents to participate and enjoy this interesting and challenging exploration. Hope you could be the ones!This project is targeting on design and implement a Intelligent Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support System PoC and Demo, which targeting on assisting the doctor and patient

26、s to evaluate the patient risk and safety based on clinical data for certain disease.The Patient Risk Assessment is the fundamental to many healthcare killer applications with huge business demands, for example, the patient safety issue for post surgical patients may generate more than five million

27、RMB clinical cost and tens of lawsuits in single 3A hospital per year, therefore, todays hospitals requires for such risk management solution as operational business intelligence for hospital administrator which generate big market for Patient Risk Assessment system. On the other hand, Patient Risk

28、Assessment can be also applied to help healthcare provider to generate more revenue, for example, its reported that Patient Triage System based on personalized risk assessment for clinics, community hospital and ER can greatly improve operational efficiency even some time with 25% patient capacity,

29、which also a big market in China and worldwide hospital market. This system will leverage and integrate the data warehousing and unstructured and structure data analytics capability from Cognos, SPSS, InfoSphere Predictive Content Analytics, and Watson technologies etc IBM products and technologies.

30、 The output of the project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to IBM Business Analytics product development, enabler to novel BAO business solutions, or commercialization via joint-solution development with IBM Business

31、Partner in local market and worldwidely. Technical goalsA PoC and demo system will be built. The output of the project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to BM Business Analytics product development, enabler to novel BAO

32、 business solutions, or commercialization via joint-solution development with IBM Business Partner in local market and worldwidely. Business goalsThe output of this project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to BA produc

33、t development. Its also will be applied to marketing and business events to drive IBM healthcare business pipeline. thanks!Business interns - 1One with MBA/PM background skill as Project Manager and Requirement Analyst; It will be a strong plus if the intern with statistics education background (医学院

34、临床统计学或相关专业) to play as Data Modeler role.Technical interns - 31 Developer with Chinese Natural Language Processing background skill focusing on the Watson/UIMA/ICPA part development (unstructured data process module development)1 Developer with Database and BI background on DB2/Cognos/SPSS related B

35、I development1 Developer with Java/Web development on demo system design and development. Location - BeijingCDL Project 3: IBMs Mobile Rule Execution Framework and API on Worklight (Location: BJ)Project DescriptionExtending the Mobile Experience with Configuration & Customization Rules is the worldw

36、ide winner idea and proposal in AIM So You Think You Can Innovate 2012. The idea proposes to apply Business Rules key paradigms to mobile devices, for B2C and B2E scenarios. B2C scenarios would provide active assistance to personal life. B2E scenarios would provide better quality of service, product

37、ivity, efficiency and flexibility to enterprises and employees.These key paradigms are:1) pseudo natural expression of a business (or personal) intent with a domain vocabulary derived from the device specific capabilities, and from the application domain vocabulary2) actual execution of this intent

38、on the device itself, in complement of traditional server-side or cloud-based rule execution.The idea believes it would be a unique differentiator for IBM compared to other mobile application frameworks. The idea also believes the proposal leverages IBMs mobile strategy and brings more value to IBM

39、customers on the application space.Technical goalsa) Building an IBM branded rule execution framework and API based on Worklight HTML5 solution;b) Investigating the rule features customized for different industries based on the characteristics of the industries; this is important for future industry

40、 solution when applying our idea;c) Defining rule exchanging message and protocol for future cloud solution integration.Business goalsa) B2C : Bring smart active assistance to consumers, from the knowledge gathered from the device activity and data, and thanks to adhoc personalized rules.b) B2E : Br

41、ing smart business driven automated behaviors within mobile applications, leveraging the device activity and data, and enterprise decision rules.Business interns - 1- Field service scheduling related business knowledge- Mobile market knowledge- Business rule management and BPM industry knowledgeTech

42、nical interns - 3- Design and programming with HTML, CSS, Javascript- Application programming on iOS (Object-C), Android (Java)- Knowledge of rule execution engine and business rule management related system- Design and programming with Java EE, web services, RESTful web applicationsLocation: Beijin

43、gCDL Project 4: Cloud-Based eCommerce BMS for Chinese SMB with loosely coupled architecture & SaleForce.Com-Style business model (Location: BJ)Project DescriptioneCommerce is a new quick growing industry in China where for all of enterprise there are no suitable ERP-like applications to help eCommer

44、ce business for internal management. There are some certain local vendors like GuanYi, BaiSheng are trying to provide simple solutions for business. SAP/ORACLE are not perfectly fit it and expensive cost/long time implementation prevent SMB from using the system for their business in ChinaTechnical

45、goalsValidate the loosely coupled system architecture in eCommerce BMS domainBusiness goals Validate the business requirement for eCommerce BMS and implement them in Cloud-based architectureBusiness interns - 1Understanding eCommerce business & Enterprise Internal Management requirement and studying

46、 the traditional business management requirement. It is mainly for retailing. What we need is a MBA. Technical interns - 31 for loosely coupled Clouded based technical architecture. Understand the CLoud technology with Middleware like JBOSS, JMS, Database like MySQL background.1 for Programming in J

47、ava - Middle level skills in Java programming1 for System validation/test, interlocking with customers, business partners etc. Know Software Test. How to plan, do it and good customer-facing skills in doing deploymentLocation: BeijingCDL Project 5: NewSQL, a scale-out data solution for Bigdata and D

48、ataCloud (Location: BJ)Project DescriptionRecently the volume of data is increasing rapidly, and how to store, manage and query large scale data is becoming an important and critical issue, especially for cloud centric database applications or services. These services requires to meet the requirements of internet scale OLTP including low latent response time, ACID and SQL interface, also requires to have the scalability and availability functionality commonly


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