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1、二年级英语上复习全汇总一、单词:1.morning 2. afternoon 3.evening4.night MondaySaturday friday早晨中午晚上夜晚周一周六周五时间 :in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningat night在早上在中午在晚上在夜里on Sunday afteernoon在星期天的下午5.boy6.girl7. brother8.sister男孩女孩兄弟姐妹8 1.grandfather8 2. grandmother8 3.mother 8-4.father祖父外祖父祖母外祖母母亲父亲8-5.uncle8-

2、6.aunt87.family叔叔舅舅阿姨 舅母家庭9.one10.two11.three12.four13.five14.six一二三四五六15.seven16.eight 17.nine 18.ten 19.eleven20.twelve 201.count七八九十十一十二数数二、反义词汇总:21.big22.small( little)23.tall(long)24.short25.young大小高 (长 )矮 ( 短 )年轻26.old27.new28.white29.black30.fat31.thin旧或老新白黑胖瘦32.up33.down34.hard35.soft36.roug

3、h 37.smooth 38.warm 39.cold上下硬的软的粗糙的光滑的暖和冷的三、人的相关词语:40 Head41.eye42.hand43.ear44.face45.hair46.mouth头眼睛手耳朵脸头发嘴47.nose48.neck49.foot50.leg鼻子脖子脚腿四、文具用品:51. book 52.bag53. pencil 54. rubber 55. ruler 56.pen 57.note book 58.paper书书包铅笔橡皮尺钢笔记事本纸五、人称代词:58 I59.you60.he61.she62.it 63.my64.your65.his 66.her我你

4、他她它我的你的他的她的67.me68.him69.我 ( 宾语 )他 ( 宾语 )六、食物( food ) ( 含水果 ) 汇总:70 Apple71.pear72.peach73.orange74.tomatto 75.pizza76.sweet苹果梨桃子桔子西红柿批萨甜品77.cake78.pie79.rice80.soup81.noodles 82.egg83.biscuit蛋糕饼米饭汤面条鸡蛋饼干1 / 884.juice85.ice cream86.water87.milk88.snack:at the snack bar果汁冰淇淋水牛奶点心、小吃在小吃柜台89 Hamburger

5、90.drink 91.jelly汉堡包饮料果冻七、表示动作的一些词:100.touch101. cut102. Stick103. dance104. read105. sing摸剪贴跳舞读唱歌106.draw105.see106.can(助动词 )107.love108.eat107.haveyummy画画看见能爱吃有好吃的108.fly109.make109.has110.write111.choose112.listen hear飞做有写选择听听见113.jump114.stand up pleast 115.sit down please116.look and learngood跳

6、请起立请坐下看和学好的117 Listen and enjoy118.look and say119.play a game 120.say and act toy听和欣赏看和说做游戏说和做玩具121 Touch 122.give123.be(is am are)124.help125.open 126.close摸、碰给系动词帮助开关127 Run128.swim129.thank you130.sorry( excuse me ) 131.run away跑游泳谢谢您对不起逃跑132 skip a rope133. ride a bicycle 134.play football 135.

7、tell a lie跳绳骑自行车踢足球说谎135-1.smell 135-2.taste 135-3.nice 135-4.rice 135-5.food 135-6.sweet 135-7.drinks闻尝香的漂亮的米饭食物糖果甜的饮料八、疑问代词:136.What137.who138.where139.how many139-1.how什么谁哪里多少多么九、表示动物的词(zoo动物园、animal动物 )140chick 141. duck 142. cow 143. pig144.rabbit 145.bear 146.tiger 147. monkey小鸡鸭奶牛猪兔子狗熊老虎猴子148

8、. panda 149. elephant 150.lion 151.Rabbit152. giraffe153.bee 154.mouse熊猫大象狮子兔子长颈鹿蜜蜂老鼠155.sheep 156.fish 157.dog 158.hen 157.wolf158.fox 159.hippo frog bird绵羊鱼狗母鸡狼狐狸河马青蛙小鸟十、表示颜色(clour )的词:160 purple 161.red 162.blue 163.yellow 164.green 165.black 166.white 167.pink紫色红色兰色黄色绿色黑色白色粉红色十一、表示地点的短语:170 In t

9、he classroom 171.in the supermarket 172.in the restaurant 173.in the zoo在教室在超市在饭店在动物园174 at the snack bar 175.in the fruit shop 176.on the farm 177.in the park在小吃柜台在水果店在农场在公园十二、人名:180 Danny 181. Jack 182. Eddie 183. Alice 184. Kitty 185.HarrySam Ginger丹尼杰克爱迪爱丽丝凯蒂海瑞狗名猫名2 / 8十三、其他:190. picture 191. ni

10、ce192. classmate 193.tree 194. Greeting 195. sky图片好看 ( 高兴 )同学树招呼天空196. fly197 high198.kite199.round200.mask 201.this202.that飞高的风筝圆的面具这那203 slide 204.swing205.seesaw 206.bag 207.box 208.desk 209.chair滑梯秋千跷跷板书包箱子桌子椅子210.bowl211.plate212.spoon213.chopsticks 214.kitchen 215.table碗盘子汤匙筷子厨房桌子216.sun217.mo

11、on218. Star219.meat 220.grass 221 tree 222.flower太阳月亮星星肉草树花223.crayon224.true 225.false226.cat227.ball228.doll229.bicycle蜡笔正确的错误的猫球布娃娃自行车230 Kite231.warm232.cold 233.hot234.spring 235.summer 236.farmer风筝暖和的冷的热的春天夏天农场主237.winter 238.autumn239.sunny 240.cloudy 241.rainy 242.windy243.dress冬天秋天晴天多云的下雨的刮

12、风的衣服244 Shorts 245.blouse 246.gift 247.card 248.firecracker 249.firework短裤女衬衫礼物卡片爆竹烟火250 This 251.that 252.parrot 253.insect254.bright 255.naughty 256.snowy这那鹦鹉昆虫明亮的淘气的下雪的257. 描写太阳的相关形容词:redroundshininghotbigbrighthigh红色的圆的闪耀的热的大的明亮的高的描写月亮的相关形容词:brightmovingyellow big明亮的移动的黄色的大的描写星星的相关形容词:smalltwink

13、ling小的闪烁的一、 一年级上标题:1.Module 1 Getting to know you2. Greetings 3. Look and say 4. Look and learn第一单元认识你招呼看和说看和学5. Play a game 6. Say and act 7. Listen and enjoy 8. My classmates做游戏说和做听和欣赏我的同学9. On Sunday afternoon 10. My face 11. A picture of Alice在周日的下午我的脸一张爱丽丝的照片(画)12.Module 2 Me, my family and fri

14、ends13. My abilities 14. Ask and answer第二单元我;我的家庭和朋友我的能力问和答15.Do a survey 16. I can draw 17. My family 18. My friends做个调查我能画我的家庭我的朋友们20. Module 3 Places and activities第三单元 地点和活动19.My classmate and friend 21. In the classroom3 / 8我的同学和朋友在教室里22. Let s count 23. Ten little paper rabbits24. In the fruit

15、 shop让我们数数十只小纸兔在水果店里25. At the supermarket 26. Apple tree 27. In the restaurant28. At the snack bar在超市里苹果树在饭店里在小吃柜台29. Module 4 The natural world30. On the farm 31. Make a mask 32.In the zoo第四单元自然界在农场里做一个面具在动物园里33. In the park在公园里句子:1. Hello!2. Hi!3. Goodbye!4. Good morning.5. Good afternoon.你好!嗨!再见

16、!早上好 .下午好 .6. Hi! I m Danny. 7. Nice to see you.嗨!我是丹尼 .很高兴认识你 .8. Give me a (ruler), please. Here you are. Thank you.请给我一把(尺).给你 .谢谢你 .9. How nice!10. I can see.11. For you and me.真漂亮!我能看见 .给你给我 .12.This is my (face). 13. Eddie, touch your (face).14. It s you.这是我的脸 .爱迪;摸摸你的(脸) .是你 .15.Look! This is

17、 your (mouth). 16. What can you do? I can (sing).看!这是你的(嘴) .你能做什么?我能(唱歌) .17.Who s she? She s my (grandmother). Who s he? Hes my (grandfather).她是谁?她是我的(祖母).他是谁?他是我的(祖父) .18.How many (books)? (Three).多少(书)?(三本) .19.May I have a (pie), please? Here you are.我想买个(饼) .给你 .20.Can I help you? May I have a

18、hamburger, please?你要买什么?我想买个汉堡包 .21.What s this? It s a (cow).What s that? It s a (chick).这是什么?它是一头(牛) .那是什么?它是一只(小鸡) .22.Is that a (monkey)?Yes.Is this a (bear)?No. It s a (panda).那是一只猴子吗?是的 .这是一只(狗熊)吗?不 . 它是一只(熊猫) .23.What colour is it? It s (red).它是什么颜色的?它是(红色的).二、 一年级下4 / 8标题:1、 Module 1 Using m

19、y five senses2.At home第一单元使用五感在家2、 Module 2 My favourite things2.Toys I like3.At the toy shop第二单元我喜欢的事我喜欢的玩具在玩具店4 Food I like5.Tea time6.I like ice cream 7.Drinks I like我喜欢的食物下午茶时间我喜欢冰淇淋我喜欢的饮料8 Eddie s birthday party埃迪的生日舞会3、 Things around us2.Seasons 3.outside 4.weather 5.Hot summer 6.clothes第三单元我们

20、周围的食物季节外面的天气热夏天衣服7 A nice blouse好看的女衬衫1、 Things we do2.playtime3.Skip my rope4.New Year s Day5.shopping第四单元我们所做的事情玩的时间跳绳新年购物6Make a new year card7.Story time8.A boy and a wolf做新年卡故事时间一个男孩和一只狼句子:1 I am a bee. 2.I am a frog.3.What do you see? I see a monkey.我是一只蜜蜂 .我是一只青蛙 .你看见什么了?我看见了一只猴子 .4 What can

21、you see? I can see two birds.5. What colour is it? It s brown.你能看见什么?我能看见两只鸟 .它的颜色是什么?是灰色6 What do you hear? I hear a bird. 7.What can you hear? I can hear cat.你听见什么了?我听见了鸟叫 .你能听见什么?我能听见猫叫 .8 Can I help you? Soup,please.Here you are. Thank you. Taste it,please. Yummy.yummy.我能帮助你吗?请来碗汤 .给你 .谢谢你 .请尝一尝

22、 .好吃 . 好吃 .9 Smell the egg. Smell the rice. Nice,nice,nice. 10.Smell the flower.尝一尝蛋 .尝一尝米饭 .香;香;香 .闻一下花香 .11 Alice,touch your nose. 12.I like the doll and the ball.爱丽丝;摸摸你的鼻子 .我喜欢布娃娃和球 .13 Do you like sweets? No. Do you like jelly? Yes,I like jelly.你喜欢糖吗?不 .你喜欢果冻吗?是的;我喜欢果冻.14 Do you like biscuits?Y

23、es,I like biscuits. One for you and one for me.你喜欢饼干吗?我喜欢 . 一个给你;一个给我 .15 I like ice cream.Cold and sweet.我喜欢冰淇淋;冷且甜 .16 Drink some water,Mum. Thank you. You are a good girl.妈妈;喝点水吧.谢谢;你是一个好女孩.17 What do you like? I like cola.你喜欢什么?我喜欢可乐.18Happy birthday,Eddie!Thank you.Let s sing a birthday song.Ha

24、ppy birthday to you.爱迪;祝你生日快乐!谢谢你们. 咱们一起唱生日歌吧. 祝你生日快乐19.Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold.春天是暖和的夏天是热的秋天是凉爽的冬天是冷的5 / 820.Spring is green. Summer is red.春天是绿的 . 夏天是红的 .21短文:The season I likeSpring is warm and green.Trees are green and flowers are nice .I can smell theflower

25、s and sing a song.I can hear birds. I like spring.Summerishotand red.Icandrinkjuice andeat ice-cream.Yummy,yummy!Icanswim in the sea.It s cool.I Like summer.22.How is the weather?It s sunny(或 cloudy rainy windy).It s hot.Let s go tothe beach.Ok.天气怎么样?是晴天(或多云下雨天 有风) . 天气很热 . 咱们去海滩玩吧 . 好的 .23. 短文 :The

26、 weather I likeI like sunny days.On sunny days,I can see nice flowers.我喜欢阳光灿烂;在晴天;可看见美丽的花.I like cloudy days.On cloudy days,I can ride a bicycle.我喜欢多云的天;在多云天;我可以骑自行车.I like rainy days.On rainy days,I can hear the rain.我喜欢雨天;在雨天;我可以听见雨声 .I Like windy days.On windy days,I can fly a kite.我喜欢有风的天;在刮风天;我

27、可以放风筝.I Like snowy days.On snowy days,I can see snow.我喜欢下雪天;在雪天;我可以看见雪 .24.What do you need?I need a blouse.I don t like green.I like red.您需要什么?我需要一件女式衬衫. 我不喜欢绿色 . 我喜欢红色 .25.What can you do?I can dance.你能干什么;我会跳舞 .26.Happy New Year !Happy New Year !A gift for you,Kitty.Thank you. (Happy Birhtday)新年好

28、!新年好凯蒂;给你礼物 .谢谢 .(生日快乐 )27 What do you see?I see a bird. What can you see? I can see a bird你看见了什么我看见了一只鸟 .你能看见什么?我能看见一只鸟 .28 What do you hear?I hear a frog. What can you hear?I can hear a frog.你听见什么了?我听见了青蛙叫 .你能听见什么 . 我能听见蛙叫 .29 What colour is the sheep?Its white.绵羊是什么颜色的?它是白色的.30 Can I help you?Som

29、e rice ,please.我可以帮助你吗?(您要点什么?)请来点米发 .31 Some juice,please.Here you are.来点饮料 . 给你 .32 Taste the apple.Yummmy.尝一下苹果 . 好吃 .33 Smell the apple.It snice .The toy isnice .闻一下苹果 . 它是 香的 .这个玩具挺 漂亮的 .34 Touch your nose.This is my nose.摸一下你的鼻子 . 这是我的鼻子 .35 What do you like? I like jelly.你喜欢什么?我喜欢果冻(不可数名次).36

30、 What do you like? I like apples.你喜欢什么?我喜欢苹果(可数名次;需用复数).37 What do you like very much? I like jelly very much.你最喜欢什么?我最喜欢果冻 .38 Do you like sweets?No,I like biscuits.你喜欢糖果吗?不;我喜欢饼干.39 Let s dance. Ok.咱们跳舞吧 . 好吧 .三、二年级上标题:1 、 Module1Greettingtoknowyou1.Hello2.Eddie sday3.Anew6 / 8classmate第一单元慢慢了解你2、

31、 Module 2 Me,my family and friendshort.第二单元 我;我的家庭和朋友3、 Module 3 Places and activities kitchen喂(表打招呼)艾迪的一天一位新同学1.I can swim. 2.That s my family.3.My hair is我会游泳 .那是我的家庭.1.in the children s garden 2.in my room 3.in the第三单元地方和活动在孩子门的花园在我的房间在厨房间4、 Module 4 The natural world1.in the sky 2.in the forest

32、3.in the street第四单元自然世界在天空中在森林中在街道上句子:How are you ; Alice?I m fine.艾丽思;你好吗?我很好 .How are you today? I m very well.今天你好吗?我很好 .Goodbye,Mrs Li.李小姐;再见 .In the morning in the afternoonin the evening at night在早上在下午在夜晚在傍晚Good morningGood afternoonGood evening Good nightWho am I? Youre Kitty.我是谁?你是凯迪 .Who ar

33、e you? I M Miss Fang. 你是谁?我是方小姐 .Are you a boy? No.I m a girl.你是男孩吗?不;我是女孩 .Are you six? Yes.I m six.你六岁了吗?是的 . 我六岁 .Hi! I m Supergirl.嗨!我是超女 .What can she do?She can swim.她会干什么?她会游泳 .Can Danny run? Yes,he can.(No,he can t) 丹尼会跑步吗?是的;他会. (不;他不会)Is your sister tall? Yes,she is.你的姐姐高吗?是的;她个子高 .Is your

34、 brother fat? No,he isn t. 你的兄弟胖吗?不;他不胖 .Is that a boy? Yes,it is.那是一位男孩吗?是的;那是男孩.Is that boy Jim? Yes,he is.那男孩是吉姆吗?是的他是 .Harry has a jar.海芮有一个宽口瓶 .My hair is black.我的头发是黑色的 .Your head is not very big.你的头不太大 .Her eyes are small.她的眼睛是小的Is your face round?Yes,it is.你的脸是圆的吗?是的;是圆的.They are boys.他们是男孩

35、.They have kites.I have a toy.他们有风筝 . 我有一个玩具 .服务员说话:问某人要不要东西或吃什么东西?A spoon? Yes,please.(Yes,thank you.或 No,thanks)要汤匙吗?好的. (好的 .或 不谢谢. )客人要东西吃或索取东西用Give me a plate,please.Here you are. Thank you.请给我一个盘子 . 给你 . 谢谢 .May I have some pizzas?Here you are. Thank you.我可以要一些比萨饼吗?给你. 谢谢 .How many bowls? Ther

36、e are four bowls.有多少碗?有四个碗.7 / 8How many spoons?There is one.有多少汤匙?有一个.Look at the sky.Can you see the sun in the sky?Yes,Ican.(No,I cant)看天空 . 你能看见天空中的太阳吗?是的;我能看见.( 不;我不能看见.)What can you see? I can see the moon and many stars.你能看见什么?我能看见月亮和许多星星.We like apples.You like soup. He likes cars. She likes rabbits. My mother likes drees.我们喜欢苹果 .你喜欢汤 .他喜欢车 .她喜欢兔子 .我妈妈喜欢衣服.8 / 8


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