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1、Unit5 Seasons Story time教案教学目标:1. 认识、会读单词spring, summer, autumn, winter; warm, hot, cool, cold; season2. 认识、会读每个季节对应的活动类词组fly kites go boating,eat ice cream,goswimming,have picnics,go climbing ,make snowmen, go skating 并能体会其趣味性3. 能正确且有感情地朗读 storytime 中的四首诗歌,本课结束时多数同学能够对照板书提示背诵四首诗歌4. 能够通过本课体会到诗歌之美以及季

2、节之美,并能挑选自己喜欢的季节,创作出一首简单的小诗教学重点:1. 掌握单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter2. 知道每个季节对应的活动并能体会其趣味性教学难点:1.能正确且有感情地朗读storytime 中的四首诗歌。2.背诵四首诗歌教学准备:(教师准备) PPT,板书卡纸(学生准备)预习单词与story time, 想一想四季能可以有什么活动,是否会用英文表达教学过程:Step1 Free talkEnjoy a songT:What is this song about?Ss: Seasons.T: Read the title, seasons. 带读 s

3、easons 并读课题 How many seasons are there in a year?What season is it now? (spring) How do you feel in spring? (warm)第 1页Step2 Learn words (play a game)1. T: We know in spring, it is warm. Look! Theres another season foryou. 画两个 Whats that? Its very hot, we eat ice cream. 边说边画完太阳和冰激凌,教summer和 hot引 学生 ,

4、 in summer, it is2. T: Boys and girls,Let s go on guessing.There are two circlestoo. 画两个 OOWooHowlovely!He has a big head, a fatbody, two lovelyhands,and a small mouth. Ha! Its aWhich season is it? 画,教授winter , cold ,Yes, in winter, it iscold. We make snowmen.3.T: We know spring, summer, winter and

5、.? autumn教授 In autumn, isit warm? Is it hot?教授 cool.Can you draw sth. about autumn? 充 笔 画 T: We know in spring, it is , in summer in autumn.in winter .Here s a chant for you. Listen!PPTread together and clap4. Make a poem. Step 3 Story time1. This is the poemabout four seasons. Heres another poemabo

6、ut seasons.Let s enjoy it. What do children do? Let s watch cartoons an d choose. 放 画2. Can you match?Let s discuss in four and try to say.(找学生上台 条,完善板 )3. T: Let s check the answers, in spring,we, Which group can say? 同法,一个季 一 (4 人) ;教 着看表格 一遍, 并重复 have picnics/ go climbing. 做超 接,重点学 。大 或者男女生 , 一下。

7、4. Reading time.5. T: You read gracefully and you all did a good job! Lets have a poemrecital party, OK? Listen! Woo! So beautiful!(教 示范 ,注意情感培养) Let s have a poemrecitalpartyshow in four, justlike this,OK?Go!( 学生展示朗 )T: Your poem recital party show is perfect!Step4 Talking time 其它和季 有关的方面( 色、水果、穿着)

8、Step 5 writing timeT:Do you likeseasons? Can you tellme, whats your favouriteseason?第 2页S1,S2.T: Let s say hi to your favourite season, OK?My favourite season is spring. (教 示范 )What about you? You can discussin your groups,and tryto say more.Let s write down on this paper.( 提前 下去的便 )Whocan read? Com

9、ehere,put your favouriteseason on the blackboard.Oh, you like( 请 5-6 位学生 )Step6 Homework1. Read and recite the poem with emotion2. Share your poem with your family.教学反思:本 教学内容 Unit5 的 Story time ,本 的新授 多,主要有四个季 和天气的 , 有 的活 ,教学中教 采用画一画、猜一猜的游 行 教学,避免枯燥跟 ,激 了学生学 的 趣。本 教 以 主,以学 歌和 作新的 歌 穿整 ,在朗 教 言示范到位,注重 音 , 学生的 起到了一个很好的示范作用,学生在 ,以及 歌朗 会中的表 都体 出了良好的朗 水平。教 在学 本 活 的同 , 和学生 了其它和季 相关的内容, 学生在最后写的 拓 了思路, 学生有 可写。但是本 存在一些不足之 , 堂的开始可以以 歌 入, 的感 在 堂一开始就得以体 ,其次教 在教学中 学生控制太多,孩子 的天性在 堂上没有得到完全的展示。在以后的教学中,教 需不断完善自我,以提高自己的 堂教学水平。第 3页


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