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1、四下 Unit6 Whose dress is this?Storytime教学内容 : Story time教学目 :1能听懂、会 、会 dress , trousers,gloves,party,whose2能听懂、能理解、会 ,表演 文。3能用 Whose.isthis/arethese? 物主及用 It s/They re.回答情感目 : 教育学生学会 ,适合自己的才是最好的。教学重点: 能听懂、能理解、会 、会表演 文。教学 点: 理解和运用所有格 构教学准 :PPT教学 程:Step1.Warming -up1. Free talk: (1)How are you?(2)What

2、day is it today?Step2 Lead in1. T:I see many beautiful clothes. Would you like to introduce it for us ? S:OK. This is a they are .2. T: This is 。 Its so . Whose dress .is this?.( 充 ,并点PPT,同 教学 dress )3. T:Today we re going to a Fancy Dress Party领.读(学 Fancy Dress Party)Now, let s enjoy some pictures欣

3、 .(一 化 舞会 片 ) 欣 Is it funny/interesting? They are so funny. Step3 Presentation1.T: (接上 )Do you want to go to a Fancy Dress Party? Ss:Yes.T: First, we must dress up .2.T:Look! We have so many special clothes here.Hello, girl. Let me dress up for you. OK? Look at the clothes.What do you want to be? (叫

4、一学生上台,帮他 /她装扮)S: ( )T: I think you need Try this.Look at her(穿着 大 /小的) I think it s too . Try this.What do you think of her/his?You re so beautifulYou. can go to the Fancy Dress Party.第 1页Step4 Enjoy the story1. Just now I have dressed up for them. Whos dressing up for the Fancy Dress Party, too?(Pi

5、cture 1& Picture 2) Look at the pictures and answer.S: Su Hai and Su Yang(师贴人物图 )T: Su Hai and Su Yang are dressing up for the party. How do they dress up? What clothes are they trying? Look at the pictures carefully.S: dress, trousers(生回答,师贴服饰图 )T:Look at the blue dress. What about Su Hais blue dre

6、ss?(dress: too short)Lets look at Su Yangs trousers. What about Su Yangs trousers? trousers: too long2. T: (指着 dress,trousers)Su Hais dress is too short. Su Yangs trousers are too long. What do they say to each other? (Open your books to P38 ,read and answer)S:(Su Yang:Try this.)( Su Hai:Try these.)

7、3. Picture 3:Look ,they are OK, now. Su Hai looks like Little Red Riding Hood. Su Yang looks like a little rabbit. How funny!4. Picture 1 Pictures 3: Su Hai and Su Yang have dressed up for the Fancy DressParty. Let s readPy.attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(Let some students read after

8、the record)5. T: Su Hai and Su Yang are at the party. Who are at the party, too? Let s watch the cartoon.S: (Helen, Mike) 师贴人物图片T:At the party, they meet Helen and Mike. Look at Helen, she looks like an angle.She s so beautiful. Mike looks like Zuoluo. He s so funny. They re talking about tclothes e

9、ach other. Let s listen.Qs: Whose gloves are these?Whose dress is this?T: Whose gloves are these?S: They re Su Yang s father板书:hers. (father s)T: How do you know that? Find and read.S: Whose gloves are these, Su Yang? They re my father s.T: Whose dress is this?S: It s Helen s cousin板书:hers.(cousin 并

10、教s学 cousin)T: How do you know that? Find and read.S: Whose dress isthis, Helen? It s my cousin s.T: The gloves are so big, because they re Su Yang s father s. The dress is so beauIt s Helen s cousin s.6. Picture 4Pictures 6: Everyone is happy at the Fancy Dress PartyLet. s read. Pay attention to the

11、 pronunciation and intonation.(Let some students read after the record)第 2页Step5 Activity1.Read the dialogue.Everyone is happy at the Fancy Dress PartyLet. s enjoy the story and follow it.(引 学生有感情地朗 :They re so big. sIt so beautiful.)2. Read in groups of four3.Dubbing time. (You all did good jobs. L

12、et s dub for it.)4. How do you like Mike s Party?Itsso Would you like to go to the party?Act the dialogue. ( choose one to act)Task1: Act the dialogue.(表演 Unit6 Story time)Task2: Act a new dialogue.(表演一个新的 )Step6 Homework1.Listen and read after the tape 3 times.听(、 文 3 遍。 )2. Use the sentences we ve

13、 learnt to talk about your friends(用所学句子来clothes 你朋友的服装。)【教学反思】 一 元是本册的一个 点 元, 本 以化 舞会 景, 呈 了服装的主 和名 所有格的 法知 。我 真学 堂的教学理念, 了以下教学 :1. 首先要 起旧知。 前 学生通 介 自己的衣物引出衣服 ,激活学生的已有知 。既复 旧知, 又 学 新知打下基 ,并渗透本 重点句型Whose is this?2. 激 趣。 通 欣 “化装舞会” 片,学生非常好奇, 并初步了解 “化装舞会” 帮助学生化装成天使,巫 拍照留念,学生非常喜 ,一下子就吸引了学生的注意力, 于参与 堂与活

14、 之中,直接拉近了 生的距离。3. 情境,并在情境中教授一些 文中的 点或重点,可以是 的 或句子。我 了本 老 要 大家在班 fancy dress party,帮助学生打扮, 通 出示 些物品 学生能正确 价:It s/They renice/so big/too long.4. 引 极探索, 自主学 。文本 理上注重学生自主探索: 在装扮?她 在 什么?穿了什么? 学生主 学 的机会和 极探索的 利。5. 重 朗 ,形成能力。 中采用多种方式 行朗 ,并多次 音 , 促使学生形成良好的朗 和朗 能力。6.巩固并运用所学内容。我 学生四人一小 行一个Fancy dress party, 学

15、生穿上家人的、 朋友的衣服在班上 行展示、 价。学生在真 的情境中运用所学的句型 行交 ,通 言交流,以达到 合运用所学 言知 的目的。可是 一 学生展示的 候我 他 都会 价他人的服装,可是仍需要老 引 ,才 得 Whose . is this/ are these?学 言的目的就在于运用 言去和 人交流。再反思 , 目 基本达成,而最大的亮点就在于真 情境的 , 学生搭建了 英 、 用英 的平台。 学生介 来的服装, 展示自己的服装, 猜 同学的服装的主人 几个 都将本 学 的重点句型第 3页反复运用, 并建立了新旧知之间的联系。 在语言训练的同时, 注重情感目标的达成,培养学生观察能力,发现美、热爱美的意识,使故事教学达到更高的境界和高度。不足之处:不敢放手让学生自主学习。今后我应该多在班上组织小组内讨论,让每个学生都有参与的机会。 但是小组活动不是放任学生,要想组织好小组学习还要注意纪律和评价。所以我得积极动脑想办法如何将小组活动的效益最大化。第 4页


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