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1、名校名 推荐Unit 4 Pygmalion Using language 课时作业 .单句语法填空1These reforms made major contributions (contribute) to the stability of the economy.2 All the means of communication between here and outside have_been_interrupted (interrupt) recently.3 And I am calling in/with_reference to your newspaper ad for a

2、Sales Representative.4 It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make_a_real difference.5 Gradually, she has acquired a habit of reading English every day.6 You must have a good education, but practical training is equally (equal) important.7 I have no alternative but to_report (report) him to the

3、police.8 Look at the trouble I am in. If only I had_followed (follow) his advice!9 Children found the lecture was so hard to_understand (understand) that they feltsleepy.10 Come and look round our shop without commitment (commit) to buy something.11 At nine o clock, when my first day s work was over

4、, I was worn out.12 They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.13 I am busy preparing for my final exam, which is vital for/to me.14 We should try out all the equipment before setting up the experiment.15Bessie has always subscribed to the view that children should be

5、 given responsibilityfrom an early age.16 It is astonishing (astonish) how much the state of the body influences the powers ofthe mind.17 The change is beneficial (benefit) in some ways but not in others.18 John was addicted (addict) to Chinese culture, so he decided to learn Chinese in anight schoo

6、l.19 The letter put me in possession (possess) of some important information.20 The application (apply) must be made within twenty- four hours, or it will not be attended to. .单句改错1 She reminded me of that I had a meeting to attend that evening. 去掉 of2 The fact that the miners there work in dreadful

7、 conditions attracts the public s attention and contributes to make laws to protect the miners right.make making3 To be punctual one has to have self-discipline, and the lack for it affects others. for of1名校名 推荐4 Any man will be equal for the task, so long as he is careful.for to5 You are worthy of

8、praised for your wonderful works.of后加 being6 When she was forty, she still kept a good figure by the means of exercising regularly and sticking to a diet. 去掉 the7 Whenthemancamein,guninhand,weallstood there,astonishing.astonishing astonished8The average person has potential to become a millionaire i

9、n today s world. potential前加 the9 Science and technology plays important part in economy development. important 前加 an10 A relaxing holiday is thought to be benefit to his health and mind. benefit beneficial11 We must relate these principles with our everyday work.with to12 As is well-known to us, re

10、ading is vital importance in language learning. is 后加 of .翻译句子1最后,一些好的英语学习网站也对我的英语水平提高起了很大作用。(contribute to)Finally,_some_good_English_study_websites_contribute_a_lot_to_my_improvement_in_English.2我们正在下载音乐,就在这时电脑突然出故障了。(break down)We_were_downloading_music_when_our_computer_broke_down_suddenly.3因为缺少

11、自信,她缺乏交流技巧。(for lack of, be lacking in)For_lack_of_confidence,_she_is_lacking_in_skills_of_communicating.4这台机器很容易操作。任何人几分钟就可以学会使用。(主语 be adj.不定式 )This_machine_is_very_easy_to_operate._Anybody_can_learn_to_use_it_in_a_few_minutes.5我们所能做的事情将会对我们的社会产生很大的影响。(make much difference)What_we_can_do_will_make

12、_much_difference_to_our_society.6毫无疑问,科学技术的发展对人类进步起着至关重要的作用。(of vital importance)It_is_without_doubt_that_the_development_of_science_and_technology_is_of_vital_importance_to_human_advancement.7参观所有的博物馆和纪念碑可把我累坏了。(wear out)Visiting_all_the_museums_and_monuments_really_wore_me_out.8如果可能,最好还是挑选有机食品。(条件

13、状语从句的省略)It_is_always_best_to_choose_organically_grown_foods_if_possible.9一些人喜欢从事不同的运动,然而另一些人只喜欢观看他们。(while)2名校名 推荐Some_people_enjoy_playing_different_sports_while_others_just_enjoy_watching_them.10令我吃惊的是这项艰巨的任务在一周内就完成了。(to my astonishment)To_my_astonishment,_the_hard_task_was_finished_in_only_one_we

14、ek. .句型转换 /一句多译1她不想让自己沉迷于愚蠢的电视节目中。 She didn t want to be_addicted_to stupid TV programmes.(addicted) She didn t want to addict_herself_to stupid TV programmes.(addict)2健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼有密切相关。 Health problems are_closely_related_to bad eating habits and a lack ofexercise.(relate) Health problems are_

15、closely_connected_with bad eating habits and a lack ofexercise.(connect)3虽然我们并不富裕,我们仍然愿意帮助那些有麻烦的人。 Although_we_are_not_rich,_we are still willing to offer a hand to whoever is introuble.(although) While_we_are_not_rich,_we are still willing to offer a hand to whoever is introuble.(while)4他们的对手在比赛的大部

16、分时间里控制着球。 Their opponents were_in_possession_of_the_ball for most of the match.(in possessionof) The ball was_in_the_possession_of_their_opponentsfor most of the match.(in thepossession of)5活泼的孩子更可能成为活跃和健康的成年人。(likely) It_is_more_likely_that physically active children become active and healthy adult

17、s. Physically active children are_more_likely_to become active and healthy adults.6 There is no doubt that the construction of this highway will contribute to the development of this area. There is no doubt that the construction of this highway will make a contribution tothe development of this area

18、.7由于缺钱,可怜的女孩不能买这本书。 The poor girl can t buy this book for_lack_of_money.(for lack of) Lacking_money,_the poor girl can t buy this book.(lack 分词短语作状语)3名校名 推荐 Because_she_lacks_money,_the poor girl can t buy this book.(lack v, 原因状语从句 )8他在会议上提出的建议值得考虑。 His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worth_considering. (worth) His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worthy_of_being_considered.(worthy) His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worthy_to_be_considered.(worthy) It_is_worthwhile_to_consider/considering his suggestion put forward at the conference.(worthwhile)4


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