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1、最新 料推荐场地授权使用书双方责任甲方: _乙方:_根据有关法律、法规,在平等自愿、互惠互利、协商一致的基础上,甲、乙双方订立如下合作协议:第一条甲、乙双方愿以各自的资源优势,共同致力于企业项目开发。甲方有义务向乙方提供良好的园区环境、工作、办公条件及周到的公共设施与服务;在同等条件下,乙方可优先取得与甲方进行项目合作的权利。乙方有义务遵守园区的各项管理规定,维护 _ 的整体声誉, 促进经济环境良性循环的形成。第二条甲方将位于_ 建筑面积共_ 平方米的场地提供给乙方使用(附图纸一份)。场地使用期限为_ 年,自 _年 _月_日起正式启用并全额交费,至_年 _月 _日止。第三条乙方可将上述场地作展

2、示办公等用途,未经甲方书面同意,不得改变用途, 亦不得转让场地使用权。乙方保证在上述场地使用过程中的行为符合法律、法规要求, 符合国家环境保护、消防安全、劳动卫生等标准。第四条本协议未尽事宜,双方可另签订补充协议。补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。第五条 本协议共四页,一式四份,甲、乙双方各持两份,具有同等法律效力。本协议自甲、乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。甲方: _法定或授权代表:_银行帐号:_电话:电话:年年1最新 料推荐Authorized to use the book siteMutual responsibilitiesParty A :_Party B: _According to

3、relevant laws and regulations, equality, mutual benefit, consensus, based on the A and B are the two sides entered into a cooperation agreement:1. A, B sides of their respective advantages in resources willing to work together for business development projects.Party B shall be obliged to provide a g

4、ood park to the environment, work, working conditions and good public facilities and services; in the same conditions, B may obtain priority to the rights of Party A project cooperation.Party B is obligated to comply with various regulations the park, maintaining the overall reputation of _ to promo

5、te the formation of a virtuous circle of economicenvironment.2. The second party will be located in a total construction area of _ square meters of space available to the Party B for use (with photo paper one). In a period of _ use of the site since January _ _ _ in the opening date and full payment

6、 to _ years _ months _ date.3. B can be the office space for display purposes, without the written consent, shall not change theuses of non-transferable right to use the site. Shall ensure the use of the site during the above-mentioned actions are consistent with laws, regulations, compliance with n

7、ational environmental protection, fire safety, labor and health standards.4. matters not covered in this Agreement, both parties can also sign a supplementary agreement. Supplementary Agreement and the agreement has the same legal effect.5. A total of four pages of this Agreement, in quadruplicate, A, B and two for each party, have the same legal effect. This agreement of both parties the date signed and sealed.Party :_A_Legal or authorized representative :_Bank account number: _2最新 料推荐Phone:Date:Party :_B_Legal or authorized representative :_Bank account number: _Phone:Date:3


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