超高真空多功能磁控溅射镀膜设备(Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipment).doc

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超高真空多功能磁控溅射镀膜设备(Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipment).doc_第1页
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超高真空多功能磁控溅射镀膜设备(Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipment).doc_第3页
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超高真空多功能磁控溅射镀膜设备(Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipment).doc_第4页
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1、超高真空多功能磁控溅射镀膜设备(Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipment)Ultra high vacuum multifunctional magnetron sputtering coating equipmentFirst bootCooling water is connected to the molecular pump and each magnetic control target. Check that the waterway is leaking.The power s

2、upply of each unit is connected with the main power supply, and the main power supply is supplied.Gate plate G1 and G2, start mechanical pump I and II, open solenoid valve, pre pumping sputtering chamber, sampling room.According to coating needs, in turn opened the cut-off valve V1 (gas mixing chamb

3、er), V3 (oxygen), V4 (argon), MFC1, MFC2, MFC3 open to the cleaning gear, pre exhaust road.Composite vacuum gauge thermocouple measurement part (V1 full partial current 87mA, V2 full partial current 100mA, the two values will change because of thermocouple replacement), were observed in a sputtering

4、 chamber, the injection chamber of low vacuum, vacuum to be less than 20Pa when (usually 23Pa), open the molecular pump of high pumping vacuum. The molecular pump is normal, the composite V1 measurement of ionization sputtering chamber, V2 measurement into the chamber below 0.1Pa, can open the DL-7

5、ultra high vacuum gauge at high vacuum sputtering chamber; open the compound vacuum gauge vacuum gauge filament sample chamber high vacuum (from the 10-1 block by playing to increase the vacuum) with 10-410-5Two, after opening the lidTurn on the cooling water circulating machine switch, the molecula

6、r pump and the magnetic control target connect the cooling water to check whether the water is leakingThe total power supply, L1, L2, L3 lightsThe coating room, sample room for air condition, gate valve to open the connection between G3 sample chamber, vacuum chamber, pump start II, gradually open t

7、he inlet chamber by pumping angle valve V7 on room two side pumping, open FZH-2BK3 composite thermocouple vacuum gauge measuring part (V1 or V2) two, the vacuum is lower than 20Pa. (general 23Pa)Shut off gate valve G3, close pull angle valve V7. Start the mechanical pump I, open the solenoid valve,

8、open the gate valve G1, G, open the molecular pump I and II pumping high vacuum.Three, daily bootIn general, two vacuum chambers must be kept in the vacuum state of 20PaTurn on the cooling water circulating machineTotal power supplyStart mechanical pumps I and ii.See composite vacuum gauge, V1 measu

9、rement and V2 measurement, confirm that chamber two is less than 20Pa vacuumAfter starting the mechanical pump II 12 minutes (to prevent mechanical pump II oil return), open the solenoid valve, start the molecular pump I and the molecular pump ii.6. gate valve G1, G2.Four, sample room changeTurn off

10、 the composite vacuum gauge ionization section (high vacuum) (if the ionization section is already open)Close gate valve G2, G3Open the charging valve and close the charging valve after it is fullOpen the window, shall shut the window (with the vacuum degree good, tighten the knob window).(the follo

11、wing fifth, sixth, seventh and 8 steps should pay attention to the order of the switch solenoid valve and the side pump valve V7. If the operation is wrong, it will damage the molecular pump easily.)Solenoid valveOpen the suction valve V7, about 5 minutes (vacuum less than 20 Pa),Off side suction va

12、lve V7.Turn on the solenoid valveOpen the gate valve G2.When the sampling chamber reaches the vacuum, E10-4Pa (and the vacuum of the sputtering chamber is an order of magnitude difference), the gate valve G3 can be opened and the sample is sent into the sputtering chamber by means of a magnetic forc

13、e sample rodFive 、 sputtering room (careful operation, general shutdown operation)When the sputtering chamber is exposed to the atmosphere for a short time (e.g., replacement of the target), the gate valve G1 is closed (at this point the gate valve G3 is closed), and the molecular pump I can not tur

14、n off.When the sputtering chamber is evacuated again, the injection chamber is filled into the atmosphere and the G3 is opened. The sample chamber can be used as a side pump. (side pumping off the electromagnetic valve, open side pumping valve V7, about 5 minutes, to be two room vacuum 20Pa (2 3Pa),

15、 close the pumping valve V7, open the solenoid valve. Then turn off the gate valve G3 and the gate valve G1.The long exposure time when the sputtering atmosphere (such as cleaning), can repeat the first boot steps. (usually by this method)Six, the use of molecular pump instructionsOperation steps of

16、 molecular pumpStart: (1) turn on the power (ON), the screen appears F400(2) press the FUNC/DATA key, and the number is zero.(3) press START key (shown by 0400 about 6 minutes) H00.Close: (1) press the STOP key (indicating number from 400-0 to about 10 minutes).(2) press switch to OFF.Operation step

17、s of molecular pump IIStart: (1) turn on the power.(2) after the show 400, press the start button.Close: (1) press the stop button.(2) press switch to close.Seven 、 target automatic adjustment program1. computer control system programFor=n; (times the number of cycles is N times)Ta=m; sputtering (M

18、seconds in A target)Tb=k; sputtering (K seconds in B target)Te=l; sputtering (L seconds in E target)Next;If you do not need a loop, you can omit the FOR and NEXT statements.After the program is set up, if not running, then the operation first save, enter, and then run, enter.Give an exampleTa=1; (al

19、ign sample 1 to A target without sputtering),The baffle goes to the A target first, the sample 1 goes to the A target, waits for 1 seconds, then the baffle goes to the B target (clockwise turn 600)Give an exampleTa=1000; sputtering the sample 1 at the A target for 1000 secondsThe baffle first goes t

20、o the A target, and the sample 1 goes to the A target. Wait for 1000 seconds, then the bezel turns clockwise 600.Eight. Sputtering depositionMake sure the sample 1 and the baffle 1 are in the A target position (this position is the sample transfer position, in fact, the sample 2 and the baffle 2, an

21、d the opening is in the D target)Pump two vacuum chambers to meet the required vacuum (at this time the air should also be pre drawn)Gate valve G3A sample is removed from the sample library by a magnetic transfer shaft, and the sample library is transferred to the vacant position, and then the sampl

22、e is sent to the position of the sample 2 in the sputtering chamberReturn the magnetic transmission shaft, turn off the gate valve G3, and vacuum the two chambers respectively.If the sample holder is to be placed at the position of sample 1, the sample 1 and the baffle 1 are set at the D targetNine.

23、 Coating startTurn on DC or RF power to warm up. Connect the mass flow control meter power and preheat for 3 minutes. Pump the sputtering chamber to the desired vacuum and close the high vacuum. Slowly open the stop valve V1 (gas mixing chamber), V3 (oxygen), V4 (argon), MFC2 and MFC3 will be opened

24、 to the cleaning block, pumping the gas in the pipe, closing the valve and MFC, the sputtering chamber will be pumped to the original vacuum. (if no air is mixed into the air path, no MFC2 or MFC3 clearance is required).Adjust the distance between the target and the sample (usually not adjusted). Th

25、e baffle is in the position of shielding samples (controlled by computer)Turn off the high vacuum gauge (DL-7), open the cylinder valve, open the globe valve V1, and enter different gases according to the needs of the coating,Open the valve V3 (O2) and / or V4 (Ar), MFC2 MFC3, and then open the valv

26、e, set different ventilation volume (by flow control), and slowly close the gate valve G1, in order to achieve the required vacuum (starting pressure of 3 - 5Pa), DC power supply, open the corresponding target the target (starting at this time may have striking phenomenon, this is because the surfac

27、e cleaning or by burr, is a normal phenomenon).Pre sputtering is regulated by different power. When Dai Huiguang is normal, the baffle plate is opened and the coating is started. Thereafter, the time of coating and the transposition of the sample are controlled by computer.The sample may be heated o

28、r rotate as required. The annealing furnace of the sample 1 and the sample room can be heated to 800 degrees centigrade, and the sample 2 can be rotated to 400 degrees centigrade.Matters needing attention:Before the 1. program run, the target must be calibrated, must confirm the current state of the

29、 sample and baffle is entirely consistent with the actual situation sputtering chamber, consistent with the computer settings, such as inconsistent with modify to modify.2. when the procedure is executed, the sample 1 shall be the standard.Ten RF sputteringMake sure the RF power adjustment knob is i

30、n zero position.Turn on the radio frequency power (filament switch) and warm up for 5 minutes.Adjust the vacuum in the sputtering chamber so that it is within the range of the luminous pressure (the normal brightness pressure is 3 - 5Pa), and then start the RF power source to make the target glow.If

31、 there is no glow, the plate pressure is adjusted to 0.5. According to the display of the incident and reflected power in the power meter, the RF matcher (C1 and C2) is adjusted slowly so that the reflected power is less than 4% of the incident power. Namely: the incident power as much as possible,

32、the reflected power as small as possible, the two pointer intersection (stationed in Bobbi) below 1.7, the rise has self biasSlowly adjust the plate pressure (about 0.7 - 0.85) to achieve the desired sputtering power.After work, the pressure plate to zero voltage switch, turn off the lights, board w

33、ire switch, turn off the power.Eleven, inflatable and exhaustThe introduction of working gas or reactive gas in the coating process is achieved by means of a mass flow controller (MFC) and a stop valve in the gas path. The amount of air intake is determined by the coating requirements. The vacuum re

34、quired to maintain the glow is controlled by adjusting the opening amount of the gate valve G1.Twelve. Finished coatingTurn off DC or RF power.Starting from the gas cylinder, turn off each valve of the air road step by step.Open the gate valve G1 and turn on the ultra high vacuum gauge in 1-2 minute

35、s.Manually remove the bezel (cut off the motor power) or the computer manual (turn on the motor power), remove the bezel.Gate valve G3, remove the sample from the sample table through the magnetic transfer (if the sample has to be heated, the sample again after cooling down), back to the sample room

36、.Turn off the gate valve G3 and continue to vacuum the sputtering chamber.The inlet room is filled with dry air after the compound meter and gate valve G2 are closed. The sample room window is opened and the sample holder is removed from the sample library.Thirteen, shutdownVacuum gauge power supply

37、Turn off the valve in the gas pathTurn off the gate valveTurn off the molecular pump, wait until the molecular pump revolution is zero (about 5, 6 minutes), turn off the electromagnetic valve, turn off the mechanical pump.Turn off the cooling water and turn off the main power.* jimisoft:未注册的软件只转换部分文件!阅读帮助以了解如何注册。


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