氨基酸糖苷类(Amino acid glycosides).doc

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1、氨基酸糖苷类(Amino acid glycosides)test questions(1) multiple-choice questionsType A problem1., about aminoglycoside antibiotics, the correct statement is thatA. is acidicB. chemical property is unstableC. oral absorptionD. is mainly excreted through the kidneysE. belongs to alkaloids2. drugs that are not

2、 aminoglycoside antibiotics are:A. NeomycinB. tobramycinC. sisomicinNetilmicin, D.Jos E.3. What kind of bacteria are ineffective for aminoglycoside antibiotics?A. anaerobic bacteriaPseudomonas aeruginosa B.C. tubercle bacillusD. Gram-negative bacteriaE. Gram-positive bacteria4. aminoglycoside antibi

3、otics are mainly distributed in:A. CSFB. serosa cavityC. plasmaD. intracellular fluidE. extracellular fluidThe incidence of anaphylactic shock in 5. aminoglycosides is the highest:A. gentamicinB. streptomycinC. NeomycinD. kanamycinE. tobramycinThe highest incidence of vestibular function damage in 6

4、. aminoglycosides is:A. kanamycinB. streptomycinC. NeomycinD. sisomicinE. tobramycinThe highest incidence of cochlear nerve injury in 7. aminoglycosides is:A. kanamycinB. streptomycinC. NeomycinD. sisomicinE. tobramycin8. streptomycin and furosemide combination will cause:A. nephrotoxicity increased

5、B.Ototoxicity increaseC. increased antimicrobial activityD. increased diuresisE. has no obvious effect9. plague and rabbit fever are the first treatment options:A. streptomycinB. gentamicinAmikacin, C.D. tobramycinE. Neomycin10. drugs that are ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa are:A. gentam

6、icinB. tobramycinC. AmikacinD. sisomicinE. kanamycin11. drugs that are effective in treating tuberculosis are:A. gentamicinB. AmikacinC. kanamycinD. tobramycinNetilmicin, E.12., the description of gentamicin is correct:A. was ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosaB. should not be used in combina

7、tion with ampicillin and benzyl penicillinC. the concentration of the liquid in the urine is lowAntimicrobial spectrum of D. is the most widely used in aminoglycosidesE. can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis13., Amikacins role is characterized by:Antimicrobial spectrum of A. is the most widel

8、y used in aminoglycosidesB. is susceptible to drug resistanceC. was ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosaD. is highly toxicE. can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis14. bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides is due to production:A. hydrolaseB. peptidaseC.b- lactamaseD. inactivation enzyme

9、E. synthetase15. the following description is wrong to tobramycin:A. is made by deoxygenation of kanamycin BB. has a strong effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosaC.Can be used for the treatment of tuberculosisD. has antimicrobial activity even when resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are producedE

10、. can be used for the infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa16. neomycin for clinical use:A. is used for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infectionB. is used for intestinal infection or abdominal preoperative disinfectionTreatment of urinary system infection with C.Treatment of lobar pneumonia with D.E. treatmen

11、t of tuberculosisThe mechanism of action of 17. aminoglycoside antibiotics is:A. prevents bacterial cell wall synthesisB. inhibits dihydrofolate synthetaseC. increases the permeability of the cell membraneD. inhibits DNA helicaseE. blocks the synthesis of bacterial proteins18. and the combination is

12、 prone to respiratory paralysis curare:A. penicillinB. streptomycinC. erythromycinD. sulfadiazineE. tetracyclineType B problemA. streptomycin, B. neomycin, C. spectinomycin, D., Amikacin, E., kanamycin19. drugs that are ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa are20. 、 the commonly used medicine f

13、or tuberculosis is21. because of its high toxicity, it is forbidden to take intravenous injection22. clinical only for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea isA. B. Amikacin C. D. streptomycin gentamicin kanamycin tobramycin E.23. the first remedy for plague is24., the treatment of gram-negative

14、bacilli infection, such as sepsis, is the preferred drugAmong the 25. aminoglycoside antibiotics, the most widely used are antibiotics26. of the most powerful drugs against Pseudomonas aeruginosa areType X problemTwenty-sevenBacterial resistance to aminoglycosides is the cause of resistance:A. produ

15、ces hydrolasesB. produces inactive enzymesAlterations in cell wall permeability of C. bacteriaD. bacteria lack autolysis enzymesAbnormalities in intracellular transport function of E. bacteria28. aminoglycoside antibiotics affect the synthesis of proteins, includingThe formation of A. inhibits ribos

16、omal 70s subunit initiation complexB. damages bacterial cell membranesC. blocks the release of peptide chainsD. binds to the target protein on the nucleocapsid 30S subunitE. blocks the binding of the drug to the 50S subunit of the bacterial nucleoprotein29. the statement about aminoglycoside antibio

17、tics is correct:A. oral absorption lessB. is mainly distributed in the extracellular fluidC. is difficult to penetrate the blood-brain barrierD. has high concentrations of drugs in urineE. enters the inner ear, and the concentration of lymph is proportional to the dosage30., the adverse effects of a

18、minoglycoside antibiotics are correct:A. Gastrointestinal ResponseB. ototoxicityC. allergic reactionD. nephrotoxicityE. neuromuscular paralysis31. aminoglycoside antibiotic ototoxicity appeared narrative is correct:A. can cause damage to the cochlea, nerve and vestibuleB. has the highest prevalence

19、of streptomycinThe reason for C. is the accumulation of drugs in the lymph fluid outside the inner earD. with vancomycin, furosemide combination can aggravate the ototoxicityE. first affects the low-frequency part, and then affects high-frequency hearing32. drugs that cause anaphylactic shock are:A.

20、 erythromycinB. penicillin GC.gentamicinD. streptomycinE. kanamycin33. clinical indications for streptomycin are available:A. is the first choice for plague and rabbit feverB. is used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of tuberculosisC. treatment for brucellosis and infective endocard

21、itisD. can treat otitis mediaE. is used for systemic infectious diseases34. effective drugs for Pseudomonas aeruginosa are:A. gentamicinB. kanamycinC. AmikacinD. sisomicinNetilmicin, E.35. aminoglycoside antibiotics that are available for the treatment of tuberculosis are:A. streptomycinB. gentamici

22、nC. AmikacinD. kanamycinE. tobramycin36. the effect of gentamicin is correct:A. orally for intestinal sterilizationB. has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and has a bactericidal effect against gram negative bacteria and positive bacteriaC. is effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosaD. can b

23、e used in the treatment of tuberculosisE. serious sepsis caused by gram-negative bacilli infection, pneumonia and so on, can be used as the first choice37. drugs with nephrotoxicity are available:A. vancomycinB. polymyxin BC. streptomycinD. tobramycinE. Neomycin(two) fill in the blanks1. aminoglycos

24、ide antibiotics, including, and so on, have a common mechanism of action.2. aminoglycoside antibiotics were taken orally only for treatment. The distribution is difficult to penetrate.ThreeAminoglycoside antibiotics belong to bactericide, they have strong effect on bacteria and enhance the antibacte

25、rial activity in environment.The adverse reactions of 4. aminoglycoside antibiotics are, and.5. aminoglycoside antibiotics induced ototoxicity, including two aspects, the former is showed, and the latter,.6. the reason for bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides is the generation of drugs that alter

26、 the structure of the drug and lose antimicrobial activity, and furthermore, change is the cause of drug resistance.7. streptomycin has a powerful effect on bacteria, and is the first choice for clinical treatment.8. streptomycin for the treatment of urinary tract infection, to improve the efficacy

27、of urine.9. streptomycin because it can appear nerve muscle block action, so it is not suitable and applicable.10. gentamicin is the first choice for the treatment of severe bacterial infections such as osteomyelitis and pneumonia.11. kanamycin induced ototoxicity, and some other drugs and should no

28、t be used.Among the 12. aminoglycoside antibiotics, the most widely used are antibiotics. Tobramycin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa than gentamicin.Anaphylactic shock occurs in 13. aminoglycoside antibiotics and is available for salvage.FourteenThis class of drugs, and gentamicin combination can increase

29、 renal toxicity; and combination, and can increase the ototoxicity.Intravenous injection of 15. aminoglycoside induced neuromuscular paralysis.(three) noun interpretation1. what is aminoglycoside antibiotics? What are the commonly used drugs?2. ototoxicity3. what is passivation enzyme? What function

30、 does it have?(four) questions and answers1. The pharmacological basis of enhancing the antibacterial action of aminoglycoside antibiotics and b- lactams.2. to discuss the in vivo process and side effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics.3. briefly describe the antimicrobial spectrum and adverse reactions of streptomycin and its prevention and treatment measures4. briefly describe the antibacterial spectrum and clinical application of gentamicin.


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