黑木耳(Black fungus).doc

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1、黑木耳(Black fungus)Journaltransfer baby fever natural prescription (old Chinese medicine recommended) 2012-3-14 22:12 reading (0) reprinted from Li XiaomingA: marry me is your life. | back log listFabulousReprintsharecommentCopy addresseditBaby fever prescription (natural old Chinese medicine recommen

2、ded)The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for baby fever natural prescription:When the baby is sick and has a fever, it is easy not to give the baby a fever reducing medicine or infusion! When the baby had a fever, a Chinese medicine told me, as long as you lost the child a fluid, the major

3、ity of children will be 1-1.5 months on the disease, should be the reason for the deterioration of immune function. A prescription to tell your mother to bring down a fever, in the baby is sick, an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for. Parsley leaves, leaves and roots, 3-4 white radishes,

4、2-3 slices of ginger, 1-2 slices with rock sugar and 15 minutes. Cook it on the back of your hand and try not to scald it to your baby. The baby will sweat and get rid of the fever, the mother said. You can try it. It works very well.The folk prescription of an old doctor of traditional Chinese medi

5、cine:Pear pear lungs, phlegm good, apple antidiarrheal, high nutrition. Cucumber slimming effect, inhibit cancer kiwi.Tomato blood to help face, lotus root in addition to trouble, hangover wonderful. Orange Qi regulating phlegm, leek kidney warm knee waist.Radish digestion thanflatulence, celery can

6、 cure high blood pressure. Chinese cabbage diuretic detoxification, cauliflower often eat cancer less.White gourd swelling has diuretic, mung bean detoxification, high efficacy. Auricularia auricula cancer blood stasis, kidney edema yam consumption.Kelp iodine powder deposition, mushrooms inhibit ca

7、ncer cell. Pepper cold and dampness, onion spicy ginger in a cold.Fish pigs trotters up milk, pork liver eyesight. Benefit Kidney strong waist to eat walnuts, kidney, spleen, red dates.Treating hypertension:(1) 30 grams of banana skin, dried water, fried, drink 3 times a day, a month effective.(2) w

8、ith Chinese medicine Apocynum venetum, boiling water to drink, 15 grams per day, half a month effective.(3) Ginkgo biloba leaves 15 grams per day, washed with boiling water, half a month effective. Treat hypotension: 20 grams of licorice, cassia twig, cinnamon 40 grams, the above drug mixture, when

9、tea brewing, take a week.Treatment of blood fat thick:(1) 10 grams medlar, Polygonum multiflorum, cassia, hawthorn 15 grams, Salvia 20 grams, Shuijianbi, daily two, cure four courses (seven days for a course of treatment).(2) hawthorn, gingko leaves, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, each 15 grams, make tea.

10、 Even take four treatment course (half moon is a course of treatment).Black Star (freckle) on the face:Yuan (also known as coriander coriander), fried soup, wash three times a day, a course of cure.Treatment of sweat odor:White radish boiled water, smoked every night wash feet for 30 minutes, and ev

11、en wash half a month cure.Cure beriberi:Leek pound, boiling water for ten minutes to soak the foot, once a day, every 20 minutes, three days outroot.Treat neurasthenia:Floating wheat 50 grams, 24 grams of hay, jujube 20 grams, 30 grams of wild jujube kernel, mixed. Water decoction, once a day, half

12、a month cure.Erect toothache:White wine one or two, 15 grams of rosin, soaked 2 hours later with cotton stained wine, placed in the toothache, clenched. 5 minutes do not hurt, insect, fire, cold, Qi qing.Cure toothache:The 1 ant nest. Brown sugar two, against the two bowls of water, fry left half a

13、bowl to allow patients to drink, thirty years of pain.Cure stomatitis:Watermelon skin dried, Feng Chaojiao, a little piece of ice at the end of the research, mixed with honey coated on the surface of the skin, special effects.Cure ability:Use thick tea water, add a little salt, and then used mouthwa

14、sh, three to five times a day, three days cure.Pharyngitis:Kelp washed, ironed out with sugar for two days after eating, three times a day, every time 30 grams, a. Light, two pay, pay three root (a pound kelp, a pound of sugar).Otitis media with otitis media:Leek root one or two mash, squeeze water,

15、 add a little borneol, ear, special effects.Treating tinnitus and deafness:A black chicken, four grams of sweet wine, cooked, while eating hot, and even eat five, special effects.Cure cold:Coriander to even be 5 onion, ginger 10, water decoction, add brown sugar one or two, while hot clothes, two ti

16、mes a day, one day cure.Treatment of migraine:Raw radish juice, usage: supine injection septum, left right right injection pain, pain note left, magic, such as with Borneol a little better.Cure headache:Angelica 4 grams, borneol 2 grams, 2 grams asarum, involved in the paper put powder research into

17、 powder burning smoke inhalation through the nose.Treat dizziness, headache (headache, headache):Astragalus root, Gastrodia one or two each, stewed yellow hen one eat, and even eat three cured.Treating hemorrhoids:Mirabilite one or two, half a catty of Sophora japonica. Boil the water and wash it tw

18、o times a day, seven days.Treatment of anal pruritus vulvae itching:Vinegar 500 grams, salt 5 grams, heating wash, three times a day.Epistaxis:(1) left nose bleeds from right ear, right nose bleeding blows from left ear, it can stop bleeding immediately.(2) burn ashes with hair, blow into nostrils,

19、stop (male, female, female) and eradicate.Treating rhinitis:Xanthium 30 grams, gently smashed into a small spoon, sesame oil 50 grams fry, Xanthium slag remove, oil drop nose, 3 to 5 times a day.Glaucoma treatment:Sunflower plate (go to seed) 3, chopped water fried half, oral administration, the oth

20、er half smoked wash eye, half moon cure.Cure ones eyes and weep:Fish gall drops, three times a day, half cured.Quick beauty:Egg three, with wine bubble, sealed for 4 to 7 days, every day with egg white coated noodles, seven days, such as snow.Treating acne:With dandelion 2, two, boil water to drink,

21、 pay one day, half a month cure.Shake hands and feet:The amount of gallnut powder, with bovine bone marrow smear or alum Shilin five adjustable seam, cure.Black spot:Angelica half a catty, boiled water in a bowl, with the water to wipe the affected area, half effective.Periarthritis of shoulder:Ging

22、er one or two, 22 taro peeled, smashed drunk, installed on the sore with a bag, two times a day, cure four courses (seven days for a course of treatment).Cholecystitis:30 grams of corn, dandelion 15 grams, wormwood. Water decoction, three times a day, a month cure.Treating gastroenteritis:Papaya 100

23、 grams, 100 grams of beans, add water cooked bean soup, two times a day, half root.Rheumatoid arthritis:Pepper 2, two bubble liquor 2 jin, soak seven days after washing the affected area, three times a day, half a month cure.Tracheitis:Fried walnut, white pepper, branches, ether 25 grams, crushed in

24、to pieces, egg white to reconcile, Nanzuonvyou posted on the soles of the feet, eat egg. One day, seven days, special effects.Treating gallstone:Or 10 grams, drying research, white boiling water, three times a day, a month.Treatment of renal calculi. Urethral calculi:Walnuts, sugar 20 grams, 50 gram

25、s of sesame oil, warm boiling water, one dose a day, a month to cure.Cure stomach disease:Blood Lingzhi 25 grams, corydalis, Cyperus each 20 grams, 15 grams of Gansong, shuijianbi. One dose a day, half a month cure.Cure stomach bloating full:Black and white ugly drying research, white boiling water,

26、 3 times a day, every time 10 grams, seven day cure.Treating numbness of limbs:Ginger, garlic each 20 grams, 100 grams of chopped mix vinegar, add a bowl of fried open fumigation.FabulousReprintsharecommentCopy addresseditPublic health | | label: Health delicacy old Chinese baby prescription nasal b

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