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1、 2013-2014年初三期中考试(二中)二 选择部分.( )26.-I didnt say which wine was better. -Its a _ of personal taste.A. questionB. troubleC. matterD. problem( )27. -What are you busy with? -An exam. Its _. If I pass it, I can get a job as a guide.A. crucialB. commonC. anxiousD. worried( )28. -Do you have enough to _all

2、 your daily expenses?-Oh, yes, enough and to spare.A. coverB. spendC. fillD. offer( )29. The word “failure” is not in his_. He always works hard to succeed.A. phrase B. sentence C. passage D. vocabulary( )30.-Ticket for Friday? -Sorry, we have got _left.A. no oneB. eitherC. noneD. nothing( )31. -Hav

3、e you finished your work? -_. I need another day to do it. A. I hope notB. Im afraid notC. I think soD.I dont suppose so( )32. -We have been working for five hours. Lets _ for an hour.-Good idea. How about some music?A. get off B. turn offC. break offD. take off( )33. -Excuse me, you just happened t

4、o take away my mobile phone by mistake.-_.A. I am terribly sorry.B. Never mindC. Thats all right.D. Thats OK.( )34. -Im sure we can beat Class 12 in tomorrows basketball match. -Maybe. I think we have to be _ about our chances of winning.A. seriousB. crazyC. worriedD. realistic( )35. -I think studen

5、ts need strict rules. -_. Teenagers cant get control themselves at all.A. I cant agree moreB. Please help themC. I dont like it.D. I dont agree( )36. -My friend borrowed some money from me, but I need it now. -If I _ you, I _ask him for your money.A. were; willB. am; wouldC. were; wouldD. am; will(

6、)37. -Whose French book is this? -It _ be Carols. She never studies French.A. couldB. cantC. mightD. mustnt( )38. All the students like teachers _ can talk a lot about popular games.A. whichB. whatC. whoD. whom( )39. She wants to lose weight, so she eats _fruit and vegetables.A. generallyB. mainlyC.

7、 greatlyD. hardly( )40. -Tom is depressed because he thinks he is not a good salesman. -Yeah, he is thinking of _the job.A. giving awayB. giving backC. giving upD. giving out3 完型填空.Every morning a woman baked Chapatti, an Indian flatbread, for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry pass

8、erby. She would 41 place the extra ChapattI on the windows, for whoever needed to eat it. She 42 a hunchback came every day and took the extra Chapatti. And he would say the following words as he went on his way: The evil you do remains with you. The good you do, 43 to you! This went on day after da

9、y The woman felt very 44 . One day, she decided to do away with him. So she 45 poison(毒) to the ChapattI she prepared for him. As she was about to place it on the window, her hands shook with nervousness. What is this I am doing? she said. Immediately, she threw his ChapattI into the fire, prepared

10、another one and put it on the window. 46 , the hunchback came, picked up the ChapattI and said the 47 words in a very low voice. He didnt know the 48 war in the womans mind.Every day, when the woman placed the ChapattI on the window, she offered a prayer(祈祷)for her son who had gone to a distant plac

11、e to look for his chance. For many months she had no 49 of him and she always prayed for his safe return. That evening, there was a 50 on the door. As she opened it, she was 51 to find her son standing in the doorway. Looking at his mother, he said,” Mom, its a miracle(奇迹) Im here. While I was but a

12、 mile away, I was so weak that I 52 . I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. I 53 him for some food and he was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti.”As the mother heard those words, her face turned 54 . It was then that she 55 the meaning of the hunchbacks words.( )41.A. alw

13、aysB. sometimesC. oftenD. never( )42.A. thoughtB. explainedC. noticedD. watched( )43.A. comes downB. comes outC. comes trueD. comes back( )44.A. happyB. excitedC. angryD. upset( )45.A. addedB. gaveC. putD. poured( )46.A. Foe exampleB. As usualC. In factD. Above all( )47.A. difficultB. differentC. sa

14、me D. important( )48.A. terribleB. hardC. kindD. quiet( )49.A. callsB. lettersC. informationD. news( )50.A. kickB. phoneC. knockD. note( )51.A. worriedB. surprisedC. anxiousD. pleased( )52.A. fell downB. stood upC. walked onD. lay down( )53.A. calledB. paidC. beggedD. stopped( )54.A. redB. whiteC. g

15、reenD. pale( )55.A. mistookB. acceptedC. guessedD. realized4 阅读理解.AINVITATION TO A GOING-AWAY PARTYFriday,22nd MarchDear Michael and Lisa,Youre invited to a farewell(告别) party for the Zhao familys visit to Australia. Departure(离开) date:29th of April.The best part of our big adventure to Australia wi

16、ll be when we come face to face with crocodiles, dolphins, kangaroos and other Australia wildlife. We have always wanted to do this.Party given by: Mr. and Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Me I and Zhao Gang.Date: Saturday, 6 April, 2010Time:7:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m.Place: Electrical Workers BuildingReply by: Tuesda

17、y,2 AprilPhone:6738626Food and drinks will be provided at the party.This party is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!( )56. This invitation was sent to _.A. Zhao MeiB. Zhao GangC. Mr. And Mrs. ZhaoD. Michael and Lisa( )57. By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?A. 22nd March

18、B. 2nd April C. 4th MayD. 6th April( )58. What do the Zhao family wish to see most of all on their trip to Australia?A. Countryside B. Animals C. People D. Cities ( )59. The expression “ come face to face with” probably means _.A. see closeB. lean aboutC. travel withD. stand beside( )60. From the in

19、vitation we know that_.A.only Mr. And Mrs. Zhao will travel to AustraliaC.the Zhao family love wild animals very muchB.the Zhao family will not return from AustraliaD.the Zhao family have been to Australia beforeB Joe and his friends were on their way to the Red Cross Headquarters to take the test f

20、or the first-aid badge (徽章). They had worked and practiced very diligently the whole year and were confident that they would do well for their test. On their way to the test place, they saw a hit-and-run accident. A taxI driver had sped through the red light and narrowly missed hitting a schoolboy.

21、However, he could not stop in time to avoid a motorcycle that had turned round the corner. The passenger at the back was thrown off the motorcycle and landed heavily on the ground. The taxI driver was frightened and drove off. Everyone on the street was greatly surprised. Joe realized that they shou

22、ld take action when he saw the victim bled (流血) heavily. “Come on,” he said to his friends and wanted them to follow him but they didnt move. Joe knew what they were thinking. They would have to wait for another year if they were to miss the test. “Which is more important? A mans life or a badge?”Jo

23、e asked his friends. The question made his friends feel small.The victim had a deep cut on his head. Joe and his friends dressed his wound to stop the bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. This was what the Red Cross Society had trained them for.( )61. Joe and his friends were on their

24、 way to the Red Cross Headquarters to _.A. take a test on first-aidC. report a hit-and-run accident B. collect their first-aid badgesD. help the victim of an accident( )62. Everyone on the street was surprised because _A. the ambulance had already arrived. C.Joe did first-aid for the victim in time.

25、 B. the schoolboy was seriously hurt.D. the driver ran away after the accident.( )63. The test for the first-aid badge is held _.A. once a year.B.twice a year. C.once a term. D.twice a term. ( )64. What did Joe and his friends do for the victim?A. They took him to the hospital. C.They did nothing fo

26、r him. B.They stopped the bleeding for him. D.They made a phone call to his family.( )65. The writer thinks _.A.Joe should take the test C.Joe put others before himself B. Joe was foolish D.Joe was rude to his friends CMom is usually home on Sunday but this week she was going to a big golf game and

27、I was all alone in the house. I was mad at Mom for divorcing(离婚) Dad. I kept looking at the telephone until I couldnt stand it any longer. I picked up the receiver and dialed Dads number over in Bakersfield. I even remembered to dial 1 first because it was long distance. You promised to phone me thi

28、s week but you didnt, I said, feeling I had to talk to him. Take it easy, kid, he said. I just didnt get around to it. I was going to call this evening. The week isnt over yet. I thought about that. Something on your mind? he asked. I hoped you would call, so I waited and waited. Then I was sorry I

29、said it. There was heavy snow in the morning, he said, I had to chain up on highway 80 and lost time. I know putting chains on eight big wheels in the snow is no fun. I felt a little better, as long as we were talking. How is Bandit? I asked. There was a funny silence. For a minute I thought the lin

30、e was dead. Then I knew something must have happened to my dog. Well, kid-, he began. My name is Leigh! I almost yelled. Im not just some kid you met on the street! Keep your shirt on, Leigh, he said. When I had to stop along with some other truckers to put on chains, I left Bandit out of the cab, I

31、 thought he would get back I have sent out a call to CB radio, but I didnt get an answer yet. I was about to say I understood when there came the bad part, the really bad part. I heard a boys voice say, Hey, Bill, Mom wants to know when were going out to get the pizza? ( )66. From the story we know

32、that _.A. Leighs dad never had a rest on SundaysC. Leighs dad lived in another cityB. Leigh was a left-behind boyD. Leighs mother often went to golf games( )67. What happened to Bandit?A. It was frozen to death in the snowC. It was killed by a truckB. It was let out of the cab and got lostD. It ran

33、off Highway 80 and into the mountain( )68. The underlined sentence “Keep your shirt on” probably means _.A. Listen to reasonB. Stop talkingC. Calm downD. Keep warm( )69. We can infer from the passage that _.A. his dad got remarriedC. his dad didnt love himB. his parents got divorcedD. his mom didnt

34、take him to pizza( )70. The best title of the passage should be _.A. The Worst PartB. Leigh and Dad C. Alone on SundayD. Fathers Telephone5 词与短语选择填空.Strange choose prefer worry about nervous join71. The best way to improve your English is to _ an English club.72. Dont _ things too much. It will make

35、 you street out.73. I cant _ which pair of jeans to buy. The both book look good to me.74. I dont like making speeches. I feel _talking in front of many people.75. Theres a _ smell in the house. Do you know what it is?6 阅读理解填词. When my son Mark was eight years old, his teacher announced a class spel

36、ling contest, the prize being a pizza lunch for the winner plus three friends. Mark wanted to win that contest b 76 .He could practically taste the pizza, hot with cheese. In honor of the contest, Mark actually agreed to a haircut, and before he changed his m 77 , I took him to the barbershop. “Make

37、 it a lucky cut,” I told barber Joe. “Marks competing in a very important spelling contest next week.” “Well, did you do your h 78 ?” Barber Joe asked. “Yeah,” Mark replied. “Do you have confidence?” barber Joe asked. “Confidence. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E. Confidence. A lot of people spell that one w 79

38、,”Mark explained. “Sure. You can spell it,” barber Joe responded. “But do you have it? You have to have confidence in yourself. Its a winners secret weapon.”Mark looked at barber Joes reflection in the mirror, being very c 80 to move only his eyes and not his head for fear of l 81 a piece of ear to

39、barber Joes scissors. The secret weapon, huh? Confidence!” And with that, Mark added a n 76 motto(座右铭) to his bag of tricks: I CAN WIN THE SPEELING BEE!And he d 83 . And the pizza was heaven. And Mark never forgot barber Joes words: “You have to have confidence in yourself, son. Its a winners secret

40、 weapon.”Twenty years later, after creating his own company and being a famous architect(建筑师), Mark began receiving interview requests. During an interview , the reporter led with a question that almost stumped(把难住)Mark. “Youre c 84 a great architect. When everyone around says it cant be done, what

41、makes you think you can pull it off?” After t 85 a bit, Mark replied, “Confidence. Its a winners secret weapon.” 76.b_77.m_78. h_79. w_80. c_81. l_82. n_83. d_84. c_85. t_7 书面表达.根据下面所给信息写一篇小短文介绍你的好友杰克,80词左右。1. 他小学时矮胖,不喜欢运动。现在瘦高,喜欢唱歌词好的歌曲。2. 他总是擅长英语,常常用和同桌对话的方式学英语。有时也向老师寻求帮助。3. 他总是遵守校规,但他认为他家的规矩太严,如父母不允许他熬夜;父母总是为他做决定。4. 你希望你的好友和父母多沟通。


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