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1、初中英语词性转换专项训练400题1. Are you _ (ability) to complete this plan in three days?2. Im sure that you have the _ (able) to complete it in three days.3. A: Would you like to be an _ (act)?4. B: No, Id like to be a policeman.5. The award for this years best _ (act) went to Meryl Streep (梅丽尔斯特里普).6. The schoo

2、l offers many after-school _ (act) for the students.7. Mrs Brown is over 80 now but she is still quite _ (act).8. In _ (add) to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.9. The little girl has begun to learn to _ (addition) and subtract.10. Although the boy is _ (age) five, he is able to help his mum

3、with the housework.11. I have a younger sister and she is about your _ (aged).12. If you compare British football with _ (America) football youll find many differences.13. I visited a few campuses when I was in _ (American).14. Dont be _ (angrily). We are just fooling.15. She slammed the telephone d

4、own _ (angry).16. Did you see my wallet? It has _ (appear) from the table.17. The report about that famous singer killing people will _ (disappear) in tomorrows newspapers.18. Its really interesting to see so many _ (baby) in the baby-care centre in the hospital.19. These _ (army) will be sent to th

5、at country to keep it in peaceful order.20. Do you know that _ (art) over there? It is said that he is 104 years old.21. Im not interested in _ (artist) at all. Shall we change a topic and talk about music?22. The famous Disneyland park in Hong Kong _ (attraction) millions of tourists every year.23.

6、 There are so many _ (attract) in Hong Kong Disneyland Park that millions of tourists visit there every year.24. Fashions are really an _ (attract) to me. I cant help buying the latest fashions.25. That model showed us a quite _ (attract), blue, silk dress.26. If you want to visit _ (Australian), Id

7、 suggest you go to the Great Ocean Road.27. The _ (Australia) company helped the local people build a new charity school here.28. I have never seen a _ (bad) film before.29. That is the _ (bad) film I have ever seen.30. At the _ (begin) the film, I couldnt understand what it was about.31. Leaves _ (

8、beginning) to fall down from trees when autumn comes.32. The sun shines _ (bright) high in the sky.33. The classroom isnt _ (brightly) enough for students to study in.34. I couldnt forget the weeks that I had spent in _ (British). It is really a country with mysterious history.35. If you enjoy sweet

9、 food, you will prefer these _ (Britain) candies. Theyre nice but too sweet for me.36. It is said that they will _ (build) the tower next year. The old one will be broken down next month.37. Have you visited the Shanghai Commercial Centre the tallest _ (build) in Shanghai yet?38. Why are you as _ (b

10、usiness) as a bee these days?39. That company does _ (busy) with some factories in Africa.40. Simon would like to be a _ (business) when he grows up.41. Do you know Linda, that successful _ (business) in our city?42. _ (Canadian) is also called the Country of Maple Leaf.43. Can you get any _ (Canada

11、) products in Shanghai? They dont seem very popular here.44. Someone _ (Canada) will visit our school this coming Friday.45. When you try to hold a kitten, take it up _ (careful).46. The mother held her baby with _ (careful).47. I am always _ (care) when crossing the roads.48. What was the _ (becaus

12、e) of the accident?49. John didnt attend the meeting _ (cause) he was ill.50. I was _ (certainly) that he had seen me.51. May I use you bicycle? _ (certain).52. Many _ (changeable) have taken place since then.53. The weather is so _ (change) at this of year.54. The _ (chemistry) symbol for copper is

13、 Cu.55. We have three periods of _ (chemical) this week.56. _ (China) people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful.57. _ (Chinese) is an oriental country with a long history.58. The shop has a wide _ (choose) of hats.59. You may do as you _ (choice).60. Have you _ (choice) w

14、hat you want for your birthday?61. He spoke so _ (clear) that I could hear every word.62. He said she was a lady with a _ (clearly) mind.63. The sky became suddenly covered with dark _ (cloudy).64. The sky was _ (cloud), so I took my umbrella.65. Before you begin to make a speech, you should _ (coll

15、ection) your thoughts and ideas.66. He has a very good _ (collect) of foreign coins.67. The celebration of Christmas is a _ (customer).68. The _ (custom) will go to law for the bad service.69. I am unable to _ (bicycle) to school because my bike is broken.70. He lost control of his _ (cycle) and fel

16、l down.71. It is _ (danger) to walk on thin ice in a lake.72. The wounded policeman is now out of _ (dangerous).73. His secret _ (dead) with him, for he never told anyone.74. There was a _ (die) silence after the announcement.75. Car accident caused many _ (die).76. Who made the _ (decide) to go fis

17、hing?77. As to where to go, they havent _ (decision) yet.78. The builders are _ (development) that part of the city.79. This is an important stage in our countrys _ (develop).80. Can you tell the _ (different) between an ape and a monkey?81. My husband has several shirts of _ (difference) colors.82.

18、 He finished the work without any _ (difficult).83. Mathematics is _ (difficulty) for some students.84. We will _ (discussion) the proposal at the meeting.85. We had a _ (discuss) on language and communication.86. The bus _ (drive) asked the passengers to buy tickets.87. It is dangerous to _ (driver

19、) after drinking.88. You can find books _ (easy) in this library.89. The rich young woman has an _ (easily) life.90. It was the most _ (education) experience I had ever had.91. The governments policy on higher _ (educational) is a success.92. While I was cooking supper the _ (electric) went off.93.

20、He bought an _ (electricity) hair-dryer for Mary.94. Press this button to start the _ (engineer).95. His dream is to become an _ (engine).96. I must work to improve my _ (England).97. The _ (England) countryside looks at its best in spring.98. The English Channel divides _ (English) from France.99.

21、I hope you _ (enjoyable) yourself this evening.100. Last night was the most _ (enjoy) time Ive had in a month of Sundays.101. He showed me how to _ (entrance) data (数据) into the computer.102. There is a front and a back _ (enter) to the house.103. He repeatedly fails to pass the _ (examine).104. The

22、 doctor _ (exam) the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.105. She is very _ (exciting) about winning the first prize.106. We went to an _ (excited) football game last week.107. I dont think we can afford the _ (expensive).108. I think international calls are very _ (expense).109. The

23、 _ (farm) was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.110. Weve lived on this _ (farmer) for twenty years.111. Would you please do me a _ (favourite)?112. His ambition was to meet his _ (favour) pop star face to face.113. The game is now in its _ (finally) stages.114. They _ (final) realized th

24、at the whole thing was a joke.115. Ill book you on a direct _ (fly) to London.116. Only experienced pilots _ (flight) large passenger airplanes.117. They were married in 1978 and had a daughter the _ (follow) year.118. The cat _ (following) every movement of the mouse.119. How _ (fool) I was not to

25、have bought it.120. Tom _ (foolish) a lot of people into believing him.121. What a _ (foolish) I was to believe he is a good man.122. He likes collecting _ (foreigner) stamps.123. More than a million _ (foreign) visit the city every year.124. I am so _ (forget) I often leave my keys at home.125. Don

26、t _ (forgetful) your friends when you become rich.126. Water _ (frozen) at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.127. These _ (freeze) foods are the most convenient of all.128. Its very cold today; the temperature has dropped to _ (freeze) point.129. The train was going at _ (fill) speed.130. When I

27、had read it I was _ (full) with horror.131. Thats _ (fun) he was here a moment ago and now hes gone.132. What _ (funny) it will be when we all go on holiday together.133. She always speaks _ (gentle) to the child.134. My new teacher is a very _ (gently) person.135. A _ (Germany) scientist interrupte

28、d me and asked if I came from China.136. Six _ (Germany) will come to visit our company soon. Lets get ready.137. The hot dog did not originate in the United States, but in _ (German).138. She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in _ (golden).139. Her hair has a beautiful _ (gold) s

29、heen (光泽).140. We all had a _ (well) time on the beach.141. This is a _ (good) example than the first.142. A:When can you have dinner with me this week?143. B:I think Friday would suit me _ (good).144. Look on the bright side of things, and you will live _ (happy).145. I am _ (happily) to receive yo

30、ur invitation.146. Smoking is not good for your _ (healthy).147. That book is not _ (health) reading for a child.148. They are _ (healthy) children because they dont have enough to eat.149. The weather has been very _ (heat).150. Turn the _ (hot) down or your cake will burn.151. The rain came down _

31、 (heavy) all night.152. I heard his _ (heavily) steps on the stairs.153. The tree grew to a _ (high) of 20 feet.154. The speaker has a very _ (height) voice.155. He has given me a _ (help) suggestion.156. The thing is done, and there is no _ (helpful) for it.157. Could you _ (helpful) me up with thi

32、s suitcase?158. We went to see a _ (history) play.159. Do you know the _ (historical) of the company?160. My _ (homeless) isnt very big, but very comfortable.161. Floods in that country made thousands of people _ (home).162. All my life I have tried to be an _ (honesty) man.163. I will not make frie

33、nds with a _ (honest) person.164. I respect you for your _ (honest).165. She looked at the roast _ (hungry).166. The _ (hungrily) child asked for a piece of bread.167. I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious _ (ill).168. Did you really feel _ (illness) this morning?169. Its ver

34、y _ (importance) to teach the children about road safety.170. We cannot emphasize too much the _ (important) of learning English.171. We shall be _ (interest) to hear about it.172. There is an _ (interest) program on television tonight. 173. I have lost my _ (interesting) in chemistry.174. Can you t

35、ell me who _ (invention) the telephone?175. The _ (invent) of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.176. Alexander Graham Bell is the _ (invent) of the telephone.177. Thank you for your kind _ (invite).178. He _ (invitation) several of his friends to the show.179. Modern music was first dev

36、eloped in _ (Italian).180. I need to practise my _ (Italy) before my business trip.181. Tom has been to _ (Japanese), I have also been there.182. Ive passed the intermediate level exam of _ (Japan).183. Its very _ (kindness) of you to tell me the truth.184. Please do me the _ (kind) to answer this l

37、etter quickly.185. There is one or two things Id like to _ (knowledge) about.186. To my _ (know), she has never been late before.187. We will discuss this in detail in a _ (late) chapter.188. Tom came to school _ (later) and missed the first class.189. The new _ (lawyer) comes into force next month.

38、190. He is dreaming of becoming a _ (law).191. She was slender and had _ (length) dark hair.192. The fish is two feet in _ (long).193. The _ (library) told the student that he should return the book.194. Professor Hunter has a _ (librarian) of about five thousand books.195. My mother _ (like) seeing

39、 you with me. Youd better leave first.196. John is _ (like) to be in London this autumn.197. We won no _ (little) than 500 in a competition.198. This is the _ (little) useful of the four books.199. The fish we caught is still _ (live).200. After I retire Im going to _ (location) in California.201. F

40、irst, we must decide on the _ (locate) of our new swimming pool.202. The museum is _ (locate) on Main Street.203. Following the national news we have the _ (locate) news and weather.204. My mothers _ (lovely) for me was very great.205. My _ (love) daughter came to her father for a cuddle.206. You are _ (luck) to be alive after being in that accident.207. _ (lucky), he was in when I called.208. He came to Beijing to try his _ (luck).209. She noted down the _ (mainly) points of the speech.210. The participants were _ (main) young people.211. Our _ (manage) is very strict


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